The Large Hadron Collider Shutting Down For A Year

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The world is safe from disaster and DBBH (death by black hole) for at least another year while the Large Hadron Collider shuts down. Apparently design flaws have kept it from blowing up the planet so they want to rework things a bit. ;)

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) must close at the end of 2011 for up to a year to address design issues, according to an LHC director. Dr. Steve Myers told BBC News the faults will delay the machine reaching its full potential for two years.
Watch it keep being shut down till the end of 2012. They will probably set the date to December 21st just to mess with us.
From what I gathered around the net, the article is a bit misleading as this was a scheduled shut down that was announced back in January. The plan was to start the collider for 18 months and keep increasing energy level to 7 TEV, then shut down for 12 months for maintenance then start it back up again to go all the way to the max of 14 TEV.
Large Hadron Collider expected to restart at full capacity on Dec 21, 2012!!! :eek:

Well, a lot of people will make fun of it, but it does make you wonder. The thing that is supposedly going to destroy the world won't reach it's 'full potential' until the year other people believe the world is suppose to end?
/puts on tin foil hat

I don't buy into this whole 2012 thing... but like the above poster says, it makes you wonder...

Also, first birds, now scheduled shutdowns... will they ever get it working?
From what I gathered around the net, the article is a bit misleading as this was a scheduled shut down that was announced back in January. The plan was to start the collider for 18 months and keep increasing energy level to 7 TEV, then shut down for 12 months for maintenance then start it back up again to go all the way to the max of 14 TEV.

I would hate for posts like this to get in the way of the internet rageposts.
The last time it shut down was due to a piece of bread dropped from the beak of a passing bird. With this control, December 21st 2012 seems to be the best bet for a restart. :D
Has this thing ever worked? Seems all I hear is it breaks down again

It's the most complicated machine ever engineered, designed, and assembled. It's also one of the most expensive, but this is due to a lot of subsidy and EU patronage. They don't care, it's white noise to them and they stay employed in care of the EU tax payer.
Makes me wonder now how the SSC didn't make it. Well I know why, but it's a shame that it didn't happen.
Makes me wonder now how the SSC didn't make it. Well I know why, but it's a shame that it didn't happen.
That didn't work because it got the axe from congressional oversight as far as spending money on the thing... IMO a wise choice. Let the Europeans put tons of money into it having an international collaboration.

Back on track though, didn't they just fire this back up again? As to the Dec 21, 2012 I think the should purposefully not do anything that day, in the same way that quite a few buildings don't have a 13th floor (at least a button for it on the elevator). Just to keep the crazies at bay.
the article doesn't really point out that the LHC will be in continuous running from now until the shut down.

During that time it will be nearly 7 times more powerful than any other particle accelerator (Tevatron is 2nd in the list) in the world and should still give us insight into whether the Higgs particle exisits, Supersymmetry and many new areas of physics. The fact that we won't hit 14 TeV till later is a downer but instead we'll get one of the longest continuous (as much as can be) runs of a particle accelerator ever, without a winter shut down.

Also, the comment about the US not spending money on the LHC, sorry to disappoint but you were one of the biggest funding countries and also I should add one of the countries that supplied some of the faulty parts ;)
That didn't work because it got the axe from congressional oversight as far as spending money on the thing... IMO a wise choice. Let the Europeans put tons of money into it having an international collaboration.

Back on track though, didn't they just fire this back up again? As to the Dec 21, 2012 I think the should purposefully not do anything that day, in the same way that quite a few buildings don't have a 13th floor (at least a button for it on the elevator). Just to keep the crazies at bay.

Like I said. I know why it got pulled. Mostly it failed because of the outright corruption within the scope of the work. One of the contractors used part of the 2 or 3 billion it costs to lavish their offices with expensive artwork, new furniture, new corporate cars, and all kinds of other shit. What a waste.

Actually 12.21.12 should be the initial fire up date as to prove that nothing will occur and shut the loons up once and for all about 2012 because NOTHING WILL HAPPEN THAT DAY AT ALL!!!
and also I should add one of the countries that supplied some of the faulty parts
I hear the EU's safety protocols are much stricter when it comes to checking if bird-bread can make it through a grate. If you can't trust an air vent to be bird-bread proof, what can you trust? :rolleyes:
Sounds like some of stuff the Nazis were working on the the 1940's. Some of these scientist needs to get a life. Spending my tax dollars on BS. What is this machine going to do for people that have diseases such as Cancer and Diabetes? Scientist need to focus on today's problems, not on things that occurred billions of years ago they will never understand.
Sounds like some of stuff the Nazis were working on the the 1940's. Some of these scientist needs to get a life. Spending my tax dollars on BS. What is this machine going to do for people that have diseases such as Cancer and Diabetes? Scientist need to focus on today's problems, not on things that occurred billions of years ago they will never understand.

You just lost the argument. You evoked the Hitler/Nazi/Fox News clause.

Oh a joking note: "What is this machien going to do for people hat have diseases such as Cancer and Diabetes?" A. "It'll help cancer patients feel less alone. There will be a lot more people in the world sharing their condition"

Diabetes in kids is a sad thing or people born with it as a genetic disorder. Diabetes that's acquired by alcholics/obsessive eaters/extremely overweight people is a natural order of life thing imo. If I eat like crap, my health will turn to crap starting with Diabetes and Cancer roughly in that order.

I'd rather Scientists work for the Large Hadron Collider than work on a cure for the negative effects of poor diet and over consumption of sugar/insulin spiking foods. Oh the plus side, if half of Europe gets destroyed by some freak chance, scientists will have helped solve some of the over-population issues that exist today.
Seriously.. no more stories about this device until it is ACTUALLY working like it is suppose to!! I keep getting all worked up about something coming through the rip in the time/space continuum like in Stargate. I am sick & tired of reading stories about this thing getting ready to kick in and then getting myself mentally prepared to welcome our new ______ overlords.. only to have this thing sputter & peter out due to not having the right Duracell batteries in it or whatever is the problem this week!!

Didn't some scientists say that like...the future is stopping the present from running the collider?
So what happens if one is standing in front of the LHC and it shoots a particle at 99% of light speed?
Sounds like some of stuff the Nazis were working on the the 1940's. Some of these scientist needs to get a life. Spending my tax dollars on BS. What is this machine going to do for people that have diseases such as Cancer and Diabetes? Scientist need to focus on today's problems, not on things that occurred billions of years ago they will never understand.

You could go cure diabetes and cancer while they work on that.
You could go cure diabetes and cancer while they work on that.

What your going to get out of this machine? Absolutely nothing!
Unfortunate conditions like diseases are important to others until it happens to them.
You're an example of this.
Considering this is the most complicated piece of equipment ever designed and built by man, I'm not surprised they're going to shut it down to rework and refine the workings. Of course, the same can be said of Fermi. ;-)
What your going to get out of this machine? Absolutely nothing!
Unfortunate conditions like diseases are important to others until it happens to them.
You're an example of this.

People like you are an example of how short-sightedness can really damper research. Without projects like the LHC, you wouldn't have the internet right now (thank CERN). The internet that is a huge portion of the global economy. Without the internet programs like FOLDING@HOME and many other distributed computing programs couldn't function. Research into the Genome project, etc, would take an extra few decades of passing information around. Research into diseases like cancer, diabetes, etc.

There have been MANY great innovations that came about from the needs that projects like the LHC generated. Ever used Velcro? Of course you have...without the space race I doubt it would have gotten so popular. Velcro now serves a variety of purposes, even within the medical community. You could go about saying why should we have even spent so much money in the 50's and 60's for the space race. :rolleyes:
Well, a lot of people will make fun of it, but it does make you wonder. The thing that is supposedly going to destroy the world won't reach it's 'full potential' until the year other people believe the world is suppose to end?

Not only that, but starting up two days before the supposed end of the world - which is Dec 23, 2012 - is pretty creepy.

You just lost the argument. You evoked the Hitler/Nazi/Fox News clause.

Oh a joking note: "What is this machien going to do for people hat have diseases such as Cancer and Diabetes?" A. "It'll help cancer patients feel less alone. There will be a lot more people in the world sharing their condition"

Diabetes in kids is a sad thing or people born with it as a genetic disorder. Diabetes that's acquired by alcholics/obsessive eaters/extremely overweight people is a natural order of life thing imo. If I eat like crap, my health will turn to crap starting with Diabetes and Cancer roughly in that order.

I'd rather Scientists work for the Large Hadron Collider than work on a cure for the negative effects of poor diet and over consumption of sugar/insulin spiking foods. Oh the plus side, if half of Europe gets destroyed by some freak chance, scientists will have helped solve some of the over-population issues that exist today.

You, sir, have a quite naive viewpoint on type 2 Diabetes.

Contrary to what you are saying, it is not necessarily the result of any of those factors. Other things can trigger it as well, such as medications, environmental conditions, and just plain bad luck - just like Cancer.

Just like you can't reduce the chances of dieing in a car accident to zero by merely being a good driver, you can't reduce the chances of getting Diabetes or Cancer to zero by merely living a healthy lifestyle.
Huh? The internet all started from DARPA.

Now Folding@Home I feel is a waste of time. All I see from that project is stupid papers that no one uses for anything. Hence why I stopped folding on all my machines and PS3s.

Velcro also didn't come from the space race. NASA adopting it, did help popularize velcro, but velcro wasn't created for NASA in mind.
Huh? The internet all started from DARPA.

Now Folding@Home I feel is a waste of time. All I see from that project is stupid papers that no one uses for anything. Hence why I stopped folding on all my machines and PS3s.

Velcro also didn't come from the space race. NASA adopting it, did help popularize velcro, but velcro wasn't created for NASA in mind.

DARPA and CERN were both heavily involved. Many organization were...should I list them all?

And I didn't say Velcro came from the space race...just that its uses were widely adopted because of it. Go reread my post.

Well, the Mayans weren't just talking shit, that's for sure

To contradict myself, i don't buy into the 2012 thing, but given what the LHC is theoretically capable of and that whole 2012 thing and all the timing, it does make you at least wonder . . . . .
What your going to get out of this machine? Absolutely nothing!
Unfortunate conditions like diseases are important to others until it happens to them.
You're an example of this.

You should probably understand that the people working on the LHC are not Doctors of medicine so they probably wouldn't be able to cure cancer or diabetes. You should get your doctorate in medicine and cure them though.
You just lost the argument. You evoked the Hitler/Nazi/Fox News clause.

Oh a joking note: "What is this machien going to do for people hat have diseases such as Cancer and Diabetes?" A. "It'll help cancer patients feel less alone. There will be a lot more people in the world sharing their condition"

Diabetes in kids is a sad thing or people born with it as a genetic disorder. Diabetes that's acquired by alcholics/obsessive eaters/extremely overweight people is a natural order of life thing imo. If I eat like crap, my health will turn to crap starting with Diabetes and Cancer roughly in that order.

I'd rather Scientists work for the Large Hadron Collider than work on a cure for the negative effects of poor diet and over consumption of sugar/insulin spiking foods. Oh the plus side, if half of Europe gets destroyed by some freak chance, scientists will have helped solve some of the over-population issues that exist today.

DARPA and CERN were both heavily involved. Many organization were...should I list them all?

And I didn't say Velcro came from the space race...just that its uses were widely adopted because of it. Go reread my post.


CERN came out way after. They had absolutely nothing to do with ARPANET. Then came TCP/IP, again, from DARPA that started getting used on ARPANET. They started interconnecting all the existing networks together, like NASA and such. Forming the first portions of the internet.

Later on, others started using TCP/IP and eventually everything got thrown together and we have the internet as of now. CERN? Pfff, didn't need them for that.

Can credit CERN for WWW, not sure as hell not the internet.