Thinking of FX5700 or FX5900


Jan 16, 2004
I've had this geforce3 since they came out, and it's not quite cutting it anymore. I wanna get a nvidia card b/c i've had bad experiences w/ ATI. I don't wanna spend more than like 200, I've been just browsing and saw the FX5700 Ultra had some good scores, but i might just get a FX5900, but i really don't know what's any good with those, like is a regular FX5900, tons better than an FX5700 Ultra? any info on this would be much appreciated, thanks.
a 5900NU SHOULD beat a 5700ultra in almost all tests, and then you can overclock it more and stuff.

wait till next gen comes out for possible price dropps though
I just upgraded from a GF3 ti200 to a 5900NU at the beginning of january and am very pleased with the card.
nvidia = very pleased
Ok, after doing some research, i've found that my wallet has more an impact than my devotion to nvidia. the radeon 9700 pro looks like it's got some good benchmarks, anything i should know about this card that might affect my decision? does it overclock well? also is it dx9? thank you all.
Originally posted by dukefett
Ok, after doing some research, i've found that my wallet has more an impact than my devotion to nvidia. the radeon 9700 pro looks like it's got some good benchmarks, anything i should know about this card that might affect my decision? does it overclock well? also is it dx9? thank you all.
Both 9700 pro and 5900NU are great cards. And yes, 9700 pro does dx9 just fine.
Originally posted by dukefett
Ok, after doing some research, i've found that my wallet has more an impact than my devotion to nvidia. the radeon 9700 pro looks like it's got some good benchmarks, anything i should know about this card that might affect my decision? does it overclock well? also is it dx9? thank you all.

the 9700 pro is still a great card. if you look around you can find the 9800 pro for pretty cheap now though, you might want to consider it if it's within your budget
go with the 9800pro for $212 now, thats by far the best deal now.

or if u cant spend over 200, go with 5900xt or 5900nu, they both are great cards.
Go with a 5900nu or 5900xt for around $180-185.

With their ability to OC, and for the price, they are the best cards out right now.
going with a 5900nu when you can get a 9800pro for just a few bucks more is.. well... stupid if you ask me. just mho.