Trying to like Android?

It is probably because Android is half-ass compared to Windows Phone 7 or iOS. I know loads of people in your situation. Some people don't mind Android, but you seem to have standards though, so I suggest slugging it out until a new WP7 or iPhone 5 come out in a few months.

Really, in the same breath you say Android is half-assed you talk about WP7? WP7 has many good points and I do like it, but "half-assed" is a *far* more apt description for it. Yes, it's fast and responsive, but it's also pretty limited and has some really rough spots. Bing maps? Terrible. Mobile IE? Terrible. App selection? Terrible. There is stuff to like, but right now WP7 is far from a realized platform that can really truly go toe to toe with iOS and Android. Android has the best feature set, best integration with Google and other cloud services, and the most customizability without rooting. iOS has the best polish, the highest performance, and the best selection of quality apps.

Android and iOS are easily at the top of the pack. WP7 is trying to climb, but still has quite a long way to go. WebOS was trying to climb, but has slipped and falling onto a rock. Blackberry is just sort of killing time until they can get QNX onto a phone.
I'm amused at how many people lack common sense; ffs you're taking up for a *Chinese* ROM which copies the shit out of iOS, but how dare anyone question their integrity :rolleyes:

I'm surprised how racist some people are. Illogical paranoia huh...if I had more time I'd ask you more questions and use the DSM-IV to make a diagnosis :) how is the tin foil hat going for you? Although TBH, although I'm of Chinese descent, I don't normally get along with people from mainland China due to severe cultural differences, and for the most part haven't found many I would want to hang out with, and I know of the issues first hand with the government, but I wouldn't go out of my way to avoid an Android rom that is programmed in China, there still are good things from China (such as some audiophile equipment, some companies like HifiMan make amazing Planar Headphones esp for the price, others make amazing DACs or headphone amps), but genrally it is easier to avoid things made in China to avoid the overwhelmingly amounts of poor quality stuff made there.

That being said, the best rom IMO for the Galaxy S line of phones (and I've used almost all of them) is Darky's Rom.

Last I checked CM7 was only a "nightly" build and didn't include any lagfixes which are essential as the stock samsung file system really slowed the phone down (Which was removed for the galaxy s 2)
get quad, MIUI is a fucking hack on top of cyanogen mod... It wholly relies on the base of cyanogen to even function.

Please. go out and learn before running around spouting conspiracy.
get quad, MIUI is a fucking hack on top of cyanogen mod... It wholly relies on the base of cyanogen to even function.

Please. go out and learn before running around spouting conspiracy.

Yawn, guess you're one of those people that clicks on the random popup saying "YOUR PC IS NOT SECURE! PAY $24.99 NOW TO FIX IT!" and actually enters their info into its malware :rolleyes: . For the rest of us, normal caution is advised ;).
get quad, MIUI is a fucking hack on top of cyanogen mod... It wholly relies on the base of cyanogen to even function.

Please. go out and learn before running around spouting conspiracy.

MIUI is not built on, nor does it require CM. The CM team had some to do with getting it ported to a bunch of phones, and getting 2nd-init to a bunch of phones, but thats about it.

Please, go you and learn before running around spouting nonsense.
MIUI is not built on, nor does it require CM. The CM team had some to do with getting it ported to a bunch of phones, and getting 2nd-init to a bunch of phones, but thats about it.

Please, go you and learn before running around spouting nonsense.

Every single MIUI install i've used (3 different phones worth) has been a build off of Cyanogen 7, The ONLY exception to this rule is the MIUI OFFICIAL builds. Those are a different beast entirely.

I could link you to several MIUI Build threads and one of the main rules is don't bitch about update timing because we rely on the CM team blah blah blah.

I check my shit before I call out utter nonsense. It's just rude otherwise rather than informative. ;)
Firstly. The Captivate is moderately old in terms of mobile phone tech (the tech moves at an astonishing pace) but its not THAT old, however it wasnt really a great phone even when it was brand new. IMO the choice of phone here was not a good one. You arent going to get anything surprising out of that phone TBH.....

Secondly, is there moderation on this board because its a subsection? The trolling in this thread is absolutely blinding, from racism and Xenophobia to FUD and Corporate Shilling. For the love of god...
Firstly. The Captivate is moderately old in terms of mobile phone tech (the tech moves at an astonishing pace) but its not THAT old, however it wasnt really a great phone even when it was brand new. IMO the choice of phone here was not a good one. You arent going to get anything surprising out of that phone TBH.....

Secondly, is there moderation on this board because its a subsection? The trolling in this thread is absolutely blinding, from racism and Xenophobia to FUD and Corporate Shilling. For the love of god...

I've volounteered to moderate it because I feel I can be neutral (I've owned everything, I love everything for one reason or another, and I know when to keep my mouth shut [occasionally choose not to...]

But never got any response.
Secondly, is there moderation on this board because its a subsection? The trolling in this thread is absolutely blinding, from racism and Xenophobia to FUD and Corporate Shilling. For the love of god...

Relax buddy. It's not that bad.
Secondly, is there moderation on this board because its a subsection? The trolling in this thread is absolutely blinding, from racism and Xenophobia to FUD and Corporate Shilling. For the love of god...

Ever hear of a "chinese knockoff" product? That's all we're talking about, it's not racist or xenophobic sir.
Ever hear of a "chinese knockoff" product? That's all we're talking about, it's not racist or xenophobic sir.

Your post personifies the word. You make a gross generalization that a chinese product has to be a "chinese knockoff" because of a few products? You do realize that many brand name products are from China as well right?
Lots of brainwashed morons in this thread who need to learn the difference between caution in regards to known-rogue entities vs. actual racism.

Next thing we know, anyone who uses the term KIRF will unduly get called racist. Pathetic that someone has you children so incredibly shellshocked over race that any time a *nationality* gets mentioned you have to throw up the racism accusations, essentially making your ignorant contribution to the discussion entirely discounted and worthless.
Ive been using MIUI since it became available for the Droid X. I also allow usage statistics to be sent *gasp*.

Personally I'd watch out for that junk from Ireland, cant trust those people. Also Canada. Enjoy your backdoor trojans and mini black helicopters.
I just read this whole thread and then re-read the OP. And let me say....this thread delivers.
Your post personifies the word. You make a gross generalization that a chinese product has to be a "chinese knockoff" because of a few products? You do realize that many brand name products are from China as well right?

(The point of my post)
(your head)

Le sigh...