The Official Resident Evil PC Remake Thread

Uhh...RE has always had static camera angles since 1995. Where have you been? :rolleyes:

IMO, a fully redone remake would be better. I get that the games have had static camera angles since day one. I've also hated them since day one. (though I liked the games overall) Still, we have the hardware, talent, etc. to remove the barriers that made these game like this in the first place. The main one being the inability to render real-time high resolution environments. Notice that The Evil Within didn't use static environments and cameras, even though it falls into the semi-spiritual-successor category. Static cameras weren't a good thing, they were a necessity based on the available technology.

On the other hand, you'll have people wanting an HD remake for nostalgic reasons, and then a full remake might not sit so well. I personally would like a game based on the same script/story/location/setting with a fully realized version of it all, with fluid controls and cameras.
IMO, a fully redone remake would be better. I get that the games have had static camera angles since day one. I've also hated them since day one. (though I liked the games overall) Still, we have the hardware, talent, etc. to remove the barriers that made these game like this in the first place. The main one being the inability to render real-time high resolution environments. Notice that The Evil Within didn't use static environments and cameras, even though it falls into the semi-spiritual-successor category. Static cameras weren't a good thing, they were a necessity based on the available technology.

On the other hand, you'll have people wanting an HD remake for nostalgic reasons, and then a full remake might not sit so well. I personally would like a game based on the same script/story/location/setting with a fully realized version of it all, with fluid controls and cameras.

Well, its not happening now is it? :rolleyes: So why are you here still? Go back to crawling around with a flashlight in Evil Within
Aren't you just incredibly articulate? Such stimulating conversation. Go back to playing six versions of the same game. That eye-rolling icon can't roll hard enough for you.
People are fighting on the internet

We're breakdance fighting.

Anyway, I'm aware they aren't going that route. However, I think taking some license, and updating the game to full real-time environments would be cool. Not sure how that could be a bad thing. (or how my response clearly containing my own opinion warrants a pralines&dick response) I think they could maintain the overall feel of the game while allowing you to fully explore the environments with full freedom of movement. Whichever though, apparently that would be going too far for some.
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I always loved the static camera angles of the early games, as it really increased the tension when you just knew that something was just off screen (Mr. X). With that said, a true remake of RE2 with the gameplay of RE4 and the environmental horror of REbirth would be a gift from the heavens.

Aren't you just incredibly articulate? Such stimulating conversation. Go back to playing six versions of the same game. That eye-rolling icon can't roll hard enough for you.
They certainly have beaten the original to death, even though RE2 is arguably the fan favorite of the series. The original was available on PSX in a jewel case and the old school long box, as well as on the PC. Then there was the Saturn version, the Director's Cut with RE2 demo and Director's Cut: Dual Shock (neither of which had the uncensored footage that was expected), Deadly Silence for the DS, REbirth, and now REbirth REmastered. Of course, I love the game so much that I own every version, plus the JPN Director's Cut for the uncensored footage. I quit pre-ordering years ago, but I'm probably going to pre-order the PS3 version for cross-buy with the PS4.
I always loved the static camera angles of the early games, as it really increased the tension when you just knew that something was just off screen (Mr. X). With that said, a true remake of RE2 with the gameplay of RE4 and the environmental horror of REbirth would be a gift from the heavens.

They certainly have beaten the original to death, even though RE2 is arguably the fan favorite of the series. The original was available on PSX in a jewel case and the old school long box, as well as on the PC. Then there was the Saturn version, the Director's Cut with RE2 demo and Director's Cut: Dual Shock (neither of which had the uncensored footage that was expected), Deadly Silence for the DS, REbirth, and now REbirth REmastered. Of course, I love the game so much that I own every version, plus the JPN Director's Cut for the uncensored footage. I quit pre-ordering years ago, but I'm probably going to pre-order the PS3 version for cross-buy with the PS4.

See, that's the sort of response I was looking for. Nobody has to agree with me, but a little about why one likes the original static format, or something to add to my statement is nice. I like to hear WHY someone disagrees, or what made the static cameras work for some people. I was never a fan of this sort of thing, but obviously some people like it.

(I had the long-box version.) :D

For 2D games, I also prefer scrolling levels as opposed to a static scree-by-scree approach. I've played plenty of the latter that I enjoyed, but I've always thought they could be improved if they did scroll.
You can preload it now on Steam if you preordered :D
Wasting a day-off on this...? :confused:

I was 16 when this came out on PS1...had to beat it in one sitting since I didn't have a save-game card back then :p

Im old. When it unlocks at midnight itll probably take until 8 in the morning to beat it. After that I'll be like " and fuck jobs how do those work?"

They oddly don't discuss it but RE:Rebirth or remake as they're calling it now is about 2-3 hours longer than the original PS1 game theres much more to it.
I might pick this up since they fixed the godawful tank controls. How are the new controls? Does it work well with a controller?KB/M?
Its unlocked. I'm using a Xbox 360 Mini Pro EX Controller USB which worked out of the box. Tank controls are gone, you can switch to them in the options god knows why. I shutter to remember what those were like. No bugs or weirdness so far. The graphics are weird. The characters look completely new and crisp but the game itself looks off. The objects are all HD but some of the Matte backgrounds look stretched or a little blurred in some places.

I'm happy. It's a $20 HD reskin. I'm mostly Ecstatic about being able to play Resident Evil in 16:9. I find despite my nostalgist attitude I find 4:3 games mostly unplayable. Much better deal than poor suckers buying optimized Squaresoft ports.

No special options other than FXAA16 and V-sync. 60 FPS is an option.
Just finished my 4790k upgrade this weekend but now all I wanna do is play RE on my PS4 tomorrow!
oh hell yeah, 17 years old Julia Voth, if it has a single new alternate outfit im getting this game! (it runs like a boss on dolphin though, played to exaustion on 16:9, 16:10, w/ af, aa, upped scaled rez etc)

Now let this happen for Parasite Eve 1 and 2.

nnngh Aya Brea! Aya Breeaaa! :D
Im old. When it unlocks at midnight itll probably take until 8 in the morning to beat it. After that I'll be like " and fuck jobs how do those work?"

They oddly don't discuss it but RE:Rebirth or remake as they're calling it now is about 2-3 hours longer than the original PS1 game theres much more to it.
2-3 hours? I think the first time I beat the Gamecube version it took about the same amount of time as my last casual run through the PS1 version. And the Gamecube version has been referred to as "REmake" for as long as I can remember...
2-3 hours? I think the first time I beat the Gamecube version it took about the same amount of time as my last casual run through the PS1 version. And the Gamecube version has been referred to as "REmake" for as long as I can remember...

I can't really argue the semantics of gameplay time. Everyone has a different concept of time. Resident Evil PS1 takes 1 hour in a speed run Resident Evil gamecube/now takes 1 hour 30. I just did a quick youtube speedrun check. On casual play it took me about 3 hours to beat the PS1 game and 4-5 to beat the current version. I don't commit myself to any kind of timeframe when playing a game. I sit and read all the notes, dick around with puzzles. I'm not in any hurry. Technically its just "Resident Evil" but it's also called REmake and REbirth. remake is the more popular name I just prefer REbirth. I think it sounds cooler. I was unable to find an origin for either of them except on imdb it says one of the tag lines was

RE-member... RE-ality... RE-BIRTH!!!
Its unlocked. I'm using a Xbox 360 Mini Pro EX Controller USB which worked out of the box. Tank controls are gone, you can switch to them in the options god knows why. I shutter to remember what those were like. No bugs or weirdness so far. The graphics are weird. The characters look completely new and crisp but the game itself looks off. The objects are all HD but some of the Matte backgrounds look stretched or a little blurred in some places.

I'm happy. It's a $20 HD reskin. I'm mostly Ecstatic about being able to play Resident Evil in 16:9. I find despite my nostalgist attitude I find 4:3 games mostly unplayable. Much better deal than poor suckers buying optimized Squaresoft ports.

No special options other than FXAA16 and V-sync. 60 FPS is an option.

Awesome, getting it now.

Nice, isn't it?
I found this for $13.49, so I'm just gonna buy even though I don't have time to play it right now.

2 was my favorite. Never pla...finished the first one. I had the remake on DS, before someone stole it.... Never played it on PSX or GC.

Its good. Enough time has past to where I know fuck all about the puzzles. I tried playing on mountain because in my mind the last 3 resident evils were so goddamn easy I'd forgotten how hard the old ones were. It took me a clip to put a zombie down and I was like nope playing on medium which has been fine so far. My only complaint is knifing prone zombies seems like a pain my dude keeps spinning when I push down. I don't know if its just sensitivity or if its because I'm not in Tank mode. It also takes a little time to re-adjust to the painted backgrounds again and some objects are jarringly low res.

Its not gonna be for everyone its not discounted at $20 and under, you really are buying an older game at an appropriate price. I suggest watching like a couple minutes of playthrough before throwing the switch. I know some people on here have depth perception queasiness or what have you from certain games.

I do want to promote sales though. I want capcom to make enough profit to justifying doing 0 2 and 3 like this however unlikely that is.
Some areas are low res?
Not playing this in 4K, but still, does it contrast too much against the high res/AA cleaned characters/3D objects?
Some areas are low res?
Not playing this in 4K, but still, does it contrast too much against the high res/AA cleaned characters/3D objects?

Theres a part in the beginning when you push the statue off the balcony. As I was doing in the lower half of the statue looked like one big blurred texture. Some things like that crop up. the problem is some areas look like the first image and some look like the second. It definitely appears to me that capcom was working with hit and miss HD capable assets. I find it highly tolerable given no alternative but its by no means perfect. You are without a doubt better with this than emulating the Gamecube version and trying to run mods on it I've tried.

Notice how the first image just looks like up-scaled garbage but in the second the railings in the background look nice and smooth. The areas where they make physical changes to the back ground assets look great the ones that are just up-scaled look jarringly awful. I'm sorry just gonna have to wait until I can catch a screenshot when actually interacting with anything. The screen grabs actually still look better than when youre actually in it sadly.


Man, that looks....awkward. Really a stark contrast between the HD models/textures and the background.
Yeah, wow. I think the zooming in for widescreen might have something to do with it too, since the source backgrounds were 4:3
i think ill hold off on this till its 4.99.

i wish they would have done a real re-remaster, rather than this half assed one. and at ths point, i really wish theyd do a remaster of 2 and even 3.
I find it highly tolerable given no alternative but its by no means perfect. You are without a doubt better with this than emulating the Gamecube version and trying to run mods on it I've tried

this definitely looks like the best version of the game ever released (warts and all) and the best version they will ever it's a no brainer buy for people interested in the game
this definitely looks like the best version of the game ever released (warts and all) and the best version they will ever it's a no brainer buy for people interested in the game

Pretty much. I'm far more irked by resident evil revelations which I bought for Wii U. I paid 40-50 but its just an upscaled version of the DS game and honestly looks like shit. I gave my Wii U to my friend as a birthday present right when I got it so I'm not sure if that ones really any good. I bought a new one in the big sale yesterday so we'll see.

i think ill hold off on this till its 4.99.

i wish they would have done a real re-remaster, rather than this half assed one. and at ths point, i really wish theyd do a remaster of 2 and even 3.

Thats why it retailed for $20 instead of $60. You should hold off until you can get it used for a $1.99 at a used car lot and then write it off on your taxes for full retail and get a big return.

Anymore HD versions depends, capcom has stated in the past they only do this stuff if theres a call for it. If this one does badly I wouldn't expect to see another one anytime soon. REmake and Zero are the only ones that have assets possible to upscale. The highest resolution available for 2-3 are the Dreamcast versions. Code Veronica X I'm not sure but I believe is too out of date to just upscale as well.
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I started playing last night and am enjoying it as much as I did on the PSX. Though I wouldn't call it a remaster for sure the textures and painted backgrounds are still very low resolution not suitable for HD, but the gameplay itself is solid, though it does feel easier than I recall, maybe it's the auto aim, I don't remember that in the original.
I started playing last night and am enjoying it as much as I did on the PSX. Though I wouldn't call it a remaster for sure the textures and painted backgrounds are still very low resolution not suitable for HD, but the gameplay itself is solid, though it does feel easier than I recall, maybe it's the auto aim, I don't remember that in the original.
The original longbox version on the PSX didn't have autoaim, this is true. They added the autoaim in the jewel case version and it has been in every classic RE released since. The Gamecube remake of which this HD remaster is based always had autoaim.

Theres a part in the beginning when you push the statue off the balcony. As I was doing in the lower half of the statue looked like one big blurred texture. Some things like that crop up. the problem is some areas look like the first image and some look like the second. It definitely appears to me that capcom was working with hit and miss HD capable assets. I find it highly tolerable given no alternative but its by no means perfect. You are without a doubt better with this than emulating the Gamecube version and trying to run mods on it I've tried.

Notice how the first image just looks like up-scaled garbage but in the second the railings in the background look nice and smooth. The areas where they make physical changes to the back ground assets look great the ones that are just up-scaled look jarringly awful. I'm sorry just gonna have to wait until I can catch a screenshot when actually interacting with anything. The screen grabs actually still look better than when youre actually in it sadly.
Given that the game launches in 720p windowed mode by default I wouldn't be surprised if that was the resolution they were shooting for as far as fidelity of the pre-rendered backgrounds. I don't think it looks that bad in motion at 2560x1440, when you're focusing more on the 3D elements on the screen. The pan&scan widescreen method may have something to do with it. I'm going to continue playing in pillarbox because it is actually quite annoying to me.

Its good. Enough time has past to where I know fuck all about the puzzles. I tried playing on mountain because in my mind the last 3 resident evils were so goddamn easy I'd forgotten how hard the old ones were. It took me a clip to put a zombie down and I was like nope playing on medium which has been fine so far. My only complaint is knifing prone zombies seems like a pain my dude keeps spinning when I push down. I don't know if its just sensitivity or if its because I'm not in Tank mode. It also takes a little time to re-adjust to the painted backgrounds again and some objects are jarringly low res.

Its not gonna be for everyone its not discounted at $20 and under, you really are buying an older game at an appropriate price. I suggest watching like a couple minutes of playthrough before throwing the switch. I know some people on here have depth perception queasiness or what have you from certain games.

I do want to promote sales though. I want capcom to make enough profit to justifying doing 0 2 and 3 like this however unlikely that is.
I think people are just throwing stones for the sake of it. All I honestly wanted from it was modern functionality over the original game, which was what was delivered. As such I'd be more than happy if similar attention was given to bring the rest of the classic REs to PC. I think this remaster looks and plays great at 2560x1440 with variable framerate and G-sync.

Given that I think that $20 is a very appropriate and reasonable price which I also happily give my support to this kind of release.

And the difficulties are actually Normal, Easy and Very Easy :p.