Things vista was better at?

6GB of e-mails seems like a stretch... My mother's Outlook pst files are like 1GB and she receives a crapload of e-mail and a crapload of ridiculous 10MB Powerpoint attachments. :p You'd have to be a serious packrat to balloon an e-mail data file to 6GB... Though I guess it's possible. I do agree w/the general idea tho, casual users should definitely be using web-based e-mail, it's just less headaches for everyone in the long run.
Though I guess it's possible.

Not really, since Outlook has always had a 2GB file size limit. It applies to OE too, but is more annoying in Outlook since each OE folder is a separate file. IMO a rather inexcusable bug, especially because you get no warning and the symptoms are not really obvious if you don't know about it. Maybe it'll be fixed in Outlook 2010 :rolleyes:

The less people using Outlook Express the better, wherever they go, they're better off. Not including it is a godsend.
Ahh, what are the symptoms when it nears 2GB? I had to run MS' repair tool on my mother's Inbox a few months ago, it's been working fine since then tho. It's probably a carryover from WinXP/FAT32 days (when no file could be larger than 2GB AFAIK), you'd think by 2007 it would've been addressed but I can't see how they would've gone around that in 2003.
6GB of e-mails seems like a stretch... My mother's Outlook pst files are like 1GB and she receives a crapload of e-mail and a crapload of ridiculous 10MB Powerpoint attachments. :p You'd have to be a serious packrat to balloon an e-mail data file to 6GB... Though I guess it's possible. I do agree w/the general idea tho, casual users should definitely be using web-based e-mail, it's just less headaches for everyone in the long run.

I get a few hundred emails a day. My inbox size is 4.5 GB, with 800MB remaining (ack, gotta purge, was 940MB last week). I'm not at all surprised with that size, considering if I don't set an auto-delete policy for email, I can fill up over 4.5GB within a couple weeks of vacation.
Weird, I tried to check how much I had on my Yahoo Mail account (which is much older than my Gmail account, and on which I receive much more mail since it's the one I use for all registrations and purchases)... Apparently Yahoo Mail now has "unlimited" storage so it doesn't have a capacity gauge anywhere, lol. It's gotta be 2-3 times as much space as my Gmail account tho, and that one has half a gig, that's what web mail's for tho, never bothering to delete stuff. :p
Ahh, what are the symptoms when it nears 2GB? I had to run MS' repair tool on my mother's Inbox a few months ago, it's been working fine since then tho. It's probably a carryover from WinXP/FAT32 days (when no file could be larger than 2GB AFAIK), you'd think by 2007 it would've been addressed but I can't see how they would've gone around that in 2003.

Well storing the entirety of a user's e-mail and contacts and calendar all in one giant binary blob never seemed like a good idea to me in the first place. There are plenty of solutions, including the obvious 'roll over into a new file automatically'.

Anyway, you get things like being unable to delete messages (because there's no space to move them to Deleted Items), cryptic error messages when receiving mail, or I've even seen cases where Outlook completely fails to start at all.
Hmm, she didn't get any error messages or failures to start, but the Inbox seemed to just collapse... Best I can describe it lol, you couldn't scroll thru it or select messages, it was like the thing was empty but it wasn't, I think if you scrolled far enough you could see some of the oldest e-mails but they still weren't clickable or something... TBH I was shocked that Microsoft's tool could actually repair it and I didn't have to restore a backup.