The new cream of the crop?

OMG! Android is the sux! Watch this video!

LOOK AT THE LAG! It's uber terrible!

Oh wait, what lag? It renders consistently at 60 fps with a single-core snapdragon... with 16 panels...

OMG! It's terrible cause it is not Apple!

So that and the browser killing safari, I don't think you can bitch about lag on Android.
The new mango wp7 apis have everything I want, except in app payment. Time to get more developing...

That graph has nothing to do with overall interest, though. Here, take a look at market share:


iPhone sales are strong, but market share isn't growing. Thus, Apple is currently only able to sell new iPhones to current iPhone users. Meanwhile, Android continues to grow at an insane rate. Despite false cries of fragmentation and rants about "closed systems being better", the simple fact is that Android is currently winning - it's #1. It has the highest market share *AND* it is growing the fastest.
^Yeah sure the Android platform according to that graph is winning, but different phone companies are fighting for the sale, while Apple is raking all the money coz guess what, All iPhones Are Belong To Them.
^Yeah sure the Android platform according to that graph is winning, but different phone companies are fighting for the sale, while Apple is raking all the money coz guess what, All iPhones Are Belong To Them.

Yes, and? HTC's profits still exceeded expectations thanks to Android despite all the fighting for sales. Multiple phone companies still doesn't change the fact that it's all Android, anyway.

If your point is just that Apple is rich, that's great but it has nothing to do with my post or the one I quoted - which was about user interest.
Yes, and? HTC's profits still exceeded expectations thanks to Android despite all the fighting for sales. Multiple phone companies still doesn't change the fact that it's all Android, anyway.

If your point is just that Apple is rich, that's great but it has nothing to do with my post or the one I quoted - which was about user interest.

I'm just saying that even with all the user interest, it's like a bunch of dwarves beating a giant in a Who's Taller Contest by standing on top of each other. They are all separate entities.. I'm glad HTC sales are getting better because I owned an HTC Legend before I sold it to buy airconditioning. :)

Now if the Android makes a significant number of iPhone folks defect then that's much better.
Android is split between all the companies that make it, and hardware split too.

You can still buy android 1.6 phones, they count, but when you compare that with apple just selling 1 phone, I dont know who to give the title of winner to.
the discussion was android vs iPhone.. it was not HTC android phones vs Motorola android phones vs Samsung android phones vs whatever else vs iPhone..

So just because there are multiple companies producing them doesn't make android the looser.. Those multiple companies producing them is why so many people are using android & what makes it the winner.
I think if Google just made one single Android phone, it would easily beat the iPhone, as far as build quality, hardware, OS polish, etc...Imagine only a single device that Google spent all their money and R&D on :D
Sorry I'm stuck on Final Cut Pro... really? I can put together a computer with better everything and run a superior video/audio editing software called Sony Vegas for a thousand or more cheaper than a Mac Pro.

That is funny funny shit, Vegas being better than Final Cut. Not one of the editors I know uses Vegas, it is either FCP or Avid, that's it. One of the top editorial houses here that my friend cuts at is 100% Final Cut, and the owner won the Academy Award for editing this year. The Coen Bros use Final Cut as well, they've cut all their films with it for years, but I guess they should switch to Vegas because who cares about quality when you can have something real cheap!

As for the Mac Pro, its a multicore/multi-CPU Xeon, what do you expect? Price one out from Dell or HP, those aren't cheap either.

Keep the lols coming dude
I totally agree that WP7 is a great platform. I honestly believe it will crush Blackberry and take over as the main business platform because of its solid integration with mobile Outlook and Exchange.

WP7's only roadblock right now is Microsoft's ineptness with updating it. While updating Android isn't all roses and candy, its update problems revolve around the stupidity of the manufacturers who take a year to bake in crap like Sense and Blur. MS is having issues updating anything at all though. Even now that NoDo is supposedly rolling out it's taking a helluva long time. If MS doesn't correct that issue it will be the platforms undoing.

Well, glad we can agree on something. :)
That is funny funny shit, Vegas being better than Final Cut. Not one of the editors I know uses Vegas, it is either FCP or Avid, that's it. One of the top editorial houses here that my friend cuts at is 100% Final Cut, and the owner won the Academy Award for editing this year. The Coen Bros use Final Cut as well, they've cut all their films with it for years, but I guess they should switch to Vegas because who cares about quality when you can have something real cheap!

As for the Mac Pro, its a multicore/multi-CPU Xeon, what do you expect? Price one out from Dell or HP, those aren't cheap either.

Keep the lols coming dude
once again with the "industry standard" fanboi rant.

No one I know talked about how FCP is better than Vegas after having to use both. Most prefer to use vegas because of superior sound syncing over FCP while using lesser hardware. Heck, vegas also supports more mixed formats, and cuts films in 3D.

And AVID is great. and it also runs on windows. Not here to argue about that. Most of the industry uses avid. But the top film of all time avatar uses adobe premier. The social network uses premier. What does that tell you? It tells me that between avid, premier, fcp, and vegas, only fcp people need another editor... Funny as hell!

Now that apple streamlined fcp to look more like imovie, good luck to you!

By the way, why must I buy from Dell or HP? And let's configure a dell for argument sake... Err... You must be joking right? Similar cost? I guess $900 must be like chump change to you. And dell includes a monitor!
As for the Mac Pro, its a multicore/multi-CPU Xeon, what do you expect? Price one out from Dell or HP, those aren't cheap either.

WOW! Multicore? NO WAI DUDE!

Base model Mac Pro:
2.8ghz Quad Core 'Nehalem' Xeon
3GB RAM (1066mhz)
ATI 5770
1TB hdd
$2,500 (no, seriously, Apple actually charges $2,500 for the above)

Dell XPS 8300
3.4ghz i7-2600
8GB RAM (1333mhz)
ATI 5450
1TB hdd
$950 (or if you configure it with a 5870 instead, $1,260)

Dell is faster at half the cost. You were saying?
once again with the "industry standard" fanboi rant.
Yeah, I'm kinda tired of that too. I deal with it in the printing and retouching industry as well as in the last production house I owned. The "industry standard" retards are still stuck 20 years in the past.
WOW! Multicore? NO WAI DUDE!

Base model Mac Pro:
2.8ghz Quad Core 'Nehalem' Xeon
3GB RAM (1066mhz)
ATI 5770
1TB hdd
$2,500 (no, seriously, Apple actually charges $2,500 for the above)

Dell XPS 8300
3.4ghz i7-2600
8GB RAM (1333mhz)
ATI 5450
1TB hdd
$950 (or if you configure it with a 5870 instead, $1,260)

Dell is faster at half the cost. You were saying?

because a Core i7 with non-ECC RAM is the same thing as a Xeon?

hint: it isnt.....
You are exactly the same as the people who you are lamenting as a fanboi. Just on the other side.
when did I ever use "industry standard" as the reason to purchase something? So what other side are you even referring to?
because a Core i7 with non-ECC RAM is the same thing as a Xeon?

hint: it isnt.....
No kidding... but here's my $900

Cheapest Mac Pro $2500
2.8 ghz Xeon Nehalem
3 GB Ram ECC
5770 AMD

Dell Precision $1600
2.8 ghz Xeon Nehalem
4 GB Ram ECC
V5800 AMD FirePro
22" Dell Professional P2210

So what is this about them being similarly priced? More ram and better gpu too (note: the internals of the v5800 is similarly spec-ed as the 5770 except it's professional workstation grade which means it's also more expensive and yet still cheaper at dell). And a monitor three!

What can I do with $900? SSD... and a more powerful video card. But why Dell?!?
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because a Core i7 with non-ECC RAM is the same thing as a Xeon?

hint: it isnt.....

Correct, the dell is considerably better. ECC only matters for servers, and even then it still isn't important. Why suffer the overhead for no gain, especially on a workstation? And the i7 in the Dell is Sandybridge (current gen), whereas the Xeon in the Mac is nehalem (last gen)
Correct, the dell is considerably better. ECC only matters for servers, and even then it still isn't important. Why suffer the overhead for no gain, especially on a workstation? And the i7 in the Dell is Sandybridge (current gen), whereas the Xeon in the Mac is nehalem (last gen)
Where as there is some truth to what you are saying but we are comparing "apples to apples"...

And clearly, Apple is still way more expensive. So any notion that a similarly configured PC cost about the same as an Apple is totally false. I wouldn't consider a $900 difference, especially today, similarly priced cause a decent 128GB SSD can be easily found under $400... REALLY EASY... and a really high-end desktop graphics can be found for $500 while a high-end workstation graphic still could be found for $500. And since we are talking about video editing and encoding, I don't know how anyone could argue with that! No, you don't want an SSD or a better video card?
Not here to argue about that. Most of the industry uses avid. But the top film of all time avatar uses adobe premier. The social network uses premier. What does that tell you? It tells me that between avid, premier, fcp, and vegas, only fcp people need another editor... Funny as hell!

Incorrect, The Social Network was edited on Final Cut Pro. I should know, the editor friend I mentioned in my prior post works at that specific editors company (, and it is an all Final Cut house. I also know for a fact that Avatar was cut on Avid.

Premiere is generally used in these situations as a go-between between After Effects and Final Cut or Avid if AE is being used for temporary comps or temp effects or anything like that, but actual "creative" editing is generally done on FCP or Avid.

Obviously it is about the talent and not the tools to a large extent (although using non-standard software packages makes as much sense as going with non-Microsoft Office alternatives in the business world), but don't invent things to support non-existent points. The most important thing, behind using commonly used software packages, is comfort and familiarity. Some people prefer Final Cut, and some prefer Avid. Both have very legit positives and negative, and good (and bad) things can be cut with both. They're just tools, but they are also well supported tools that are probably popular for very good reasons.

This isn't about me and it isn't about fanboyism, it is about plain reality.

EDIT: Oh hell, here's an article saying exactly what I did regarding their workflow. Rock Paper Scissors is all out on Final Cut, XSans and everything:
More stuff from Fincher and Wall:

Coens just for fun:
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Yeah, I'm kinda tired of that too. I deal with it in the printing and retouching industry as well as in the last production house I owned. The "industry standard" retards are still stuck 20 years in the past.

You're the guy that got bounced out by competition from amateurs with DSLRs and home NLE packages, right?

Gee, must be rough...
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Where as there is some truth to what you are saying but we are comparing "apples to apples"...

And clearly, Apple is still way more expensive. So any notion that a similarly configured PC cost about the same as an Apple is totally false.

Honestly, the last time I price compared was when the i7 Nehalems were introduced back in 2009. At the time the Mac Pro was actually $400-$1000 cheaper than a similarly specced Dell Dimension or HP workstation (Xeons, ECC RAM, etc etc).

Obviously that has changed since the Mac Pros haven't been updated in forever. The professional side of their hardware has really taken a back seat to the consumer side in the last few years, that's for sure. Either way, we'll see how prices compare once Apple finally updates them (lord knows when that will be). They used to be among the first to market when Intel would release a new CPU. They beat Dell and HP to i7 Nehelems by almost two months when they first came out, they were weeks ahead with mobile Penryns, etc etc. Now consumer devices seem to have the first priority.

BTW, this has gone WAY off topic....
because a Core i7 with non-ECC RAM is the same thing as a Xeon?

hint: it isnt.....

Pretty much. ECC RAM and server grade motherboards and such are large expenses, but if you're doing a 1:1 comparison with other PC makers then they should be brought into the equation.

There is also the fact that Apple hasn't released an update while keeping prices the same, and that has been a serious problem for almost two years now (at least for the pro market).

I tell people not to bother with Mac Pros. 99.99999% of people don't need Xeons, ECC RAM, etc etc. If you want a tower, build a Windows box, and if you want a Mac, get an iMac or a laptop. iMacs are great values with their awesome displays and everything. It's almost like getting a $1000+ display with a computer built in, since you can use it as an external monitor for a PC or whatever as well (I game from my PC on mine, awesome).

Anyway, as I said above, the next time Mac Pros will be price competitive again (as they have been in the past) is whenever they decide to update the Mac Pros, and no sooner than that.
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Obviously that has changed since the Mac Pros haven't been updated in forever. The professional side of their hardware has really taken a back seat to the consumer side in the last few years, that's for sure. Either way, we'll see how prices compare once Apple finally updates them (lord knows when that will be). They used to be among the first to market when Intel would release a new CPU. They beat Dell and HP to i7 Nehelems by almost two months when they first came out, they were weeks ahead with mobile Penryns, etc etc. Now consumer devices seem to have the first priority.

Pretty much. ECC RAM and server grade motherboards and such are large expenses, but if you're doing a 1:1 comparison with other PC makers then they should be brought into the equation.
I tell people not to bother with Mac Pros. 99.99999% of people don't need Xeons, ECC RAM, etc etc. If you want a tower, build a Windows box, and if you want a Mac, get an iMac or a laptop. iMacs are great values with their awesome displays and everything. It's almost like getting a $1000+ display with a computer built in, since you can use it as an external monitor for a PC or whatever as well (I game from my PC on mine, awesome).

Anyway, as I said above, the next time Mac Pros will be price competitive again (as they have been in the past) is whenever they decide to update the Mac Pros, and no sooner than that.
Excuse me, but a great 22" (or 21.5") IPS screen can be had for under $300. So why the hell would anyone spend $1000 on just an IPS display? BTW, a 32" S-IPS HDTV can be easily found under $500. A WQHD IPS 27" can be found for $900. And a decent i5 iMac is $2000... how is that affordable?

The cheapest iMac is $1300 with a dual-core i3 and 21.5" screen. I can buy an Alienware M11x R3 ($900) and a Dell Ultrasharp 22.5" IPS ($280) for less than that at their full price (without the additional discounts), and it'll be faster and way more portable than an iMac.

Apple used to be barely "priced competitively" only with their education discount, but they aren't discounting as much anymore. Without the education discounts, only fanbois could suggest Apple products to be "great value."
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You're the guy that got bounced out by competition from amateurs with DSLRs and home NLE packages, right?

Gee, must be rough...
I'm the guy that sold the company and used the money to reinvest in other businesses. If being successful enough to own my own companies means that I have to listen to you chastise me then so be it. I don't look down my nose at your line of work and I'd appreciate it if you didn't do it to me because I chose to and rake in the cash elsewhere. I've headed international broadcasts and productions and have done my fair share high end work so get off your soap box. Yes I freelanced for a while and it was hard to compete with amateurs with too much free time.....the industry is dying and guys like that are the reason.
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I don't think the iPhone 5 is going to be anything revolutionary. It'll probably be a global phone with a dual core A5
Ahhhh.. The old Apple vs the world... I grew up in Santa Clara and watched it all happen.

I remember a time when Apple was the corporate hack.. Only schools and graphic artists used them and they were too rich for the common man.. that was the 80's.

We, the real hackers, the real rebels, made all this "internet stuff" happen from BBS and "byte" baud modems, Z80's, IBM processors and Microsoft PC's... Apple was for graphic artists and school children.. Everyone else made the computer industry what it is today... NOT Apple. How's that Apple server working for ya? How about that network protocol...??

Apple code was locked down for 2 decades until the early 2000's, they were a corporate giant that stomped the little guy at ever turn, once they figured they couldn't compete with their own proprietary CPU's and components, they had to begin playing nice and put a pretty picture on their business... they weren't the freedom loving individualists they claim to be today.

Apple was almost in bankruptcy and was saved by the Ipod, and they stole that interface from Creative..who sued and won a pittance many years after the fact...

Then the STUPID commercial that broke the straw.. I am a mac.. Yeah, well we only made it all happen and you rode on our backs trying to be the cool kid.. way after the fact..

Much of the malicious code in the early years was created to stop the competition by Mac heads.. Sitting in their Moms basement hacking away at Microsoft to tout that Microsoft was unsafe.. Paid hackers, under the table via 5th and 6th degree's of separation from those who paid them... once banking transactions came about in the 90's, then the genie was out of the bottle and it was game on..

Apple is not an industry leader.. They are Marketing giants for people who simply follow the trends.. name brand clothes, little pieces of hair that they need to shave under their lips, manbags and people who drool over pretty things..oooh ahhh.. and people who aren't interested in HOW things work, or HOW to make it better, they are people who just follow the trends.. wishing they were someone else...if it wasn't built in there.. they probably didn't need it.. and will upgrade to the next model when it breaks.. The IPAD 12.. ?? many versions of Tic tac toe do you need in the Mac Apps store anyway? Oh. but they have more than anyone else..sorry.

Ehhh... But what do I know.. I'm just a PC... and an Android user!
