The Official Test Your Badge Thread


/'s by 0
Dec 13, 2004
How to get your [H] Badge <clickme>

Update 1:
Don't forget to add "&tm=33" to your badge link (Read Here for more info)

Update 2:
For a clearer understanding of how to add the extra lines before your badge when
auto posting.. .

unhappy_mage said:
So your badge code is something like this:
javascript:document.vbform.message.value=document.vbform.message.value + 'BADGE HERE'; document.vbform.submit();
So there are a few things you could add - vbcode, text, or newlines. VBcode (for example [color] or
) can be added verbatim, as can text. To put in a newline (your original question) add "\n" before the badge. Add two ("\n\n") for two, of course; this is what I have and it prevents hitting enter twice. Surround the whole thing with
tags to put the badge in the middle. And then add text ("Go [H]ard or go [H]ome") as necessary.​

Read there, test here :)

(if you have questions about them as well, post here)​
How come yours is so small-

And mine is so big?
ouch marty thats kinda cold :D :cool: lol
well yall both bigger then me but i am coming along pretty quick sooo ;)

well some people take time to do other things in their life ;)

and dont have handfulls of machines to burn in ;)

- Fold [H]ard - - Or go [H]ome -
Okay, I see it works but do I have to manually insert this every time? Isnt there a way to add it to the sig? Thanks.

Aratech said:
Okay, I see it works but do I have to manually insert this every time? Isnt there a way to add it to the sig? Thanks.

[H] Rule: (22) No active links, graphics, cussing or advertising allowed in the SIGNATURE. Sig line is limited to 10 lines total as viewed @ 800 x 600 resolution or no more that 15 words per line.

Thus, you have to do it yourself :) but Kyle lets us, so that is cool :cool:
I guess that puts me in the lower middle area too...

Keep on Folding!! For the [H]orde!!

See you guys forget, all the cool kids have two of em! :p


guess this puts me at the bottom, sorry guys i onyl have 4 computers running, but i do the best i can. marty you will be glad to know that the photo of your folding room DC pr0n is now my desktop wallpaper
I'm on the rather low area of the food chain, but not too low to poop on lozaning and Scorpionjwp :p

lozaning said:

guess this puts me at the bottom, sorry guys i onyl have 4 computers running, but i do the best i can. marty you will be glad to know that the photo of your folding room DC pr0n is now my desktop wallpaper

Don't worry about what you have going right now. All I had to start with when I started the F@H project was an AthlonXP 1800+ with a small overclock. A little later I added a 950 mhz Duron but that's all I had for a while. I have slowly built up to what I have right now.

MobileXP@2.5 Ghz
Duron@1 Ghz (I need to put the Cheapoman overclocking BIOS on the ECS K7S5A to see if I can get an overclock out of it)
P4 2.8 (Dell Optiplex work borg)
AthlonXP@2.2 Ghz (T-Bred B core, borg)
Athlon@1.4 Ghz (T-Bird, borg that doesn't run much)
Dually PII 266 (It's slow and not running right now but it chews on timless tinkers)

That's what I have going for me right now. Everything but the 1.4 Athlon runs 24/7 when it's running. I've been producing for the F@H project for over 2 years now and you can look at my score and see what I have. Trust me, there's nothing wrong with what you have running right now. Every bit helps.

AtomicMoose said:
Not my thing....hugs and reach throughs, I can do.

/wonders if both can be done at the same time..... :p

You would need to use another part to do the reach through.... hugs take two hands.

Lemme try my measly and inactive UD (stretched too thin right now)


Crunch Them Proteins!
hehe amazingly I actually got this to work on the first try. Setting up more boxes to fold for the [H] as we speak (just picked up 10 P3s from a customer today). Now if only I could figure out how to make my X2 actually use teh second core

Tormond said:
hehe amazingly I actually got this to work on the first try. Setting up more boxes to fold for the [H] as we speak (just picked up 10 P3s from a customer today). Now if only I could figure out how to make my X2 actually use teh second core

Here is the guide on pertaining to multiple CPU setup. That should get you rolling with both cores.

I hear someone say my name, Hey apHytHiaTe, you saying things about me again.
Give me time, I will eventually be up to where you are.

Now where did I put my parts to get my quad p3 xeon servers up and running.

I finally "cracked" the 2000th position, WOOT! Now if only I can figure this badge thing out. I've been folding off and on now for about 6-7 years started with Overclockers back in 98-99, been with the [H]orde the last few, go team 33!!
Once I hit 100k the gap changed to 20k for the badge upgrades. Good thing I just built a 3.2GHz P4 at work. :D
