Unofficial 2405FPW Thread (Now that its been announced)

That's probably why you feel that way. If you had used say the 2000FP for instance you would be pretty happy with the nicer blacks this monitor produces. The 2000FP was a good display IMO but it wasn't up to the level these newer ones are at. :)
Riptide_NVN said:
That's probably why you feel that way. If you had used say the 2000FP for instance you would be pretty happy with the nicer blacks this monitor produces. The 2000FP was a good display IMO but it wasn't up to the level these newer ones are at. :)

How do the 2405FPW settings you're using compare to the look of the 2005FPW (assuming you made no adjustments on the 2005FPW)?
Pretty close. Blues are deep again like they should be, on active title bars and also the taskbar. I have brightness down to 25 points on the 2005FPW btw.
could someone tell me the grounds for returning this thing?? this one stuck pixel is bothering me, and i have a total of 2 1/2, the other .5 sorta glimmers.....i just wanna try for another, would i be able to compare 2 at once, then send one back? at 1 g i'd want perfection
Riptide_NVN said:
Pretty close. Blues are deep again like they should be, on active title bars and also the taskbar. I have brightness down to 25 points on the 2005FPW btw.

Wow, you don't like it very bright I guess. :) I have my 2005FPW at 75 and I left my 2405FPW at 50. Even at 50 the 2405FPW doesn't seem overly bright to me. I wonder if mine is different or if it's just a matter of taste.
bench261 said:
could someone tell me the grounds for returning this thing?? this one stuck pixel is bothering me, and i have a total of 2 1/2, the other .5 sorta glimmers.....i just wanna try for another, would i be able to compare 2 at once, then send one back? at 1 g i'd want perfection
If it's within the first 30 days of purchase a single dead pixel is grounds for an exchange or refund. After that first 30 days you're stuck with it. Either that or you'll get a referb in exchange.
chrism said:
Wow, you don't like it very bright I guess. :) I have my 2005FPW at 75 and I left my 2405FPW at 50. Even at 50 the 2405FPW doesn't seem overly bright to me. I wonder if mine is different or if it's just a matter of taste.
No, I don't like it real bright. I think it's a matter of taste...

That said, out of the box the colors themselves are just washed out on this thing. Not even taking brightness into consideration. It takes tweaking the RGB values in the display itself and a slight adjustment in the driver settings for gamma before the colors start looking proper.
After a few days of use I just now noticed a red stuck pixel near the top! GRR I hope no more show up. I *THINK* I will be able to live with this 1 stuck red pixel...

Anyone else noticing no stuck pixels then after a few days usage a stuck pixel appears?
NauticaX said:
After a few days of use I just now noticed a red stuck pixel near the top! GRR I hope no more show up. I *THINK* I will be able to live with this 1 stuck red pixel...

Anyone else noticing no stuck pixels then after a few days usage a stuck pixel appears?

hell yeah...i have a stuck green on black that is shouting...loooooook at meeeeeeeeeeeee looook at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...then i had one that is starting to glimmer and now i spotted one tht is gray on black...none of this was on day one
Riptide_NVN said:
No, I don't like it real bright. I think it's a matter of taste...

That said, out of the box the colors themselves are just washed out on this thing. Not even taking brightness into consideration. It takes tweaking the RGB values in the display itself and a slight adjustment in the driver settings for gamma before the colors start looking proper.

What is your LCD contrast set to? Mine is at 50 and I'm not sure I can change it using DVI.
atlwriter said:
Damn, those shots are incredible! I see you also appreciate fine audio. Klipsch rocks for PC speakers. I've got the ProMedia 2.1 for my system.

I do believe that the paradigm atoms, which can be had for the same price as the Klipsch 2.1, are regarded as highly superior. They aren't powered, so you can use the sonic impact t amp at $35 or so....I'm told that this is vastly superior for roughly the same price.

I have the 2.1 klipsch; I will have the paradigms this week. I am hoping the upgrade is apparent. I heard the atoms at the store and they were super.
bench261 said:
hell yeah...i have a stuck green on black that is shouting...loooooook at meeeeeeeeeeeee looook at meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...then i had one that is starting to glimmer and now i spotted one tht is gray on black...none of this was on day one

This is not looking good at all! If this red stuck pixel is the only one I will keep but if more keeps popping up I will have to exchange :( I hope this is not going to be a trend or issue with these monitors. As long as nothing worse happens after 21 days.
Riptide_NVN said:
If it's within the first 30 days of purchase a single dead pixel is grounds for an exchange or refund. After that first 30 days you're stuck with it. Either that or you'll get a referb in exchange.

It's actually 21 days, not 30.
NauticaX said:
Anyone else noticing no stuck pixels then after a few days usage a stuck pixel appears?
The first display I had... There was a stuck green on black out of the box but after about 12 hours of operation another pixel turned gray and showed up on a white background.

This exchange seems OK so far but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. :)
Hey guys,

Try this image on for size. I found this YEARS ago as an image provided by HP that allowed people to test their color printers. I think it'll help you adjust your screen if necessary.

Thanks to my friend for hosting this:

(Make sure you resize the image or stretch it to fill your screen) It's a fairly large file (1.5 mb).
CalKenneth said:
Hey guys,

Try this image on for size. I found this YEARS ago as an image provided by HP that allowed people to test their color printers. I think it'll help you adjust your screen if necessary.

Thanks to my friend for hosting this:

(Make sure you resize the image or stretch it to fill your screen) It's a fairly large file (1.5 mb).

holy image :)

pretty good for sharpness too, people can leave it at actual size to test some other characteristics while they're at it...
Maad said:
holy image :)

pretty good for sharpness too, people can leave it at actual size to test some other characteristics while they're at it...

Yes indeed. Keeping it at actual size in Firefox, you can scroll from side to side and check out the sharpness. I love the detail around the reel.
MethylONE said:
Also, the ATI HDTV Wonder sucks. I owned it for about two weeks. It was horrible. I now have the HD Cable box from BrightHouse. Much better.

The ATI HDTV wonder was a pain to get working, and unless you have an awesome antenna, you'll have to be adjusting it and holding it and babying it to get it to pick up all the channels you want. Seriously, I know.
ABC was good, NBC was iffy, CBS was nice, WB was tough.....And everytime I wanted to watch, I had to mess with the antenna. So that made recording anything while you're away, impossible.

Enter dvico hdtv fusion has qam, so with regular cable tv, I'm getting 100% signals from comcast. It too was a little tricky to get working, but b/c of the QAM decoding, it's leagues more useful. And the same price too $150. The HDTV wonder still lists for $199.
Hate to do this, but my 2405 is going back. Mine has developed 5 green and 4 red stuck pixels in the past 24 hours. Dell tried to convince me to keep it by offering some free stuff, but that wasn't gonna cut it. I'm going to buy an Inspiron XPS2 and another 2405, next month. My Dell rep asked me to call him when I'm ready to order and he'll swing me a nice package deal. :D
Wow that seems like a few monitors now that have ended up getting dead pixels after a few days or less. That can't be good. Makes me a little worried about power cycling mine. It's been on since last Friday evening while I've been burning it in so to speak. I don't know if power cycling has anything to do with it but I'm superstitious like that. ;)
Riptide_NVN said:
Wow that seems like a few monitors now that have ended up getting dead pixels after a few days or less. That can't be good. Makes me a little worried about power cycling mine. It's been on since last Friday evening while I've been burning it in so to speak. I don't know if power cycling has anything to do with it but I'm superstitious like that. ;)

Yeah, we should all keep an eye on the pixels. I guess I'll start running that dead pixel test nightly for a little while.

One other thing I noticed is that after my monitor comes back on from power save mode, the top of the display shows what appears to be waves for about 1 minute. I assume this is normal startup behavior.
atlwriter said:
Hate to do this, but my 2405 is going back. Mine has developed 5 green and 4 red stuck pixels in the past 24 hours. Dell tried to convince me to keep it by offering some free stuff, but that wasn't gonna cut it. I'm going to buy an Inspiron XPS2 and another 2405, next month. My Dell rep asked me to call him when I'm ready to order and he'll swing me a nice package deal. :D

if you refund it are you gunna get a 15% restocking fee?
bench261 said:
if you refund it are you gunna get a 15% restocking fee?

I don't think Dell has restocking fee within 21 days - don't they offer total satisfaction policy? Besides, if u used AMEX, u can return it within 90 days for full price anyways.. I think :D
For whatever its worth, I've had my monitor since Tuesday and have been making periodic scans for dead pixels. None so far. :)
pooter03 said:
For whatever its worth, I've had my monitor since Tuesday and have been making periodic scans for dead pixels. None so far. :)

Me too got mine on thursday and nothing yet, looks perfect hope it stays that way.
It's wierd that you guy's are getting dead pixels a week after!? I wonder what could be causing it?
dnenciu said:
Me too got mine on thursday and nothing yet, looks perfect hope it stays that way.
It's wierd that you guy's are getting dead pixels a week after!? I wonder what could be causing it?

Have you all kept monitor on running 24x7? I mean without actually hitting the power button?

Also I have a question between component and the DVI-D I'm using.. I'm using the DVI-D for my PC and when power management kicks in the Monitor power light will turn orange.. but using Component with my HD Reciever when powered off the Monitor power light stays green and never goes orange?

Just wondering if thats a bad thing since there is no remote for this badboy (I wish there was so I could switch inputs while on the bed) I was watching tv and decided to turn off the reciever and go to bed (so basically the monitor was on component input) and left like that overnight. Not sure if that will affect the monitor or not. Any inputs?
NauticaX said:
Have you all kept monitor on running 24x7? I mean without actually hitting the power button?

I've never completely turn off the LCD, but it has gone into power save mode a lot. I assume when it's in power save mode it uses little power, therefore, there's no reason to power it off.
NauticaX said:
Have you all kept monitor on running 24x7? I mean without actually hitting the power button?
Mine has been running 24/7 since I first got the exchange last Friday. I'll probably power it down overnight either this evening or tomorrow.
I turned mine off a couple of times and went in standby the rest of the time I use it normaly like all my other displays.
I won't start keeping the screen on all the time just so I don't get dead pixels thats not normal!

If it happens it happens I'll deal with it. ( I hope it won't :) )
NauticaX said:
... but using Component with my HD Reciever when powered off the Monitor power light stays green and never goes orange?

Nautica, Are you having any component problems like others are others or are you able to run HD no prob. My order is on the way and I am worried as I read people are having problems with the component in. I am not sure if their problems are more with what they are plugging in or the monitor, but it makes me worried... I partly bought this for the component inputs and if they are messed up I am going to be upset!

Can you post what you have ran through the component inputs and at what settings?

Thx for any help!
boardmonger said:
Nautica, Are you having any component problems like others are others or are you able to run HD no prob. My order is on the way and I am worried as I read people are having problems with the component in. I am not sure if their problems are more with what they are plugging in or the monitor, but it makes me worried... I partly bought this for the component inputs and if they are messed up I am going to be upset!

Can you post what you have ran through the component inputs and at what settings?

Thx for any help!

I have my old Hughes E86 HD STB plugged into component without an issue. Nice and clear :) I can take a few screenshots tonight of HDNet or DiscoveryHD or anything of that sort if you like.

Although last night while having the Usher concert on it fuzzed out or had weird lines for about a split second then disappeared.. not sure if it was ShowtimeHD/DirecTV end or my monitor or my box who knows but it happened once and I haven't seen it since.
Dead pixels popping up after a week? Now I'm worried. :( Mines doing good after 2 days. I turn it off whenever I'm not on the PC.

I've heard something mentioned before about rubbing the area with a dead pixel counter clockwise and they will sometimes go away. Anyone tried this?
sgt said:
Dead pixels popping up after a week? Now I'm worried. :( Mines doing good after 2 days. I turn it off whenever I'm not on the PC.

I've heard something mentioned before about rubbing the area with a dead pixel counter clockwise and they will sometimes go away. Anyone tried this?

No idea but when I woke up this morning my red stuck pixel near the top disappeared. I will examine it closer when I get home from work again.
Do you think it's possible you just didn't notice the dead pixel before?
Woops, read that wrong, thought you said APPEARED. Dead pixels do disapeer from time to time. I noticed one that disapeered on my fuji lifebook at work.
sgt said:
Do you think it's possible you just didn't notice the dead pixel before?

For me definately not. When I got the monitor first thing I did was run the buddy pixel test and saw nothing. This red dot is definately noticeable on black.
Could it be a problem with the video card? If its red on black it should also show up on other colors like green or blue (on white u would not see it because the red would be on anyway).