The Walking Dead FPS...GOTY 2013

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I thought it had a chance to be ok, but who knew they'd launch it so quickly? I mean they didn't even advertise the thing.

this is the kind of game you dont want to advertise, and just pick up sales from the clueless people that see the show or read the comic and then see the games title and are like " hey a walking dead game.. Purchase"

get as many stealth sales as possible before the shit hits the fan on how horrible the game is and forced to lower the price.

i mean take a look at EA they advertised simcity and simcity isnt even half as bad or even in the same ballpark of bad as this walking dead game but look at the public bashing ea took over simcity because of how much advertising and awareness people had for simcity.

when you have a bad game like this its best not to advertise and just sorta sweep it under the rug and milk some fanboy sales or clueless consumer sales while you can.
I thought it had a chance to be ok, but who knew they'd launch it so quickly? I mean they didn't even advertise the thing.

It was made it 6 months, no possible way a game could be good in that time frame.
Glad I'm not the only one that wishes Andrea would just end up killed off.

Then I wouldn't have to spend almost every episode asking my wife, "WTF is wrong with that idiot?".

+10000 I actually would rather have Dale than Andrea, and I didn't like Dale at all
I think having Andrea on the show is a good thing. The fact that you guys don't like her, makes her a good character. Some characters you like, some you don't like, and others you don't care about one way or another. Only one group of those three are worthy of being "killed off".
We don't want Andrea killed off because she's an evil character, we want her killed off because her character, as a character, is annoying. She does and says annoying things. She's insufferable.
She's probably one of the worst written characters on a tv show. Her character does nothing but bitch/whine/complain and NEVER takes any action. it's not the actresses fault, they just seem not to want to get her out of her one dimensional role and make her into a developed character.
bigdogchris said:
I think having Andrea on the show is a good thing. The fact that you guys don't like her, makes her a good character. Some characters you like, some you don't like, and others you don't care about one way or another. Only one group of those three are worthy of being "killed off".

I get where you're going with that. I really do. much like mad men, there are characters you're supposed to hate

however, Andrea is a piece of shit. I want to vomit everytime she pulls out that stupid look on her face when she 'cries'. in fact, it looks like SHE'S going to vomit.

its a complete 180 from her character in the comics. they've fucked her up beyond recognition.
fun fact, that actor is in Silent Hill too. so if you feel like punching yourself in the nutsack repeatedly when her character pops up, go check that one out too. excellent drinking game

Posted from App for Android
this is the kind of game you dont want to advertise, and just pick up sales from the clueless people that see the show or read the comic and then see the games title and are like " hey a walking dead game.. Purchase"

It was made it 6 months, no possible way a game could be good in that time frame.

I get that. I was referring to when I first heard about the game. I figured it'd be okay at best being an Activision title. I mean Activision made Quantum of Solace and not very good by any means was still a decent/ok game if you wanted a James Bond game.

And who here actually thought they would patchwork this pile of shit together for a release literally 6 months after announcement? I doubt any of you did.
Activision only published it, it was developed by Terminal Reality (Blood Rayne/Nocturne developer)
The concept could have and should have been good. What a waste.

I think certain things Activision shouldn't get. A walking dead game screams of a more open world game with RPG elements (think FC3). Not an uninspired linear shooter.

Same goes for Homefront, hopefully Crytek does the Red Dawn style gameplay right. Non-linear, more open, hit and run wolverine style. Be a perfect platform for an open world FPSRPG co-op game.

Come to think of it. Outside of their methhead hit COD, what has Activision done that was decent? Their Battleship licensed game was horrible from what I heard. They would be bankrupt if COD didn't single handedly pay their development for everything.
You forgetting they own Blizzard, and WoW is also a juggernaut for them, among Starcraft/Diablo.
I'm enjoying the game. Not the best thing ever but pretty fun. Kind of like a easier more on the rails DayZ.

To each their own but I'd bet money that most the people putting this game down probably haven't played it...
I'm enjoying the game. Not the best thing ever but pretty fun. Kind of like a easier more on the rails DayZ.

To each their own but I'd bet money that most the people putting this game down probably haven't played it...

Yeah, I'd like to play it before I comment, but I ain't paying $50 for a game that is so short and getting terrible reviews from all sources.
I get that. I was referring to when I first heard about the game. I figured it'd be okay at best being an Activision title. I mean Activision made Quantum of Solace and not very good by any means was still a decent/ok game if you wanted a James Bond game.

And who here actually thought they would patchwork this pile of shit together for a release literally 6 months after announcement? I doubt any of you did.

my comment wasnt really targeted at you was more of the general statement.

btw i never even heard of this game until today heh so i didnt know what to even expect until i saw the video. it was pretty funny.
I think certain things Activision shouldn't get. A walking dead game screams of a more open world game with RPG elements (think FC3). Not an uninspired linear shooter.

Same goes for Homefront, hopefully Crytek does the Red Dawn style gameplay right. Non-linear, more open, hit and run wolverine style. Be a perfect platform for an open world FPSRPG co-op game.

Come to think of it. Outside of their methhead hit COD, what has Activision done that was decent? Their Battleship licensed game was horrible from what I heard. They would be bankrupt if COD didn't single handedly pay their development for everything.

Naw in this case I think Activision literally is just the publisher. I doubt they would give enough of a shit apply any controls to the development. I'm sure whoever owned the rights said hey activision heres 6 months go make a game and they threw it at a random developer.

I don't anybody was actually even vaguely excited about this game which is sad. There's a massive audience for this game but it was clear from the announcement that it was just a tie-in throw away title.
We don't want Andrea killed off because she's an evil character, we want her killed off because her character, as a character, is annoying. She does and says annoying things. She's insufferable.

I get where you're going with that. I really do. much like mad men, there are characters you're supposed to hate

however, Andrea is a piece of shit. I want to vomit everytime she pulls out that stupid look on her face when she 'cries'. in fact, it looks like SHE'S going to vomit.

its a complete 180 from her character in the comics. they've fucked her up beyond recognition.
fun fact, that actor is in Silent Hill too. so if you feel like punching yourself in the nutsack repeatedly when her character pops up, go check that one out too. excellent drinking game

Posted from App for Android
The guy who writes the comics is a producer on the show. It's not like the company is going against what he wants. The guys I know personally that have read the comics love the TV show. I understand why some people don't like them changing thing, but it's also boring to keep re-telling the same story. As someone who has never read the comics, I can say that if reading them changes your opinion of the show then I'm glad I haven't read them since I love the show.

I suppose you can ask yourself if you would rather them have a show that is OK for TV or would you rather it not even exist?
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The guy who writes the comics is a producer on the show. It's not like the company is going against what he wants. The guys I know personally that have read the comics love the TV show. I understand why some people don't like them changing thing, but it's also boring to keep re-telling the same story. As someone who has never read the comics, I can say that if reading them changes your opinion of the show then I'm glad I haven't read them since I love the show.

I disagree somewhat. I've read the comics and while the show has done a great job of portraying most of the core themes the pacing is really off and some characters are annoying. A character should be loved or love to hate them. If they are annoying they were miscast. Andrea was miscast. Lori was somewhat miscast but they killed her off so who cares. Carl was starting to piss me off but the actor improved his acting in season 2 and 3 immensely.

Ultimately it's really all opinion but I do not like the Andrea actress and she's a critical role.

Annoying characters kill series esoecially if they have too much screen time. I stopped watching Dexter because the foul mouth Deb routine got old. I wish they would have kepted Doakes, the man was a poet of profanity.
Oh wow, they actually got Norman Reedus to do the voice acting for this?
ive never read the comics, but i seem to enjoy the shows. i dont watch it week to week tho.

i let my DVR catch 2 or 3 episodes before i get around to watching it so i can watch it chunks at a time.
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Watch the show, cool. Read the comics, cooler.

Play this miserable heap of fuck? I'd rather smash feces into my face for hours on end. Regardless of the talent they got for voices.
BiH115 said:
Watch the show, cool. Read the comics, cooler.

Play this miserable heap of fuck? I'd rather smash feces into my face for hours on end. Regardless of the talent they got for voices.

whether you love or hate the show, we can all at least smoke to this. amen

Posted from App for Android
Andrea is only a main character now because of the story line. Two episodes from now she'll be irrelevant again.

Either way we all still watch it so they're doing something right.