Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

I have this new monitor and need an upgrade for a video card. I currently have an AIW 9700 PRO. I run an Intel3.2 with 1 gig ram and an Asus P4P800 board. I do not play any games and do not even have any games on my computer. I do video rendering and editing. This is no problem but I do have a problem with DVD playing back smoothly. I like to run HD DVD and the video card just cannot render it smoothly or clearly at 1900x1080i.

I have three questions:
(1) Is a 6600GT going to solve my problem or do I have to go to a top of the line product to get the desired results?
(2) Any suggestions on witch brand renders better DVD playback quality in smoothness and sharpness or are they pretty equal in this area? I am looking for the best quality.
(3) Does any of the features in the 3d section of ATI’s control panel effect DVD quality or does it just have to do with 3d games?

Just to let you know, on my other computer I use a TI4600 card and the quality is very bad. I get severe ghosting with almost everything.
I love this monitor. It is the best one I have ever owned.
Riptide_NVN said:
My X800XTPE worked fine @ 1680 when I had the 2005FPW. I'll try and remember to see what it allows when I get home and can check it now that I have the 2405FPW hooked up.

Hi Rip,

So did mine mate! That's why this is such a mystery :p
I checked when I got home and that mode is no longer viewable. This is a driver issue or the monitor does not allow that particular mode at a hardware level.
Rembrandt said:
I have this new monitor and need an upgrade for a video card. I currently have an AIW 9700 PRO. I run an Intel3.2 with 1 gig ram and an Asus P4P800 board. I do not play any games and do not even have any games on my computer. I do video rendering and editing. This is no problem but I do have a problem with DVD playing back smoothly. I like to run HD DVD and the video card just cannot render it smoothly or clearly at 1900x1080i.

I have three questions:
(1) Is a 6600GT going to solve my problem or do I have to go to a top of the line product to get the desired results?
(2) Any suggestions on witch brand renders better DVD playback quality in smoothness and sharpness or are they pretty equal in this area? I am looking for the best quality.
(3) Does any of the features in the 3d section of ATI’s control panel effect DVD quality or does it just have to do with 3d games?

Just to let you know, on my other computer I use a TI4600 card and the quality is very bad. I get severe ghosting with almost everything.
I love this monitor. It is the best one I have ever owned.

I have a Ti4600 and I don't seem to have the problems you're having. I played a couple of those Microsoft HD videos at full screen and they were silky smooth. I think you probably have some software or driver issues.
Riptide_NVN said:
I checked when I got home and that mode is no longer viewable. This is a driver issue or the monitor does not allow that particular mode at a hardware level.

It's driver issue, i can run 2405 in 1680x1050 w/o a probl with 71.84 forceware. If it was a hardware issue, I'd be having some sort of distortion on the screen.
Hey AuroraProject

I know what you mean. I called Dell and got the DHL tracking number because the site kept saying "in transit to local carrier". Actually it still says that. Even DHL's website doesn't give any info on where it is or when I'm gonna get it. But the status actually changed tonight and it finally got scanned in San Marcos, CA. It's about 50 miles away from me now and getting closer. So call Dell and get yer tracking number.
JonDo[H] said:
Cheers! What's interesting is that when I had a 2005FPW my current ATI graphics card COULD support the 1680x1050 resolution, because it DID do ;)


If you can't set up a custom resolution then why not set your OS to use the monitor driver for the 2005FPW?

The timings and refresh rates for the two monitors at those resolutions SHOULD be the same as they are both LCD panels. In theory the 1680x1050 resolution should then be choosable (if it is ever going to be choosable with those drivers/graphics card).

Not the perfect solution but I hope it helps,
badlydrawn said:
So can someone, whos in europe, with a PAL set-top or sat-box and a PS2 connected via component please give me their experience and any short comings with the 2405FPWs? Are there any shears on the top or bottom parts of the screen, how it works with 1:1, poportional scaled up and widescreen settings? Anything out of the ordinary, any major de-interlacing during fast scenes, TV and PS2 gaming, etc... is there a need for a XSelect-D4 or something similar?
Another point of concern is I am using a T40p Thinkpad with portreplicator with DVI output, I know there are a limit to that, but there is also a hack for it to bypass the resolution limitation, which I got, but it would be great if theres someone out there whos used it with this display and can give a short account of their experience.


I've had composite PAL (768x576) into my 2405. A fairly decent RF signal via a Philips 778 VCR (doing the converting) produced a reasonable picture. A poor signal produced a poor picture. It's probable the same as a good telly - the worse the signal then exponentially worse the picture, and vice versa.

Your T40p, if it can do DVI at 1600x1200 then it should, with the monitor driver installed, do the 1920x1200 of the 2405 as due to a fiddle with the timings, 1920 uses less bandwidth that the 1600 mode.

Hope this helps,
ive tried using me ntl cable box with a scart to svhs cable and could not get a pciture out of it. anyone reckon a scart to component cable might be better?
Just to let all ATI owners know: I installed Powerstrip and it allowed me to add custom resolutions. I just chose to add 1680x1080 (LCD), rebooted and it was there under my display properties. It works just fine and the monitor picks it up as 1680x1050 under the display menu too! Also, you can get away with uninstalling Powerstrip as it's no longer needed.
Yaka said:
ive tried using me ntl cable box with a scart to svhs cable and could not get a pciture out of it. anyone reckon a scart to component cable might be better?

Hi Yaka,

The SCART to S-VHS cable would only work if the NTL box outputs S-VHS through the scart. It is likely that you would need a SCART-to-composite (yellow phono) to get a picture.

Best of luck mate,
JonDo[H] said:
Just to let all ATI owners know: I installed Powerstrip and it allowed me to add custom resolutions. I just chose to add 1680x1080 (LCD), rebooted and it was there under my display properties. It works just fine and the monitor picks it up as 1680x1050 under the display menu too! Also, you can get away with uninstalling Powerstrip as it's no longer needed.

Excellent news Jon - are you happy with the picture though :D

wakkadss said:
Hey AuroraProject

I know what you mean. I called Dell and got the DHL tracking number because the site kept saying "in transit to local carrier". Actually it still says that. Even DHL's website doesn't give any info on where it is or when I'm gonna get it. But the status actually changed tonight and it finally got scanned in San Marcos, CA. It's about 50 miles away from me now and getting closer. So call Dell and get yer tracking number.

Got the tracking number today, it's on the van for delivery as we speak!
This thing is hella sweet. Looking at the pictures i thought this monitor wasn't gonna be that big of a change from my 22" NEC CRT. Damn was I wrong. It's fat wickedly big!! :D Hehehe. Best of all i got in on the $839 deal with Mayur. SWEEEEEET!!!! Now I just need the next generation ATI card to play games on this thing. I have a Athlon XP 1.47GHz OC'ed to 2.3Ghz with a Radeon 9800Pro and it runs good enough but not as smooth as running games at 1280x1024 like I use to. :( Oh well.
hmmm just ran into a niggle.

when i have the matrix screen saver from as my defualt screen saver. but after 15mins in switches to the screen saver for a couple of seconds then back to desktop.

its the same with the 24" dell screen and my 2001fp both of which are connected to my 6800gt

anyone know how i may fix it?
Had mine for a couple of weeks now. Boy do I love this thing! I am going to have to upgrade my video card at the very least though.... I have a 9800pro, which plays WoW at 1920x1200 no problem, but if I turn on AA or AF it's all over! :(
I called up and got a replacement for mine. HOWEVER, I thought new ones came from Texas and refurbished ones come from Ohio???? I am looking at the tracking information for this one and it came from Ohio. :( I was within my 20 days so this better not be a refurbished one!
Yaka said:
hmmm just ran into a niggle.

when i have the matrix screen saver from as my defualt screen saver. but after 15mins in switches to the screen saver for a couple of seconds then back to desktop.

its the same with the 24" dell screen and my 2001fp both of which are connected to my 6800gt

anyone know how i may fix it?
Mail the programmer of the thing, it's a bug.
Hi !

I've got a Sapphire x800xt pe linked through DVI.

Though I can play my favourite games at native res, I experience some hickups I'd like to get rid of by decreasing res.

There are 2 possibilities : playing in windowed mode or decreasing the screen res.

The problem is that :
-Through OSD, I can't access to Image Settings (all is grayed including scaling.)
-Through ATI Catalyst Control Center, I've got 1:1 only on the resolutions which are not listed by Dell in the User's Guide :

Dell™ guarantees image size and centering for all preset modes listed in the following table.

VGA, 720 x 400
VGA, 640 x 480
VESA, 800 x 600
VESA, 1024 x 768
VESA, 1152 x 864
VESA, 1280 x 1024
VESA, 1600 x 1200
VESA, 1920 x 1200

With those above listed res, the image is stretched across the screen (kind of automatic interpolation), which I don't want: I'd like a 1:1 with black bars on any res (except 1920x1200) but I see no way to achieve that! :mad:
Anyone has an idea ?
I just got my display and everything works great until I enable SLI mode. (Dual 6800 Ultras) When I do after the reboot I get a single blue line at the top of the screen, the mouse stops at the top just short of the blue line. I have been using my SLI rig on a CRT for months and have not experienced this. I figured I would just use the positioning menu on the display to move the whole picture up a bit to hide it but the horizontal and vertical options in the positioning portion of the OSD are not available.

Love this display, hate the blue line. Please help me out.


Edit, The blue line only shows up at 1920x1200. It looks like it is the bottom of the bottom taskbar, it is the same color and if I set windows to classic mode it is the same gray as the bottom bar. Has anyone heard of the screen being off just enough to show the last line of the bottom on the top? I disabled SLI and rebooted and the line went away. Only at 1920x1200 and SLI enabled does this happen, which of course is the exact mode I want to run. Go figure!
Yech, I don't know how anyone could stand that. All those bezels getting in the way of the image... No way.
I found out that this is an issue with nvidia drivers. I guess I have to deal with it until they come up with a fix.

the bezels of lcds today are nothing compared to lcd and crt monitors from a couple of years back. ive used a 6 sscreen setup in the past and can tell you its a joy to use lcds that way
Riptide_NVN said:
Yech, I don't know how anyone could stand that. All those bezels getting in the way of the image... No way.
Agreed. I don't see how anyone can stand the bezels between multi-monitor setups.
Thought I posted this already but cant seem to find it.

Anyways, anyone know the lowest clearence you can have on the Dell? I have the HP L2335 which I can get down to about 3" off the table. Sorry if this has been addressed already, too many posts in this thread.
Hey all,

So after a few weeks of using this 2405FPW I'm still not sure how to configure the screen for viewing DVDs and what not from my computer.

I know that this screen is a 16:10 display. When a DVD (Such as the Kill Bill vol. 1 DVD) states that it is optimized for 16:9 screens at a ration of 2.35:1, what does that mean? When I watch this DVD in PowerDVD, it still shows it in letterbox format. When I use the Pan&Scan option of 2:35:1, it fills the entire screen but cuts off quite a bit from the sides.

When I use 1.85:1, it fills a little more of the black bars on the top and bottom but we lose just a tad from the sides.

I thought widescreen displays would allow you to view the entire movie without the bars and without losing anything on the sides. Where am I mistaken?

If someone can clue me in I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!
CalKenneth said:
Hey all,

So after a few weeks of using this 2405FPW I'm still not sure how to configure the screen for viewing DVDs and what not from my computer.

I know that this screen is a 16:10 display. When a DVD (Such as the Kill Bill vol. 1 DVD) states that it is optimized for 16:9 screens at a ration of 2.35:1, what does that mean? When I watch this DVD in PowerDVD, it still shows it in letterbox format. When I use the Pan&Scan option of 2:35:1, it fills the entire screen but cuts off quite a bit from the sides.

When I use 1.85:1, it fills a little more of the black bars on the top and bottom but we lose just a tad from the sides.

I thought widescreen displays would allow you to view the entire movie without the bars and without losing anything on the sides. Where am I mistaken?

If someone can clue me in I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!

u sure ur dvd is ws? in powerdvd check the "keep aspect ratio" when u right click
CalKenneth said:
I know that this screen is a 16:10 display. When a DVD (Such as the Kill Bill vol. 1 DVD) states that it is optimized for 16:9 screens at a ration of 2.35:1, what does that mean?
Very simply, all movies are made differently. There's no such 'standard' as 16:9 really. As you say, a lot of movies are also 2.35:1. If you translate this ratio, it's the same as 21.15:9, so not the same as 16:9.

This screen is 16:10, so if you watch something 16:9, you will get (small) black bars unless you stretch the movie. If you watch 2.35:1 the bars will be larger as it's more different from the native ratio of your screen.
Happy Hopping said:

If I like to set up 6 x 24" like the above, where do you buy the above mounting stand? And does anyone have a pic. of the back of this stand?

And do you must have SLI to run 6 x 24"? If not, how?

That stand is from Ergotron. Look at their website for more info and pics. As for running 6 24inchers, as I've posted before, all you need are multiple cards in PCI format (or PCIe x1), on top of what you can do in the AGP or PCIe x16 or PCIe x16 SLI. Depends how much you want to spend and what performance you want. Needless to say, each card will need to be able to drive whatever resolution you want ie a Radeon 9200 PCI card will do 1920x1200 on DVI. Windows XP will support up to 12-16 (can't remember the exact number), but I've made it work with 5 myself.
CalKenneth said:
HI know that this screen is a 16:10 display. When a DVD (Such as the Kill Bill vol. 1 DVD) states that it is optimized for 16:9 screens at a ration of 2.35:1, what does that mean? When I watch this DVD in PowerDVD, it still shows it in letterbox format.

nothing is "optimized" for 16:9 unless its shot that way and cropped that way. That movie is shot/cropped in cinamscope or 2.35:1 which would have bars even on a widescreen HDTV because those are formatting for 16:9 so anything thats wider than 16:9 will have bars.

Personally im a big fan of 2.35 but its just insanely wide
When linked through DVI, can you access to Image Settings ?
All Image Settigs controls are grayed on my OSD :confused:
(Sapphire x800xt pe)