"Those running Windows 7 64bit had... an infection rate of 2.5 PCs per 1,000"


Extremely [H]
Oct 22, 2000
That's a pretty low rate really considering the user mode malware that exists.

MS recently released its Security Intelligence Report with many findings. The good news is that XP infection rates are down by 20%. The bad news is that Windows 7 infection rates are up by 30%. (For the math challenged, that doesn't mean 30% of all infections shifted over to Windows 7. ;))

The data, as reported by MSRT which only removes select, but common malware:
Windows 7 32-bit 3 or 4* per 1000 PCs
Windows 7 64-bit 2.5 per 1000 PCs
Windows Vista SP2 6 or 8* per 1000 PCs
Windows XP SP3 18 per 1000 PCs
All versions of Windows combined 9 or 11* per 1000 PCs

*varied throughout the year

Article about the report: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9216654/Windows_7_s_malware_infection_rate_climbs_XP_s_falls

The reports: http://www.microsoft.com/security/sir/default.aspx
huh... didn't know they would publish these stats :p, thank you!! :)

I though they would be like the FBI and not publish full "crime stats," or something :p
Good showing for Win 7 x64, but it'd be nice if we could get a better respresentation than MSRT gives. Maybe they'll add MSE stats in the future..
Good to know. I've been pushing Win7 x64 for all of the new systems we're putting in.