The Power of Photoshop 2


Jul 4, 2003
got bored this afternoon so decided to write my 2nd tutorial (portrait tutorial). theres a link on this one to my last one. hope u all like it.

Not bad, I think a lot more could have been done. Personally I would not have cropped and paid some attention on the sky as I think that would add more to the piece and the overall yellow-greenish color could have been more of a neutral color, but overall not bad at all. =0)
Yea not too bad, skin seems a bit blown out, and theres a greenish/yellowish cast on the background. Also the upper part of the background is all white and overexposed as well. More attention to detail and multiple layers would have helped make a better final product
Did you do something with the proportions? For some reason, her face looks a bit wider to me in the second pic.
I think that's an optical illusion brought out by the way how the lighting and skin is manipulated (especially on the cheeks). Of course, that's me looking at this at 11:40pm.
I have some actions that does this fairly well...
Good job. But I am always amazed how much people in this forum are obsesed with doctoring their photos. Last time I touched Photoshop was 8 years ago. Every photo that I post is 100% non doctored except for maybe some cropping (but even that is rare).
Don't take this the wrong way, but other than the crop, I don't think the image is improved - It just looks overexposed with detail washed out.

Photoshop is a superb program, I spend a large amount of time using it at work, and have even bought my own copy as it can save a bad photo, but it's easy to go too far.

Good idea making tutorials tho! You can never know too much about PS :)
Staples said:
Good job. But I am always amazed how much people in this forum are obsesed with doctoring their photos. Last time I touched Photoshop was 8 years ago. Every photo that I post is 100% non doctored except for maybe some cropping (but even that is rare).

People can definitely overdo it with Photoshop. However, when you're shooting RAW, your software workflow becomes pretty important. Think of it as taking your film to a lab for prints or doing it yourself in a darkroom. The darkroom takes more time, but you have control over what comes out (as opposed to setting a style in the camera).

As for not cropping, why constrain yourself to a 3x2 (or 4x3, etc.) aspect ratio?
Good tutorial, although I agree with others that it looks a little over-exposed.

I use ps for all my photos, but try to keep them "as original" as possible, whatever that means.