Tribes anyone?

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Originally posted by Monkey34
:confused: Hours? Seconds baby!You must have been in the wrong servers, cause I see NON-STOP action!:D

There is no emoticon for how I feel.

No you clearly are having a slight problem with reading comprehension but that's ok.
Originally posted by FanZ
I found Tribes2 at Compusa for $9.99, is it worth getting?

edit: got it.. WORST mistake EVER.
pathetic game.
and EVERYTHING is FLUFFED on my 9700Pro??? what the hell???????

hahahaha ok
:confused: Theres nothing wrong with my reading comprehention. YOU stated that you could run aroung for hours , and never see action. Your wrong. PERIOD. :cool:
Uhh your texture detail is on low, raise ALL graphical sliders to the right except for brightness and gamma.
Thats the way a freind of mine had to play, cause his video card sucked so bad (32mb ati 7000 pci). He upgraded and saw a BIG difference. Personally, I play with everything maxed out, and it looks great.
Originally posted by SpoonMaN-EQ
god i miss playin Tribes
my clan only got to #11 on the OGL
it was IR btw

IR was never #1...

Originally posted by Spanner
Agreed, seconded only by Tribes 2 :)

Now this just hurts.
Originally posted by FanZ
I found Tribes2 at Compusa for $9.99, is it worth getting?

edit: got it.. WORST mistake EVER.
pathetic game.
and EVERYTHING is FLUFFED on my 9700Pro??? what the hell???????
truform doesn't work well in any tribes game. turn that shit off. turn up the details and crank up the resolution... it still looks good for a game made nearly 4 years ago.

tribes was the first online multiplayer game i played that wasn't starcraft or hl:( yeah, i got into tribes in '99, which was sorta late. clan games were where it was at, though; pubs were useless. tribes 1 is easily one of the best games i've ever played:D tribes 2, though... didn't play it as much, and then the disc cracked:( i really should go and buy a copy while i still can.
acutally, i already returned T2 and bought BF1942 for 9.99, more online community..

tribes2 is somewhat fun online, but not nearly as T1, the atmosphere just seemed more gloomy..and faster paced (i prefer to live as long as possible)
Originally posted by Devnull
Playing in a well polished tribe/clan is awsome but I never got into one for tribes2. I could go sniping or go on flag runs or just walk around for hours with deploying things hardly seeing any action, whatever it was still fun.

Yeah, see, that, to me, isn't fun.

My clan started out in the EARLY T1 days (actually, as soon as the demo hit the 'net, way up until near the end of the T2 patch cycle). We played in the office all the time at lunch, etc.

It was okay fun for that - office DM, that is. Better than Quake or Unreal, anyway.

But I could never really stick around it at home.

I guess 'match play' just isn't for me...playing the SAME damn maps OVER and OVER just capturing flag after flag - no meaning whatsoever. Didn't matter if you won or lost any match, everything's reset for the next one.

I never got into any other FPS, though. Tribes was pretty much it until recently. It wasn't a bad game - better than almost everything else, but there was so much not *quite* right about it (either game).

That's why I play Planetside now. Like Tribes, but better.
Originally posted by dderidex
Yeah, see, that, to me, isn't fun.

My clan started out in the EARLY T1 days (actually, as soon as the demo hit the 'net, way up until near the end of the T2 patch cycle). We played in the office all the time at lunch, etc.

That's why I play Planetside now. Like Tribes, but better.

The T1 demo didnt come out till about 10 months after the game did, thats not EARLY :/

Planetside is not half the game Tribes is, in my opinion. I suppose Legends is better than Tribes too? :eek:
1) Never heard of Legends

2) You sure you ain't thinking of the T2 demo? THAT was late. The T1 demo came out before the game did (or maybe it wasn't the demo we were playing - we started shortly after I started working at my current company, and that was early 98. I could have sworn the T1 demo came out before the game did, though?)

I'm not saying Tribes isn't a good game, it's better than all other 'free to play' shooters out by a long shot.

It just doesn't compare to Planetside, that's all.

And how could it? It relies entirely on the user community for any 'game persistence' and server stability (which is always a winner of an idea).
Most of the servers are rock-stable, held in place by gamer communitys like HomeLan Federation. And most people host from their own homes, like me. I'll probably have a semi-dedicated server up soon. It's actually still a pretty big game. At most times theres at least 100-300 people on.

It probably won't die. It was almost the game that created modding for home gamers.
Thats another reason I love tribes. I refuse to pay a fee every month for a game I already paid for. :mad:
A little off topic, but news anyway. Arenanet is coming out with an online rpg with no monthly fees called Guild Wars. Looks interesting.
Any of you guys getting UE errors with a system similar to mine?

I started playing again today and one happened about 10 mins in after I started to pwn and capped the flag twice.
Originally posted by dderidex
1) Never heard of Legends

2) You sure you ain't thinking of the T2 demo? THAT was late. The T1 demo came out before the game did (or maybe it wasn't the demo we were playing - we started shortly after I started working at my current company, and that was early 98. I could have sworn the T1 demo came out before the game did, though?)

I'm not saying Tribes isn't a good game, it's better than all other 'free to play' shooters out by a long shot.

It just doesn't compare to Planetside, that's all.

And how could it? It relies entirely on the user community for any 'game persistence' and server stability (which is always a winner of an idea).

No Im not thinking of the T2 demo, that came out after the game did as well. The T1 demo didnt come out until 10 months after the game did, in Sept of 99. The game came out Dec. of 98.

Its your opinion that Planetside is better, and its also your right to have one. :D I just dont agree. But I suppose Im a still a bit upset that Dave G. turned T2 into the huge pile of crap it was on the release. He is two-faced and just quit honestly a liar. So since he was lead on Planetside.. perhaps I didnt give it a fair try. I was in the beta, and tried it again after it went retail. Its just far too slow of a game for me.
Got back on to Tribes 2 today, been a few weeks, and it feels good to be back. What servers are you guys playing on? Any in particular?
Originally posted by FanZ
ummm the clan i started was SSF, then they later merged with some other clan.. i THINK it was then called SCS? maybe.. not sure: since i stopped keeping track of people when i stopped.

There was a clan back in the day SCS (Steel City Snipers), never reached the #1 on OGL to my knowledge.

And HaVoC was the best mod.

Vorpal Rabbits was known far an near.
Tribes 1 is the best FPS game ever made. Hands down.

I've been in several #1 teams including |GBD| i$ and ReZ


sup fallguy
i recognize fallguy from TW...

I was in RT for a while we hovered between #15 and 30 on ogl .. i think we broke into top 10, but it was about when t2 came out. so most of the uber teams left.

went to uva2 to 5.

Tribes 1 is by far my best investment in a game.. played it for a solid 3.5 years.
Tribes....oh my goodness..what a game.. I'd say Tribes is my favorite online game of all time so far...bought it when it first came out and played it till Tribes 2 came out. After Tribes 2 came out I kind of let go of Tribes...sadly.

I was never in any big clans but I was always in the know about private PU games so I was always playing with the good players.

The game was so much fun, something for everyone really. Defense / Offense. Setting up base defenses, repairing, flag running, dueling, blowing shish up..etc..

My favorite thing to do was run flag routes in the Heavy armor. Ski down a sloap on IceRidge (I think that was the map) and pop from the back of the enemy base, snag flag and ski exhilirating.

Another thing which I thought was great about Tribes was Third Person perspective toggle. It's a real subjective thing but I really appreciated the ability to toggle back and forth.

Tribes 2 was a big letdown....hopefully Vengeance will allow me to forget about that..
Tribes 2 was a big letdown....hopefully Vengeance will allow me to forget about that..
:confused: I've heard this one before and cant fathom it. I've played both, and like both, but prefer T2(cant get enough). What exactly did you find about T2 that ruined it for ya?:confused:
Originally posted by Monkey34
:confused: I've heard this one before and cant fathom it. I've played both, and like both, but prefer T2(cant get enough). What exactly did you find about T2 that ruined it for ya?:confused:

most of the diehard Tribes 1 players fount T2 to be a much slower paced game and very Defense heavy (where tribes 1 was very offense heavy).

I dont trash talk Tribes 2 .. it has evolved into a very solid game, but it didnt grab me like T1 did.
iv been playing t2 for about a year. love it. i got t1 like a month ago and tried it. i didnt like it. maybe because it was a fresh instal with no scripts and i didnt read the instructions or anything. its just not the same. t2 is better i think. i play it all the time. my ingame name is MaxPowers. im on slapahoe on twl, if anyone wants to get together and play sometime look me up. tmail would be best

for thoes of you that say t2 is slower, you have to play classic. base sucks and is way to slow.
classic > base
Tribes 1...the best time I've ever spent on a computer.

Played it for a solid two to three years and still play it. I took a 1.5 year hiatus but started playing again this fall. I never *sob* got to play in clan matches, although I've been in a few clans. I'm desperately trying to find a practicing T1 clan to play with.

I went under the name Xfactor_1

I now play under the name XwhereDidHeGo

Started off with Renegades mod but have played base since switching before I stopped playing.
I got a bunch of nice low-ping Tribes 2 servers, I'll post them here when I check the browser.

Well, I found out the source of the UEs, my memory was bad. Ran memtest and got an Unexpected Error during test #6, using 2x256MB and so far so good.
Originally posted by Bop
Well, I found out the source of the UEs, my memory was bad. Ran memtest and got an Unexpected Error during test #6, using 2x256MB and so far so good.

LOL - that's not the cause of the UEs in T2!

Heh - the engine is just terribly, terribly coded. I know of noone who doesn't at least get the occasional UE, even with the latest patch.

Granted, it's much, MUCH less often than the initial release, but it's still just a 'fact of life' of trying to run T2.
A few servers I try once in awhile are AC Ahriman Corps, Icon East NYC, and [KY] Backwoods Classic.
Are those still up?

I'll have to look for them.

Anyone here host servers?
Holy 7 month old thread dude.... Tribes is dead, Long Live Tribes.... (in all its incarnations, all equally as fun)
19 month, actually. I didn't even know threads were kept on here for that long.
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