Transfering from windows Xp to windows 96 through parallel port


Limp Gawd
Oct 1, 2003
I have a Windows 95 tablet that I need to transfer a few megs of files to. Problem is, it has no floppy, cdrom, or network cable (the 95 machine that is).

I know there is a way to transfer through parallel port and serial port. I just can't figure out how to do it. If someone could point me in the correct direction that would be great.
you sure can.

Here is the way I remember it.

Insert the WinXP CD into the Win95 PC, select the option for additional tasks. There should be a file transfer wizzard. Run the wizzard and follow it's instructions. I am pretty sure there is a option to use a parrallel cable.

You stick the CD into the WinXP machine and run the wizzard again and tell it that your connecting thru the parrallel port and it will sync with the wizzard on the other machine and move the files over.

I have used this with transfering from PC to PC over a network, and transfering to a file. But I do remember that there is an option for parallel cable transfer.

Another good ole' way to do it is with a application called LapLink. This is from the wayback days, but I do think they made a Windows version.
Nate53085 said:
no go, no floppy/cd rom drives on the 95 tablet

How are you supposed to get your data from the tablet off of it or install new software?
extract the hard drive and get a 2.5" to 3.5" ide converter, mount in regular desktop computer, wala :)
I just don't understand why such a device exists that has a full blown OS without any writable media.... got any links to one of these relics?