The Only Gmail Thread and It All Goes Here!!

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Deviationer, you are the r0x0r! Thanks a bundle! :p

BTW, how does one go about getting an invite?
Please. Thank you in advance.
Edit: Have an account now. Thanks everyone.
just click the link and enter your info and you have gmail.... if your talking about sending invites its a link in your gmail inbox
EDIT: I just made a new post near the bottom, updated and only with links that still have not been claimed.

Knock yourselves out.
I still have 6. pm me (with your email) when the links run out here...
let the celebrations begin!

so, is this what one would call the g-spot of email?

nope its the [H]-spot, it has more cold cathodes so you can actually see what your hitting.

:eek: :eek: :eek:
Dude, grab some invites out of BillLeeLee's post if you need them. I just checked his invites (I have my own Gmail), and 6 are still active. I have no clue which six, but try them anyway. :D
I'll make it easier for you guys.
These are all the links that still are available for signing up for an account.

EDIT: All my invites have now been taken!

And some of you have some scary ideas for Gmail handles...
lol palabared just took hardforum <(at)>

i cant believe no one has thought of that one till now.
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