Torchlight 2 coming in Spring 2011

I just looked on steam and I have 227 hours in on Torchlight 1. I have the feeling that 2 won't keep me interested as long, but here's hoping.

Incidently, I'm playing Titan's Quest for the first time now, and I am using it in the same sentence as Torchlight. :p
You haven't played the first one? You should grab it ASAP, very fun game and IMO the only non Blizzard game to capture the magic from Diablo/D2.
I must still think it's 2011 because I saw the title and got all excited for it to be released this Spring. :p Now that I realize this thread is a year and a half old, it's just funny.
Since it's already resurrected. Just wanted to add, no release date yet, but another speculation is June 15th or roughly there.