Uncool To Be a Mac User in These Tough Times?

See I would look at a macbook.. but only with the intention of putting windows on it. (I know for shame for shame...) But I just don't like the dumbass incompatibility between windows and mac os's. Access to shares, one can read and write but the other can only read. That sort of thing.
Let the viruses and spyware begin for you hawt red haired (evil kid) bimbo...

You cant afford a mac because you work at MickyD's and you have to be happy with a 1.0Ghz 17" laptop...

Go out to the real world and work (you look like in you working prime beotch!!!)... This way you could afford the latest in cutting edge technology and speed and not settle for a POS $699 17" laptop (can you believe people actually buy that POS???)

And whoever says that Leopard is not better than Vista is an idiot that deserves to be shot!!!

By the way I dont have a desktop mac, but I would not work pictures and music and videos if its not on that portable.
Let the viruses and spyware begin for you hawt red haired (evil kid) bimbo...

You cant afford a mac because you work at MickyD's and you have to be happy with a 1.0Ghz 17" laptop...

Go out to the real world and work (you look like in you working prime beotch!!!)... This way you could afford the latest in cutting edge technology and speed and not settle for a POS $699 17" laptop (can you believe people actually buy that POS???)

And whoever says that Leopard is not better than Vista is an idiot that deserves to be shot!!!

By the way I dont have a desktop mac, but I would not work pictures and music and videos if its not on that portable.

lol wut?
Windows is a great OS. If you constantly have issues with it, it's mostly user, not OS.
Who said I had issues? Windows' overall performance seems to degrade severely due what I assume are fundamental flaws with the registry among other things, so it needs to be reinstalled annually if you're not impressively tidy about the way you do things. You do the same thing:
reload [Windows] probably about 2-3 times a year...to make sure that the OS isn't what's going to degrade my gaming performance.

I love Windows XP, but you have to absolutely baby it to keep it running lean and mean, so that's precisely what I do. I don't do anything crazy, either: just installing, running and uninstalling normal programs. The same thing I do on OS X.

I love how 90% of the things you can buy for a mac are only made by apple and cost 3x as much as anything costs for a PC.
Such as...?

I wonder why publishers do not like making software for the mac?
Because of the low market share.
You cant afford a mac because you work at MickyD's and you have to be happy with a 1.0Ghz 17" laptop...

Go out to the real world and work (you look like in you working prime beotch!!!)...

I do hope you're kidding. I do not work at McD's, and never have. Yet, I cannot afford a $2700 laptop.
Brilliant ad! And the fact that Mac Fans are having such a visceral reaction is just further evidence that it is effective and striking a chord that clearly resonates.
Let the viruses and spyware begin for you hawt red haired (evil kid) bimbo...

You cant afford a mac because you work at MickyD's and you have to be happy with a 1.0Ghz 17" laptop...

Go out to the real world and work (you look like in you working prime beotch!!!)... This way you could afford the latest in cutting edge technology and speed and not settle for a POS $699 17" laptop (can you believe people actually buy that POS???)

And whoever says that Leopard is not better than Vista is an idiot that deserves to be shot!!!

By the way I dont have a desktop mac, but I would not work pictures and music and videos if its not on that portable.

WOW what a F'n tool
I know, I was a little bit overboard there... While $2700 is a lot of money (mind me, I wouldnt ever buy an expensive laptop), You cant tell me that she just saved $2000 by buying that POS... That POS is going to be so slow that she will hate life AND Vista for that...

Imagine when she gets a malware, spyware, or a stupid trojan 1 (yeah uno) day later and that computer is going to be like an atari trying to play Fracry 2...

She could've gone online and gotten a refurb (better computer) for double that... And have a better experience... Stupid stupid stupid...
Let the viruses and spyware begin for you hawt red haired (evil kid) bimbo...

You cant afford a mac because you work at MickyD's and you have to be happy with a 1.0Ghz 17" laptop...

Go out to the real world and work (you look like in you working prime beotch!!!)... This way you could afford the latest in cutting edge technology and speed and not settle for a POS $699 17" laptop (can you believe people actually buy that POS???)

And whoever says that Leopard is not better than Vista is an idiot that deserves to be shot!!!

By the way I dont have a desktop mac, but I would not work pictures and music and videos if its not on that portable.

oh you little rascal, for a moment i thought you were serious :D
Let the viruses and spyware begin for you hawt red haired (evil kid) bimbo...

You cant afford a mac because you work at MickyD's and you have to be happy with a 1.0Ghz 17" laptop...

Go out to the real world and work (you look like in you working prime beotch!!!)... This way you could afford the latest in cutting edge technology and speed and not settle for a POS $699 17" laptop (can you believe people actually buy that POS???)

And whoever says that Leopard is not better than Vista is an idiot that deserves to be shot!!!

By the way I dont have a desktop mac, but I would not work pictures and music and videos if its not on that portable.

your post is automatically nullified by your display name, everyone knows that GM makes shitty cars.

btw, i call troll.
It's funny... Just lower the price bar a little bit more and you'll have a typical Windows/Linux conversation. "You're all elitist snobs! Who can afford to purchase an OS in these tough times? <vendor tax comment here>" :p
your post is automatically nullified by your display name, everyone knows that GM makes shitty cars.

btw, i call troll.

Just so you know... GM is kicking arse with the cars and its not going anywhere (because YOU and yeah ME are paying for it)... And while you or your daddy pay for it they will keep bringing nice cars like the ZR1 or the new CTS-V...

On another note... Why am I trolling 'cause Im speaking from the heart? You know she got a turd...
Just so you know... GM is kicking arse with the cars and its not going anywhere (because YOU and yeah ME are paying for it)... And while you or your daddy pay for it they will keep bringing nice cars like the ZR1 or the new CTS-V...

On another note... Why am I trolling 'cause Im speaking from the heart? You know she got a turd...

(you and i)

the only ass kicking that's going on with GM is to our wallets, there's a reason they discontinued the camaro and poured so much R&D into the corvette, it's because the mustang kicked the shit out of both of them for a VERY VERY long time.
I can tell this will be a good thread :D

I'm laughing at how the writer thinks the girl is "too artsy" to be a PC user. Speaks volumes on where the writer is coming from.
haha she got shafted. that HP will last here 2 years top. they are complete garbage... and what idiot wants a 17" laptop anyways? kind of defetes the purpose of a laptop

mobility: fail
battery life: fail
space consumption: fail
weight: fail

She got what she wanted, how is that fail?

Sorry, but this time you failed at failing... :)
And why is that sparky?

I must have missed the joke. Nobody would actually say what you said in a post and be serious. If you were joking I retract my comment, if you were not joking than I stick by it.
The only reason FORD is still alive is because they had a huge unused line of credit and that's why they have not asked for money... YET... Mustangs are nice cars that even the regular granny drives... But when it comes down to real muscle... HOW IN THA HELL? Are you going to compare a vette to a stang? Are you on some kind of reality distorting pills?

My point is that, that dumba$$ beotch got ripped a new one with that POS...
Methinks xcamarox should put it in Park and walk the rest of the way home lest he get in some accident with that route he's on... ;)
$1000 for a portable Apple product ...

$100 for a Windows license to say your Apple runs Windows too ...

Installing World of Warcraft so you can say you can game on an Apple ...

Knowing spending 40% more on the same hardware in a pretty box ... priceless

Epic phail with your Apple today! :D
The Mac vs PC debate will never end. The Survivorman vs Man-vs-Wild debate will never end. And the Import vs Domestic debate will never end. Who's trying to convince who? In the end, the hardware is basically the same. I mean look at MP3 players. Why is iPOD so much better? It isn't, but it's the more "fashionable" product. People don't buy and iPOD because they say "ooooh it's so much faster, and very reliable"... they say "oooh that looks slick".
Why do you think Macs are the main computer staple in almost every movie? Actors with an Armani suit, Tag Heuer watch and... an Alienware Laptop?? Just doesn't go together.
In the end, it all comes down to different taste. I'm a PC guy, but my business partner is a Mac guy. They're both great machines, but people just have different tastes. Get over it.
That being said, when we see Mac faboys getting all upset at an ad poking fun at Macs, we just laugh at your lack of sense of humor. Teehee, you're funny.
I think people are missing the point of this ad.
Yes it takes a shot at Apple, but it shows that when shopping for a laptop with a Windows OS, you have a lot of options. "You get what you want." You do not have to pay for extras you may not use, do not have to buy a cool looking laptop.
Wow! It is uncool to buy an expensive laptop but it is cool to use a 17" laptop? Anything bigger than 13" is uncool for me :p
The only reason FORD is still alive is because they had a huge unused line of credit and that's why they have not asked for money... YET... Mustangs are nice cars that even the regular granny drives... But when it comes down to real muscle... HOW IN THA HELL? Are you going to compare a vette to a stang? Are you on some kind of reality distorting pills?

My point is that, that dumba$$ beotch got ripped a new one with that POS...

Stop trolling and leave Ford out of it.
This is about the way many MAC users act like elitist snobs when most of what they spout is rubbish.
You are the true definition of what we are discussing :D
My point is that, that dumba$$ beotch got ripped a new one with that POS...

How so? It is purely marketing angle ad, we have no clue what she is using this for, what her real needs may or may not be. All she may want is a nice, large screen, laptop so she can check her email and browse the web. She will be perfectly happy with that 17" HP laptop, but she wants/needs a high powerful laptop that can render large photos and edit them, well maybe not. Who knows, no one does.
Three weeks ago I bought a 2.4 13.3 Unibody. Everything works out of the box, it just works. $40 for parallels, now I can install my windows xp and vista discs, its painless. OSX is easy for novices and power users alike. I looked at getting a dell and the Mac really was around the same price for the features I wanted; I was reluctant to go Apple because I have been a Windows user for 15 years. What is really priceless for me, I don't have to bust out my install discs and immediately reinstall the OS because of all the Third Party Software added. I don't want AOL, I don't want trials of McAfee, Quickbooks and Wild Tangent pre-installed. That was the tipping point that pushed me to buy a Mac.
I just bought a MacBook...did I know I was paying a price premium? Yep. This thing is being used for everything besides gaming. I'm over the whole netbook fad I suppose. My Gateway still gets used plenty for games which is the way it should be. Do I particularly like OSX? Meh...some things I do like, others I don't. But I do have the option of Windows...which I need to have on here anyway because of certain programs for my majors (MiniTab). And one more thing this laptop does is help me understand Macs in general. I work in a computer lab on campus and have had to deal with questions regarding software on Macs...now I can actually help someone instead of standing there looking like a dumbass.

Brand loyalty is quite hilarious I must say. I used to be that way when I was younger but now I don't care anymore.
haha she got shafted. that HP will last here 2 years top. they are complete garbage... and what idiot wants a 17" laptop anyways? kind of defetes the purpose of a laptop

mobility: fail
battery life: fail
space consumption: fail
weight: fail

All my laptops are 17" And any smaller I don't even look at.

Mobility: fine
battery life: 3 hours on my HP DV8000t, 2.5 hours on a Lenovo y710. Fine for me.
space consumption: who cares?
Weight: So what?
How so? It is purely marketing angle ad, we have no clue what she is using this for, what her real needs may or may not be. All she may want is a nice, large screen, laptop so she can check her email and browse the web. She will be perfectly happy with that 17" HP laptop, but she wants/needs a high powerful laptop that can render large photos and edit them, well maybe not. Who knows, no one does.

Not to mention that even if its a POS she can still turn around in 2 years and buy the latest tech for the same price again and still be under what an Apple would have cost her originally.
Three weeks ago I bought a 2.4 13.3 Unibody. Everything works out of the box, it just works. $40 for parallels, now I can install my windows xp and vista discs, its painless. OSX is easy for novices and power users alike. I looked at getting a dell and the Mac really was around the same price for the features I wanted; I was reluctant to go Apple because I have been a Windows user for 15 years. What is really priceless for me, I don't have to bust out my install discs and immediately reinstall the OS because of all the Third Party Software added. I don't want AOL, I don't want trials of McAfee, Quickbooks and Wild Tangent pre-installed. That was the tipping point that pushed me to buy a Mac.

Hate to say it, but Apple installs trial software also, it is Apple trial software but they do it also. Dell and HP have gotten better with their bloatware, the most I have seen lately is CD/DVD burning software and usually trial anti-virus software.
Hate to say it, but Apple installs trial software also, it is Apple trial software but they do it also. Dell and HP have gotten better with their bloatware, the most I have seen lately is CD/DVD burning software and usually trial anti-virus software.
Which programs are trials? I haven't come across any yet. That is news to me. At least Dell/HP have gotten better...