Titanfall - Respawn Entertainment's first game

You guys make me sad. I feel like [H] just pisses all over everything lately.

I have to agree. While there have definitely been a lot of low quality games released which may have been given particularly little attention on the PC, I don't understand how that translates to all future games = TEH SUCK.

Why are those people in gaming if they'll judge a game before it is even released (and by that I mean shit all over it, claiming it's for console kids, etc etc)? Reading the posts on this thread before anyone even tried a beta was hilarious. It makes me feel sad for the state of the PC gaming community, and PC is the only platform I play on. I try to keep an open mind, even if it's from a developer we've seen before and weren't particularly excited about their history. Things change.
this will sound superficial, but the graphics in this game are god-awful. gameplay is one thing, but a $60 FPS title in 2014 should not have HL2-era graphics. the muddy textures are paaaaaathetic. (my apologies to HL2; it looks better than this game).
It doesn't feel like you are this badass mech.

I sort of agree with that. Being in the Titan doesn't really feel "special".

Titans do not feel that strong. There were multiple times I actually hesitated calling my titan even though it was ready because I was doing well on foot. I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the beta but I wonder if they get stronger in the full game. In the beta, if you don't know at all how to play as a Titan, you will get taken down very fast.

Exactly this. Alternatively, you call it in and just set it to follow mode rather than actually getting in.

Why are those people in gaming if they'll judge a game before it is even released (and by that I mean shit all over it, claiming it's for console kids, etc etc)? Reading the posts on this thread before anyone even tried a beta was hilarious. It makes me feel sad for the state of the PC gaming community, and PC is the only platform I play on. I try to keep an open mind, even if it's from a developer we've seen before and weren't particularly excited about their history. Things change.

Maybe...however the more recent posts are commenting on the Beta so they're valid surely?

I'm not saying it's a bad game...I'm must having a hard time seeing why it's anything special. Take out the mechs (which I would liken to a player skin at the moment) and the Z-Axis and what have you got?

It's just a boggo shooter and it doesn't feel like there's much depth. Someone said COD is a step above and, as much as I am loathed to admit it, I agree.

I hope you're happy, typing that has made me feel dirty.
I have to agree. While there have definitely been a lot of low quality games released which may have been given particularly little attention on the PC, I don't understand how that translates to all future games = TEH SUCK.

Why are those people in gaming if they'll judge a game before it is even released (and by that I mean shit all over it, claiming it's for console kids, etc etc)? Reading the posts on this thread before anyone even tried a beta was hilarious. It makes me feel sad for the state of the PC gaming community, and PC is the only platform I play on. I try to keep an open mind, even if it's from a developer we've seen before and weren't particularly excited about their history. Things change.

This is so ignorant it's not even funny. You could say 'it's just beta' back when betas used to be real betas. The original Everquest beta, for example - or the DAoC beta where entire classes were missing a month before release.

However, it's been nearly a decade since a beta, especially an OPEN beta was released and was not 8/10ths of what the final version of the game was going to be. But that does not keep this tired old excuse from rearing it's head at the lips of fanboys every time.

SimCity? It's just a beta.
Diablo 3? It's just a beta.
Vanguard? It's just a beta.
AC2? It's just a beta.
BF4? It's just a beta.
Spore? It's just a beta.
Plantedside 2? It's just a beta.
Elder Scrolls Online? It's just a beta.
Knights of the Old Republic Online? It's just a beta.
Warhammer Online? It's just a beta.

Name a SINGLE game, popular one mind you, that drastically changed for the better within a month of release in the past 5 years. And I'm not talking about some free to play or fee to play beta that is popular now. I'm talking the traditional model.
Name a SINGLE game, popular one mind you, that drastically changed for the better within a month of release in the past 5 years. And I'm not talking about some free to play or fee to play beta that is popular now. I'm talking the traditional model.

If people are judging after a beta, fine - read the comments from beforehand. I didn't say I expected the game to change dramatically from the beta, or that "just you wait, it'll be brilliant", but I think it's far too comment for people to just spout off vitriol prior to giving the game a shot or seeing any thoughtful reviews.

Funnily enough I enjoyed PS2 immensely, along with AC2 and D3 :confused:
this will sound superficial, but the graphics in this game are god-awful. gameplay is one thing, but a $60 FPS title in 2014 should not have HL2-era graphics. the muddy textures are paaaaaathetic. (my apologies to HL2; it looks better than this game).

It's a valid point. I didn't know any serious Triple A titles were still using Valve's Source Engine these days. In fact I had to look it up because it had some disappointing visuals and sure enough it all made sense. Whether it's acceptable or not, the engine is extremely dated and there is a reason why games aren't using it anymore. The game play is pretty solid so critiquing the visuals is kind of minor.

Valve may do a lot of good things, but currently game engines aren't one of them.
If people are judging after a beta, fine - read the comments from beforehand. I didn't say I expected the game to change dramatically from the beta, or that "just you wait, it'll be brilliant", but I think it's far too comment for people to just spout off vitriol prior to giving the game a shot or seeing any thoughtful reviews.

Funnily enough I enjoyed PS2 immensely, along with AC2 and D3 :confused:

I'm not saying the games on my list were not enjoyable. I am just saying they had fundamental flaws that were very visibly highlighted in their respective betas that were, for the most part, ignored entirely or for a very extensive amount of time.

I think you are seeing elevated vitriol in that there is ZERO reason to pre-order Titanfall or ANY OTHER GAME -- and people are trying to be very aggressive with the short comings to try and prevent EA from getting a big payday for releasing half finished product, and product that is short of what it should be for the $60 price point. Wait on the REAL reviews.
Titans do not feel that strong. There were multiple times I actually hesitated calling my titan even though it was ready because I was doing well on foot. I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the beta but I wonder if they get stronger in the full game. In the beta, if you don't know at all how to play as a Titan, you will get taken down very fast.

I disagree with this big time. Titans, and more importantly a bunch of titans can swing the battle heavily. They're very important (if played well) in terms of who has the advantage.

this will sound superficial, but the graphics in this game are god-awful. gameplay is one thing, but a $60 FPS title in 2014 should not have HL2-era graphics. the muddy textures are paaaaaathetic. (my apologies to HL2; it looks better than this game).

I said this before, and it's been posted elsewhere, that the beta graphics, especially textures do not represent the final game. They are at a lower res to keep file size down.
I disagree with this big time. Titans, and more importantly a bunch of titans can swing the battle heavily. They're very important (if played well) in terms of who has the advantage.

Well, it depends. If you have like 2+ more Titans than the other team, then yeah, you can steamroll them generally. If it's fairly even, you are just going to get Titan on Titan combat and both will end up dead or nearly dead, in most cases.

Another key point is, like you said "if played well". Not that there's a ton you can really do with Titans given the limited map space and whatnot, but dodging, use of shield, etc can help. In my experience, though, even players that seemed to be "good" with the Titan still weren't lasting the whole round or anything. Basically it just comes down to the fact that they really can't take much damage. Especially if someone jumps on top of yours. You have to jump out, playing the whole animation which wastes time, and then try to kill them before they blow up your Titan. It would be nice if there was a way to try to "shake" them off without having to disembark completely. Maybe by dodging around a bit or something.
I don't see how this is consolized by any stretch of means. The game is made to be played with a mouse and keyboard. The movement as a pilot is highly highly technical and there's no way you can have the freedom of movement and the ability to pull off whats possible with an analog stick or a controller.

You guys make me sad. I feel like [H] just pisses all over everything lately.

I'm not referring to the port itself; I actually think the implementation of the Source engine was an extremely wise choice, it scales very well and still looks decent to boot. I'm just not a fan of the game design, it's catered to the console crowd, i.e...bots to pad K/D ratio, auto-aim pistol, parkour-twitch movement, small-maps, etc...
While not ideal, I've found a way to run the game as smooth as butter and keep vsync on.
Run it in a window. I know in some games you can shift the window around so you can't see the window borders, but this one always has at least a little border on the top.
Still, it performs like vsync is off but with no tearing.
I don't see how this is consolized by any stretch of means.

Source engine, no mod support

No dedicated servers

Small maps

Limited amount of players

Shitty bots

Aim assist, even on PC

'Smart' pistols

Complete reliance on a matchmaking system

Locked to 60 FPS unless you force crappy in game Vsync

How is this NOT consolized? I spent a round yesterday evening just killing bots. I completely avoided any other players and I ended up in second place on an hard point match. Just stupid.
Valve may do a lot of good things, but currently game engines aren't one of them.
For what it is, I think Source is a pretty damn solid platform. It just isn't a bleeding-edge platform and the toolset isn't all that you'd want.

I imagine it was chosen due to its well-regarded netcode, licensing costs and Respawn's level of familiarity with Quake-descended engines.
Source engine, no mod support
Not necessary for every game.

No dedicated servers
Not really a big deal. They run on the MS cloud servers, not like console hosted or anything.

Small maps
Small-ish from what we've seen so far. That's 2 out of a possible 15, plus more with DLC or whatever. Other maps could be larger and more open, but I'm betting they will all have a heavy mix of buildings for pilots.

Limited amount of players
More of a design choice. No need to discuss further.

Shitty bots
Bots have a purpose already explained ten fold. Not discussing further.

Aim assist, even on PC
With a controller maybe, haven't noticed any with the mouse.

'Smart' pistols
Could be tweaked but honestly not as bad as you think. If you're good with them you're good with them, no joe can pick it up and dominate, guaranteed. Why do I say that? Because I've put like 20hrs into this beta and only come across a few good smart pistol players.

Complete reliance on a matchmaking system
Not a big deal. How many server based games (BF3/4 anyone?) do you run into where games are just as lopsided from time to time? I've had OK luck so far with their system.

Locked to 60 FPS unless you force crappy in game Vsync
You can fix this and get above 60, but I'm betting it's more of a beta thing that they will fix, if not already.
I've noticed that the matchmaking system doesn't seem to be based on any sort of rank balancing, just dumps you into whatever gives you the best ping, I guess. Been in games where it was like 5 Rank 14 guys versus a bunch of Rank 5s or lower.
I've noticed that the matchmaking system doesn't seem to be based on any sort of rank balancing, just dumps you into whatever gives you the best ping, I guess. Been in games where it was like 5 Rank 14 guys versus a bunch of Rank 5s or lower.

Even if the matchmaking system was great, I still want to be able to have favorite servers, or find servers with specific settings I like.
I've noticed that the matchmaking system doesn't seem to be based on any sort of rank balancing, just dumps you into whatever gives you the best ping, I guess. Been in games where it was like 5 Rank 14 guys versus a bunch of Rank 5s or lower.
When you're testing server loads and connection, you want to have as many successful connections as possible. Implementing balancing at this point would probably skew results and prevent critical mass for the still limited beta on PC. I'm sure the retail release will have rank balancing implemented like most matchmaking games. It's still not unusual to occasionally have some higher-rank players in a game with lower-ranked ones, especially when the population is low.
I think you are seeing elevated vitriol in that there is ZERO reason to pre-order Titanfall or ANY OTHER GAME -- and people are trying to be very aggressive with the short comings to try and prevent EA from getting a big payday for releasing half finished product, and product that is short of what it should be for the $60 price point. Wait on the REAL reviews.

If that's the case, why wouldn't people say "you shouldn't preorder any games because of XYZ examples of why that's a bad idea"? In fact, I'm fairly certain I've seen a few blogs/sites online post entire articles about why you shouldn't preorder games. It seems simpler to say that, or refer to those articles, than just bashing. I completely agree with you, wait on the real reviews!
All you did was justify consolization, you didn't argue against it.

I always thought consolization was more about restricting resolution, textures, mouse acceleration, limited FOV, etc etc.

All you did was point out design choices. And wasn't Titanfall an x-box game only when first announced or something? I'm sure it's easier for a startup game company to build on a console than PC.

I also love how you summarized my post, pure bullshit, which is expected.
Even if the matchmaking system was great, I still want to be able to have favorite servers, or find servers with specific settings I like.

its one size fits all.

you shouldn't have a favorite server because there are no customizable servers. Wouldn't make sense.
Well, it depends. If you have like 2+ more Titans than the other team, then yeah, you can steamroll them generally. If it's fairly even, you are just going to get Titan on Titan combat and both will end up dead or nearly dead, in most cases.

Another key point is, like you said "if played well". Not that there's a ton you can really do with Titans given the limited map space and whatnot, but dodging, use of shield, etc can help. In my experience, though, even players that seemed to be "good" with the Titan still weren't lasting the whole round or anything. Basically it just comes down to the fact that they really can't take much damage. Especially if someone jumps on top of yours. You have to jump out, playing the whole animation which wastes time, and then try to kill them before they blow up your Titan. It would be nice if there was a way to try to "shake" them off without having to disembark completely. Maybe by dodging around a bit or something.

The problem with what you're suggesting is that if Titans could take a lot more punishment, then Pilots would be useless against them and the game would further be forced into Titan vs Titan exclusively.

A big part of survivability is learning that you don't have to immediately dive into a fight; most players fail to understand this and complain when they lose their Titan in less than 10 seconds.

Also, there is a perk which kills Pilots who try to rodeo your Titan.
If that's the case, why wouldn't people say "you shouldn't preorder any games because of XYZ examples of why that's a bad idea"? In fact, I'm fairly certain I've seen a few blogs/sites online post entire articles about why you shouldn't preorder games. It seems simpler to say that, or refer to those articles, than just bashing. I completely agree with you, wait on the real reviews!

Please. EA and Respawn know full well that releasing this marketing-beta aka demo was going to be judged and evaluated for a buying decision.

The main widespread criticisms are very much relevant and valid. There's also precedent now, as EA has built itself quite the track record of insisting their developer rush a game to meet a deadline even if the game is not finished. People have a right to be concerned, that's not "bashing".
I haven't really spoken on this subject much, but after playing for a bit I would say I'm conflicted about Grunts. Honestly, they don't bother me and it feels like the battlefield is more alive with them there. However, they are insanely easy to kill, pose no real threat, and every time you hover your cursor over one and it says "Military Grunt" you are just like..ugh... :p

Spectres are a little harder to kill, but still don't pose a major threat.

Honestly I would prefer if the AI was harder to kill and a bit more deadly, if anything. Right now they are just there to rack up points MOBA-style, though maybe that was their intent.

Agreed. Titans just feel like a slightly bigger soldier right now. It is fun getting in and out of them because the animations are pretty cool, but you don't really feel all that powerful inside of one, since they get killed in like less than a minute anyway (typically). However, to balance the game with EVERYONE having a Titan, I guess that's how they had to do it. It dilutes the experience tremendously, though.

Let's say only two Titans per team and 12 v 12. Titans are a bit more powerful and can destroy buildings.
Now each team has to protect their Titan, rather than waiting for their own. Titans should be used to infiltrate enemy bases etc. and provide cover for ground troops.

Right now it's just a deathmatch with mechs.
Teamwork wasn't in the cards when this game was made. The Grunt distract from who should be killed.
Killing 20 AI bots and losing doesn't prove anything. "Boy I had fun, looks at my statz!"
I'm not referring to the port itself; I actually think the implementation of the Source engine was an extremely wise choice, it scales very well and still looks decent to boot. I'm just not a fan of the game design, it's catered to the console crowd, i.e...bots to pad K/D ratio, auto-aim pistol, parkour-twitch movement, small-maps, etc...

How are those items (highlighted) catering to the console crowd? Fast paced, quick moving, double-jumping, off-the-wall jumping, twitch shooting were highlight characteristics of early PC arena shooters.
The problem with what you're suggesting is that if Titans could take a lot more punishment, then Pilots would be useless against them and the game would further be forced into Titan vs Titan exclusively.

Except that EVERYONE is given an exclusive anti-Titan weapon. IMO it should be either Titans get stronger, or no automatic anti-Titan weapon. However, the whole root of the issue is that everyone gets a Titan. If they were more limited, it would make sense that not everyone would have an anti-Titan weapon, but as it is I guess they have to because there are so many Titans.

Everything in the way they have designed the Titan gameplay just makes it like you are just a larger soldier.
How are those items (highlighted) catering to the console crowd? Fast paced, quick moving, double-jumping, off-the-wall jumping, twitch shooting were highlight characteristics of early PC arena shooters.

True, but small maps (which you also highlighted) is definitely console-centric.
EA - "Transformers sure is popular, lets start cranking out some half assed mech game! Regardless if they are all fail or not, at least we get the majority of the pie!"

Screw MWO, HAWKEN and Titanfall. GET MWLL! Even if the community is weak, the game still owns their ass!
Yeah I really need to try MW:LL. Titanfall may have done one thing right, and that is renewed my interest in mech games...so I will ignore Titanfall and go find a real mech game. :cool:
EA - "Transformers sure is popular, lets start cranking out some half assed mech game! Regardless if they are all fail or not, at least we get the majority of the pie!"

Screw MWO, HAWKEN and Titanfall. GET MWLL! Even if the community is weak, the game still owns their ass!

it is sad we have shit for mech games nowadays. I think Hawken is just ok, but I find myself just playing bf4 or quakelive over it. Also really sad I'm still essentially playing quake 3 after all these years because sadly there's nothing else like it.

Whatever I'm done complaining/bumping in this thread, this game needs to die.
Also really sad I'm still essentially playing quake 3 after all these years because sadly there's nothing else like it.

Is the new Rise of the Triad any good? It looked like it was supposed to be fairly true to the original, which was somewhat Doom/Quake-like.
Is the new Rise of the Triad any good? It looked like it was supposed to be fairly true to the original, which was somewhat Doom/Quake-like.
It's shit. It's fast for the sake of being fast. Too fuckin fast! Same can be said for the weapons. Not to mention dead on release.

The Shadow Warrior reboot looks sick. But only SP. I'll be sure to grab it on a sale.
Yeah I really need to try MW:LL. Titanfall may have done one thing right, and that is renewed my interest in mech games...so I will ignore Titanfall and go find a real mech game. :cool:

I'm not sure if MWLL is still active. I played it for a while and that is a proper mech combat game. Strongly recommended. I only stopped playing because I have a whole stable of games asking to be played and only so much time to catch em all....

Admittedly I have not tried MWO but from the videos, streams and news I have seen about it, I was not impressed.

Either way, both of those games (I consider them simulator games) are totally different in pacing and strategy in comparison to games like Titanfall and Hawken which are much closer to a more traditional shooter.
So....is the Beta already full? I can't seem to get this "Free for everyone and their mother to play" beta.

The titanfall beta site says they're full. Horse Apples.
So....is the Beta already full? I can't seem to get this "Free for everyone and their mother to play" beta.

The titanfall beta site says they're full. Horse Apples.
I just got home and checked my list of games in Origin. To my surprise Titanfall Beta was added to it and I'm downloading now. Check your Games section in Origin to see if it's there.

EDIT: Picture for proof.

Jesus the hate in this thread is absurd.

It's cool to not like a game, but I don't understand why people have to be such gigantic dicks about it.

I'm assuming most people here are adults, but sometimes I can't tell this forum and GameFAQs apart.
It's cool to not like a game, but I don't understand why people have to be such gigantic dicks about it.

I'm assuming most people here are adults, but sometimes I can't tell this forum and GameFAQs apart.

Ya.....these guys are half the problem with the gaming industry today.