The Golden Age of PC Gaming? & PC vs Xbox 360

I could spend $4k+ on a new moderately high end gaming PC (say a duo core E6700, 8800gts, 2 gig ram) and only be (at best) on par with the power of an Xbox 360 that has 2 year old technology in it.
You sound like kinda freaking clueless person.

My rig isn't even half that price and it rapes Xbox360 in every crossplatform game I have played.
1. Oblivion - higher resolution, better graphics, smoother framerate.
2. Lost Planet - same as above.
3. BFME2 - same as above.
4. Quake 4 - same as above.
5. Prey - Same as above.

Well... That was only 5 crossplatform games I have played in a while and now I'm mostly playing Medieval 2: Total War, LotRO, STALKER and HL2: Insurgency and none of those games are even avaible on Xbox360.
xbox games are nothing more than rehash of computer games. Even their exclusives are available or will be available for PC.

Xbox is for people who don't want to get into the complexity of a computer while supplying computer games for the mass. Microsoft provides this but it's nothing new to the PC industry. Xbox is just a simplified version of PC that play games and do some multimedia functions.

PC games direct where xbox is going with the industry if anything.

Xbox is cheap because microsoft wants to lose money on their consoles and make it back up with game sales.
You sound like kinda freaking clueless person.

My rig isn't even half that price and it rapes Xbox360 in every crossplatform game I have played.

Well that's why they call me a noobie. It's also very fun to watch everyone get all worked up over this issue. A few good points were made. I didn't realize that almost all games are native 1280 x 720 and possibly upscaled to 1080p. That makes sense. I also have a lot of items in my system that are not gaming related, they are there for other purposes. I could very well put together a gaming only system for $1,800 - $2,500. It still is pretty remarkable that sony and microsoft can put out systems that are 1/5 the cost and still compete.
Well that's why they call me a noobie. It's also very fun to watch everyone get all worked up over this issue. A few good points were made. I didn't realize that almost all games are native 1280 x 720 and possibly upscaled to 1080p. That makes sense. I also have a lot of items in my system that are not gaming related, they are there for other purposes. I could very well put together a gaming only system for $1,800 - $2,500. It still is pretty remarkable that sony and microsoft can put out systems that are 1/5 the cost and still compete.

People are getting "worked up" because you are a fool who obviously has no clue what he is debating about.
Well that's why they call me a noobie. It's also very fun to watch everyone get all worked up over this issue. A few good points were made. I didn't realize that almost all games are native 1280 x 720 and possibly upscaled to 1080p. That makes sense. I also have a lot of items in my system that are not gaming related, they are there for other purposes. I could very well put together a gaming only system for $1,800 - $2,500. It still is pretty remarkable that sony and microsoft can put out systems that are 1/5 the cost and still compete.

They sell the hardware with a loss.
Their profit is in the games, not the hardware, so perhaps you should revise that part of your post.
I'll have to agree with the OP. I've seen cross-platform games on the PC and Xbox 360 in person and honestly, I can't tell the difference.

If you built a PC with the same power of a Xbox 360, that PC will never be able to run the games as smooth as the Xbox 360 can.

For those who must have absolutely the highest settings turned on, then a $2.5k PC is for them. But for those who want to just play games that will look 90% as good as the PC, then $300 can get it done.
I'll have to agree with the OP. I've seen cross-platform games on the PC and Xbox 360 in person and honestly, I can't tell the difference.

If you built a PC with the same power of a Xbox 360, that PC will never be able to run the games as smooth as the Xbox 360 can.

For those who must have absolutely the highest settings turned on, then a $2.5k PC is for them. But for those who want to just play games that will look 90% as good as the PC, then $300 can get it done.

Once again, you and many others here fail to actually READ the entire thread.

I had a PC that matched the Xbox 360 in hardware, the only thing it lacked was a multi core CPU. I still MATCHED Xbox 360's performance and excelled in most cases. Why? Unlike your Xbox, I can change the settings to my liking. I can run on mediocre settings like the Xbox and get amazing frames. Now get this...if I can deal with a little lag, I get more eye candy. That alone is worth the extra money for the PC, and in most cases that is only true when the consoles first come out, because with my new rig, my computer will eat your Xbox alive.

I don't understand where you guys are pulling these phony facts from..

By the way, my computer that destroys your Xbox only costed $800.
There will for the forseeable future be the "console gamers" and the "pc gamers".

The console gamers are generally the non nerdier type (please dont hurt me :D ) and generally just want to play games. The console is perfect for them. It allows them to play games, and it plays them decently well due to all xbox's or ps3's or wii's being standerd hardware. They also generally have a lower budget dell or gateway or whatever pc to do some general PC use.

The PC gamers (aka ME) Love to have bleeding edge hardware. They love to weak their system to death, and love to build there pc. I think us PC people have a deeper connection with our hardware than most console users. Your Xbox is just there, it plays games, thats it. With a PC you can do so much more. I can encode a DVD, play some music, play a game, and IM while browsing the internet on my new quad core machine. I can take the cpu out and overclock it for better performance.I can tweak this or that to no end to get better performance. ONE THING THE CONSOLE WILL NEVER GET IS THIS: you can never "build" your own console. your stuck with it. It cant be upgraded, or anything. Once its done its done.Once a new console comes out the old ones are quickly fased out and generally fall into a niche hardware category. With my PC i can upgrade my RAM, CPU, Harddrive, whatever id like until i get the performance i want. I actually BUILD my system, i dont just receive it prebuilt. Theres nothing better than building and installing a brand new system. Now obviously some people dont want to go through the hassle of building a new pc (which is the reason dell and gateway exist) but to me theres nothing better than sticking a bunch of high quality parts together and powering on for the first time.

Im a PC gamer at heart, are you?
For others sure, not for me - I don't see any games on those two that interest me.

And no, you're wrong - compare performance of Oblivion, GRAW or RB6 Vegas on PC and 360, they run like crap on the PC.


I think that 100% of people whom argue that consoles are better or "about the same" as PCs but cost much less, have never actually seen a high-end gaming PC perform before.
There are a few points that for me work against the 360.Number one is the lack of keyboard/mouse support,a huge factor considering I'm a big FPS fan.No way those joypads can match the control you get with a good keyboard/mouse setup.Then there's the game prices,in most cases,PC versions are much cheaper than the standard $60 on 360 games.And you can't download mods and conversions that extend the playing life of a favorite game.Sure,a good PC costs more,but certainly not remotely as much as some have mentioned here,and there's world of things a PC can do besides gaming that no game console could.And considering the prices of the latest consoles,that price difference is shrinking more and more.
I'll have to agree with the OP. I've seen cross-platform games on the PC and Xbox 360 in person and honestly, I can't tell the difference.

If you built a PC with the same power of a Xbox 360, that PC will never be able to run the games as smooth as the Xbox 360 can.

For those who must have absolutely the highest settings turned on, then a $2.5k PC is for them. But for those who want to just play games that will look 90% as good as the PC, then $300 can get it done.

If you can't tell the difference you are not using a high end computer.

Well that's why they call me a noobie. It's also very fun to watch everyone get all worked up over this issue. A few good points were made. I didn't realize that almost all games are native 1280 x 720 and possibly upscaled to 1080p. That makes sense. I also have a lot of items in my system that are not gaming related, they are there for other purposes. I could very well put together a gaming only system for $1,800 - $2,500. It still is pretty remarkable that sony and microsoft can put out systems that are 1/5 the cost and still compete.

1/5 of the cost? You can build a computer that perform similar to a xbox for around $600-700 with bigger hard drive and more function than a typical xbox would give you. This isn't 1/5th of the cost. Now if you want something that performs better than xbox sure it will be $1800-2500. PC gaming costs more because PC constantly gets updated with better hardware while xbox sits idle. Microsoft loses money for every console they sell because they want market dominance. They recoup it back from xbox live and games that they have contracts with from developers.
So, basically the OP's argument is that XBOX 360 plays games "better" than a PC for the price. Let's assume for the sake of argument that its true. A console after all is specialized to play certain games. If these are the only games that you want to play, then by all means go out and get an XBOX 360. You will save a pretty penny because- if you don't know by now- Microsoft/Sony are taking a BIG loss on their hardware, hoping to make up for that loss in the form of software/peripheral/service sales.

However, a PC is not only capable of running those certain games, it is capable of running those games better. A PC is also capable of running a myriad of other software. For example, a PC is a superior platform for simulations, strategy, RTS, MMORPG, and FPS games. On a PC, you can also watch movies, e-mail, communicate with different instant messaging networks, burn a music CD, render a feature length CGI movie, compile a database, create a webpage, host a webpage, or even compose a 100 page dissertation on the benefits of PC over a console. A particularly savvy computer could even launch the space shuttle Columbia into orbit, have it dock with the international space station, unload a delegation of chimpanzees and fighting robots, and then return it to an airstrip in the Nevada desert in the middle of the night, all without the aid of a pilot.

On an XBOX 360, you can: play games, watch movies, for less than the price of a PC.

So, both platforms are good depending on your needs.
for that much cash, you could fly down to Tijuana, stay at a nice hotel, order 3-4 hookers that look like selma hayek and have a blast for a couple of weeks.

geeks need to get the bigger picture.
for that much cash, you could fly down to Tijuana, stay at a nice hotel, order 3-4 hookers that look like selma hayek and have a blast for a couple of weeks.

geeks need to get the bigger picture.

Some of us don't have to pay for it :p
Well that's why they call me a noobie. It's also very fun to watch everyone get all worked up over this issue. A few good points were made. I didn't realize that almost all games are native 1280 x 720 and possibly upscaled to 1080p. That makes sense. I also have a lot of items in my system that are not gaming related, they are there for other purposes. I could very well put together a gaming only system for $1,800 - $2,500. It still is pretty remarkable that sony and microsoft can put out systems that are 1/5 the cost and still compete.

No, you can get a core 2 and 8800gts setup for around 700-800 that effectively blow the 360/ps3 out of the water horsepower wise.

1/5 of the cost? You can build a computer that perform similar to a xbox for around $600-700 with bigger hard drive and more function than a typical xbox would give you. This isn't 1/5th of the cost. Now if you want something that performs better than xbox sure it will be $1800-2500. PC gaming costs more because PC constantly gets updated with better hardware while xbox sits idle. Microsoft loses money for every console they sell because they want market dominance. They recoup it back from xbox live and games that they have contracts with from developers.
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Sorry you're wrong too, as I said you can get a core 2, 2GB ram, and an 8800 setup for around $700.
Some of us don't have to pay for it :p

you dont know what youre missing then! a sleezy time is always unique.

For about 3-4k you can hire a real hit man and watch them shoot someone in the face and have the blood spatter against your eager lips.

theres lots of real FPS and adventure titles to do in real life with that sort of cash to waste.

I'll have to agree with the OP. I've seen cross-platform games on the PC and Xbox 360 in person and honestly, I can't tell the difference.

If you built a PC with the same power of a Xbox 360, that PC will never be able to run the games as smooth as the Xbox 360 can.

For those who must have absolutely the highest settings turned on, then a $2.5k PC is for them. But for those who want to just play games that will look 90% as good as the PC, then $300 can get it done.

There's more to the issue than that. If you don't understand this, I don't think anyone will ever be able to put it into words for you.
$6,000? Are you out of your mind?
...the components themselves are not that expensive.

Damn skippy - I'll tell you what to buy right now to make a the "MOST BALLING-EST EVER" setup:

Q6600 - $300
Watercooling - D-tek Fusion, Laing DCC Ultra, ThermoChill 102.3, Swiftech MRES, 1/2 tubing - check here for more info - $300 or so
Mobo - Pick your pony, probably a 680i board, lots do the job quite well - $200
2x 8800GTX - $1000
150GB Raptor - $150
500GB Hard Drive - $100
Case - Pick your Pony, lots of options - $100
Dell 30" 3007wfp-hc monitor - $1270
SATA DVD drive - $30
1000-Watt PSU - I don't know, $250 or so?
4gb DDR2 - $200
...And some diamonds to make your dukee twinkle - $100

We're at $4000. I might have missed something small, but that's about the jist of it.

Now then, the "still-balling-but-not-quite-so-outrageous" setup:

Q6600 - $300
ThermalTake Ultra 120 Extreme and good fan - $75
Mobo - Pick your Pony again, I'd do a GA-P35-DS3R - $125
4gb DDR2 - $200
750W Toughpower PSU - $125
SATA DVD drive - $30
Case - $100
150GB Raptor - $150
500gb HD - $500
1x 8800GTX - $500
Dell 24" 2407wfp-hc monitor - $600

We're down to $2700. Nice monitors included in both setups.

Now, cut the bullshit. What my cheap ass would really do:

E4400 or whatever the hell the kids are calling it these days - $125
Stock cooler - $0!
GA-P35-DS3R - $125
480w Antec TruePower II or other decent PSU - $50
2GB DDR2 - $80
500GB Hard Drive - $100
8800GTS 320MB - $250
Cheap-ass Case - $30
DVD drive - $30
22" CRT monitor off of Craigslist - $50
...And of course a bit of diamond dust - $10

Total: $850. And my dukee still twinkles.

"Hoes, Dave. Dave, Hoes."
"Good evening, bitches."
why are you people saying its so ahrd to build a 6000 computer...its really not...

just get the (overly rediclously priced) best, like the C2E Qx6800.. a p5 or whatever mobo you want, a couple 8800ultras in sli, a couple terabytes HDD space, 8 gigs ram.. killer nic, agena's physics card, that ugly ass coolmaster case for 750...

and the optimus OLED keyboard ;)

might not be the most cost efficient, but possible nonetheless
why are you people saying its so hard to build a 6000 computer...its really not...

Oh, we're not saying it's hard to build a $6k computer... If he were wanting to model the solar system or host Google for next month, $6K would be like a grain of sand on the beach... but that's not the case.

We're saying we can't imagine spending all that money on a machine to just play current games and do some business apps. And sure, we could wipe our asses with $100 bills and flush them down the toilet, but for the love of God why?
Once again, you and many others here fail to actually READ the entire thread.

I had a PC that matched the Xbox 360 in hardware, the only thing it lacked was a multi core CPU. I still MATCHED Xbox 360's performance and excelled in most cases. Why? Unlike your Xbox, I can change the settings to my liking. I can run on mediocre settings like the Xbox and get amazing frames. Now get this...if I can deal with a little lag, I get more eye candy. That alone is worth the extra money for the PC, and in most cases that is only true when the consoles first come out, because with my new rig, my computer will eat your Xbox alive.

I don't understand where you guys are pulling these phony facts from..

By the way, my computer that destroys your Xbox only costed $800.
Yea right. I played Rainbox 6 Vegas and GRAW on my PC and they both ran like shit even on 1024x768 and the lowest possible setting. I have a 3.6Ghz C2D, 7900GS and 2GB of RAM which I think evenly match the 360 or more powerful. Also, Lost Planet is the same - runs like shit on PC other than the highest end.

With consoles, you're getting the best bang for the buck by far and games actually run smoothly on it.

I love PC games but the only PC exclusives I am looking forward to is Starcraft 2 and Crysis. Other than that, take away WoW and PC gaming is nearly dead because of jacked up high prices, little games and pirating.
Yea right. I played Rainbox 6 Vegas and GRAW on my PC and they both ran like shit even on 1024x768 and the lowest possible setting. I have a 3.6Ghz C2D, 7900GS and 2GB of RAM which I think evenly match the 360 or more powerful. Also, Lost Planet is the same - runs like shit on PC other than the highest end.

With consoles, you're getting the best bang for the buck by far and games actually run smoothly on it.

I love PC games but the only PC exclusives I am looking forward to is Starcraft 2 and Crysis. Other than that, take away WoW and PC gaming is nearly dead because of jacked up high prices, little games and pirating.

You are playing with 7900gs and is no way high end. I had no problems running lost planet 1280x800 with most of the bells and whistles turned on. Lowest dipping in the 20's.

Here's GRAW running much higher resolution than an xbox 360. Let's say it's not running on low. So you might be exaggerating a bit. Actually you are exaggerating quite a bit.
Yea right. I played Rainbox 6 Vegas and GRAW on my PC and they both ran like shit even on 1024x768 and the lowest possible setting. I have a 3.6Ghz C2D, 7900GS and 2GB of RAM which I think evenly match the 360 or more powerful. Also, Lost Planet is the same - runs like shit on PC other than the highest end.

With consoles, you're getting the best bang for the buck by far and games actually run smoothly on it.

I love PC games but the only PC exclusives I am looking forward to is Starcraft 2 and Crysis. Other than that, take away WoW and PC gaming is nearly dead because of jacked up high prices, little games and pirating.

GRAW ran fine on my Opteron 146, gig of ram, and a 7800 GTX. But also, those 2 games are great examples of poorly ported games.

Games do run smoothly on the PC, High end PC's or Mid range. It doesn't matter, if you set it to what your computer is capable of it will run smooth assuming your computer isn't overloaded with viruses and spyware from watching too much damn porn.

I really don't understand how people can say Consoles are best bang for the buck. Most people with consoles have PC's too, so why dont you merge your PC and your Console and get a gaming rig? A 360 is what...$300 without a hard drive? The $400 comes with a 20gb hard drive. That is ridiculous, only 20 gbs? And people talk about recording movies and such onto the HD. That doesnt store crap, and that is also an insult considering hard drives cost next to nothing (my 400gb costed me $80, how many cents is that a gig?).

I guess I can put it in a perspective that makes sense to me. Lets say your a console gamer and you own a regular Xbox, not the 360. You love Halo and Halo 2 but the Xbox 360 looks appealing, so you want to upgrade. You are talking $400 for the Xbox 360 with a hard drive, because apparently the hard drive is what makes backwards compatibility. I also assume because your a console gamer (you can remove this price if youd like because it is an assumption) that you like to have friends over and play with you split screen. So lets add the price of a new controller:

1) Xbox 360 Pro $399.99
1) Xbox 360 Wireless Controll $49.99

Now your not going to buy a new console without purchasing at least ONE new game, am I right? So we add the price of just some random title at the going rate for 360 games. Also, since most of you Xbox fans love Halo, you have Xbox Live.

1) Random Title $59.99
1) 1 year subscription to Xbox Live $49.99

I won't even add the headset, we can just say your a mute (obviously jk, dont kill me please :D). Now that you have an Xbox 360 and you post at Hard Forum, your not gonna play that 360 on anything that isnt an HDTV, so lets add an HDTV.

1) Sceptre 37" 1080p w/ ATSC tuner @ NewEgg $799 AR (Straight from Hot Deals search, if you find one cheaper, replace this one with it).

So lets get the total rolling here.

1) Xbox 360 Pro $399.99
1) Xbox 360 Wireless Controll $49.99
1) Random Title $59.99
1) 1 year subscription to Xbox Live $49.99
1) Sceptre 37" 1080p w/ ATSC tuner @ NewEgg $799 AR (Straight from Hot Deals search, if you find one cheaper, replace it with this one).

Now for that roughly $1300, your getting what you see. Now for $800 you can get a PC like mine and for another $250 you can get a nice LCD that can do high resolutions. The PC is cheaper, more capable, more powerful, and the eye candy is sweeter.

I don't see the bang for the buck here. Maybe I was a little over with the HDTV, but if you don't have one your gonna get one for that Xbox, I have yet too see an Xbox 360 gamer not use an HDTV, and theres a good reason for it.

In all honesty though, lets just say you already own an HDTV, that is still $560 and you are only getting 1 game. If you don't get the Xbox 360 with the hard drive, then whats the point of getting it?

I'm not trying to start a flame war or anything, I just really don't see how it's the better value.
GRAW ran fine on my Opteron 146, gig of ram, and a 7800 GTX. But also, those 2 games are great examples of poorly ported games.

Games do run smoothly on the PC, High end PC's or Mid range. It doesn't matter, if you set it to what your computer is capable of (which will meet or exceed that console) it will run smooth assuming your computer isn't overloaded with viruses and spyware from watching too much damn porn.

I really don't understand how people can say Consoles are best bang for the buck. Most people with consoles have PC's too, so why dont you merge your PC and your Console and get a gaming rig? A 360 is what...$300 without a hard drive? The $400 comes with a 20gb hard drive. That is ridiculous, only 20 gbs? And people talk about recording movies and such onto the HD. That doesnt store crap, and that is also an insult considering hard drives cost next to nothing (my 400gb costed me $80, how many cents is that a gig?).

I guess I can put it in a perspective that makes sense to me. Lets say your a console gamer and you own a regular Xbox, not the 360. You love Halo and Halo 2 but the Xbox 360 looks appealing, so you want to upgrade. You are talking $400 for the Xbox 360 with a hard drive, because apparently the hard drive is what makes backwards compatibility. I also assume because your a console gamer (you can remove this price if youd like because it is an assumption) that you like to have friends over and play with you split screen. So lets add the price of a new controller:

1) Xbox 360 Pro $399.99
1) Xbox 360 Wireless Controll $49.99

Now your not going to buy a new console without purchasing at least ONE new game, am I right? So we add the price of just some random title at the going rate for 360 games. Also, since most of you Xbox fans love Halo, you have Xbox Live.

1) Random Title $59.99
1) 1 year subscription to Xbox Live $49.99

I won't even add the headset, we can just say your a mute. Now that you have an Xbox 360 and you post at Hard Forum, your not gonna play that 360 on anything that isnt an HDTV, so lets add an HDTV.

1) Sceptre 37" 1080p w/ ATSC tuner @ NewEgg $799 AR (Straight from Hot Deals search, if you find one cheaper, replace it with this one).

So lets get the total rolling here.

1) Xbox 360 Pro $399.99
1) Xbox 360 Wireless Controll $49.99
1) Random Title $59.99
1) 1 year subscription to Xbox Live $49.99
1) Sceptre 37" 1080p w/ ATSC tuner @ NewEgg $799 AR (Straight from Hot Deals search, if you find one cheaper, replace it with this one).

Now for that roughly $1300, your getting what you see. Now for $800 you can get a PC like mine and for another $250 you can get a nice LCD that can do high resolutions. The PC is cheaper, more capable, more powerful, and the eye candy is sweeter.

I don't see the bang for the buck here. Maybe I was a little over with the HDTV, but if you don't have one your gonna get one for that Xbox, I have yet too see an Xbox 360 gamer not use an HDTV, and theres a good reason for it.

Your pricing for setup is irrelevant because it would change for every person for their needs.
I had already edited it.

It's still irrelevant. WHY???? Why would you need to buy a brand new 1080p tv? Please tell me? What if I had a hdtv already? What if I wanted to hook up the xbox 360 onto a computer monitor? What if I didn't want xbox live? And the list goes on.
It's still irrelevant. WHY???? Why would you need to buy a brand new 1080p tv? Please tell me? What if I had a hdtv already? What if I wanted to hook up the xbox 360 onto a computer monitor? What if I didn't want xbox live? And the list goes on.

Did you not read my edit? If Live doesn't fancy you, remove $50.
Did you not read my edit? If Live doesn't fancy you, remove $50.

Then what's with a $1300 price tag?

Xbox 360 cost $400. Little less if you buy online. Then that's all there is to it. If you need to add hdtv to the cost then there's no end. What about the sofa you sit on to play games and the house you need to play at. ;) Maybe some bud... :D
Then what's with a $1300 price tag?

Xbox 360 cost $400. Little less if you buy online. Then that's all there is to it. If you need to add hdtv to the cost then there's no end. What about the sofa you sit on to play games and the house you need to play at. ;) Maybe some bud... :D

In all honesty though, lets just say you already own an HDTV, that is still $560 and you are only getting 1 game. If you don't get the Xbox 360 with the hard drive, then whats the point of getting it?

Why are you even posting here? A reference to a couch is a pretty idiotic thing to (and I realize that was sarcastic, but it came off like you were being an asshole). Whats the big deal about adding a TV into the price tag or a monitor? It goes on in about every thread because it makes perfect sense. You NEED an HDTV or LCD if you want the Xbox 360 experience the way its meant to be. Why did you buy the Xbox 360 in the first place? BECAUSE IT HAS BETTER GRAPHICS THAN THE XBOX! Have you seen an Xbox 360 on a standard TV versus an HDTV? Theres no comparison, and thats why everyone runs them on LCD's or HDTV's.

The Xbox is $400, and apparently you only play games by yourself, and I'm being generous adding only one game title and that still comes to $459.99. Pay a little bit more, and you get something more versatile. What is hard to understand about this. Price/performance goes to the PC.

Your post is irrelevant.
I know some people like the 360 here but i think pc gaming will always best th best in terms of graphics. Watch after dx10 takes off 360 fanboys will quiet down. For me though if i was going to get another system i would get the wii since i know the games can't be done on the pc because of the controller and stuff. The games are totally different than the usual ones we get. Whats the point of getting a 360 when we all have gaming rigs here that play the same games as the 360 and ps3 when they come out. All the best games like medal of honor and call of duty and all those games are on the pc. They started there and thats the home of the first person shooters. Everyone else is just getting crappy ports like UT3 on the 360 and ps3 will be slower paced i read and will be dumbed down in graphics.

I don't get why they would even call the 360 and ps3 hd consoles when in reality after a few years it won't be able to play games in hd without a massive decrease in graphics eye candy. Its good at the start but at the mid to 1/4 into the life of those consoles there will be massive dumbing down in graphics i think over time as pcs pass up the graphics level of those systems. If i can play a 360/ps3 better on the pc then for me its well worth it to stay on the pc. The mouse and keyboard along with the upgradability in graphics over time. You can make a old game look a lot newer by adding more anti-aliasing and anisotrophic and all those settings. Theres a lot more to pcs than just gaming to. Hopefully the games will be seperated after a certain point, not want any console ports after more newer hardware comes out. You get your moneys worth to me. I use my computer everyday and i think every penny spent on it is worth it because i use my pc a lot more than my consoles usually :).

Why buy a console when you can play the same games on the pc with more flexibility and usually better graphics. Thats why i mentioned the wii since its a totally different platform compared to a ps3 and 360 which get the same games as the pc but poorer versions usually.
Why are you even posting here? A reference to a couch is a pretty idiotic thing to (and I realize that was sarcastic, but it came off like you were being an asshole). Whats the big deal about adding a TV into the price tag or a monitor? It goes on in about every thread because it makes perfect sense. You NEED an HDTV or LCD if you want the Xbox 360 experience the way its meant to be. Why did you buy the Xbox 360 in the first place? BECAUSE IT HAS BETTER GRAPHICS THAN THE XBOX! Have you seen an Xbox 360 on a standard TV versus an HDTV? Theres no comparison, and thats why everyone runs them on LCD's or HDTV's.

The Xbox is $400, and apparently you only play games by yourself, and I'm being generous adding only one game title and that still comes to $459.99. Pay a little bit more, and you get something more versatile. What is hard to understand about this. Price/performance goes to the PC.

Your post is irrelevant.

Are you some mr. Know it all who is going to spread your gospel truth. Please guy... People have preferences and their own ways...

If you were going add in the cost of the TV why not compare same size monitor and TV. You're just being a PC zealot who compares 37" TV with 19" monitors. That's fare comparison. :rolleyes:

"PRICE/PERFORMANCE goes to PC." Whatever you say. :confused: :rolleyes:

FYI I don't have a xbox 360 and I don't care for one. If you read my posts prior to replying to your hog-tied post you would have known this.
After taking a few years break from gaming,I was intrigued by the Xbox 360 so I went out and bought one about a year ago and while it is a nice machine that serves it's purpose very well,a couple of months later I had to build myself a nice gaming PC so the Xbox has been collecting dust ever since.

Dont get me wrong the 360 is a very nice machine but it doesn't match the gaming experience found on PCs,playing a game like Stalker with a good keyboard and mouse set up at a 1920x1200 resolution with all the eye candies turned on is something you will never enjoy with a Xbox 360.

To each is own.
A: We have an idiot post that he spent $4000 on a PC that couldn't best and XBox ( I would love to go into business selling PC's to him.), next suggesting that you need a $6000 PC to do it??

B: Then the console fans Chime in that even we are PC gamers we need an Xbox to play exciting exclusives like Halo 3. Or that bad ports play badly on the PC.

C: Then we get into all kinds of crazy pricing justifications....


A: Back to the beginning: If you spent $4000 on a PC and you can't beat an Xbox, you are a moron. Forget $6000. Today you can easily build a PC under $1000 that will Best an Xbox. Any brand 2G ram, Any brand MB, Any brand dual core CPU. All basics, you just need a half decent graphics card, a Sub $300 8800GTS 320MB will do.

B: Doesn't hold water. Unless you own every platform there are always exclusive you will miss. MGS4 looks quite interesting in trailers. Also Xbox exclusives are the ones most likely to show up on PC eventually as they share many development tools. GRAW keeps being used as an example of Port that is slower on PC, but GRAW was re-written to have bigger more detailed (and more taxing) levels on the PC. If you have the horsepower, the PC will deliver the richer experience. This is usually the case. Again A $1000 is sufficient to enjoy this richer experience.

C: Pricing comparisons are somewhat pointless. Of course an Xbox is cheaper, they are all the same, and subsidised and sold at a loss. Microsoft lost 1.9Billion recently on its gaming division.

A couple of other arguments:

Incremental Cost:
Even if I didn't game I would have a PC. My gaming PC costs maybe $300 more than what I would pay for a non gaming PC. So incremental cost is actually cheaper to game on PC for me than on Xbox. Then I also get cheaper games and games that have greater longevity like NWN.

Expensive PC's:
Are not needed to game effectively. These are for PC hobbyists who like building top end PC's, like the guys who put superchargers on their cars. It is not remotely necessary and represents a small segment of the population. Don't confuse this spending with what is needed to game.

Console, 3 years to mediocrity:
Console makers pay and lose a fortune to bring out whiz bang state of the art console, that state of the art last about a year. In year two better games are written so it hangs on. By year 3 a console will be woefully behind the tech curve and largely irrelevant for state of the art gaming and it slides further until it is finally updated and it starts again.

To me consoles are for gamers, who don't want to be bothered with understanding hardware and have the same thing as everyone else. Nothing wrong with that, but of no interest to me. They seem like the choice for kids. I outgrew consoles over 20 years ago and have never looked back. I love having all my games play better when I upgrade my PC, when on a console you are lucky if they play at all.
I know some people like the 360 here but i think pc gaming will always best th best in terms of graphics. Watch after dx10 takes off 360 fanboys will quiet down. For me though if i was going to get another system i would get the wii since i know the games can't be done on the pc because of the controller and stuff. The games are totally different than the usual ones we get. Whats the point of getting a 360 when we all have gaming rigs here that play the same games as the 360 and ps3 when they come out. All the best games like medal of honor and call of duty and all those games are on the pc. They started there and thats the home of the first person shooters. Everyone else is just getting crappy ports like UT3 on the 360 and ps3 will be slower paced i read and will be dumbed down in graphics.

I don't get why they would even call the 360 and ps3 hd consoles when in reality after a few years it won't be able to play games in hd without a massive decrease in graphics eye candy. Its good at the start but at the mid to 1/4 into the life of those consoles there will be massive dumbing down in graphics i think over time as pcs pass up the graphics level of those systems. If i can play a 360/ps3 better on the pc then for me its well worth it to stay on the pc. The mouse and keyboard along with the upgradability in graphics over time. You can make a old game look a lot newer by adding more anti-aliasing and anisotrophic and all those settings. Theres a lot more to pcs than just gaming to. Hopefully the games will be seperated after a certain point, not want any console ports after more newer hardware comes out. You get your moneys worth to me. I use my computer everyday and i think every penny spent on it is worth it because i use my pc a lot more than my consoles usually .

Why buy a console when you can play the same games on the pc with more flexibility and usually better graphics. Thats why i mentioned the wii since its a totally different platform compared to a ps3 and 360 which get the same games as the pc but poorer versions usually.

Very well put! This is kinda what I was getting at in my op. I think we are entering a period where PC will really separate itself from the consoles, which hasn't really been the case, in general, over the last 18 months. Sure PC is better but that gap will widen signficantly soon....