tip my hat to capcom for an awesome portof Street Fighter 4

I didn't buy SF4 for PC because I was afraid the cheating would be rampant.

Is there a lot of cheating going on?
I haven't experienced any "cheating" in the game. If the match is laggy it could be that the opponent is far away, on a wireless / laggy connection, or has their fps set to VARIABLE when it really should be set to FIXED.
The only real way to cheat would be with macros to make moves/combos 1-button press items. I haven't run into anyone I think was obviously cheating so far and I've played a lot of matches (90-100) in the last few days. When I lose it's always felt like it was due to my lack of skill, not cheating (obvious or subtle). EDIT: I have seen one or two people who moved so quickly that I thought they might be macro'ing tonight.

EDIT: Also one thing I've noticed is people must be using framerate limiters... they are perfect connection-wise for the first 90% of a fight, then when it's close or you're about to win they randomly change it to simulate amazingly random/bad lag to give themselves an advantage.
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