Ultra X-Connect 400W Modular PSU - 19.99


Mar 13, 2005
I know a lot of people put down these psu's and say that they're not stable, but if you're looking for a cheap modular supply that will create less clutter, there you go.
Only problem I had with mine is that it wouldn't fit in my Lian Li V1000B. Seemed to run solid but the cables ARE a bit stiff and can be a pain to run neatly around the case. Also when I looked at these a few days ago Xoxide had ALL of them on backorder and with the ultra super fast shipping from Xoxide /sarcasm off who knows when this might show up. Great deal on teh PSU though
i hope everyone knows that it is 19.99 after 40 MIR
ill pass on this one
honkee said:
i hope everyone knows that it is 19.99 after 40 MIR
ill pass on this one

Yeah, I didn't see that either. Guess you gotta look past the front page :p ... Mods feel free to change title.

Whoever hates on there shipping makes me wonder... I don't think it's ever taken more than 4 business days to get a package from them... and I've probably ordered a good 15-20 items
I have ordered from them twice. Both times they said the item was in stock and it took 2+ weeks for me to get it. Only reason that I order from them anymore is of they have something that they "say" is in stock that I can't find anywhere else (even backordered). Last thing I ordered was a Thermaltake Tsunami case the week that they came out and Xoxide was teh only person that even listed as having them at all. Took 3 weeks for it to get to me AND they charged me like $35 to ship it (the case weighs like 5 pounds) via UPS Snailback or something
I bought a 500w xconnect from xoxide, it died the the 2nd day I had it installed.. had to return it & not buying one again
ive only had one thing show up late from xoxide and that was a thermaltake soprano case
(pos case btw)
everything else usually comes within the week after ordering it.
im sorry to hear all others bad experiences but i think they're a great company
Sounds like a good deal to me. Mine has been running strong and steady for almost 8 months.
Had my 500watt for a almost a year now and has been PERFECT under load. Rails are rock solid.
Yup Ive had my 500watt Ultra X-Connect for over 6 months now and its been powering two different rigs over the 6 months (Intel & AMD) perfectly fine (both overclocked).
Had the X-Connect 500W for about a year, finally put it in my linux box a month ago. Last weekend I woke up to a curiously silent computer room, XConnect had died after less than a month of constant load. Put an el cheapo 350W in and trying to find time to call for a replacement (they have a 2 or 3yr warrenty). Looking through their forums this seems to be a problem for a lot of people. Basically will only deliver an initial charge (enough to spin the fans a bit) and then dies.
Good luck to those of you that have been running strong, hope yours last a good long time.
i ordered around midnight on the 15th and it shipped around 10am on the 18th. pretty quick if you ask me. any lag in delivery is from the shipping from here on out.
i got what i though was a bargin 550w unit came in a Tiger direct --but it only had 11.63v on the 12v rail -

might be ok for a older computer with intergrated video--no way for anything that draws lots of amps and needs strong 12v :eek: might use it on my old sis k6-2 333 !!
The rails and power on mine was perfect....that was of course until it ceased to function. :(
JSF35rhino said:
i got what i though was a bargin 550w unit came in a Tiger direct --but it only had 11.63v on the 12v rail -

might be ok for a older computer with intergrated video--no way for anything that draws lots of amps and needs strong 12v :eek: might use it on my old sis k6-2 333 !!

Well as much as I dislike this PSU that may not be what it's 12v was. Did you check it with a mulitmeter or is the a software report?
well it flunked multi and software passed with the chepo psu tester-- i have seen a few ultras that could pass the multi test though---although mine won't- :cool:
That's a bummer, Kyle. Hope the Thermaltake PSU works out for you, though I figured you for a PCP&C kinda guy.

One thing you need to promise us, though. When you get the Thermaltake installed in the case, please exercise some wire management!!! :p :p The Stacker is far to [H] a case to be left to the devices of electrical spaghetti.

JSF35rhino said:
well it flunked multi and software passed with the chepo psu tester-- i have seen a few ultras that could pass the multi test though---although mine won't- :cool:
Just out of curiousity, what multimeter test and software tests are you subjecting it to?

I personally have 2 ultras. One of which I've been running for over a year w/o problems, the other replaced my Antec Neo 480 which detonated taking my Fatality AN8 with it.

I haven't had any problems with either PSU.
Scroatdog said:
That's a bummer, Kyle. Hope the Thermaltake PSU works out for you, though I figured you for a PCP&C kinda guy.

One thing you need to promise us, though. When you get the Thermaltake installed in the case, please exercise some wire management!!! :p :p The Stacker is far to [H] a case to be left to the devices of electrical spaghetti.


Sort of hard to talk about your PC hardware experiences if you don't have any new ones. :)
In the past two years I have had failed Vantecs, Enermaxes, Antecs and a few no name brands as well. As of right now, we install and replace our server PSUs with Antec units as they have seemingly been most robust. The Vantecs have been close behind although we have lost two of their units due to the fans going bad.....
the way things get re-badged and repackaged these days--the good ultras may be of a another make than my tiger direct bundled with case deal .

i have had no problems with the antecs-- i got an old 450sl- -thats been running since the old 478 days without a hitch (knock on wood) and a couple of 550w TC's

that said just because i haven't had problems with an antec-- i can't say the next one i get --won't be a problem-- now days ya never know.

as for the cheap psu's --i've had absolutely no luck at all .-- i got a 650 w chiefmax off ebay for like $20--put it on the test set up and it's all over the place--make you a hell of a deal on it !!--LOL

psu these days is a YOYO deal at best. :cool:
Spectre said:
How often arey ou replacing PSU's in your servers? Have you tried something a little more robust like Zippy for the servers?

Not too often. Had a rash of issues last year, but they were on boxes that get the hell beat out of them and had been in service for a good while. Homemade database servers, dual CPUs, 9 15K hard drives, 2 SCSI RAID Cards... A lot of power being used there.

Moving away from the RAID arrays in those database servers now. Going SAN.
JSF35rhino said:
psu these days is a YOYO deal at best. :cool:

No....... not neccesarily what it requires is some thought and real planning before buying. With system requirements sky rocketing and there being many different PSUs (and rebrands) and various ATX standards on the market it is imperative to find a PSU that produces the AMP distribution that is right for your system. You can't just buy a x wattage PSU and go from there......watts don't matter. A pumped up 5v rail can hide a 12v rail that won't support your requirements.

If someone needs help there is a PSU subforum and there are people there ready, willing, and able to help you wade through the mess.
Oh4Sh0 said:
I know a lot of people put down these psu's and say that they're not stable, but if you're looking for a cheap modular supply that will create less clutter, there you go.
Personally I'd rather mod my own.
Incidently, I have the TT TWV 400 and man does it rock, super stable and great voltages on the rails - I took a gamble on it because there was only like 1 review on it. Has been working great.
I was thinking about getting this, till I saw the $40 MIR & read Kyle's comments (thanks, btw!).
I bit on this for a friend, but both of us might end up getting shafted. The rebate is through www.onrebate.com which has many complaints filed against it seemingly. :\

And currently.. it is down... >_<


EDIT: Came back up later and submitted the rebate. Pain in the ass process introduces many steps which could cause someone to mess it up. A few good points in that one however. Heres to looking forward to 40 bucks. Ive gotten every rebate i have ever applied for till now, and i am waiting on 3 of them now. 50 from ATI, 5 from Coke, and 40 from Ultra.
i bit on the friday it was posted on the forums. it arrived the next tuesday. much faster than i imagined. i promptly filled out the rebate and sent it tuesday afternoon. here's hoping for a successful rebate!

so far i am happy with the psu. it is so shiny i couldnt help but show it off so it is sitting outside my cardboard-box case. the cardboard box that it shipped in was 9.75"x9.75"x10.25"...... so i put a matx board in it........ yeah i suck.
I like how everyone says "yeah it's been 'rock-solid' for a year now..."

I don't know about you guys, but I routinely make computer purchases with a predicted usage of about eighteen months :/