Top 25 PC games by IGN

battlefield and gta are not all that great. In fact, if battlefield is ranked above counter-strike, ill be somewhat confused.
Horse puckey. As with the discussion of UT99 vs. UT2004, Battlefield 1942 was revolutionary at the time, at least from a mainstream acceptance standpoint. Battlefield 2 is fun, but is not in the same category as 1942. Grand Theft Auto is a phenomenal series. I've played through and completed III, Vice City, and San Andreas, and I'm already psyched that the first TRAILER for the next GTA is coming out in the next few weeks. It doesn't matter that they were developed for consoles first. Fact is they are BETTER on the PC when they come out.

I don't want to damage my credibility, but here goes - I just don't get the draw of Counter Strike. I played it on a LAN once for a couple hours and that will easily last me the rest of my life.
I'm pretty happy with the list as well, nice mix of old and new games so far. Being human, I can't help but enjoy seeing some of my favorites on that list (Deus Ex, System Shock 2, Oblivion).

I'm expecting some surprises though, maybe Baldur's Gate or Pools of Radiance way up there?
Descent 1. "360, Better than DOOM."

Probably one of the most over looked games in history.
Horse puckey. As with the discussion of UT99 vs. UT2004, Battlefield 1942 was revolutionary at the time, at least from a mainstream acceptance standpoint. Battlefield 2 is fun, but is not in the same category as 1942.

I don't want to damage my credibility, but here goes - I just don't get the draw of Counter Strike. I played it on a LAN once for a couple hours and that will easily last me the rest of my life.

battlefield and counter strike are both great games, but if you take a look at the current and average monthly player counts...well the numbers should speak for themselves.

I myself used to play both avidly, they were my main two multiplayer games for along time, but eventually battlefield got boring. There is something about counter-strike that gave it that "one more round" mentality that has kept me up till 4 in the morning every day this week (spring break) that the battlefields just dont have.

I mean, they were both innovative and genre defining games when they came out, but there is something about CS that makes it so addictive to so many people so long after it came out.
i really cant believe they put up battlefield 1942 without mentionning Desert Combat... or even eve of destruction... or forgotten hope... or battlefield pirate...

what a shame...
So where is the updated list ?

There's just some text telling that 10->6 will come tomorrow, but that's more than a day ago. :confused:
Descent 1. "360, Better than DOOM."

Probably one of the most over looked games in history.

i agree with that one... i loved Descent... never knew which way was up :p but the game was a blast... it wont make the list though
So where is the updated list ?

There's just some text telling that 10->6 will come tomorrow, but that's more than a day ago. :confused:

Well, it hasn't been updated anymore than when I posted. So I'm pretty sure he was talking about the same update as me (up to Pirates!)
Well, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn @ number 7....i really hope there isn't any other RPGs left on the list, for i feel this is the best rpg ever made on any system, let alone PC.

I'm also kinda confused as to why AOE:2 is up as high at it is (well, atleast its below starcraft). The game was good and all, but i felt its rock-paper-scissors unit system was outdated and felt like the developers were lazy. Starcraft and TA and CNC all show we can do sides differently without resorting to a rock-paper-scissors system.

I gotta love that Sid Meier's Pirates! made the list, however. Love that game! :)
Well, Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn @ number 7....i really hope there isn't any other RPGs left on the list, for i feel this is the best rpg ever made on any system, let alone PC.

I'm also kinda confused as to why AOE:2 is up as high at it is (well, atleast its below starcraft). The game was good and all, but i felt its rock-paper-scissors unit system was outdated and felt like the developers were lazy. Starcraft and TA and CNC all show we can do sides differently without resorting to a rock-paper-scissors system.

I gotta love that Sid Meier's Pirates! made the list, however. Love that game! :)

I agree with u completely that Baulder's Gate II is the best rpg I've played before, just something about it completely captivated me for over 100 hours until I finished it, after It I went into Neverwinter Nights and coudn't get hardly anywhere before I lost interest, I'm hoping with Dragon Age some of the magic that was in Baulders Gate will come through.
It's nice to see Deus Ex at 20, but it deserves to be higher (top 10?). We'll have to see where in the top 15 Starcraft ends up...

I think Deus EX was too low.. In my opinion it should be top 5.

Starcraft should be in the top 3

Pirates! should be in the top 15.

I think Doom will probally be in the top 3.

I really hope Fallout 2 ranks in the top 5.

My list..

#1 Starcraft.. Name me one other game that was made almost 10 years ago that you can go to walmart today and buy,,
#2 Deus Ex.
#3 Pirates!
#4 Fallout 2
#5 Half-Life 1,2
Seeing all the high praise for Fallout made me buy it; $18 for Fallout 1 and 2. I never played either game.
Seeing all the high praise for Fallout made me buy it; $18 for Fallout 1 and 2. I never played either game.

Fallout 2 got me through my first 6 month Naval Deployment. Deus EX got me through my second..

I don't know what I would have done without it.
Fallout 2 got me through my first 6 month Naval Deployment. Deus EX got me through my second..

I don't know what I would have done without it.
Good to know. I'll send my brother Fallout 1 & 2 in my next care package. He's on Guam for 18 months. From the pics he's e-mailed, Guam looks like Vegas, so gaming might not be a priority. :p
W0000t GTA and FarCry and Prince of Persia are gonna be on to 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:
Predictions for the top 5:

Either a C&C game, TA, or Homeworld 2
Civilization or Civ 2.

X-COM is in there because it was such a huge time sink for me for about four years...and I know a lot of people who say the same thing.
Predictions for the top 5:

Either a C&C game, TA, or Homeworld 2
Civilization or Civ 2.

X-COM is in there because it was such a huge time sink for me for about four years...and I know a lot of people who say the same thing.

Sounds pretty good to me. Only thing id drop is the TA/homeworld C&C. Not that its my personal view, but the genral consensus is that starcraft is the best rts out there. (i personally think its TA, but i still dont think it would get ranked higher than SC due to public opinion)

that 4th slot, hmm, id really have a tough time filling that. Maybe something like elite? :O or maybe even the secret of monkey island?
I think Tribes 1 or 2 should be on the list. My top 5 would be

1: Tribes 2
2: Dialbo 2
3: Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
4: Oblivion or Morrowind
5: MechWarrior 2
I think Tribes 1 or 2 should be on the list. My top 5 would be

1: Tribes 2
2: Dialbo 2
3: Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
4: Oblivion or Morrowind
5: MechWarrior 2

you'd put the second tribes on the top :confused:

I thought the first was worlds better..
wow, FUCK them if Tribes or Tribes 2 dont make the list and Battlefield does. Those games defined the combined arms, infantry/vehicle combat with massive amounts of players that everyone *loves* these days, and they did it while still being fast paced FPSs for SKILLED players, none of that slow moving, random aim BS.....

and Tribes was the FIRST game to be online only, massive numbers of players, vehicle combat, massive bases, all at once! That game was a revelation!

also, Quake or Quake 3 better there too if they included shit like World of Warcraft...

edit: as was said above..... Call of Duty in the top 25??? The PC has so many thousands of games, and so many awesome, awesome the hell did call of duty make this?

I bet that this list was made for the current crop of teenagers and middle schoolers with a few "older" games thrown in there so there isn't any rioting by PC gamers who were playing the older hits. Also, if the top 5 are populated by games that are mass market or heavy sellers from big publishers, then you KNOW this is a list where a bunch of guys sat around and counted up the ad revenue they get from the respective companies and THEN make the list based on that....
Good to know. I'll send my brother Fallout 1 & 2 in my next care package. He's on Guam for 18 months. From the pics he's e-mailed, Guam looks like Vegas, so gaming might not be a priority. :p

This was in Early 1999, but I still fire it up once in a while to this day.
wow their list is kinda...odd....

rome: total war above starcraft?

tie fighter as high as it is? Sure, it was great when it came out but its been outdone in every way and nostalgia only can carry you so far.
Ok thier # 1 pick wasn't horrible.

Civ 4 should be much lower.. Top 25 for sure but not #2

Tie Fighter is fine in the top 5

Im sorry Starcraft should be #1 or 2. Period.

Forgetting Tribes was idiotic.

Rome Total was would be fine in the top 10.
Worse top 25 ever. Lots of games not included and some shouldn't be there or are to low on the list.
Predictions for the top 5:

Either a C&C game, TA, or Homeworld 2
Civilization or Civ 2.

X-COM is in there because it was such a huge time sink for me for about four years...and I know a lot of people who say the same thing.

Woohoo, I nailed their #1 spot. X-COM is one of my all-time favorites, and I *still* play it from time to time...13 years after buying it.

I'm surprised to see Civ 4 chosen over Civ 2...I just didn't like 4 all that much.

I secretly hoped Fallout would make the list, but those classic RPGs just don't get the respect they deserve in most of these articles. BG2 being pretty high up should have clued me in.

Rome: Total War was a complete surprise. I expected a more "traditional" RTS or something unique (like Homeworld) to pass up StarCraft. Oh, well...I'm just glad to see SC overtaken by one of a dozen games I prefer to it.

It crossed my mind that something relating to X-Wing might show up, but again I didn't expect it, especially this high up. But I have to agree: Tie Fighter was an incredible game.