Torchlight 2 coming in Spring 2011


Nov 30, 2006

Torchlight 2 coming in Spring 2011 with Co-OP. I know I for one am excited. Not only did they add co-op but they added another class and a new UI.


The most exciting new feature of Torchlight II is the multiplayer element. Play with your friends, and use the free peer-to-peer matchmaking service to meet new players of a similar level and interest. Together players will discover expansive randomized outdoor areas and deep ominous caverns; random instanced and persistent dungeons, a huge variety of all new monsters and villains, endless variations of loot to find, and quests to complete. Players journey through the perilous Overworld, enjoying all new weather features, time of day events, and a rich and cunning story to drive gameplay.


* Multi-player – Play with your friends over a local area network, or over the Internet. A free matchmaking peer-to-peer service lets you make new friends for exciting co-op play.
* Customizable Characters – Players create and customize a character from one of four classes available and choose an animal companion. Through cosmetic, class, and gender choices, skill path decisions, and the treasures they acquire, each character can be custom-tailored to each player’s needs.
* Moddability – Torchlight II will release with an updated version of TorchEd, the Torchlight editor. Players have the option to create their own mods, adding even more content to the world. You and your friends can download the same mod and play together!
* New User Interface – Torchlight II boasts an entirely new, improved user interface, designed to be easier than ever for new players to pick up and play. Thanks to this intuitive interface, players have immediate access to a rich and varied world, with little experience necessary.
* Overworld Areas – Torchlight II has large randomized overworld areas to explore with weather, time of day cycles, and random events that provide players with even more content to experience.
* Random Dungeons – Delve into randomly generated dungeons within the game at any time for extra experience and rare loot. Dungeons in Torchlight II have even more branching paths to explore with friends filled with random events, rewards and dangers.
* Retirement System – Once characters are sufficiently leveled up, they can “retire” and bestow specific benefits and perks onto new characters.
* Pets – Players choose a pet to accompany them. Pets level up along with the player, and help in battle, learn spells, carry items, and perform a variety of support services.
* Fishing – Fishing returns in the sequel! Players can take a break from the high-energy pace of adventuring to relax by one of the many fishing holes and see what they can catch. Fish have unique benefits for the player and pet, while a number of other rewards can also be discovered.

PCGamer First Look Interview - 8/4/10

Runic Games Fansite Wiki on Torchlight 2
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Awesome, although that's right around the time when the new Dragon Age will come out... and only 1 new character class? Did they get rid of the easy to way to dupe stuff yet? I probably wont get it if just the same game with multiplayer, especailly since the economy would be ruined by dupes..
I played Torchlight for like 30 seconds...Created my character, and walked like 10 feet and got out because of some reason and haven't tried it again...I really need to lol
Awesome, although that's right around the time when the new Dragon Age will come out... and only 1 new character class? Did they get rid of the easy to way to dupe stuff yet? I probably wont get it if just the same game with multiplayer, especailly since the economy would be ruined by dupes..

They don't specifically say only 1 new class so I am thinking it is 4 new classes since they mention Destroyer and Alchemist in the brief story section. Some things liking duping may be changed since this will have LAN and online play now. Since the first one was single player it didn't matter if you duped since it only affected you.
Modding and MP definitely make me more interested. Torchlight 1 just wasnt neato enough Sp for me to truly enjoy the potential.

At last they are listening to their fans... have they ditch their torchlight mmo?
Awesome, although that's right around the time when the new Dragon Age will come out... and only 1 new character class? Did they get rid of the easy to way to dupe stuff yet? I probably wont get it if just the same game with multiplayer, especailly since the economy would be ruined by dupes..

I wouldn't play this game hoping for any kind of economy even if they "fixed" some kind of duping bug. I'm 99% sure they aren't going to be using any kind of centrally-stored characters like Closed did/does, so people will be able to just use editors etc to make whatever they want if they care that much. It's more going to be about playing with people you know I would think. I hope that the modding picks up again/more, I think the main thing holding it back has been the lack of multiplayer. Making mods for single-player is only fun for so long with a game like this.
Time of day = outdoors environment, right? Which will be great for the game IMO

The first torchlight is fun, but IMO it lacks in variety when it comes to the environment. They may look a little different in different levels, but its still this long underground world. Its like playing in dungeons only. After awhile everything looks the same...

Anyway looking forward to this
If / when diablo 3 removes LAN it also removes me from one of its buyers.

I'll be picking this up for some LAN action.
Someone used a PNG where they should have used JPEG. Odd, it's usually the other way around in Wrongness.
Next Spring will see insane game releases. SW:ToR...Dungeon Sleep ]l[...and now Torchlight II.
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
This is awesome news and all, but everyone will be playing Diablo 3 beta in spring 2011.
OMG I in love now. BUT WHY SO LONG a wait???? Shoot the community has done half the work for them already. The would have been better off releasing it the same time they did torchlight.

On the other hand anyone remember mythos? If it werent a korean knock off i would be get it when it does come out.
Multiplayer over LAN? Companies dont make games like that anymore...thats just crazy.
Love Torchlight. Nice little Mindless hack and slash that's just fun. 2 sounds even better.
I added a link to the first post for the first look posted today on PCgamer. They have some good info and address some of the questions like new classes.
Awesome ... I still play this game from time to time. I have 3 characters on the go, one of each class.
Heh I was going to come in here and say "No multiplayer/coop = no buy". Guess this means you can sign me for buying this game!
Great news! Loved the first one, and now that I'll be able to go through dungeons with friends it will definitely complete the experience. 2011 is going to be a hell of a year for PC gaming.
Yeah, they're making a sequel to the most mediocre game I've played in the past 5 years - okay.
Yeah, they're making a sequel to the most mediocre game I've played in the past 5 years - okay.

Very true, but its the only game of this type since like titans quest. So mediocre or not it helps fill the hole in this genre.
Please don't mention Titan Quest and Torchlight in the same sentence.

Titan Quest was a game made by gamers for gamers. Torchlight was a cash cow, deliberately designed to push the mediocrity button. As we all know from the movie business, there's a market for crap. The designers of Torchlight new exactly what they were doing when they designed this festering turd.

It reminds me of something Roger Ebert once said. The neighbor's had sent their kid over to Ebert's house to enquire about the movie 'Fargo'.

Ebert said to the kid: 'Go see it, it's the best movie of the year.' And the kid said, yeah, that's what we were afraid of... thanks, we'll go see something else.

Torchlight is so obviously not in the same class as Mass Effect 2, or Assassin's Creed 2, or Dragon Age, and yet there's a certain percentage of the populace that wants mediocrity. These people will happily play Torchlight and then slam a game like Mass Effect 2.

And I'm sorry, but, no, I don't think that Torchlight is much of a gift to the world.
I was disappointed by Mass Effect 2 which I just finished on PC. I felt they really cheapened the game from ME1 that I enjoyed. It's a matter of taste.

What you consider mediocrity might be brilliance in its simplicity to someone else. I've never played Torchlight, but that kind of generalizing attitude about something that is undeniably a matter of taste is ridiculous. Game reviews are a guide but calling it a "festering turd" when there are obviously a bunch of people here who enjoy it is just flat out pretentious. It makes you look as uncultured as the people you're trying to laud over with your supposedly superior tastes creeping around in the undertones of your post.
Please don't mention Titan Quest and Torchlight in the same sentence.

Titan Quest was a game made by gamers for gamers. Torchlight was a cash cow, deliberately designed to push the mediocrity button. As we all know from the movie business, there's a market for crap. The designers of Torchlight new exactly what they were doing when they designed this festering turd.

It reminds me of something Roger Ebert once said. The neighbor's had sent their kid over to Ebert's house to enquire about the movie 'Fargo'.

Ebert said to the kid: 'Go see it, it's the best movie of the year.' And the kid said, yeah, that's what we were afraid of... thanks, we'll go see something else.

Torchlight is so obviously not in the same class as Mass Effect 2, or Assassin's Creed 2, or Dragon Age, and yet there's a certain percentage of the populace that wants mediocrity. These people will happily play Torchlight and then slam a game like Mass Effect 2.

And I'm sorry, but, no, I don't think that Torchlight is much of a gift to the world.

I paid 4 bucks for it on Steam. Hit detection and movement was quite a bit better than Titans Quest. Other than that, it was a short game that I probably wont replay unless I run out of things to do.
Please don't mention Titan Quest and Torchlight in the same sentence.

Titan Quest was a game made by gamers for gamers. Torchlight was a cash cow, deliberately designed to push the mediocrity button. As we all know from the movie business, there's a market for crap. The designers of Torchlight new exactly what they were doing when they designed this festering turd.

It reminds me of something Roger Ebert once said. The neighbor's had sent their kid over to Ebert's house to enquire about the movie 'Fargo'.

Ebert said to the kid: 'Go see it, it's the best movie of the year.' And the kid said, yeah, that's what we were afraid of... thanks, we'll go see something else.

Torchlight is so obviously not in the same class as Mass Effect 2, or Assassin's Creed 2, or Dragon Age, and yet there's a certain percentage of the populace that wants mediocrity. These people will happily play Torchlight and then slam a game like Mass Effect 2.

And I'm sorry, but, no, I don't think that Torchlight is much of a gift to the world.

Titan Quest and Torchlight now together in the same sentence!

I get your point as melodramatic as it is, except your wrong in your analogy to movies, Torchlight knows it’s mediocre and prices/markets itself as such where as watching Transformers will cost you the same as There will be blood, or what ever your elitist taste finds to be elite.

Also this if for TL2 which for all you know is the greatest game of all time.
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