Unstable at stock speeds


Limp Gawd
Mar 6, 2003
I built my current rig back in November 2006 with these specs:
Gigabyte DS3
E6600 @ 3.2GHz (8x400) 1.375v
Corsair XMS2 DDR800 4-4-4-12 2.1v (Stock)
The machine was rock solid until recently where I started getting random crashing in games, which at the time was The Witcher so I wrote it off as a game glitch. I started playing Crysis recently and it would crash as well after roughly a half hour at first then gradually got to the point where it wouldn't last 5min so I kinda figured it was an OC issue. I ran Memtest86+ and went on to StressCPU after passing one round. I stopped StressCPU after one hour with no errors and started a Prime95 CPU/RAM blend test and it fails after a couple minutes. I then decided to start over so I set the CPU back to stock and the Prime95 blend test still fails. If the CPU checks out by itself and the RAM by itself, what is bad, the motherboard?
I dont know I have exactly the same problem... I replaced ram and motherboard and still get those damn crashes. Next is either the PSU or GPU. It is rare that its the cpu since you can boot.
hmmm interesting,

cpu ok, memory ok but test that uses both fails. The device that manages the communications between the memory and the CPU is the MCH/Northbridge. What voltage is the MCH running at ? When OCed what was the MCH voltage ? Make sure "Memory performance enhace" in the bios is on "normal" . I would be looking at the MCH for both cooling and voltage settings. I would also put all the memory settings on "auto" and set it to read the SPD. That will force the board to reread the memory SPD values and reset it to (probably) the "fail safe" 5 5 5 15 or 5 5 5 18 values and reset the memory sub-timings. Try that along with the other stuff I mentioned. Odd problem, good luck.
The MCH or one of the voltage regulation circuits is what came to my mind as well. The MCH, FSB, and PCIE voltages have always been set on normal, I never needed to up them any, OCd or not. I had previously set the ram timings to auto when I clocked down to 2.4GHz, I even tried 6-6-6-22 with no change. I tired each stick of ram in each different slot independently in single channel and although more stable than dual channel, still had errors in Prime blend and a crash in Crysis. Any sure fire way to test these parts without another known working system?
It was the mobo. I replaced the DS3 with a DFI DK P35-T2RS and have a stable system again using the same CPU and RAM.