The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

Outcompute_123 said:
"Likely", "supposedly", and "should be"....
Shuddering at the idea of the future there.

Similarly, Im going to need a 6800 Ultra at some point for the second box, Aoc.
Evga, or Pny?
Heard bfg and gainward might've had some bum ram.

Its a eVGA with 1.6ns Samsung and a NV Silencer 5 on it ;) Once the Toxic XT-PEs are available and for less than $600 (or R480 if it turns out to be a higher performance part) then Id like to sell it for maybe $500? With negotiations for shipping? I still have the retail packaging and stock cooler too (but Far Cry is mine :) ) Regarding R480 as a lower performance part, arent those usually designated with a "RV"? 9600s are something like RV300, right? Also maybe ATi thinks they can fix their yield issues by switching to .11micron, maybe theyve decided its mature enough now or they want a response to SLI? I guess time will tell...
MSI MS-8937 GeForce FX 5900XT 128MB (450,850)


ATI RADEON 9700 PRO 128MB (325,620)


ABIT Siluro GeForce FX 5900 OTES 128MB (400,850)


ATI RADEON 9800 PRO 128MB (380,680)


Sapphire RADEON X800 XT Platinum Edition 256MB (520,1120)

joecuddles said:
Pink and blue... interesting colour scheme. :confused:
I took it on the iorn board. That was the only flat thing near the window.
Staples said:
I took it on the iorn board. That was the only flat thing near the window.

I'm talking about the card. There's pink around the HSF and the card is blue, although that ironing board does indeed match :p.
Oh that, yeah, it is copper. Not only is the card huge, the heatsink at least a good three+ pounds. Digital cameras do weird stuff when you let them set the white balance automatically.
Staples said:
Oh that, yeah, it is copper. Not only is the card huge, the heatsink at least a good three+ pounds. Digital cameras do weird stuff when you let them set the white balance automatically.

Yeah, copper it is.....I'm not sure if any video card manufacturers are gutsy enough to start "branding" their hardware with pink coolers and molex connectors quite yet. :p
cornelious0_0 said:
Quite a nice collection you've got there Poison....and nice cam. ;)

I'm not good with camera............this pictures are from web ;)
blackrose said:
First post here. Been out of the scene for a while working and school. Anyhow, here's the card.

Sapphire 9800pro softmodded to XT with tweakmonster ramsinks and a 1U server heatsink. Does a awesome job at cooling.

what core is your 9800pro
blackrose, not meant as a thread crap at all, but why did you decide on the Tweakmonster ramsinks? I've had 'em and they are decent, but I'd have picked up some of FrozenCPU's ramsinks........they're WAY larger and pure copper......and the funny thing is that they're almost $7 cheaper then those tweakmonster's. :p I'll be getting those frozencpu 'sinks if I get the switftech block for my 6800GT instead of teh NV68....cus then I'd have some really nice ram cooling, and areason to leave my Vantec Fancard installed and lit up UV Blue. :p
again, not to thread crap, but those are some nice they come with thermal tape? cuz I don't wanna buy the $14 AS they cool well blackrose?
'grats on the PC70....but what kind of temperature difference did you see with the Zalman? Why didn't you want to put down the cash for the superior ATI Silencer for the IS the better cooler.

It's cool though, hope you're happy with it.
cornelious0_0 said:
'grats on the PC70....but what kind of temperature difference did you see with the Zalman? Why didn't you want to put down the cash for the superior ATI Silencer for the IS the better cooler.

It's cool though, hope you're happy with it.

Silencer is only better if you mod it, otherwise Zalman is the top air cooler. I've tried both now so I can tell you from first hand experience.
I haven't even used the card without the heatpipe, and haven't mounted the fan yet. Keeping it at 520 / 560 defaults now with no problems. I honestly expected myself to want to OC it right away, but with my entire system, I don't find I have the need to yet, playing everything at 1600 with no problems. MFZ gave me a deal on the heatpipe / fan, so I couldn't really pass it up and be stuck with stock cooling :p
I'd post 3D03/05 scores, but sadly I've been downloading / updating / installing games alllllllll day long. I've had this PC on and put together for 24 hours and have used 50% of the HDD space already. Although it is enjoyable to play UT2004 at 1600 with 2xAA while downloading and installing 3 different MMO's ;)
MFZ said:
Silencer is only better if you mod it, otherwise Zalman is the top air cooler. I've tried both now so I can tell you from first hand experience.

What mods are there for the silencer? I have my NV 5 and the performance isnt amazing me over the stock ultra cooler, but I like how quiet it is and the dhes exhausts out the back which is nice.

Ive seen guys with some crazy mods on the zalman, tornados all over it, damn good cooler.
I would also be interested to see what people are doing to their NVSilencers.....just for future reference. I'm going to be lapping mine to 1500grit this weekend and I'll be sure to let you guys know how it went, but other then that, and possibly closing the gap between the duct and the case I'm really not sure what else people might have been doing. As I'm not sure how soon or if at all I'm going to be able to do water cooling on my 6800GT I would be interested to know what all is out there to improve my already stellar NV5.
MFZ said:

Very nice, why I had not seen this before I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure I've got a couple fans kickin' around that'll fit. I'll have to give this a go after a lap the NV5 to see how much the two mods help me out. I'll be honest, I don't really feel THAT much air coming out the back of the case from the NV5, so hopefully adding that fan ontop of the cooler will help it out.

EDIT: Here's a quick link to one guys results before and after the mod and what it looks like. Very nice. :cool:
Very nice, Ill certainly look into doing that, are there 60mm tornados? :D

I always wanted to mount the extra slk-800 I have laying around to a card with a 80mm tornado on it, does anybody know of a good way to mount it?
cornelious0_0 said:
blackrose, not meant as a thread crap at all, but why did you decide on the Tweakmonster ramsinks? I've had 'em and they are decent, but I'd have picked up some of FrozenCPU's ramsinks........they're WAY larger and pure copper......and the funny thing is that they're almost $7 cheaper then those tweakmonster's. :p I'll be getting those frozencpu 'sinks if I get the switftech block for my 6800GT instead of teh NV68....cus then I'd have some really nice ram cooling, and areason to leave my Vantec Fancard installed and lit up UV Blue. :p

Well... when the sinks (and epoxy) were free, you'll clearly see my reasoning :p The core is a r360 and it successfully flashed to an XT, and OC's well beyond. So, for the total 20$ extra, i got an XT from a 150$ pro :)

edit- Alex41290 they do not come with any mounting, just the sinks.
blackrose said:
Well... when the sinks (and epoxy) were free, you'll clearly see my reasoning :p

Hehe, fair enough.

Well ppl, after trying a few different mods with my NVSilencer (cutting etc.....) I have basically wittled it away to I wanted to see what effect it would have to modify the ducting in different ways. I'm not left now with much that is very usefull, so I'm going to start over. It looks like I'm just gonna order another Silencer with a 60mm aluminum fan @ 27cfm.....and do the mod exactly how it's pictured on OCForums.....with the stock plastic ducting completely intact, and the fan added as a direct intake onto the heatsink.

Just thought I'd let you all know that it's not REALLY worth experimenting with different mods on the Silencer that involve any additional the OCForums link that was given earlier is still the most effective mod I've seen.

Oh, I did lap the Silencer and it seemed to help it out a little, but by then I had completely butchered the cooler itself so it's tough to tell. :p
aoc007 said:
pics of this butchered silencer?

It's not necessarily butchered....the cuts are clean as hell.....its just that while I was experimenting I ended up trimming back to much of the shroud, causing the blower fan and the coolers design to lose some of its effectiveness. I'm not upset about it at all, but if you want to know further about what I did just PM me about it.....and lets see some more pics.....I need more motivation to buy a digicam. :p
My 9800pro that ran 500MHz core no mods


Now off the rig... gave way to 6800ultra that doesn't want to do sub zero :mad:

My 9800pro that ran 500MHz core no mods

It's too bad you needed the Prommy to hit 500MHz core.....would have been a heck of a lot more impressive on air. ;) Nice stuff though.

Now off the rig... gave way to 6800ultra that doesn't want to do sub zero

There are a few workarounds out there to get past the low temperature thermal throttling, but I have yet to find one that is a 100% surefire fix. Probly why I have YET to see one crazy dual cascade setup on xtremesystems with a 6800 strapped in. :p
shamino has (had?) one awhile ago thats how he broke 100k aquamarks awhile ago.
I know it's an older post but to the person wondering about blue PCB's. Yes there were reviewers with red sapphire X800XTPE's but those were old pre-release version one's. I asked sapphire and they said that all their XTPE's are now in blue
Apologenetic said:
I know it's an older post but to the person wondering about blue PCB's. Yes there were reviewers with red sapphire X800XTPE's but those were old pre-release version one's. I asked sapphire and they said that all their XTPE's are now in blue

That's pretty cool.....just incase I ever decide to make the switch and get a voltmod/TEC setup going on an X800XTPE....I'll definitely want the Blue....I'm sick of green/red cards. :p