tx750w time for upgrade

So what if he recorded 3 hours of footage? All of the important information can be compiled into graphs and charts which can be looked over in less than 5 minutes. I pulled the MAG 550 results from a Vietnamese review site that had the information in universally understandable charts. I'm not about to sit through a 3.5 hour video in a different language to try to find relevant information. Even JonnyGuru's rambling PSU test articles were never more than a 15 minute read, and were actually entertaining.

Stop trying to appear smart. You're not. Stop trying to justify your budget options as superior. They're not. Any more dumb responses from you and I'm blocking you, you're not worth my time.
I don't even know what he filmed for over 3 hours, I'm just saying that he seems smart. He also wrote something on the board, he devoted a lot of time to that power supply, obviously not everything is according to the specifications.
I don't even know what he filmed for over 3 hours, I'm just saying that he seems smart. He also wrote something on the board, he devoted a lot of time to that power supply, obviously not everything is according to the specifications.
Then what was your point? What are you trying to prove? It's like you're throwing mud at a wall and hoping something will stick that supports your decision.
Then what was your point? What are you trying to prove? It's like you're throwing mud at a wall and hoping something will stick that supports your decision.
Well, nothing, just to share,it seems interesting. I didn't write anywhere that my power supply is great. I only ran the rdr2 ingame benchmark on it and it passed, everything seems fine.
And this character obviously has something strange, something that doesn't match the factory specifications and his calculations.
Dont so het up.
Well, nothing, just to share,it seems interesting. I didn't write anywhere that my power supply is great. I only ran the rdr2 ingame benchmark on it and it passed, everything seems fine.
And this character obviously has something strange, something that doesn't match the factory specifications and his calculations.
Dont so het up.
So basically, you're once again uselessly trolling. Blocked.
Here are pictures of the power supply corsair tx650w with dust and after a little cleaning. It seems that everything is ok with the power supply, there wasn't even too much dust.
sd8ny5Ed_t.jpg 5vBJig4u_t.jpg OdOLEiEl_t.jpg xdPLqu0A_t.jpg tJfTl6T9_t.jpg 3mxyi37n_t.jpg W6OSTuyW_t.jpg Pl0WoWv4_t.jpg Hvz5Qqxl_t.jpg 1v4MJLnY_t.jpg eZbcNKpn_t.jpg 2QpEmk3g_t.jpg 6LrKZ95s_t.jpg