Top 5 Nintendo 64 games

KidzMD said:
Mario Kart


Ocarina of Time

Paper Mario

Superman 64

Are you serious about that last one...please tell me you are not serious. That game was voted second worst game EVER, behind ET on the 2600. I just can't believe someone with your taste (your first 4 picks are excellent) could pick such a brown bomber to round out your top 5. :confused: :eek: :D
hardwarephreak said:
Are you serious about that last one...please tell me you are not serious. That game was voted second worst game EVER, behind ET on the 2600. I just can't believe someone with your taste (your first 4 picks are excellent) could pick such a brown bomber to round out your top 5. :confused: :eek: :D
Had to see if someone got the joke...
Legend of Zelda: OoT
Perfect Dark
Super Smash Bros.
Conkers Bad Fur Day!
Starcraft 64

Honorable Mention Goes too... drum roll.. Mario Kart 64 and San Fransisco Rush 2049
KidzMD said:
Had to see if someone got the joke...

Like I said, you couldn't possibly pick that with your first four picks being what they were. I had to call you out on that one...I actually ignored what everyone else posted after yours, just scanning the posts to see if they caught you on that, and when no one did...I had to start typing. :D
1. Ocarina of Time
2. Perfect Dark
3. Goldeneye
4. Majora's Mask
5. Super Smash Bros

1. Zelda:OoT
2. Zelda:MM
3. GoldenEye
4. Banjo Kazooie
5. Turok 2
Zelda: OoT

One of the only games to get a perfect 10.0 at gamespot. Just a fucking awesome game. :)

Pilotwings 64
Perfect Dark
Mario Kart 64

Honorable mention to Diddy Kong Racing... awesomely fun game!
In no particular order:

Perfect Dark
Starfox 64
Super Mario 64
Legend of Zelda OOT
Honorable Mention: Majora's Mask, and Banjo Kazooie

Lotsa others to, just can't think of em right now. But those are hands down my top 5.
In no order:

Diddy Kong Racing
Mario Party
Mario Kart 64
Goldeneye (Then.. now when i play it im disgusted at how terrible the aiming is)
Zelda: OOT
Killdozer said:
Pokemon Puzzle League (FFS, it's Tetris Attack but with pokemon colors)

I'm surprised Pokemon Puzzle got listed this late in the list and only by you Killdozer, that game absolutely kicks ass. I keep my 64 hooked up just to play that game with my wife.
1. Ocarina of Time
2. Super Smash bros
3. Golden Eye
4. Quest 64 :D
5. Starfox (multiplayer sucked though)