The Fate of Your Keyboard... What's hidden below (56k no way!)

Hmm not sure what you mean by "clean" water.

But demineralised water doesn't conduct electricity very well, but normal tap water do an excellent job.

I to have heard that it is possible to wash your keyboard in the dishwasher, if you let it dry off for an extended period of time. The electronics will fry if there's enough moist and water left to make a short, so just give it time.

About the pictures, that's disgusting and should be a warning to all - don't disasemble your keyboard if it has been used as a table...
By clean water I mean like distilled (isn't that non conductive?). I dunno if tap water would count. I'm not an expert :)
RS3RS said:
Lots of small, short hairs... Not unlike the ones found near toilets... Probably from, eh... Special activities? ;)
yes a lot of speical activities, lmaooooooo
where did that hair come from?
and if you put it in the dishwasher, wouldnt the keys melt because when it trys to dry the dishes it makes hot air inside the dishwasher
You would want to do the cold wash, and don't heat dry it. I think it is much easier to clean it by just taking it apart piece by piece and wash each individual key + other parts. Don't have to wait a week like you do with the dishwasher before you can use it again.
Yeah but taking it apart takes work. If you're lazy like me just putting it in assembled and waiting extra for it to dry is much easier :cool: Well, that is if you have an extra keyboard you could use while it's drying.
i popped off my numpad Keys once. just for fun.. and i found a NASTy A$$ suprise of SNOT. i have no clue where it came. cause i always sneeze and cover my mouth. and clean off my hands.
I love all the people who think thats disgusting. Thats down right clean to compaired to some of the stuff i have seen. I work at a college ResNet department, and we help resdince hall students with computer issues. Its quite common to pull out golfball or bigger dust clumps, more recently i pulled out one with onion peel in it. Smokers machines are the worst. ive seen about 5 powersupplies that have had every airhole plugged with dust and tar because of people smoking near their systems.
Just last week I popped in my MS Internet Keyboard Pro into my dishwasher (all keys still on it) with the hot dry. When it was done, I set it upside down over the sink overnight to help drain any excess. The next afternoon she was back in action.

Safe? dunno longterm yet. I recently replaced all boards and mice for my desktops with wireless so it was a throw away and I wanted to see if the dishwasher thing worked. It did. I use it for my laptop now so I have a full size board when I'm in the office.
133 said:
I doubt i'd ever open my keyboard to clean it. Reason being the last one i opened to clean all these rubber things fell out (1 for each key) and after about 30mins of trying to get them back in i reassembled the board and it didn't work anymore. And it was a great f'n keyboard.

so now i have this microsoft multimedia keyboard and its great. nice and clean.


any of you guys ever have to clean the mousepad? i play A LOT of games online and after a week or so i get a buildup of dirt and grime on it. probably deadskin from my hand. But it looks nasty and the mouse catches on it sometimes.

How does one go about cleaning a mousepad? throw it in the washing machine?
I think the worst is when you have some animal, maybe a cat, pee on your keyboard. So you come back home from work or get up from sleeping, go over to your computer and something smells funky, and well your keyboard is now foobard, I would say it wouldnt even be worth trying to clean unless you got a fancy keyboard
fusionrs said:
Hmm mine is really really clean. I rarely eat at the computer. Plus I dust weekly.

U don't eat the computer? Que? Huh? How can you NOT eat the computer? I'd choose a bacon double cheese over my mouse any day
psychosonik said:
U don't eat the computer? Que? Huh? How can you NOT eat the computer? I'd choose a bacon double cheese over my mouse any day

WTF? Did you miss one of the words in this sentence you quoted? "I rarely eat at the computer."
Cardboard Hammer said:
WTF? Did you miss one of the words in this sentence you quoted? "I rarely eat at the computer."
Dude, you don't eat your computer? Wtf's wrong with you?!?! :p
If a cat pissed on my keyboard I would throw it in the trash, even if it cost a fortune. Then I would proceed to shoot the cat with a high powered rifle.
FiZ said:
If a cat pissed on my keyboard I would throw it in the trash, even if it cost a fortune. Then I would proceed to shoot the cat with a high powered rifle.

At first, I thought you were going to throw the cat in the trash. :p

Seriously though... YEEECH! I used to clean my keyboard every now and then, just for the hell of it and there's never been even a fraction of that amount of dirt. Not even the first time I cleaned it out, after spilling half a glass of red wine on it. It's an Apple Extended II, so I'd rather lose my left foot. Well, maybe not, but you get the idea. Awesome keyboards deserve some taking care of. But I can't use it now, due to lack of ADB port. :(


:p :p :p

*cough* its not mine, smoking's icky
how can someone even put their hands on that filth? And is that nicotin patches next to the cigarettes? a bit ironic there

PS: is that a baked potato wrapped in foil?
My old gateway 2000 keyboard (got it in....96?) was a trooper.

It lasted so long because of its nifty design, you could take out the screws and the whole electronics assembly would come right out as one piece. the keys would stay in the front faceplate

run it under the shower (nasty++) and its brand spankin new!
ST|FFY said:
i'm sorry but that is DISGUSTING

I had a few crumbs around my comp, but mostly dust and stuff. no pubes. that's nasty as hell.
vanquished said:
how can someone even put their hands on that filth? And is that nicotin patches next to the cigarettes? a bit ironic there

PS: is that a baked potato wrapped in foil?

nope, those arent nicotine patches.

Pepcid is an antacid.
Haha, atleast show a picture of your keyboard when its clean :p
Here is mine.


Now if we could only figure out a way to overclock it, to make it hot enough to make waffles at LAN Parties :)
After how dirty it was before, I'm not sure you even want to casually touch it ever again ;(. When I spilled Snapple on my keyboard, I basically stripped the keys off, unscrewed the top/bottom and threw the whole thing in the tub. I had filled it up with cold water and I just let it soak overnight. My keyboard doesnt have PCBs, it has plastic film with circuits on it, so I bet its more durable than PCB. The only downside was one of the rubber springs that the keyboard uses to pop the keys back up came loose and i had to reglue it on. That was an annoyance but they keyboard is still fully functional so its not a big deal. My keyboard btw is a Dell branded Microsoft Internet Keyboard.
bleed3r said:


:p :p :p

*cough* its not mine, smoking's icky

That's one nasty and I would think non-functional keyboard. I do have a set of the speakers showing in the picture though. Right now they are in storage although I used to have them hooked up to my TV since it was only a single speaker TV and rather old. The speakers sounded so much better not to mention louder. Come to think of it, that TV is in storage also. No room in my room for it. I think I'll have to replace it since it probably doesn't even work anymore. But damn, at least the TV didn't look like that keyboard. :eek:
ROFLMAO ROFLMAO...... I'm glad you got it cleaned. But i tell you one thing that person with teh baked potato, cig hanging off the keyboard, bottles of vodka near the keyboards, antiacid meds, and a very nice and clean logitech mouse will never be invited to my house.
When I went to clean my Dell Quietkey that hadn't been cleaned ever for 4 years, all I found were cookie crubs and nougat and chocalate from Snickers bars. Mmmm, 4 year old junk food.

Ah well, after cleaning it I switched to a Logitech Elite.
do you have a cat or just have alot of fun by your computer? clean your sh*t up esp your privates! haha
Two things:

1: Buy plates do you don't have to eat off your keyboard.

2: Stop shaving your pubic region while checking your email.
wow that is really bad, I probably need to go down to office depo and pick up some compressed air so I can clean out my keyboard as well.
All I find in my keyboard are bread crumbs and hair. Long straight hairs...I have a habit of running my fingers through my hair and the hairs, as a result, are from my scalp.
haha.. wow that pic with the cig is old.. i remember that :p.

Gross, in any case. Im never opening my keybaord.. im afraid at what ill find.. ill just buy a new one :p