Throwing in the hat.


May 2, 2001
Was fun while it lasted. I hope that eventually all these wu's do some good in the medical world.

The last of my machines will be going away shortly, so my production should drop to just about 0. Good luck guys.

Not to pry into personal business but why you droping off and can i have your machines i'll keep them online and happy :D
:( Sorry to see you go... I wish you the best... I'm sure I can speak for the whole team in saying that we'll miss you and your production...

Keep on Folding!!


Really sorry to see you go.

Of course your realize, your weekly production alone is higher than anybody's total score from 250 back...

Good luck bud... I wish you all the best and thanks so much for your help.

Sorry to hear this MF. Don't be a stranger. You will always be welcome on this team, production of 1000 or 0. :D
I hate to see you go. Your production was a major part of the team.

Looks like it's time for the rest of us to find a way to ramp up production to take up the slack. I guess I'm going to have to get myself in gear on a couple of systems, albeit somewhat slow, that I've been thinking about trying to piece together.

Thanks for all you have done.
Thank you MidnightFreak, you have been an inspiration to me, and I hope that the goodness you have done with your boxen will return to you ten-fold!
Don't be a stranger as you will always be welcome here. Thanks again for all the [H]ard work!

You're always welcome here, MF, one box or a thousand.
We're not going to forget your contributions.

I hope whatever changes you're experiencing are for the better. :)


Just wanted to say thanks for all of your contributions now, and in the future. We're sorry to see you go!

Thanks for staying [H]ard and fighting the good fight.

Don't be a stranger!

Thanks guys. I appreciate the sentiment. I might be back at a later time, who knows. Right now im just too busy with other things in my life and i cant keep up the folding part of it atm.

Fold on guys. Someone pick up where i left off. :cool:
Oh come on, making sure F@H is running on 187 boxen doesn't take up THAT much time. Laf, j.k., it had to be a huge investment in time. Your production was crazy, I am sure the whole F@H community will miss you, especially team 33.

Good luck, hope to see you around the forums.
sorry to see you leave, MF. whenever I would look at the stats for folding i'd always be amazed at how many points you'd be getting. I havent been here all that long but i know that you were a great contribution to this team and to medical advancement. thanks for everything, and good luck with whatever is it that you must do.
you'll be missed MF

good luck in future endeavors. your dedication to the cause will not be forgotten, nor will you be.

Everyone stand at attention as we give our [H]ard Brother a mojo Salute :p (courtesy of relic of course;) ) May all your endeavors work out for the best... Bottoms up all!!
:( it's sad to see you go. That much longer we wait for cures. That many more people we have to convince.

If i get to b0rg my school(s), don't worry too much though ;) (around 600 computers in all 3 :p)
wow...a folding ICON...gone...

good luck in whatever you have to do before you come back. Because you will come back.

i'm so sorry, i wish you a speedy return!
Hate to see ya leave.....never got the chance to get to know ya....but all seem to admire you. I am most positive all your contributions will make a difference one day...If they haven't already. Just remember, its all for those who can't!
Fair winds and followings seas my freind!

The Boss68
new guy on the block
Dang dude, I'm just a noob, but I'd be happy to put you're rigs to good use for the team. You are the man. I can probly afford to power em all, if I get enough customer service calls. I only make @ 35k per year, from job, but I'd be willing to try.

Lost 3 family members to cancer already. Don't want to be the fourth myself.
It's really sad to see you go MF.

I wish you the best of luck in whatever you are doing next.

God bless you.
why.....WHY!!!!! i hate you, you !^@$#&# (starts crying and banging on MF's Chest) why...(cry's summore)... :mad: :( :cool:

whatever u need, just let us know, we got ur back ;)
NOW how are we gonna beat those damned aussies???

sorry to see you go, though. you gonna try and keep a boxen or two running anyway? just to try and keep your name up top? (for a while, anyway...)
Hey good luck with whatever you do next. I respect your contributions to the cause. :)
MAN.... you were the only way [H] could keep ahead of the guys down under... what are we gonna do?!? :eek:

relic said:
Same thing we've always done:
Fold on.

And blame it on Relic. Thread hijack complete. :D

Midnight, the best of luck to you, and thanks a million for the WU you churned through!
We'll miss you MF, but I'm guessing that you'll get some time one of these days and get the urge to get everything going again. Until then, good luck and thanks for helping out!
A tad late but wanted to say that you will be missed from the project... you've bought a lot of horsepower to the project.

Cheers from one top folder to another!

MF will be missed by all. nice of you to drop by, OC-AMD. you're one hell of a folder