Twitter shut off its internal Slack, and now ‘everyone is barely working’

I won't say all his misdeeds are defendable, but there is an unbalanced amount of hate against him on the internets these days and somehow it seems politically motivated. It's happened only recently in the past year or so, before twitter. The whole Twitter thing just added to the hate noise.

There's plenty of worse people to hate, but the internet would make you believe he ate your kittens in the last year.
I dont have to like him because there are better people to like :p

We can hate an actor or actress for a stance they take or something dumb, i dunno why elon has to work harder for it?

He doesn't do anything for me, or against me and ill never meet him. So his existence really doesn't impact me in a way more than when coke changes recipes. Some people really have to hate and and some really have to defend him. He will do whatever he does regardless of our forum fights in a place he wouldn't even bother to visit.
I don't understand articles like this. It seems to me people are mad at Elon for making Twitter a free and open platform and report on every mouse fart possible. Got to keep the outrage going.

imagine thinking a company not paying bills to critical services for literally months is absolutely not a red flag in the slightest and is instead just a bunch of people getting their panties in a bunch over elon
Let's not forget that Twitter was a fucking dumpster fire when he bought it, Jack was an absentee CEO and the company was chasing its ad funding tail. He won't break Twitter, it was already broken. It should be interesting to see if he can fix it.
Jack was not the CEO at the time Elon bought it. Twitter was also earning enough to pay it's debts and making money. Not a lot, but enough that if it had continued that way it would have been fine.

What ever Elon did after taking over, Twitter does not work correctly the way it used to. I block people on Twitter when I have read enough of what they have to say and I am no longer interested in hearing any more from them, just like I think most people do. I find all the time now that if I click on a trending topic for some reason the people I have blocked at at the top for me. Not really a great experience. It never used to do that.
imagine thinking a company not paying bills to critical services for literally months is absolutely not a red flag in the slightest and is instead just a bunch of people getting their panties in a bunch over elon
Tryign to find a source and that did seem impossible to find (did not look that long too..)

Only thing that I could find was something that sounded like a potential joke:
According to an anonymous employee, their company failed to pay its bill for Slack,
it's a perfect, logical conclusion.

these services do not have random complete outages without making tech news, nor do they do random/unplanned maintenance.

something either suspect as fuck happened behind the scenes, which is a red fucking flag...
or they lost access to the service. which is a red flag.

so why would you mysteriously lose access to a paid service from a MAJOR provider? it's just not a thing where the scenario is "well slack is fucked but just for twitter"

and even if it was - at that scale you have an account rep who will be on your dick helping you out. then you fix it, and communicate it.
so even in this scenario where something was fucked for a legitimate reason - this is so easily communicable to teams and the company, that it not being done is... a complete failure and a giant red flag
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I find all the time now that if I click on a trending topic for some reason the people I have blocked at at the top for me.

Take a step back though and think of it happening to someone else for a second

That's pretty hilarious if he was making it so everyone you blocked just showed up at the top of your feed/topics all the time

Folks seem to forget that Time chooses a person of the year based on notability, not necessarily the amount of good they've done. Musk really burned off a lot of goodwill in 2022, and I don't just mean through his handling of Twitter. Among other things, he supported the terrorist occupation of Ottawa.
Folks seem to forget that Time chooses a person of the year based on notability, not necessarily the amount of good they've done. Musk really burned off a lot of goodwill in 2022, and I don't just mean through his handling of Twitter. Among other things, he supported the terrorist occupation of Ottawa.
That was a "Freedom Convoy" against the Vax mandate.
That was a "Freedom Convoy" against the Vax mandate.
Like I said, a terrorist occupation. I won't go further into the subject in this thread other than to say that the "it was a peaceful protest" claims are explicitly false.

At any rate, Musk had already been losing me for a while by that point, but that was the proverbial straw. I'm still on Twitter and don't want to swear off Tesla forever, but it will be a happy day when Musk is no longer running either company.
Folks seem to forget that Time chooses a person of the year based on notability, not necessarily the amount of good they've done. Musk really burned off a lot of goodwill in 2022, and I don't just mean through his handling of Twitter. Among other things, he supported the terrorist occupation of Ottawa.

I agree, the Canadian government is a violent terrorist organization and always has been. I am surprised Musk supported them though.

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