Top 25 PC games by IGN

you have got to be kidding me..

just think of what the heck are you talking about
Starcraft is older than those games you named

as a matter of fact.. Warhammer was a ripoff of starcraft

That's like saying War of the Worlds was a ripoff of older alien invasion movies.
That's like saying War of the Worlds was a ripoff of older alien invasion movies.

I was just quoting the making those remarks..
yes I did went over line saying it was a ripoff not knowing that the warhammer was older

I was thinking the latest one since I hear most of that game

but the person making the remarks that it was a ripoff..
could he care to elaborate?

how is a ripoff.. is everything the same? the story.. the units.. their actions etc


do more constructive posts next time.. you are just spamming
Wtf .... Rome Total War? Civ 4? XCom?


What the hell there were like at least 5 other games that I thought should've made top 5 that weren't even on the list. I mean....friggin Diablo!

Diablo deserves to be in the top 5 about as much as my sphincter does.
No Diablo? No Doom OR Quake? That alone should claim this list as unworthy and untruthful.
I was just quoting the making those remarks..
yes I did went over line saying it was a ripoff not knowing that the warhammer was older

I was thinking the latest one since I hear most of that game

but the person making the remarks that it was a ripoff..
could he care to elaborate?

how is a ripoff.. is everything the same? the story.. the units.. their actions etc


do more constructive posts next time.. you are just spamming

StarCraft pays homage to a lot of scifi greats...Aliens figures prominently in their sound bites (dropship anyone?). Of course they'd probably throw in a bit of WarHammer and other such games...that doesn't necessarily make it a ripoff. At most, it's a mishmash of various scifi stories made into an original universe with a familiar-sounding storyline (quite a bit of it does have a "been here, done this" feel). But, then, that's what most of Blizzard's stuff is...taking other stories and ideas and fleshing it out into a solid and semioriginal game.
Agree very much :(

They need to make a lits like this for games since 2000...i don't even know or heard about most of the games in the list
But most of the REALLY GOOD PC games came out in the '90s. Had you played any of these games when they first came out you'd probably agree with the game selections

Personally, I think System Shock 2 and Deus Ex should have made the Top 10 on this list. And where is Thief? That game started the 'sneaker' game trend.
IGN's list blows...

Rome: Total War > StarCratft??? I THINK NOT!!!!

IGN came from back in the day... ever since then they have become nothing but sell outs... You want to get a high score on your game, better pay up $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

IGN FTL :eek:
if im not mistaken, that list is the opinion of the editors and writers for IGN is it not? I dont think their intention was for every person that read it to take their list as factual or "this is the ONLY top 25 game list that is valid".

therefore, why are so many people talking shit about IGN when all they did was produce a list of some of their favorites? so fucking what if you didnt like starcraft, thousands, THOUSANDS of people liked that game and some still do. given starcrafts popularity, are you seriously that surprised it made it on their list?

people who say that their list is biased come off to me as someone who is uneducated and enjoy throwing that comment out whenever someone disagrees with them. these are video games, you cant measure "enjoyment" on a scale therefore the odds of two human beings who grow up at different times agreeing on a list of 25 games that span the course of around 2-3 decades is 1 in millions.

take it for what it is!

Anyway, heres some that i enjoyed that didnt make THEIR list, but sure would make MINE:

Descent (someone else mentioned this awesome game)
Blood and Blood 2
Ultima 8 / 9 (i think 9 was PAGAN but 8 was the best)
Dune 2 (Harkonnen for life)

I never got much into flight sim's or racing games but i did play a few but none stick out in my head as being worth a list of "top" games for me. Hexen / Heretic were two very awesome FPS games and had awesome ideas for multiplayer like having 3 "classes" to choose from to play and each class had an "ultimate" weapon which required gathering 3 pieces to make it.
I was suprised that Freespace 2 didn't make the list. They had Tie Fighter, which was excellent no doubt, but Freespace 2 imo is the pinnacle of space combat games. It also happened to be the last one of note... :(
Warhammer a rip-off of StarCraft?


Not even close.
StarCraft still owns...

BTW StarCraft is rip-off of a lot of stuff. Theres a lot of character script (when clicking on a unit X many times) that comes from StarShip Troopers and other games. I'm sure they pulled ideas from different places to put together a master piece :)
they've got CoD and Rome: Total War on that list, but no Doom or Quake. uh, ok? Ah, well, it is IGN, after all, lol!
StarCraft still owns...

BTW StarCraft is rip-off of a lot of stuff. Theres a lot of character script (when clicking on a unit X many times) that comes from StarShip Troopers and other games. I'm sure they pulled ideas from different places to put together a master piece :)

thats true it is a master piece no matter if they got the idea from this or there
now that I remember.. like the dropships.. they come from the Movie Alien.. the first one I believe

@Technoob.. and what is your opinion again? you havent said much related to the thread. everyone is entitled to his or her opinion
you have to respect that..
I wasnt in anyway attacking you.. just advice.. but you come back with a personal attack.
just keep it cool.
thats true it is a master piece no matter if they got the idea from this or there
now that I remember.. like the dropships.. they come from the Movie Alien.. the first one I believe

@Technoob.. and what is your opinion again? you havent said much related to the thread. everyone is entitled to his or her opinion
you have to respect that..
I wasnt in anyway attacking you.. just advice.. but you come back with a personal attack.
just keep it cool.

Self important and self appointed forum police give me gas. Go cry about it.

Back on topic, there are also lists for the xbox, ps2, and gamecube, which are much better and coherent than their pc list.

Gotta be one of the worst top pc games lists of all time. Go IGN.
Seriously. They put tons of old games in it but when it came time to choose an Unreal series game they picked 2004... WTF? UT99 should have been on that list and not 04, I think almost everyone will agree.
Seriously. They put tons of old games in it but when it came time to choose an Unreal series game they picked 2004... WTF? UT99 should have been on that list and not 04, I think almost everyone will agree.

*Everyone who played 99 when it was new.

It's getting tough being an old-timer in the gaming scene. I have college-age friends who don't remember PC games prior to 2000...they don't know life before retail Counter-Strike. Think about *that*
Another game they didnt include was Mafia..

in my opinion.. is an excellent game..
it almost felt like a movie.. and the ending was just superb...
well everything was well done..
I find it funny how Descent always gets overlooked. Perhaps people simply cant remeber how groundbreaking it was. Rocking soundtrack, online play and just general badass gameplay that was all revolutionary back in 1994.

Fixed. :)
It's missing

Half life 1
Wolfenstein 3d



Terrible terrible list.

at least in the top 10, so true, the list was doing really good until it showed Rome:TW, and Civ4, wtf?

Seriously. They put tons of old games in it but when it came time to choose an Unreal series game they picked 2004... WTF? UT99 should have been on that list and not 04, I think almost everyone will agree.

while I did love UT99, I had alot more fun with UT2k4 and it did last a bit longer, so I have to say any UT (except 03) could of made the list and I would be happy.
I think it's funny to read over and over people saying HL1

They acknowledge it with HL2 and YES, HL2 was a big improvement over HL1.

I don't want to see HL1 and 2 on the list.

I think my only complaint is like everyone else is saying: Rome. Should have been swapped out with Doom.
they rewarded series more then individual games and always put the latest "chapter" on the list
This is the most diabolical "top whatever" list I've ever seen.

It seems that most people agree, maybe we can link the editors to this thread, then abush them and beat them to death with their own legs.
As with many other people, I disagree with the list, although I wouldn't agree with many of the choices people here have listed. (It's like most people haven't seen a game made before 2000).

System Shock 2 should be higher imho. I'll agree with X Com as #1.

But they're forgetting Rogue. Sure, there were no graphics. But how many games in the top 25 list can claim to have created an entire genre? You don't hear Half Life-Like Games. You don't hear World of Warcraft-Like Games. But you do hear Rogue-Like Games.
No Far Cry... I think Im giong to throw up.

I was going to ignore all the people who mentioned Far Cry in this thread, but this has to have been the tenth time I've seen it. Why the hell do you people think Far Cry is such a good game? It was good (not particularly excellent) to play until the mutants entered the story, at which point the whole game took a dive for the worse. In fact, I think half the novelty of the game was the new color scheme and great graphics (the other aspects of the game were decent too, but nothing ground-breaking). Overall, its a decent game, but top 25 of all time? what the hell? You guys need to broaden your horizons if this makes it to your list.
Hey, it's all about personal taste.. Like anything else. The point is, compared to many of those games it certainly should have made the list!
Far Cry deserves to be on that list more than COD. FC makes my top 10 list of PC FPS. But probably not top 25 of all time.

I'd like to see more old school crpg representation. Besides simulators, they were the most popular PC games before 3D tech came out. Back in the NES days, the only computer games I played were rpgs like Ultima 4 & 5.

And I'm sorry but HL2 is overrated. Top 25 yes. Top 10 no way. I think HL1 was a superior game for its time.;)
Far Cry deserves to be on that list more than COD. FC makes my top 10 list of PC FPS. But probably not top 25 of all time.

I'd like to see more old school crpg representation. Besides simulators, they were the most popular PC games before 3D tech came out. Back in the NES days, the only computer games I played were rpgs like Ultima 4 & 5.

And I'm sorry but HL2 is overrated. Top 25 yes. Top 10 no way. I think HL1 was a superior game for its time.;)

HL1 is still a superior game today. The story, the action, the tension...imo HL1 just puts it all together better. HL:S was remarkably fun.

And you're right...prior to 1992, the FPS and RTS genres weren't even recognized. And "multiplayer" meant trying to get two people at one keyboard. I think of 1992-1994 as the first golden age of gaming :)
no doom, no quake, and no diablo...yet bf2142 and oblivion are on the list?
I think the idea of a top 25 anything games list is sort of dumb. It's always going to piss certain people off and is completely subjective at this point in time.
The real problem is that they made a top 25 games of all time list without first defining the qualities that the games are judged on. Top 25 games in terms of what?
no doom, no quake, and no diablo...yet bf2142 and oblivion are on the list?

qft if you're going to have oblivion on that list, you need to put diablo somewhere ahead of it. and bf2142 isnt worthy of top 25 anything, except top 25 examples of customer exploitation in the history of the gaming industry. it takes an extrordinary amount of laziness to reskin a 2-year-old game and sell it as an original game.