The New, (now) official, Show off Your Video Card Thread

I dont get this thread? Whats the big deal about showing of your video card. My XT PE looks exactly like an XT PE. There all the same! That goes for the nvidiots too. The only thing that may be different is a sticker on the front.
SocketA said:
I dont get this thread? Whats the big deal about showing of your video card. My XT PE looks exactly like an XT PE. There all the same! That goes for the nvidiots too. The only thing that may be different is a sticker on the front.

well... stock there isn't much. but a lot of the cards on here have mods done to them, which i think is the main purpose. and what do you care? if you don't like the idea skip over the thread.
blackrose said:
well... stock there isn't much. but a lot of the cards on here have mods done to them, which i think is the main purpose. and what do you care? if you don't like the idea skip over the thread.

exactly...and also, we like to comment on other people's cards....some might be watercooled, pelted, sexy-air-cooled, and others...its nice to see what you have in a different way, as well as what you drool about :p
SocketA said:
I dont get this thread? Whats the big deal about showing of your video card. My XT PE looks exactly like an XT PE. There all the same! That goes for the nvidiots too. The only thing that may be different is a sticker on the front.

lol, he clearly didn't read the title of the thread or he would have got what it is about in one. I gotta laugh, but really i think he is here to wind up people, judging by his comment. Do not give him fuel. :confused:
Peter Piper said:
lol, he clearly didn't read the title of the thread or he would have got what it is about in one. I gotta laugh, but really i think he is here to wind up people, judging by his comment. Do not give him fuel. :confused:

. . . . .bump. . . . .:p . . . . .;)
SocketA said:
I dont get this thread? Whats the big deal about showing of your video card. My XT PE looks exactly like an XT PE. There all the same! That goes for the nvidiots too. The only thing that may be different is a sticker on the front.

The point isn't necessarily to JUST show your physical card if it does or doesn't have any mods.....but to simply let others know, and to show off your baby to everyone else. Personally I really don't care that I'm gonna be using the stock cooler on my X800XT-PE (a REAL XT-PE, no cheasy softmodding here ;) ) for while, at least until next month when I get a Maze4 for the card and really start to crank things.

So you see, it's not solely about the physical "showing" of the cards, but the sense of pride and wanting to showcase your gear that comes more into play.

Some people just can't/don't take the same amount of pride in their hardware and dont understand showing it off (obviously you're one of those people) but that's cool, and I respect that. The fact of the matter is though, that the greater majority of us around [H] DO like to show our stuff, just for the sake of showing it.....mods or not, with or without any comments.....just for the sake of knowing others have seen it.
cornelious0_0 said:
Personally I really don't care that I'm gonna be using the stock cooler on my X800XT-PE (a REAL XT-PE, no cheasy softmodding here ;) ) for while, at least until next month when I get a Maze4 for the card and really start to crank things.

Congratulations on getting your hands on a REAL XT PE (Honestly :) )
However, just for clarification. These "Cheasy (sic) softmods" are REAL XT PE's. Mine was "Cheasilly" softmodded but I'm willing to bet that I can get performance identical to yours (not to mention, bought at nearly 400 dollars, 2.5 months ago!). Atleast until you "really start to crank things" ;) (happy tweaking btw, you're getting a sweet setup)

The fact of the matter is, the successfully softmodded x800 pro VIVOs have exactly the same hardware, architecture, and eventually the same software as the "Real" Platinum Editions (1.6n ram, rage theatre chip, Overdrive Tab, etc... some even have the pro sticker put on OVER the PE sticker!) and can run just as fast and stable. sorry to rant but we worked hard for it months ago when the price for a PE was astronomical and were in short supply, so we maintain bragging rights (which is what I believe to be the sole purpose of this thread :) )

I have an order for a plain XT (non PE) I figured a XT should overclock better than a softmodded VIVO (unless I got lucky) and the PE was $100 more + extra tax and I believe the only difference between that and a plain XT is the 2.0ns RAM, correct?

It has dual DVI and 1.6ns GDDR3 Samsung memory on it. :eek: :D

The bundle it came with: X2: The Threat, Nascar 2004, Commandos 3, 2 DVI->VGA adapters, driver/demo disc, s-video cable, manuals. Not bad for $179 shipped.

Now to overclock it...
i r buy PCI-E X800 PRO fo 429$ :)


oh noes~!!!!11one!!111 it uses a PCi-E power cord! crap :mad:
Premise, while the Giant III did alright on my 9800XT, I sure as hell hope that you're not running it with that 9,000rpm blower fan it does about as close to nothing as possible. Highest pitch fan I've ever heard. :rolleyes:

CrimandEvil, ygpm.....
Right back at you cornelious and I agree that all that little fan does is make noise.

Anyone know if a NV Silencer 1 will fit on my 5700U? Don't want to mess around with possibly removing the ramsinks so I just want to strap on a new cooler.
The NV1 MIGHT fit, but the NV2 is built specifically for the 5700U and cools the memory, which I don't think the NV1 does.
Yeah but if you look at the BFG (pic right above you ;) ) you''ll see that BFG already has mem coolers so I don't need the extra stuff that comes with the NV 2.
CrimandEvil said:
Yeah but if you look at the BFG (pic right above you ;) ) you''ll see that BFG already has mem coolers so I don't need the extra stuff that comes with the NV 2.

It comes with memory coolers, but you might have to end up modding the NV1 to get it to fit "around" might now, it depends on what the ramsinks and Silencer are like for size when they're installed.

Also, the price between the NV1 and NV2 is only like 5$, and the fact that the memory on the card would be recieving active cooling I think far outweighs the little bit of cash you'd save by making your existing ramsinks work.
ubern00b15 said:
i know, i dont get it this was such a [H]ard thread too
I have edited all pages for borked images. Some pages had as many as six posts per page that were totally broken. If you would like to help maintain this thread, I will resticky it now. Please just send me a DIRECT LINK to the thread that is borked and I will delete it. If I come back and see pages of borked images, I will unsticky again.

Thanks. :)
cornelious0_0 said:
Premise, while the Giant III did alright on my 9800XT, I sure as hell hope that you're not running it with that 9,000rpm blower fan it does about as close to nothing as possible. Highest pitch fan I've ever heard. :rolleyes:

CrimandEvil, ygpm.....

No I dot use the blower fan on it, Way too loud for my tasts.
Mine seems to be bigger. The Voodoo 5 at least, the Geforce 6 is normal sized.

Here is my BFG 6800GT alongside my OLD! Voodoo3

Damn thing is so heavy that it sags in my rig. Anyone have a comment on how to fix this problem?
my 6800GT


have the NV5 silencer on it, need to take new pics soon.
Meh, why not?

Side shot of the card I purchased over the summer:

Back shot:

Rear shot:


Ooooooo_0!!! Light experimentation shot:

Now before I get ripped into as to why I bought that card, here are some BEFORE vid card pictures:

Top side by side with 5800:

Side, err, side by side:

The main reason I bought the 5800 was to soft mod it into a QuadroFX 2000. But then the FireGL softmod got released. Pics to follow of my 9800 Pro...........sometime. :eek:
ubern00b15 said:
yay!!! they restickied my thread

Good stuff, but when something like this has grown to this size it's best not to try and take's the same way with the [H]ard ARC and [H]ard ORB that I setup and maintain...I do all the work, but I don't take all the credit. ;) :cool:
Well I have 2 6800U, but they are agps. Since Nforce4 SLI will be available soon, all I need....2 PCI-E 6800U to pummel Pent. 4.36EE with Abit Fatal...something..and reached 100s on ARC.
Hehe, I have such a funny feeling that 100k on the ARC is gonna seem like old news with SLI on the market. ;)

I'm gonna be finished with this computer for upgrades and things and all the case mods by the end of the year, then I'll save for a couple months or so and look at selling off my baby to move to an A64 SLI setup around Feb or March. :D

Hmm, maybe I should bet the PCP&C 510W Express now instead of the DLX if I'm gonna be making the switch....cus I believe the Express comes with two PCI-E VGA power cables out of the box. Either way I'll have my PCP&C hopefully by the end of the month though, so I can hardly wait. :cool:
I have seen tests that say the PCP&C 510w Deluxe's rails fluxuate very rapily under load (too rapidly for a multimeter to detect, only a oscillioscope can) but I'm sure the OCZ would provide plenty enough power for a SLI setup as long as you're not running dual CPU or lots of fans, lights, etc. And theres always molex converters for PCI-E graphics connectors ;) Although I do have a 510w Deluxe myself and I dont have any problems, but I heard the OCZ isn't as noisy and it has those external pots (not sure how much adjustment they allow, my Deluxe doesnt allow much).
aoc007 said:
I have seen tests that say the PCP&C 510w Deluxe's rails fluxuate very rapily under load (too rapidly for a multimeter to detect, only a oscillioscope can) but I'm sure the OCZ would provide plenty enough power for a SLI setup as long as you're not running dual CPU or lots of fans, lights, etc. And theres always molex converters for PCI-E graphics connectors ;) Although I do have a 510w Deluxe myself and I dont have any problems, but I heard the OCZ isn't as noisy and it has those external pots (not sure how much adjustment they allow, my Deluxe doesnt allow much).

I dont' ever like to sound ignorant, but if you're gonna start telling me to buy the OCZ over the PCP&C I don't know what to say.....

I've talked to so many ppl running systems like dual opterons with 4GB of ram and 10 HDD's that NEVER see the rails budge, and I think there's probably a reason that most true enthusiast overclockers over at XS "believe" in these things.

The OCZ is nice, but I still want the best PSU money can get, and right now that IS the PCP&C 510W DLX/Express.
Yeah like I said Ive had no problems with mine but there were oscilloscope tests that indicate the rails fluctuate very very quickly under load however there havnt been any follow up tests or anything else to validate it, either way youd be set with the OCZ or PCP&C, right now I believe OPP and Macci use the OCZ.
aoc007 said:
either way youd be set with the OCZ or PCP&C, right now I believe OPP and Macci use the OCZ.

I know, I'm going to be placing the order tomorrow either way.....the fact that Oppainter and macci both run the OCZ is kind of it kind of lets me know that yes, it IS capable of handling systems that have the $hit overclocked out of them. Considering the PCP&C is gonna break the bank for almost $100 more then the OCZ I'm going to be tempted to still get the 520W Powerstream so that I can get the Maze4 on my XT-PE a little sooner. ;)
cornelious0_0 said:
I know, I'm going to be placing the order tomorrow either way.....the fact that Oppainter and macci both run the OCZ is kind of it kind of lets me know that yes, it IS capable of handling systems that have the $hit overclocked out of them. Considering the PCP&C is gonna break the bank for almost $100 more then the OCZ I'm going to be tempted to still get the 520W Powerstream so that I can get the Maze4 on my XT-PE a little sooner. ;)

Heh. My psu (in sig) was the best money could buy... for about 3 weeks when it randomly died on me. Didn't take out any components, but yeah, for the amount I paid I've been a little dissapointed. It's getting replaced and all but still, what a pain. Now, I probably would have gone with the OCZ and have a little more cash instead. Either way they'll both power a system runnin sli just fine.
Dillusion said:
lol im not gonna try, im gonna have to reformat anyway, so ill just wait till tommorow.

according to ATI, it stand within the PCIe specs, so no need for extra power, exept if your overclocking (or even using overdrive)
LyCoS said:
according to ATI, it stand within the PCIe specs, so no need for extra power, exept if your overclocking (or even using overdrive)

then why does it have the connector....weird canadians