Top 25 PC games by IGN

I remember wasting many hours on MW2 :D I hope they don't put Halo PC as #1 or something. Though I can see it now, it will probably be WoW, or it will be very close :rolleyes:
Agreed UT2004 should be in the top 10, best online FPS IMO

UT maybe, but UT2k4 really wasnt anything special. Not saying its not an awesome game, but as far as influence, etc, it deserves its placing. Top 25 is no small feat.
UT04 was waaaaaaaay better than UT99. For one, it didn't look like cardboard. For two, it had drivable vehicles and ONSLAUGHT!
UT04 was waaaaaaaay better than UT99. For one, it didn't look like cardboard. For two, it had drivable vehicles and ONSLAUGHT!

Considering what's been happening with Epic, I have a hard time praising one of their games, but I have to say Onslaught mode in UT2004 was and still is, loads and loads of fun. The rest of the game brings little to nothing new.
UT04 was waaaaaaaay better than UT99. For one, it didn't look like cardboard. For two, it had drivable vehicles and ONSLAUGHT!

I don't think graphics are going to hold much weight in the judging of the top 25 games of all time. Besides, UT99 had good graphics for it's time. I do agree that Onslaught rocks though :cool:
Agreed UT2004 should be in the top 10, best online FPS IMO

In my opinion CS is the best available online FPS, but I'm not sure if 1.6 would qualify for that list because of its origins as a mod. Source on the other hand is still rubbish...
It will be interesting and telltale to see whether they include Oblivion or Morrowind in the top 25. Morrowind is widely considered to be the better, more in-depth, more hardcore of the two, but everybody seemed to love Oblivion and it just soaked up critical acclaim. We will have to see.
In my opinion CS is the best available online FPS, but I'm not sure if 1.6 would qualify for that list because of its origins as a mod. Source on the other hand is still rubbish...
CS is a great game too but its too slow for my taste compare to UT
CS is a great game too but its too slow for my taste compare to UT

Yeah, they are a different style, but I think the amount of teamplay involved in competitive CS is unparalleled. You just don't see scrim gameplay that complex anymore.
My guess is that Half Life 1 will probably be #1. I like these "top25" game lists because I like the trip down memory lane, but in the end the games on the list are pretty predictable.
Top 5:
Final Fantasy VII
Half Life 1
Unreal Tournament

(not in that order)
I'm predicting Half-Life as being somewhere in the top 3, as it usually is. CS 1.6 falls into the Half-LIfe category, the way I see it, so I'm not expecting any mods to make the list. System Shock II should make an appearance, one of the best games I've ever played. I'm sure Warcraft III or Homeworld 2 or something will make the list, maybe Everquest, but I never played any of those games to any great extent, so I can't really say that with any certainty. Another worthy candidate in my opinion would be Jedi Knight (sequel to Dark Forces), since of all the zillions of games that are in any way associated with Star Wars, it and KOTOR are by far the two best.
I think Doom 1 will

I mean it is so ground breaking that set the stage up for FPS
I find it funny how Doom always gets overlooked. Perhaps people simply cant remeber how groundbreaking it was. Rocking soundtrack, online play and just general badass gameplay that was all revolutionary back in 1993.
UT2k4 took what was great about the original UT, added to it, modernized it, and had one hell of a modding community that made quality mods that could stand on their own. It wasn't revolutionary, but it took a strong title and pushed it further in the right direction.
I bet Duke Nukem 3D and Unreal are on there. Perhaps even X-Wing. Wow, this is a serious trip down memory lane. Fun times growing up as a PC gamer.
Let's see how long their memory is.

A few groundbreaking games from the that need consideration:

Civilization: Probably the first hugely successful strategy game in a format that still works today, this juggernaut can still entertain nearly two decades after its release.

Dune 2: The predecessor to Command & Conquer that established the format of the RTS genre. C&C refined the interface of this game and introduced more varied factions, but Dune 2 was in itself a solid and engaging game with an interesting storyline.

Command & Conquer: C&C set the standard for RTS for years. Its different-but-balanced factions meant brute force was not always the best approach and opened the door for much more strategy.

WarCraft II: Not to be an also-ran, Blizzard made its own place in the RTS genre with

X-COM: UFO Defense: The last great turn-based squad-level strategy game, and probably the best. It

Total Annihilation: TA is the oft-overlooked game that beat StarCraft to market and quietly changed the RTS genre. It showed us that realistic combat that didn't rely on paper-rock-scissors damage models could work, that terrain effects enhance strategy.

StarCraft: Something of a fusion of ideas between WarCraft II and the C&C series, StarCraft gave us WC-style gameplay with balanced factions...and added a third faction, something that has become the standard for all RTS since.

Wolfenstein 3D: The game that introduced the world to first-person shooters.

Doom: The game that outraged Congress enough to publicize FPS.

Quake: 3D and internet play.

Half-Life: Brought us compelling storylines free of cutscenes, excellent mod support, impressive AI that did more than charge and shoot, and

Counter-Strike: Gave us something besides CTF and team deathmatch to do with our time. A *LOT* of our time.

Unreal Tournament: Never played it myself, but obviously it's still a huge favorite
UT04 was waaaaaaaay better than UT99. For one, it didn't look like cardboard. For two, it had drivable vehicles and ONSLAUGHT!

UT was original and quite revolutionary at the time, it raised the bar like no other Tournament based game, and the community helped to turn it into one of the greatest games of all time.

UT2004, as great as it is, is just an upgrade of UT, so it didn't really bring us anything totally new and revolutionary, just updated graphics and extra game modes.
Far Cry, Half Life, GTA...they better be in top 5 or else this list is bullshit. True Story.
I've gotta credit the original Diablo as a ground-breaker, especially in terms of online play. I'll never forget all those late nights on with several friends as we battled together to save Tristram from the spawn of Satan.
Half-Life 1 should be the number one game, but i have a feeling something retarded like WoW will take the spot.

Baldurs gate 2 deserves a top 5 in my opinion, but i have a feeling that this will be edged out by the more recent in our minds oblivion.
Half-Life 1 should be the number one game, but i have a feeling something retarded like WoW will take the spot.

Baldurs gate 2 deserves a top 5 in my opinion, but i have a feeling that this will be edged out by the more recent in our minds oblivion.

Did you not click the link? WoW is #17.
I'm not so much...i would put mechwarrior 2 in the top 20 but UT2k4 would easily be top 10 for me. Maybe top 5. My list would be as follows:
1: Wolfenstein 3d...this game stole my childhood
2: did this one
3. TA
4: Half Life 1
5 & 6: UT99 and UT2K4...can't decide which comes first
7: C&C TS
8: Half Life 2
9: CSS
10: C&C RA
11: SupCom
12: Quake 3 Arena
14: Oblivion
15: ATF
17: Star Wars Jedi Knight
18: Tie Fighter
19: Age of Empires II + Conquerers and Kings expansions
20: X-Com, great game just not totally my genre
21: Return to Krondor
22: BF1942...everybody says it was just more of the same but it ruled my Lan parties as much as MOHAA
23: The Neverhood...go check it out
24: Pirates
25: KOTOR II...was a great game but left a ton out
No StarCraft, WarCraft or Diablo. Your list = invalid.

WarCraft wasn't revolutionary. I'd list it only as an historically significant game, mostly as a predecessor to StarCraft's gameplay and WoW's universe. StarCraft arguably was, only because it gave us three unique factions.

Diablo was just a pretty hack-and-slash pseudo-RPG and shouldn't be on the list. It was so rife with cheaters that one was hard-pressed to find other legit players online.
Star Control 2
Baldurs Gate
Planescape: Torment
Giants: Citizen Kabuto
Command & Conquer
Master of Orion 2
Heroes of Might and Magic
Freespace 2

All these should be somewhere in the top 10