Twitter Sells Your Data Too - Gasp!


Just Plain Mean
Staff member
May 18, 1997
Twitter sold your data (autostart video with sound) to Cambridge Analytic too? Say it isn't so, Joe! Just remember, if you are not paying for the service, YOU are the product. Of course, if we are having to tell you that, I have a bridge to sell you, along with your data.

Twitter Inc. sold data access to the Cambridge University academic who also obtained millions of Facebook Inc. users’ information that was later passed to a political consulting firm without the users’ consent.

Aleksandr Kogan, who created a personality quiz on Facebook to harvest information later used by Cambridge Analytica, established his own commercial enterprise, Global Science Research (GSR). That firm was granted access to large-scale public Twitter data, covering months of posts, for one day in 2015, according to Twitter.
Paint me surprised!:eek: :rolleyes:
Nothing is this life is free. Mine away I guess. Just another check box on the list.
If you're paying for the're probably still giving them your data as a product, and you're even giving them money for the privilege
A shocking revelation such as this deserves to be classified along side the great ones such as Water is wet and Fire is hot.
Not news. My assumption is everyone is selling every piece of data they collect, paid service or not. Before the Cambridge thing blew up in Facebook's face, they were trying to convince hospital and other medical providers to provide Facebook with patient's medical data. Not sure why HIPPA wouldn't have prevented that but apparently they thought they had a way around. It was supposed to be anonymized but we know how little that helps. ISPs were granted a pass to collect and sell by the new Congress, CC companies happily sell your purchase history, and we know that Google, Yahoo and other search engines are data mining and selling experts.
No shit really? If the service is free you are the product..
Twitter: Hello Cambridge. You say you have lots of money? The "Data Buffet" is all yours.
Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon... all sell your data.

Recent undercover Veritas videos showed Twitter staff saying they have teams of people that manually read through Twitter users' private DMs looking for marketable content.

Regarding the 'if the service is free then you are the product' philosophy, then how is Windows 10 explained? It's a retail product that costs a lot of money. And even those people who "upgraded" to it for "free" still were required to already own a license of Windows 7 or 8 - and so they only had their paid-for license's identity modified.
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Microsoft, Facebook, Twitter, Google, Amazon... all sell your data.

Recent undercover Veritas videos showed Twitter staff saying they have teams of people that manually read through Twitter users' private DMs looking for marketable content.

Regarding the 'if the service is free then you are the product' philosophy, then how is Windows 10 explained? It's a retail product that costs a lot of money. And even those people who "upgraded" to it for "free" still were required to already own a license of Windows 7 or 8 - and so they only had their paid-for license upgraded.

M$ has a different definition of free. And they're free to change the definition without notice. Also, it's Microsoft, they screw with you for free or when you pay for it. Equal opportunity screwing.