Top LCD: Apple 30" Cinema Display or Westinghouse 37" LCD-TV ?

SixFootDuo said:
Just got hit up the AV Forums. Mostly adults over there, read what they have to say and trust me, they get deep in discussion about everything.

The last thing I would ever do is "take pictures" and get into debates with teens and college guys .... hahhahahahhahah that's not how you go about this sorta thing

Anyways, yeah .... Awesome picture. Mind blowing.

No doubt, I've learned that the hard forums have about an even ratio of intelligent hardware / car enthusiasts, to those who hang out and flame anything that they either can't afford, or simply own a product of a competing company

( p.s. Apple monitor sucks Westinhouse FTW )

( p.p.s. I hope you know I'm kidding about the p.s. this is just for the slightly dunce )
SixFootDuo said:
You should see Fear on this thing, several other games ... MY GOD ... people do not know what they are talking about.

Sure the dot pitch is a little bigger, but so is the damn LCD, its pixel perfect.

Exactly :)
Happy Hopping said:
For God's sake, this is not a lawyer conference. Blur, Pixelate, Bad for your eyes, what's the difference.

The pt. is, the res. is too low for a 37". That's what everyone is trying to say. If 37" works, don't you think everyone will just to buy the 37" and noone would be buying the 24" dell or 30" apple.


I consider a blurry lcd when it has poor sync to an analog signal. Pixelated when you see the individual elements. With a blurry LCD you can't do anything much to it if there are no manual adjust controls or they don't work properly. If the pixelation ain't too bad you could use stronger antialiasing/cleartype to make it look somewhat better
Perhaps this has already been mentioned, but there are two Widesceen aspect ratios.

HDTV’s use the 16:9 aspect ratio, with resolutions such as 1280x720, 1920x1080, etc
Most widescreen LCD’s use the 16:10 aspect ratio, with resolutions such as 1280x800, 1680x1050, 1900x1200.

Just given that fact, I would guess that more games would have support for 16:10 resolutions than 16:9 resolutions.

But hey, just think of how many people use 17" and 19" LCD's with a native res of 1280x1024, blissfully unaware that it is a 5:4 ratio whereas all other non-widescreen monitors use 4:3 (which would come out to 1280x960).
we werent really discussing the ratios, merely the blurriness/pixilatedness of the monitors based on the resolutions. the Westinghouse is larger than the apple, and with a lower resolution, so, most of us draw the conclusion that the westinghouse is a blurrier/more pixilated screen, because the pixils will have to be much larger to cover the screen, or the dot pitch will have to be greater.

(btw... is pixilatedness a word? lol)
I just got my westinghouse 37 on Saturday and it is awesome!! I too was unsure about getting the apple or this and I am so glad I picked this. My friend has two 30" apples and guess what he plans to buy in a month after seeing my setup?

All in all there are some things that the apple is better at from my comparisons but overall the westinghouse is the better for gaming. It is a completely unique gaming experience that is in a league of its own. For the price you cannot beat this monitor period. The westinghouse is the next level beyond the dell 2405. It scales very well too as I was playing dungeon siege II yesterday and there are no high res options in that game.
Barrack said:
I just got my westinghouse 37 on Saturday and it is awesome!! I too was unsure about getting the apple or this and I am so glad I picked this. My friend has two 30" apples and guess what he plans to buy in a month after seeing my setup?

All in all there are some things that the apple is better at from my comparisons but overall the westinghouse is the better for gaming. It is a completely unique gaming experience that is in a league of its own. For the price you cannot beat this monitor period. The westinghouse is the next level beyond the dell 2405. It scales very well too as I was playing dungeon siege II yesterday and there are no high res options in that game.

Hell yeah. This monitor is the sickest piece of gaming equipment you can buy right now. Sicker than a pair of 512 GTXes on phase!
Seriously considering buying one of these. Would help if you could answer this though. Do you notice any studdering or choppiness when the frame rate goes below 40 on FPS games @1280 X1024 or greater.. If you could test that out on FEAR or Quake 4 with only 1 of your GTX's it would give me some insight.

Huggles said:
Hell yeah. This monitor is the sickest piece of gaming equipment you can buy right now. Sicker than a pair of 512 GTXes on phase!
yes honestly the people who speculate that the monitor will be blurry, please go to a store and try it out for yourself. its like saying, yeah that stupid honda s2000 has got to be slow. i mean look at is its running a 2.2 inline 4 how powerful can it be? people forget that honda is all about efficiency. they made a 2.2 inline 4 output 240 horses in a very light body. the samething as the lotus elise.

so just because the resolution is smaller and the screen is bigger, don't assume its gonna be uber blurry.''

also people, PLEASE JOIN THE CLUB!!!!
I am not assuming it is going to be blurry. Right now I have a 27 inch syntax olevia and it is beautiful so long as frame rates stay above 40. Below that it is distracting. Having said that I either need an extra video card (SLI) to keep those frames above 40 or a new monitor that can perform well enough to look clean at the lower frame rates (I could be wrong in this and no monitor would look good at 30-35 fps). Still trying to figure out before I waste money.

Xeero said:
yes honestly the people who speculate that the monitor will be blurry, please go to a store and try it out for yourself. its like saying, yeah that stupid honda s2000 has got to be slow. i mean look at is its running a 2.2 inline 4 how powerful can it be? people forget that honda is all about efficiency. they made a 2.2 inline 4 output 240 horses in a very light body. the samething as the lotus elise.

so just because the resolution is smaller and the screen is bigger, don't assume its gonna be uber blurry.''

also people, PLEASE JOIN THE CLUB!!!!
I just picked up an open box 37 inch Westy from BestBuy. So far, its fabulous as a monitor! World of Warcraft runs awesomely at 1920x1080, with all the goodies turned on using the box in my sig. Warcraft 3 for some reason doesn't give me the option to turn to 1920x1080, but 1280x1024 looks pretty good. Steam has been locking up recently so Valve game tests as of yet. When I reinstall BF2, I'll give that a go. DivX files look great, even when they're stretched from 640x480.

The only problems I've seen thus far is using it as the connection to my PS2. Using an SVideo cable, it doesn't look all that great and for some reason I can't enable Progressive scan. Maybe I need component for this?
hmm.. maybe the best buy in Portland, ME has one... Ill have to check tomorrow while im down there dropping off my friend to the bus station. If you guys are telling the truth, that monitor would be great for my gaming computer when its done.
yeah current gen consoles wont look good on a huge lcd. heck even 2405 doesn't look that great when connected to consoles. I'd wait until you get ur hands on a 360 and try it out
now why would i want to do that? I hate consoles with a passion, I have never owned one, not once, nor will i ever. I like computers thank you very much, im looking at the Westinghouse for a computer monitor, not for a TV
Just got back from Fry's and they had the Apple 30" Cinema Display :eek: I think I left a puddle of drool there :)
Does Fry's open credt accounts ? I would love to get that 30" Display :cool: You must go there and see it with your own eyes, just a work of art and very crisp/clean image.
yeah i've seen the apple 30 in person, numerous times. yes it is very sweet. but no i will not spend more money for 30in when i can get 37in for less. the higher resolution isn't that big of a deal to me.
I have been following this thread for a couple of days. I have been PC gaming on my gateway crt 21 inch since 98 and really want something bigger. I am also not a kid, im a33 year old teacher. I followed the advise of one of the above posts and went to best buy to see the westinghouse. All they had was the 32 inch which is lower resolution. I had them hook up a laptop to it(made the sales girl nuts) to see whats what. It was a new laptop, no HL 2 to try, but at least i saw the desktop. It was not clear at all.. the type below the icons was definatly blurry. Not crisp like the laptop's monitor. Maybe a game would look much better, but the text looked like crap on this model. I have tried hooking up my comp to my 32 inch crt tv and the desktop looked even worse but FEAR looked pretty good on it, so maybe text always suffers but video and games would be fine.. I am not sure. I was also looking at and they reccomended a panasonic 50 inch plasma as "ultimate" pc setup so I am getting more and more confused!!! Just my 2 cents.. :confused:
I saw the 37" at bestbuy today. I didnt think it looked all that crisp, even as a TV, the picture seemed like it was a bit blurry. I didnt get the chance to see it hooked up to a computer, but i doubt the monitor looks any better.
RaphaelVinceti said:
I saw the 37" at bestbuy today. I didnt think it looked all that crisp, even as a TV, the picture seemed like it was a bit blurry. I didnt get the chance to see it hooked up to a computer, but i doubt the monitor looks any better.

You really should try to get them to allow you to hook up the monitor to say a portable DVD player or a laptop computer as when they have a 100 tv's running from the same source you won't get the best viewing experience, especially if they don't use a high def source like a satelite receiver. I know some stores do have their higher end tv's hooked up to a separate satellite or cable receiver so see if you have any other local stores showing that tv.
im going to bring my laptop down with me next time i go.. though.. its only VGA.. but i would get a good look at it.
RaphaelVinceti said:
im going to bring my laptop down with me next time i go.. though.. its only VGA.. but i would get a good look at it.

If you can push 1920x1080 on it, you should have at least a descent comparison of the quality, moreso than their own inputs
goleith said:
see the westinghouse. All they had was the 32 inch which is lower resolution. I had them hook up a laptop to it(made the sales girl nuts) to see whats what. It was a new laptop, no HL 2 to try, but at least i saw the desktop. It was not clear at all.. the type below the icons was definatly blurry. Not crisp like the laptop's monitor. Maybe a game would look much better, but the text looked like crap on this model. :

that's my pt. exactly. Knowing it is blur on a 32", can you imagine how bad it will be on a 37"?

If that LCD TV is solely for gaming, and the games has resolution such as 1280x1024, that's fine. Because even the LCD Tv has a higher res., the games won't be using them.

But a screen like that is long term investment, as they don't fail. So what happen if tomorrow gaming uses higher res., how blur will that be?

I need some 30" mostly for 2D graph, word profect, email and internet and some gaming, so the text can't be blur.
Happy Hopping said:
that's my pt. exactly. Knowing it is blur on a 32", can you imagine how bad it will be on a 37"?

If that LCD TV is solely for gaming, and the games has resolution such as 1280x1024, that's fine. Because even the LCD Tv has a higher res., the games won't be using them.

But a screen like that is long term investment, as they don't fail. So what happen if tomorrow gaming uses higher res., how blur will that be?

I need some 30" mostly for 2D graph, word profect, email and internet and some gaming, so the text can't be blur.

Actually, the 32" monitor is only 1366x768 resolution, which would make its pixels larger than those on the 37" monitor. :rolleyes: Nice try though. Additionally, it was probably hooked up to a low resolution source (like a DVD or standard definition TV) and run through a cheap splitter on crappy wire, which would easily introduce ghost images, snow, and force the TV to scale the image since it's not running at its native resolution. You cannot simply look at the Apple on DVI and then the Westinghouse on a 320x240 OTA content and say, "Gee, the Westinghouse might look better on DVI but I doubt it." It's a HUGE difference.

Look, 1920x1080 is still a really high resolution. Let's not forget that a lot of 60 and 70" screens out there (heck, most projectors are at 1280x720 as well) have a lower resolution, and people are fine with them. Considering, that you'll have to sit a little farther back from the monitor anyway in order to simply see everything on it, the resolution will not be an issue.

Your argument on gaming really doesn't make any sense. Yes, games will support higher resolutions but they're not going to abandon lower resolutions. Games still support 640x480 and 800x600! It's going to be a long while before 1920 is phased out. Furthermore, the hardware requirements on games continues to rise...look at newer games like FEAR. Unless you're willing to sink $1000 into video cards every 6 months, you're not going to be doing much gaming at 2560x1600, if it can even be done across the board right now.

On the gaming track, why don't we take a look at some other factors that affect gaming? Given that games seem to be making increasing use of shadows and darker areas, do you really want a monitor with a 400:1 contrast ratio? You'll get deeper blacks, better colors, and be able to better distinguish objects with the Westinghouse. And on the subject of "blur", let's talk response time. You will be getting less motion blur on the Westinghouse, and therefore will be able to see better. You can't hit what you can't see...

Now, it's your choice to go with the Apple, but you'd be stupid to completely ignore the Westinghouse, especially for a non-issue like "blur".
I recieved my 37" Westinghouse today.

Hooked up via DVI and Windows Desktop is just .. perfect. Razor sharp.

World of Warcraft, Molten Core is awesome. Hope Golemagg drops my Breast Plate of Might Thurs night :)

I will take some pictures soon and post them.
yeah, for some reason people fail to believe the sharpness on dvi is comparable to the 2405fpw

for doubters, please try out the dvi1 connection if you can and then comment on it. don't go around speculating that its gonna be blurry if you haven't tried it yourself
The other 37" 1080p lcd is the Sceptre from Costco. Mine is being delivered as I type this. The Sceptre have the ATSC tuner built-in and a response time of 8ms, so that worked out great for me. Gaming at 1920x1080p and watching the NFL on HD :cool: What can be better? two Dell 20.1" LCDs will be in the F/S section soon, if anyone interested.
nice, do you think its possible that the sceptere and the westing use the same panel?

judging from the specs, they like suprisingly similiar
Xeero said:
nice, do you think its possible that the sceptere and the westing use the same panel?

judging from the specs, they like suprisingly similiar

I have no idea. I ordered the Sceptre based on the reviews over at avsforum. I chose Sceptre because it have the built-in ATSC tuner, 8ms response time, and HDMI input. I saw the Westy at BB, and I thought it looked great. If the Sceptre have the same kind of output, I will be very happy.
I really hate UPS!! They said they tried to deliver my Sceptre and no one was home. That's just BS!! :mad: my mom and my wife, along with the kids are at home all day. Now I have to drive to their hold station to pick it up. They did the same thing the last time I used them for my motherboard.
Hooked up the Sceptre 37" last night after having to go get it at the UPS holding station. PC to the unit via DVI-HDMI cable and it sync'd up perfectly on DVI mode. HDMI and HDCP mode was a mess and can not be used for hooking a PC this way. Looks like I got the Revision 2 unit and have the same DVI stutter bug like everyone else. Fired up the Pioneer HD Demo and the PQ was fantastic, but the stutter was killing me. Sent an email to Sceptre Tech Support already and awaits their reply. I really hopes this can be fixed and fast, otherwise, it is going back to Costco.