The Fate of Your Keyboard... What's hidden below (56k no way!)


Limp Gawd
Apr 11, 2004


I cleaned out my old keyboard to find that hideous mess. Check yours, it probably looks similar.

Don't chuck out your keyboard just yet! I cleaned up everything with lots of gloves, paper towels, and Q-tips. Now everything is good to go!
never really had that problem... even my 3 year old microsoft keyboard is relatively clean.
I have a white Logitech keyboard that is almost similar to that black one. The last time I cleaned it was like around 3 months ago. I didn't pop out my keys. I unscrewed the back and literally took apart my whole keyboard and there was little bits dust and gunk in it. I didn't have hair in it. Anyways it was a pain in the a** to put back together but I eventually did and now it feels like typing on a brand new keyboard.

That pic is kinda gross though.
Lots of small, short hairs... Not unlike the ones found near toilets... Probably from, eh... Special activities? ;)
daba said:
Check yours, it probably looks similar.

ummm, hardly not. at least not on my MX keyboard cuz it gets the same air compressor treatment that my SFF system does once a month meaning both items stay nice-n-clean. ;)
Back when I was a smoker, I used to smoke at the computer all the time. The box was on the floor, so that was fine, but they keyboard.... The keyboard got the worst of it. Along with the juice and pop that was spilled in it various times, one day I finally had had enough of it and bought a new one (both were MS Naturals).

A friend of mine in Rez decided that he wanted my old one, so I gave it to him. He opened it up and when he showed me, I just about shit a brick. There was black splotches on the bottom (dried coke), crumbs and ash, and a thick yellow film on the inside that you could scrape off. He ended up spending 6-8 hours (!!) cleaning it, but it worked again after that, for a while.
Hmm mine is really really clean. I rarely eat at the computer. Plus I dust weekly.
I doubt i'd ever open my keyboard to clean it. Reason being the last one i opened to clean all these rubber things fell out (1 for each key) and after about 30mins of trying to get them back in i reassembled the board and it didn't work anymore. And it was a great f'n keyboard.

so now i have this microsoft multimedia keyboard and its great. nice and clean.


any of you guys ever have to clean the mousepad? i play A LOT of games online and after a week or so i get a buildup of dirt and grime on it. probably deadskin from my hand. But it looks nasty and the mouse catches on it sometimes.
I doubt my keyboard is THAT dirty, but no way in hell am I looking.

Edit: This was also posted on ATOT :p
NASTY!!!! I never have a keyboard long enough for it to get to that point.
I hold mine vertical and spray a can of air down from top to bottom every couple works rather well for cleaning little dust and other crap out. Mine has never been nearly that bad though.
Thats disgusting, I don't think mines that dirty. It was only £3/4 and its the best keyboard i've had :D

fat-tony, you ever opened up your case when you were smoking near it. You can instantly tell who's PC is a smokers PC, they stink inside...From the ones i've seen they've got more dust in too :p
That looks really scary. My keyboards never get to a point like that :D. Even after not cleaning them for several years, there is just a lot of dust in there. Not much hairs of any sort.
mattthemodder said:
fat-tony, you ever opened up your case when you were smoking near it. You can instantly tell who's PC is a smokers PC, they stink inside...From the ones i've seen they've got more dust in too :p

It was tucked away on the floor, away from the smoke stream :). I do pc repair for the summer, and I hear ya. The people who have their computer right up on the desk and smoke around it for 3 years, good lord. You open the case, and instantly, you throw it outside to get blown out. Away from anything living.
Would you use a vacuum w/ that small sucker attachment to clean it out or what? Yes, right?
nasty. but have you ever popped off your keys to find a worm in it?

i think not!

story: i spilled jelly on my board one time, many months later i cleaned it and found them. freeeeaked out.
Mine is relatively clean. I had to take mine apart after spilling about 20 ounces of coffee into it.
Can't you just put it in the washer to clean it? That's what everyone used to tell me... but if you do would you have to take it apart first? and can you leave the board in too and just let it completely dry off before using?
HRslammR said:
nasty. but have you ever popped off your keys to find a worm in it?

i think not!

story: i spilled jelly on my board one time, many months later i cleaned it and found them. freeeeaked out.

holy crap if i found out worms were inside my keyboard...
I work at a hospital, I went to replace a computer in the "Gross Room" (Which is our term for the lab where they disect/autopsy people and organs). You wanna talk about disgusting thats about as high as you can get.

Between that and all the nasty people who eat/cough/etc in thier office or cube its gets pretty damn sickening. OIne keyboard had so much grease and stuff on it you couldnt see the letters until you cleaned it off with a towel. Fat people are especially disgusting on thier PC's. Sick bastards........ :mad:
That_Sound_Guy said:
I work at a hospital, I went to replace a computer in the "Gross Room" (Which is our term for the lab where they disect/autopsy people and organs). You wanna talk about disgusting thats about as high as you can get.

Between that and all the nasty people who eat/cough/etc in thier office or cube its gets pretty damn sickening. OIne keyboard had so much grease and stuff on it you couldnt see the letters until you cleaned it off with a towel. Fat people are especially disgusting on thier PC's. Sick bastards........ :mad:
If I were fat I would resent that :D .
i think logitech should make keyboards whereby you could remove all the keys at once to expose the bottom for cleaning. Or possibly waterproof onces so you can put them in a bath, or ones with dirt sensors, or even ones with little air brushes inside....ok, i think im getting crazy about this dirty keyboard thing but seriously, a bit too much sharing about keyboards i think
vanquished said:
i think logitech should make keyboards whereby you could remove all the keys at once to expose the bottom for cleaning. Or possibly waterproof onces so you can put them in a bath, or ones with dirt sensors, or even ones with little air brushes inside....ok, i think im getting crazy about this dirty keyboard thing but seriously, a bit too much sharing about keyboards i think

My MS Internet Navigator and my Logitech Internet Navigator both have keys that are connected to the top half so once the top is unscrewed, all the keys stay connected to said section. Then all I have to do is clean off the membrane.
i dont eat in my computer room. food isnt meant to be near this equipment for exactly that reason. just peal your ass off the chair for 5 minutes and eat in the kitchen or *gasp* "on the dining table"...
Thread starter: Fap in bed.

haha sorry.

yeah, I took mine apart a few weeks ago and it had crumbs but not hair... also gooey ketchupy type **** that really made me wonder... maybe I'll start using plates. :eek:
ST|FFY said:
i'm sorry but that is DISGUSTING

yep, specially seeing this prior to one eating :(

I had a keyboard that wasnt cleaned for 1-2 years and was under intensive use, and in term of mess, it didnt come close to the one in the picture