The highly rated HP Pavilion Slimline PC thread


You say you've been running for a couple months with no problems but in an earlier post you said
1. Your PC BSODs multiple times for unknown causes.
2. In order to help the BSOD situation you had to use a software based underclocking utility to lessen power draw and heat output.

That does NOT sound like it's running with no problems!!!!!!!!

------After you get your fan solution in place please run a program called PRIME95 in "torture test" mode on both cores. It's what enthusiasts, including myself often run to ensure a PC is stable at a said Overclock, but it also will provide stability testing on any PC rigg. It simply loads the PC to 100% utilization in a number crunching situation.

What it is
The version I use for stability testing

Your computer is generally considered stable if it runs overnight successfully without a lockup by morning (> or = 8 hours)

Run this program after setting the slimline to "Full Performance mode" in the screensaver / power options. My wager is that you'll never make it past 1 hour before a lockup. Typically I see lockups in the first 4 hours if there is even a remote problem, if there is a serious problem you'll find it within a few minutes.
It will alllow you to determine if your hardware is actually stable under load....Then realize that isn't even using the video card at full power draw --- only the CPU... This should, in my opinon quickly prove that your 160watt PSU is not sufficient. I hope I'm wrong. But the work is on your shoulders to verify and then relay that info to the community here.

I also ask that you come back here and tell everyone when your PC bellies up, as I feel confident it will --- unfortunately! I've sounded the warning bell several times, as have others,

--- but your course is just like Cpt. Smith of the Titanic - "FULL STEAM AHEAD"

You say you've been running for a couple months with no problems but in an earlier post you said
1. Your PC BSODs multiple times for unknown causes.
2. In order to help the BSOD situation you had to use a software based underclocking utility to lessen power draw and heat output.

That does NOT sound like it's running with no problems!!!!!!!!

I also ask that you come back here and tell everyone when your PC bellies up, as I feel confident it will --- unfortunately! I've sounded the warning bell several times, as have others,

--- but your course is just like Cpt. Smith of the Titanic - "FULL STEAM AHEAD"


i will admit that i have had BSOD but this is for an IRQ not less than error so im not sure if this is as serious as people make out! however, i could be wrong and i didnt consider this to be a major problem as i had a similar problem with a fullsize dell pc.

just a quick question when you say that running this benchmark program at 100% and if i do have a problem within a few minutes will this tell me where the problem lies???

will this program blow my PC cos i would rather not test it knowing that this could blow everything! if i can play games and use internet along with several other programs then im happy with that!

no one answered wether i can get a slimline 160w PSU to replace my current one! as im 100% sure mines is only 110 watt!

if i go down with this ship, I will put my hands up and surrender! :p

there she blows captain!

i like taking chances just as long i dont suffer in the process :D

kind regards me

just a quick question when you say that running this benchmark program at 100% and if i do have a problem within a few minutes will this tell me where the problem lies???

will this program blow my PC cos i would rather not test it knowing that this could blow everything!

First off pics to prove or there is no way you are running a 110 watt PSU with all that stuff! :D

Prime95 will not tear up a PC initself. It is only a full 100% load simulator. If your computer can handle full power and full heat loads then it will be just fine. I use it to test my overclocks on my gaming rigg. (Q6600) If you google prime95 torture test you should find enough info to satisfy your curiousity. It DOES push it harder than any other application I've ever used -- thus why it is a toture test. It will not tell you were the problem lies, just that there is a problem. Basically it does maximum possible calculation rates and then compares those calculations with known answers. When something turns out wrong/miscalculated the program errors and tells you it is instable, either that -- or your PC will just reboot. Theoretically a PC should be able to run prime95 indefinately - that would mean it has no flaws.

I would advise waiting until you get your cooling solution in place because prime95 will make your processor run hotter than normal by a significant amount. Quite truthfully there should be nothing that makes your CPU hotter than prime 95, nor requires more power draw because the program just feeds it work /pegs it at 100% activity, until you close it, or it crashes.
First off pics to prove or there is no way you are running a 110 watt PSU with all that stuff!
believe it or not my PSU is 108 watts which is worse however, it could be worse again as it has ampages at right hand side and it shows 97 watts im very confused?????????/

links as follows for those who doubted me :p

regards me
Kakawak, I have a new Dell Slim Desktop with a 250W PSU without 6-pin power cable. Can I use that Galaxy 9600GT on this one without trouble? And, where did you find those 6-pin power adapters?
First off pics to prove or there is no way you are running a 110 watt PSU with all that stuff!
believe it or not my PSU is 108 watts which is worse however, it could be worse again as it has ampages at right hand side and it shows 97 watts im very confused?????????/

links as follows for those who doubted me :p

regards me

I've no idea how your computer is even functioning. I've never heard of anything but a 160 and a 180 for a slimline!?!?! Did you buy your slimline new/used/refurb? From what store? Wasn't that you that said PC was drawing 145 watts from the wall?????? A measely six amps on the 12 volt rail is absurd. I can't believe you can even turn the PC on!!!
well for those who said it was over for ATI must be squirming now! im sure the people at ATI are rubbing there hands now and with the current economic meltdown im sure ATI's share price will steadily rise :) ive always been a fan of ATI but there low profile range suck balz!

anyways has anyone looked at my PSU and had a laugh yet lol

regards me
First off pics to prove or there is no way you are running a 110 watt PSU with all that stuff!

I've no idea how your computer is even functioning. I've never heard of anything but a 160 and a 180 for a slimline!?!?! Did you buy your slimline new/used/refurb? From what store? Wasn't that you that said PC was drawing 145 watts from the wall?????? A measely six amps on the 12 volt rail is absurd. I can't believe you can even turn the PC on!!!


its hard to believe but i bought this brand new form a big electrical retailer in UK. im not sure what my PC is drawing in to be honest! lets hope it continues to function :D

as you can see in the photo its very tight for the 9600gt and you will now see why i have to vent holes where the case will go on to stop the case from overheating lol

regards me
Kakawak, I have a new Dell Slim Desktop with a 250W PSU without 6-pin power cable. Can I use that Galaxy 9600GT on this one without trouble? And, where did you find those 6-pin power adapters?


like archaea and several others have said in previous posts you will be taking a chance and is not recommended however, i did and is working far!

i would say yes but most people will say NO so its up to you! as for the 6 pin that came with the graphics card and i paid £98 GBP delivered UK.

archaea still cant believe how my PC is functioning witht he PSU i have, neither can i but it is :D

regards me
Kakawak, first of all, I need to know if my computer has two 4-pin molex free. I was wondering if yours has the two or you need just one free? Thanks, my friend
Is that a fanless heatsink for the CPU? Also it looks like you have a 2 molex to 6pin connector with only one molex connected.
links as follows for those who doubted me :p

Very interesting. Your slimline does not look like any I have seen: different CPU heatsink configuration (I guess you removed the fan to take the pictures?), single PCI-e x16 slot (no PCI or PCI-e x1 on motherboard), no pocket media drive bay... but the overall layout does resemble a slimline.

Maybe you have done so in an earlier post, but could you share the model number and the hardware configuration of your slimline?
Well I made one last modification towards my HP Slimline which will probably be the last modification I make and will officially sum up my senior graduation project. Basically I took the fans I had mounted on the back and fit them on the inside. It's actually not as easy as it sounds but it is possible with much room to spare. I don't think it really did anything as my CPU temps are about the same, but I think it looks a lot better rather than having them mounted on the outside.

What it looks like on the outside:

Inside in the dark:

Inside in the light:
(In the three last pictures there I set the shutter speed to 1/2000th of a second just to see the effect. (I got a new camera. I can't help it.:p) So even though the fan doesn't look like it's spinning in them, it actually is. lol)

Where the fan's USB wire comes through to the outside of the case:

But anyways, it wasn't easy. I initially faced a big problem where I was shorting out the fans with no visible reason as to why. For anyone who took notice of the electrical tape on the top, that is to prevent the fans from shorting. What I finally figured out was happening was that the ends of the LEDs in the fans were touching the metal case, and then somehow causing a short. So that electrical tape insulation there is preventing that. If anyone with this setup wants to give this a go ahead I would be VERY cautious of that. The wires on the fan will get VERY HOT when they are shorted which I wasn't too particularly proud of when that happened. But as long as you got that under control it works great and looks pretty neat.

So there's probably my last contribution to the archive.

^ that looks really nice!

if only i had case with the vent holes like yours, mines is full metal can you believe it? thats why i need vent holes like yours.

also is your chip side mounted or is it just the fan over the chip thats side mounted?

i will be doing something similar with the vent holes in case but the fans that you have at rear i dont have space for!

i will submit more photos of my PC and original fan placement so that you can confuse yourself more with my setup :D :D :D

once ive done everything i wil post photos :)

regards me
Very interesting. Your slimline does not look like any I have seen: different CPU heatsink configuration (I guess you removed the fan to take the pictures?), single PCI-e x16 slot (no PCI or PCI-e x1 on motherboard), no pocket media drive bay... but the overall layout does resemble a slimline.

Maybe you have done so in an earlier post, but could you share the model number and the hardware configuration of your slimline?

model is it has 9600gt in slot not sure iwhat the difference between the pci-e x 16 and pci-e, but no it doesnt have media bay. yes i removed the fan as its atttached to a plastic holder that covers the full motherboard! must be standard with these first gen models!

it is 100% an HP slimline if your still in doubt!

and it still far! :D

regards me
Is that a fanless heatsink for the CPU? Also it looks like you have a 2 molex to 6pin connector with only one molex connected.

its not a fanless heatsink, with my model i have a huge plastic atachment that covers the full motherboard, clips to the rear case and clips to the top of dvd drive with plastic arms. yes its weird but it works it blows the air through back of pc rather than blow on chip!

yes your right jeremy i have a 2 splitter molex one for dvd and graphics, which joins to female then splits to 6 pin with a spare 4 pin left as you can see in photo.

archaea couldnt believe that my pc turns on nevermind everything else powering! im no wizard with electrics but im good at stripping and putting everything back together!

regards me
Kakawak, first of all, I need to know if my computer has two 4-pin molex free. I was wondering if yours has the two or you need just one free? Thanks, my friend

you will need to buy a 2 x 4 pin molex splitter as your 9600gt should come with the 6 pin, however, the UK or European version might differ from the US version!

regards me
archaea couldnt believe that my pc turns on nevermind everything else powering! im no wizard with electrics but im good at stripping and putting everything back together!

regards me

6 amps on a 12 volt rail is only 12volts x 6amps = 72 watts.

Your processor is 65 watt draw and I THOUGHT - uses the 12 volt rail.
Your CD-ROM is probably 1 amp of the 12 volt rail.
Your Hard-drive is .75 amp on the 12 volt rail.
Your graphics card most certaintly ONLY uses the 12 volt rail and should be drawing about 70 watts at full tilt. Your graphics card alone should be subdoing your PSU at full load.

PSU's can do a cross load where basically it robs peter to pay paul, in simplest terms - takes from one rail's output to feed another, but from what I've always read - that functionality is limited and harmful to the PSU --- so yes --- do the math above and consider we haven't even added in all the components (motherboard etc) and I still have NO idea how that PSU runs your setup.
also is your chip side mounted or is it just the fan over the chip thats side mounted?

No, the CPU is mounted on the motherboard with that monster heatsync on top of it. That fan is perpendicular to the motherboard and blows air through the heatsync to the fans I have mounted in there which further helps with disipating the heat from the case. All-in-all it works very well. But yeah, my CPU is on the motherboard. How could it be mounted sideways???:p
How could it be mounted sideways???:p

i didnt mean to put that in shouldve deleted that doh!

anyways heres some more photos of my PC to show you ram, fan mounting and case!!!
as you will see with my case i have no where near the same amount of vent holes as you spider go figure! just managed to fit the xclio heatsinks in place so everything is looking good!

regards me
6 amps on a 12 volt rail is only 12volts x 6amps = 72 watts.

Your processor is 65 watt draw and I THOUGHT - uses the 12 volt rail.
Your CD-ROM is probably 1 amp of the 12 volt rail.
Your Hard-drive is .75 amp on the 12 volt rail.
Your graphics card most certaintly ONLY uses the 12 volt rail and should be drawing about 70 watts at full tilt. Your graphics card alone should be subdoing your PSU at full load.

PSU's can do a cross load where basically it robs peter to pay paul, in simplest terms - takes from one rail's output to feed another, but from what I've always read - that functionality is limited and harmful to the PSU --- so yes --- do the math above and consider we haven't even added in all the components (motherboard etc) and I still have NO idea how that PSU runs your setup.

is there anyway you or i can tell how much draw the graphics card takes? with my new GPU arriving soon this should help slightly with wattage but understand the logistics of your calculations above! maybe the power supply has a typo error :confused: maybe its supposed to read 208 lol!!!!

do you see why i need to drill holes or cut a rectangle out using the mesh ive purchased! heres a photo of mesh i will be using....

regards me
Here's the site that shows graphics power consumption:
The Truth About Graphics Power Requirements V2
9600 GT______________ 27W-34W-61W (512MB)
8600 GT _____________ 26W-52W

The eXtreme Power Supply Calculator Lite v2.5 which has been known to be low in calculating PSU usage, clocks in your system as needing a 192W PSU.

i would like to know why my PC hasnt fried or blown up? cos i did a recalc on the site jeremy gave and i got it around 200watt lol!!!!!

can someone tell me how much the 160watt power supply that is used in the s3000 series costs! is it the same measurements as mine? and will it have the same cables etc...?

regards me
Hi all - I got in on the woot deal for a couple of these slimlines, and came across this thread while researching ways to upgrade them.

I spoke with HP - and a technician - "Allen" (heavily accented, probably not really "Allen") confirmed with me that the as-printed 108W power supply units are merely misprinted labels - transposed numbering from an outsourced printer. a great great many of these made it out there. The part number is whats important, if you ever need to replace it - and its confirmed as 180W by this technician for me.

He also mentioned that the maximum video wattage for my particular combo - 65W CPU, 180W PS, is 25W or less, though higher draw cards can certainly be used.. but system stability may suffer.
Based on your pictures, your slimline is technically identical to mine, A8MN-BR / Hematite-GL8E . My power suply is 97+83=180 W, and you have the same, that might be the reson why your machine its still up and running..... In my opinion, the weak spot is the cooling of the power suply, it do get warm by time(almost hot), if doing anyting tuffer than web surfing. And the utilisation rate of a hot power suply is worse than on a cool one. But haven't figured out how to easily improve that one.

with the nvidia fiasco happening just now does this apply only to the s3000 series or all slimline series cos mine is the first gen model.

also with the power supply wattage i do hope that it is 180w, not sure i understand the previous post regarding the 97 + 83 watts???? as mine says 108 and 97!!!! but like the last guy said about there being a printing error i joked about that previously saying it was a typo.

the question we have blind people working in the industry (no offence)

if your in hell just keep going on!

regards me
For the lazy these are the affected models.

Product Number Model Number
RN672AV-ABJ s3020jp
GG071AV-ABJ s3120jp
GM266AA-AC8 s3041la
GM266AA-AKV s3041la
GM266AA-ABM s3041la
GC387AV-ABA s3000e
GC519AA-ABA s3012n
RX890AA-ABA and RX890AAR-ABA s3020n
RZ389AA-ABA and RZ389AAR-ABA s3023w
RY882AA-ABA and RY882AAR-ABA s3027c
GG759AV-ABA s3100e
GJ474AA-ABA and GJ474AAR-ABA s3100n
GC665AA-ABA and GC665AAR-ABA s3120n
GM286AA-ABA and GM286AAR-ABA s3122x
GC659AA-ABA and GC659AAR-ABA s3123w
GG787AA-ABA and GG787AAR-ABA s3127c
GN712AA-ABA s3242x
For the lazy these are the affected models.

well i guess this doesnt include me then :D

im just glad the PSU problem is now fixed and im sure archaea is happy to after this problem must have fried a few brain cells!!!! lol


^ Knowing you have a 180watt PSU makes everything you've succeeded in doing a little more sensible!
well I am getting ready to put in my 300 watt PSU so I feel a lot better about getting the 9600 Galaxy. What connectors do I need or have to mod to make the card work?
That's a good power rundown chart - the 9500GT uses significantly less power than the 8600GT at load which is good, chances are there's no problems from using it in a slimline even with a 65wt CPU.

8600GT at load: 52wt
9500gt (256meg): 35wt

Unfortunately the low-profile XFX 9500GT is DDR2, not the faster GDDR3 model, but it should still be a hair faster than the 8600GT in older titles and sometimes significantly faster in newer. The poster that claimed he saw no difference from an 8400GS makes no sense - the 9500GT should be significantly faster than the 8400GS.
I have a stock s3120n slimline – this has the standard HematiteXL-GL8E MB and a 160Watt power supply. I have just purchased a 9500GS that someone took out of a S3530F. I took a look at the specs of the S3530F – and it also ships with the standard 160watt power supply. What I found surprising was that this model (S3530F) has a 95watt AMD 9100e, a 9500GS and a TV tuner card! This really seems to be pushing what the 160watt PSU is capable of! (My only source for this is looking at the HP Parts description at )

Along with upgrading to the 9500GS, I purchased a BE-2400 45watt processor from newegg (we can now buy from newegg in Canada!!). This was based on reading through the forum posts and following the recommendation of going with the lower draw CPU before installing a new graphics card. Hopefully all will go well once I receive the parts – the one question that I have though is in regards to the list of supported processors documented on the first post of this forum. The BE-2400 is not on the list of supported processors for the HematiteXL-GL8E. The 2350 is listed. I did call HP Support with this query – but they were pretty useless in providing any details (they actually said that I could install any Socket AM2 CPU, when I asked how the board could support processors that were released AFTER the last bios update was issued – I just received the same response – any AM2 processor. I think the information in this forum provides much more detailed information than HP is able to offer!).

Has anyone installed the BE-2400 in the HematiteXL-GL8E Motherboard?

I installed the BE-2400 on this motherboard about a month ago as well as an ASUS EAH3450 video card at the same time. It will work, but, as someone else already posted, make sure you have the latest bios installed. I have had no problems, started right up. Take care.
That's a good power rundown chart - the 9500GT uses significantly less power than the 8600GT at load which is good, chances are there's no problems from using it in a slimline even with a 65wt CPU.

8600GT at load: 52wt
9500gt (256meg): 35wt

Unfortunately the low-profile XFX 9500GT is DDR2, not the faster GDDR3 model, but it should still be a hair faster than the 8600GT in older titles and sometimes significantly faster in newer. The poster that claimed he saw no difference from an 8400GS makes no sense - the 9500GT should be significantly faster than the 8400GS.

Well from what I saw the 9 series wasn't much of an improvement over the 8 series, although there was definitely improvement there.
The 9 series basically doubles the performance of their equivalent 8 series card, heck in the case of the 9600GT is closer to triple the speed of the 8600GT.


An 8400GS is a very, very slow part. I've seen the benchmarks, and in fact I have a 9400GT in my work PC which is also a slimline. It's definitely much, much faster than the 8400GS I used before, and as expected basically the same speed as an 8500GT.
After weeks of waiting and reordering parts (PC50 PSU's sometimes can be hard to find in stock...) I have my Slimline up and running. I will post pictures later of my mods... Video card idles at 51-52C, MCP 52C, and CPU at about 15C (probably faulty sensor... although it does change with load). I have a plasticy tube-thing I made to vent the hot CPU heat right out the back of the case and a 60mm quiet CPU fan blowing right underneath to cool the mobo chips. I flipped the heatsink and fan assembly around on the 9600GT so it blows towards the back of the case and removed the bottom mini-bracket to vent some hot out. I also mounted a low-rpm 80mm fan right in the bottom of the case blowing up to cool the drives and feed the fan on the card. Its hardly noticeable at idle, again, small vacuum during gameplay. Performance is amazing over the stock video :D Tonight is a LAN party so I think I will go stretch its legs! ;) Its SOOO nice to be able to just pack it up in my backpack rather than lugging my 70 lb tower around!
Does the Slimline's 180W PSU has two free 4-pin power connectors?

The slimline's PSU has no extra power connectors of any sort in typical configuration. It has only two SATA power connectors, you need splitters and convertors to get into business. Check out for all your cabling needs cheap.