Top 5 Nintendo 64 games

1. Goldeneye
2. Super Smash Bros
3. Zelda
4. Paper Mario
3. Mario 64
1) Mario Kart 64
2) Ocarina of Time
3) Goldeneye
4) Mario 64
5) Rogue Squadron
Top 5?

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mario 64
Mario Kart
Smash Bro's
Perfect Dark
Zelda: OOT
Super Mario 64
Shadows of the Empire
Zelda: OOT
Zelda: MM
Super Smash Bros.
Mario Kart 64

(not in that order)
I'd have to agree with most people here...

Zelda:Majora's Mask
Super Smash Brothers
Mario 64

This thread definitely demonstrates how popular all of the first-party titles are compared to the rest, at least as n64 goes.
In no order...

Zelda: OoT
Mischief Makers
Perfect Dark
Mario Tennis
Conker's Bad Fur Day

edit: I'm not really a big fan of the N64. Never particularly cared for the controller, the graphics or the library. I mean it had some good games but I would take a SNES over an N64 any day.
Another echo from me:

1) Zelda: OoT
2) Mario 64
3) Mario Kart 64
4) Goldeneye
5) Many of the Rare games could fall into the last spot. Banjo-Kazooie hits my mind first, though Blast Corps, as hard as it was, and limited scope, I really enjoyed it a lot.
Mario 64
Mario Kart
Super Smash Brothers
Star Wars: Episode 1 Racer
I'm surprised at the lack of love for Perfect Dark. In no order:

Mario 64
Zelda OoT
Super Smash Brothers
Perfect Dark
Mario Kart/Mario Tennis
Never owned an N64, but played it at my friend's house when I was younger, the only game I ever really liked (and I liked it a lot) was Goldeneye.
aznpxdd said:
I'm surprised at the lack of love for Perfect Dark. In no order:

That would have been in my top 10, along with Rogue Squadron, Sin and Punishment (import), Mario Kart, and StarFox 64 since it was the first to use the RumblePak.
1. Golden Eye
2. Super Smash Bros.
3. Ocarina of Time
4. Mario Kart
5. Perfect Dark

In that order. Honorable mentions to Mario 64 and Mario Tennis.
In no particular order:

1) Goldeneye 007
2) Super Smash Bros.
3) Super Mario 64
4) Mario Kart 64
5) WCW/nWo Revenge

To be honest, it's hard to choose just 5 games. There were so many games on the N64 that were amazing.
Mario Kart 64.

There are others, but I wouldn't put any of the others in the same league as MK64 personally.
I've probably put in 1000+ hours into a half dozen games ever, and MK64's one of them.
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mario Party (any of them)
Mario Tennis
Madden 64
1. Perfect Dark or GoldenEye
2. Perfect Dark or GoldenEye
3. Mario 64
4. Smash Brothers
5. Go Kart
Goldeneye - Because of Multi-Player mostly, but great single also.
Mario 64 - Still amazed at how good this was
Zelda OOT - Best Zelda game made to date...close 2nd is SNES "A Link to the Past"
Maria Kart - Even though the SNES version was better
Smash Bros
Of course Super Smash Bros, Mario 64, and Goldeneye are the top 3.....

but Pilotwings 64 was one of my favorite N64 games ever! It was a launch title but it still had my entertained for hours on end.

Star Fox 64 still remains one of the best console multi-player games ever, imo. So many fun times playing 4 player deathmatch, staying on foot trying to take down friends using the tank or plane.

Close runner-up would be Bomberman 64 as well. Another great multiplayer game.

I never could get into the Zelda games on N64, as most of my time was spent playing multiplayer games. That's why Zelda is off my list.
Pokemon Puzzle League (FFS, it's Tetris Attack but with pokemon colors)
Ocarina of Time
Mario 64
Mario Kart
WCW wrestling game
Zelda : OoT
Mario Kart
Mario 64

Now that you started this mess OP, how about tallying up votes for the top 5 and making a list in your first post? :)
1. Goldeneye
2. Zelda: OOT
3. Mario 64
4. Mario Cart 64
5. Zelda: MM

Honorable mention to Starfox.
im surprised there is not more conker...

i just bought conker out of ebay last week and im curently playing it ... very very fun game

top 5 in order from 5 to 1

5- perfect dark
4- golden eye (duh?)
3- conker bad fur day!
2- zelda OOT
1- mario tennis ... this title is a real sleeper... better than the gamecube one
kabob983 said:
Top 5?

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Mario 64
Mario Kart
Smash Bro's

hmm.. basically

Paper Mario and Mario Party were fun too. So was that RARE game Banjo and Kazooie, when that first came out thought it was amazing.
1) Smash Brothers, reinnovated the fighting genre.

2) StarFox 64, Awsome game, first game with rumble and it also introduced many new features, speach, well thought out battles, and tight controlls.

3) Paper Mario, Although it was at the end of the N64's lifespan and took me only 25 hours to beat it was a very fun game with a nice story, good charactures and a nice variety of levels.

4) Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Nice long game that brought a lot of new things to the table.

5) Goldeneye 007, First console game to do shooting right in my opinion.

Other games I think deserve a spot but couldn't give over the first 5.

Mario 64
Mario Kart
Perfect Dark
Jet Force Gemini
Bomberman 64
Rayman 2: The Great Escape

Ocarina of Time
Majoras Mask

Then we have Perfect Dark, Starfox, and some others..
Anyone played 'Sin and Punishment'?
Its a Treasure game for n64. Japan only release though.

I hear the game is greatness, but I've never actually seen so much as one screen shot.

dont mean to hijack the thread, back on topic...

1.Zelda Oot
2.Starfox 64
3.F Zero X
4.Resident Evil 2
5.Mario 64
Top 5 games for N64 in order

Mario 64
Zelda: Ocarina of Time
WWF: No Mercy