The definitive (ish) video watching/editing/encoding thread.


Apr 2, 2002
Well, if there was such a thread like this before, I couldn't find it even with searching. So I just thought I'd make a nice handly little guide for many things video related. I know it's been done a million times before, but I'm trying to not only make it convenient here, but to also kind of put it all together. I'll keep useful links at the bottom and try to provide a link for every important program mentioned. This is long, so I tried to divide it out, but I wanted to be detailed to cover as much as I could. I hope this is useful to someone.

-- Watching --

Ok, first up is watching as this is most commonly done. As most of you already know, you need appropriate codecs installed to actually watch them. If any of you don't know, codec is short for encoder/decoder. These are files that tell the appropriate programs (for most of us, this is the windows filter system) how to actually work with video files. Usually in the form of a binary DLL file, but, sometimes as .ax and in a few cases something else. For those that don't have proper installers with them, you will occasionally find a .inf file with them, which all you have to do is right click and choose install. If you don't find the .inf file, you probably have to manually register the file itself. These are usually the ones that come as .ax. Go to a command prompt and find that directory, then type:
regsvr32 "file"
Replacing the filename with the real file name of course. The quotes are only necessary if there are spaces in the filename. Oh, and I believe in some older versions of windows (98 and 95 if I recall) it was regsvr rather than regsvr32. To uninstall the codec, merely type
regsvr32 /u "file"

One thing many people do is get codec packs. Some will almost passionately insist you must use nimo or one of the few other good ones. However, I have found that you truly are better off without them if you are serious about watching a multitude of differently encoded videos. (*cough* anime fans *cough*) The reason being that even the best codec packs can still run into the occasional rare conflict and they will quite often have an older version of the codec. In some cases, only the very latest build will do. This is especially common with Xvid I've found. For some reason you will just run into any number of errors sometimes when playing a Xvid encoded video that was encoded with the very latest if your codec is outdated. The usual symptom was the video running slow and skipping like insane. Occasionally you get crashes instead. Of course, MOST of the time, you can install a codec pack and then just install the latest version of the appropriate codec afterwords, but this is much more likely to cause conflicts and it's extra work in the long run. One important thing to remember is that you should ONLY install the codecs you NEED. I can't emphasise enough how many problems are caused by conflicting codecs being installed improperly. This is becoming more and more common as MPEG4 becomes more popular and everything wants to take over decoding it. Oh, and it's best to restart after installing a codec. Sometimes (especially if switching the codec used for one particular thing) they won't work until you do.

On a similar note, I'd like to strongly recommend ffdshow-tryouts. I suspect not one will disagree with me on this. Ffdshow-tryouts is a nice little filtering program which can, in fact, decode quite a lot of things itself. You probably shouldn't use it for the things that change the most (as I mentioned Xvid earlier) but it will probably stay working with more standardized stuff such as the basics like Cinepak and Indeo and even a few newer things like DivX (at least, I haven't had troubles with it yet.) It's fully configurable at any time, so you can set it to not work with the stuff it shouldn't. However, here's where ffdshow-tryouts truly shines. It has some positively wonderful video filters (which can be used with videos ffdshow-tryouts isn't decoding by setting it to work with raw video in the codecs part of the settings.) You can resize, denoise, sharpen/blur, even ADD noise (adds a sort of film quality, not MPEG style artifacts.) Anime fans will find the effects of combining the denoise3d with a sharpen and bicubic/lanczos resize to have positively BEAUTIFUL effects. (Properly configured you can make some pretty noisy video look like DVD quality sometimes.) Of course, bear in mind that all this costs a lot of CPU power. Don't even try this on anything really slow though if you expect to do more than just resize with maybe a little denoising or something. Naturally with a slower CPU you can still do some nice stuff, merely you won't get to see how nice it can really look. I still got some nice resizing and minor filtering effects out of the 1.4 AMD TBird (ran at 1.6GHz) I used to have, but, now that I have this CPU I can get some really nice effects.

Here's a common field of debate. Everyone has a preference. Some people actually like microsoft's latest Windows Media Player, but most of us have hated it since version 7 when they began adding a lot of unnecessary bloat like skins/etc. Some people may not realize that they can run "mplayer2" and get Windows Media Player version 6.4, the last "good" version and many people love this version enough to still be using it. However, more recently there has been another made to resemble, but, improve on it named Media Player Classic. This player is becoming terribly popular, and not without good reason. It has built in support for many things including even splitting stuff like OGM and Matroska on it's own. This is more efficient than codecs sometimes. All the while, on the surface it looks just like the WMP6.4 we came to love for it's simplicity combined with funcionality. There are quite a number of other free players, many of which I fear I forget at times as my preference is clearly MPC. I know that many use ZoomPlayer, DivXPlayer, as well as several others. I'm sure someone would be glad to post their favorites as well as where to get them. Also, I used to use a completly unknown player called LightAlloy (created by someone in Russia) which was, unfortunately, commercial but still quite amazing with some built in video filters. Before Winamp5 (curiously more efficient than 3 if you get rid of unnecessary stuff like modern skins) I could only get MP3s to play smoothly on my laptop with LightAlloy. The author is working on a free clone of it for some reason however. I believe called TotalPlayer. Before LightAlloy, I used to use one called Sasami2k (not on the crappy laptop though, lots of CPU/ram needed) which was basically taking the WMP core and adding on some nice extras like filtering. Unfortunately, the project completely stagnated and last I checked they said that the project wasn't dead (this statement was issued YEARS ago, roughly '99 or so I think.) However, with the help of ffdshow-tryouts, you don't really need a player with built in video filters for the most part. For DVD playback, you may enjoy the fact that ZoomPlayer allows you to link in ffdshow-tryouts. There's nothing but troubles when you try to use some of the players intended for normal video on a DVD and, for some reason, most DVD players lack the functionality one enjoys from the normal players. You may have to try a bunch of them to find the one you TRULY like. More than anything else it's a matter of personal preference. Find the one that suits you best. Oh, and Linux users will usually want MPlayer (which, btw, has ports to other oses -- including Windows -- these days) which is quite the capable player with support for a few good video filters.

-- Editing and Encoding--
In the past, Windows users used VirtualDub for most AVI editing as well as adding video filters since it supported frameserver before hardly anything else. Also, tmpgenc was commonly used for mpeg editing though often one had to go through VirtualDub for the best video filtering. However, more recently, a lovely program called AVISynth has been created. This program was made explicitly for frameserving and you can add any number of filters with support even for VirtualDub filters (though most of those that come with it are more than sufficient.) Using it, we don't really need seperate editing programs for most of the filtering work, merely the heavy editing stuff and the actual encoding. The downside of AVISynth is that you must learn to write scripts for working with the videos. However, this isn't usually too bad. The information on doing this is well documented as well as great syntax lists and descriptions of the filters and tutorials. For anyone really programming handicapped, just get up a good universal script and all you should have to change is the filename and minor modifications here and there. VirtualDub is still probably the best choice for AVI encoding, but many people prefer to use alternate encoders instead of tmpgenc since tmpgenc is officially commercial software (though in truth, the main things that make the free version different is limited MPEG2 encoding and that sort of thing, but this isn't their fault since they have to pay some expensive licensing fees really as I understand it. MPEG1 functionality is completly unlimited as you VCD makers might be happy to know.) Last I checked, bbMPEG was probably the most commonly used free MPEG encoder.

For the less experienced, you will want to check videohelp's website (link below) for some very detailed specifications as well as tutorials when working with everything from VCD to DVD. Of course, when it comes to producing AVI files, there aren't any DEFINITIVE standards yet (though, SUPPOSEDLY, the DivX people are pushing for this -- I haven't seen any specs yet though.) For AVI, you can, more or less, just do what you want when it comes to things such as bitrates, codecs, etc. However, you do want to try to keep things reasonable. For the codec, you should commonly encode your final videos in a MPEG4 format. Preferably DivX or Xvid as these are the most common and the most likely that you can count on having or that whoever the encode is for will have (I won't get into legalities, there are legitimate things such as making a backup you can rely on actually having the codec for in a year or if you made your own videos you wish to share or something like that.) However, if you are going to encode more than once, I simply can't emphasize the importance of using a lossless codec if at all physically possible. (Lossless takes a LOT of space unfortunately.) Huffyuv was the best for this the last I checked. I believe there is a FLAC ACM codec for windows now, so you might be able to encode the audio with that as well. Don't forget and use a lossy codec like MP3 for audio in each video. (If the original was a common lossy codec like MP3, you might want to simply demux the audio and remux it into your new video if you haven't changed any timings or anything. This way it isn't reencoded with quality loss. Despite what the commercial applications try to convince you of, you CANNOT reencode a lossy format without loosing quality. Usually they try to add a filter to remove the artifacts, but, with every reencode, data is lost regardless of filters -- and filters just make more data loss occur. There are quite a few free tools for this.) Also, if you intend to do any captures, a lossless codec will usually require less CPU power, leaving more leeway to avoid frameloss. Of course, with a capture, lossless is important since you will have to reencode if you don't intend to burn to a whole bunch of discs or something. If you must use lossy, a properly configured MJPEG can have pretty tolerable quality versus low CPU usage, though inevitably more will be lost when you reencode (it's still quite large.) Even if your CPU can somehow handle it, it's not recommended that you use something like Xvid or Divx for video captures, because both of those have the lovely ability to do 2-pass VBR, which is just not going to work in a capture.

Oh, and for anyone serious about backup up their DVDs to CDR or DVD-R in the case of DL DVDs for those of us without DL burners, you will find quite a number of commercial applications that are made to help you make backups. These programs do have the advantage of making everything nice and simple for you, but if you truly care about quality, you will find that manually doing such things simply can't be beaten -- albiet at the cost of a LOT more work and a good deal more time. You will have to rip the files off the dvd and decrypt them, which I'm not going to go into details in as it upsets a lot of people (though you still legally have the right to back up whatever you legally own, just not to give away those backups.) Once you have them decrypted, you can use this stuff to help you reencode them. You might try some of the tools on doom9 as I think that one or two might actually use the real tools instead of having a bunch of cheap crap built in like most of the commercial applications.

Well, I hope all this can help SOMEONE.

Alright, here are the links I promised (in no order whatsoever): - Also - This site has a wonderful collection of most of all the video tools you might need. They seem to stay up to date pretty well, but you still can't beat going to the actual homepage for the respective software you want when you can find them as this way you are sure you get the latest and see news as well as other tools by the same people not always mentioned on doom9. - Formerly just but, after also being in addition, they decided to make to show they are more general purpose. They have VERY useful and detailed information on the nature of the standards from VCD up to DVD. They also have tutorials, a host of tools, and keep up a compatibility list so you know if the player you want to buy can play SVCD or something like that. - Wonderful video filter codec for windows. Can have positively beautiful results (or ugly crap if you really wanted.) d-: - "The Movie Player" -- formerly "The Movie Player For Linux" - Great player, and about the only thing worth using in Linux for videos IMO. Their server was down the other day, so I'll list their sourceforge host, just in case: - Media Player Classic Home Cinema is a modification of Media Player Classic to bring it more up to date in several things. It also now has fixes for video tearing and etc with modern systems. - The bbMPEG homepage. If you don't want to encode MPEG with TMPGenc. - Alternately, for a less direct way. The TMPGEnc homepage. is the site of the people who make it. - Powerful scripting frameserver capable of applying filters/etc so you don't have to go through 50 applications to do minor things. Also, can sometimes be used to provide functionality for a few formats that aren't supported in a particular applications. - Alternately, The greatest FREE AVI encoder there is IMO. Well... - Excellent modification of VirtualDub to support MKV and OGM among other things with support for multiple audio streams and etc. Sadly, it's very very out of date now. They have not bothered to create any newer versions at all and the real VirtualDub has gone leaps and bounds ahead of this old version. That said, it is very handy for a lot of very quick tasks such as muxing/demuxing, changing order of streams and etc. This can all be done with external tools, but it's often easier this way.

EDIT: I no longer really maintain this thread (though obviously there's no reason people can't still post in it and maintain it better than I could anyway.) I will state that ffdshow-tryouts has turned out to be an excellent project lately now and I would strongly recommend it as probably the best choice out there for dealing with codecs (I even find it can manage H.264 surprisingly well on an EeePC 701 -- aka the older 4G model before these newer ones which has a 630MHz Pentium-M based chip running on a factory underclocked FSB so while impressive for its speed it won't break any performance records.)
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Nice work. Im glad someone finally took some initiative to post a thread on this.

Ill throw my hat into the ring just for fun:

Watching - TheaterTek
Ripping - DVD Decrypter
Encoding -
Simple conversions - AutoGK
Tweakers - GordionKnot

Simple backups - DVD Shrink
DVD9's - DVD Rebuilder

Authoring - Tmpgenc DVD Author
That's fine. I welcome additions. Just try to include links for people if you can. Especially if they can't be found on one of the previous links like
Nice. I hope the boss makes the thread into a sticky.
Ok, here are some links to the last mentioned software: - TheaterTek - DVD Decrypter - Wouldn't load for me. It's on doom9 though anyway. You might also find it here: - AutoGK = Auto Gordian Knot - Gordian Knot, - Gordian Knot project page - DVD Shrink - DVD Rebuilder - Seems to be a sort of work in progress, more or less officially owned by Doom9 by the look of it. Because it is beta, you can't get it in their normal downloads. - Just an alternate place to get DVD Rebuilder.

BTW, little tip about DVD ripping. I've found the program I use, smartripper, has a nice little stream processing. This allows me to remove audio streams I don't want, keep subtitles I do, and even remap streams (example, move stream at 0x81 to 0x80 so that it becomes the first and that way there are no issues.) This is especially useful to me since when I backup my own stuff (usually only anime I consider worth bother with the work on) I feel no need to keep the dub since I hate dubs, and I only want the normal subtitles, not the closed captioned ones. Using only the audio stream you want will shave off a tiny bit of the size of the whole video. Also, it can demux streams to a seperate file, which is even more useful when one wishes to burn to DVD-R since that way you only have to reencode the video, but keep the audio at the original quality. Video you can filter out some of that crap, but, with audio, if you filter, it starts to sound really, well, fuzzy, if you ask me. I'd rather encode the video to just a tiny bit less than the audio.

Oh, and anyone planning to make SVCD or a DVD-R where space is really tight, one trick that can help get size down without hurting quality much is to IVTC (that's inverse telecine) which removes those extra frames put in there to make it play back on TV better. This won't work on many TV shows though, mainly films. Cut down the framerate, and bitrate needed for the same quality goes down too. There are guides on how to do this, so I won't go into the gritty details. Just rest assured it's only for the quality freaks.

EDIT: Forgot TMPGEnc DVD Author. Which, btw, is the program I love to use. - TMPGEnc DVD Author
Also, really advanced users should be able to build their own IFO files using the free utilities on Doom9. It's not easy, but, this way is free and technically once you know what you are doing, you can actually produce better results.
REGSVR32 is a 32-bit program, and should be used to register (or unregister) 32-bit components. REGSVR is a 16-bit program, and was used with 16-bit components.

.B ekiM
Thanks for the link. I'm starting to get into Linux recently myself. Lol, lazy me, I'll probably just use Wine on my favorite stuff. ^_^
is there any streaming video equivilent of LAME? I'd like to capture sound and picture like in the middle of a game to show off how skilled I was! :)
I'd also like to capture a short vidio clip that streams on windows media player and put it on my iPaq,sounds simple but I don't know the termanology,what am I looking for?
Awesome post, but how about some instructions on properly cleaning up a system laden with conflicting/obsolete/outdated codecs? I'm sure that i'm not the only one who would benefit from such information :p
Hrm, almost forgot about this thread. I didn't even notice that last reply for some reason, but, I got an e-mail informing me of this latest, and since it's newer, I'll address it first (at least, to the best of my abilities which may not be enough to be truly helpful.)

Anyway, the best way to remove old codecs is, of course, to uninstall them via their normal uninstall programs. Ideally you would probably just remove absolutely everything and start clean with only the stuff you actually needed. I'm guessing you've already attempted the normal removal procedures however? If all else fails, use the software called GSpot ( which you can find here: ) and click on the view menu, look under installed codecs. Look at video if you need to remove a video codec, audio if you need to remove audio. The window that opens up will identify the name of the codec, more importantly, the format code it will respond to (this is what you need to be looking at to track down your conflicts) and to the far right it will tell you the name of the actual driver file for the codec. Go to a command prompt (click start, choose run, type cmd, and then hit enter or click ok) and type regsvr32 /u [driver] to remove the file from the registry, then you can just simply delete it or ignore it. (I suggest you leave it on there until you are sure though. You can reinstall with simply regsvr32 [driver] and that way if you accidentally get the wrong one, you can fix it.)

These days, unless you encode a lot, you probably just want to use ffdshow now and then you can simply enable or disable the codecs you want it to take over in it's configuration. Of course, for Xvid, I find that I have to disable the codec built into ffdshow for that and download the latest because, for some reason, videos encoded with newer versions of Xvid will sometimes run very horribly on older decoders (though theoretically they never should.) This, of course, can be done for any codec, but, I think Xvid is the only one that needs it. Of course, if you do a lot of encoding, you will need to get the real codecs.

Ok, the Tooth, what you are looking for is actually still called capture software, but, it's not particularly easy to capture from a game, so it's kind of specialized capture software. IDEALLY you output to another PC or something and let the other PC capture the video, but, not very many people have a chance of doing that (myself included.) So, what you'll need is capture software that can capture from Direct3D and similar. Fraps ( ) is probably the most commonly used for this. I don't think there's a 100% free software alternative to this, though you may look around via google if you have the patience. The problem with this sort of method is it tends to take a lot of power, so you may have to lower quality settings inside the game appropriately. Experiment around a little until you find the best balance I suppose.

Now, as for capturing from Windows Media Player, that gets a little more tricky. I actually know how to do this, but, I think that officially this won't ever be legal. The laws regulating such things are rather strict (guilty until proven innocent type thing) so I think I can't really tell you. Besides, Windows Media is crappy encoding compared to a REAL codec like Xvid so I personally avoid it at all costs. Just google around, I've seen plenty of software and tutorials on capturing streaming media like that.

FairUse Wizard

:D Lazy... are word that was created for us Americans :D
Pretty good write up.

BSPlayer is a great video player to have on any system. When all else fail due to high bitrate, or multi b frames, this is the lightest, in terms of cpu usage. Gotta go through download section a to get it.

The codec pack I recommend is the GordianKnot codec pack:

I send technically challenged members at, here to get the word from the [H]orde. I'd recommend that video challenged [H]'ers go to the forums at The forums at Doom9 are a tad difficult, unless you really know what you are doing. Remember, the guys who write the very best video encoding software on earth are all mods, at Doom9. They can modify the stuff we use on the fly, if you have a legit problem. Even Jon Lech Johanssen, is a member at Doom9 ;) . The day he joined, thousands of us paid homage to THE MAN.

The forums at are a tremendous resource for solving the troubles you encounter. Considerably more forgiving of minor mistakes. We do our best to get folks pointed in the right direction. Most of the employees of Divx, hang in the forum in their off time. Heck that's how most of 'em got their jobs at Divx in the first place. The servers were replaced in December of '04, so all old timers have this join date. The Rank badges will let you know who should be listened to. You can even see me begging for more [H]orde folders, here:

While I'm here. I might as well ask, how many of you folks aren't folding for the [H]orde yet? Don't have you're [H]'s yet? Time to drop by the DC forum, and meet you're future teammates. It's all relic's fault, and be careful when you hug the moose.

i been reading doom9 and vcdhelp. basically i need to encode recorded from my dvb-s card to xvid.

frsily i demuxed the two by pavas
then i was left with a mpv and a some mpeg1 audio file

this is how far i can get, virtubdub wont let me open it so i cant convert it and tmpengc wont let me open it also due to the frame size is outside the illegal limit ? :confused: :mad:

someone enlighten me please
Uhm, why are you demuxing? And, I kind of wonder if it's even demuxing correctly, though I can't tell MUCH from that. Either way, you're wasting time and space with this part of the process...

VirtualDub and TMPGEnc SHOULD support an MPEG file, though VirtualDub may need you to install a CODEC to work with MPEG2 if that's what that is. I'm wondering if TMPGEnc is assuming you are using MPEG1 when it's actually MPEG2 or something due to the .MPV extention. MPEG1 is a LOT more limited than MPEG2. However, either way, perhaps the problem really is that the error message is telling the truth and it's breaking the compression standards by using a completely non-standard resolution... If so, you may have to search long and hard until you can find something that won't refuse it (start with getting VirtualDub to work I guess.)

First, start by not demuxing and then trying to open it in those two. If it still doesn't work, give us the error you get in VDub when it refuses to open. It'd help if we knew just exactly what specs those encodes are using too. See if you can find that in the manual or something...
What kind of software would i need to be able to take the video/audio files and put them onto my hard drive so i can use it in a movie editor?
Uhm, can you be more specific? You mean you need download software? Or are you saying you need to split up the audio and video files so you can edit them seperately? (If the latter, what you want to look for is a demuxer, though VirtualDubMod can do this as well.)
One of the Best programs I have ever used is AutoGK. Since being over here in Iraq I have filled my 400 gig (300partition) with over 400 movies now. All DVD quality avi's. I like to back mine up to the HD so I dont have to lug around DVD's everywhere I go.
Sorry nazo, i think i had a brain fart and didnt actually type everything i meant to. what i meant was that i want to copy the video files from a dvd and be able to edit them.
Are any of the tools available for ripping DVDs 64-bit yet? Or are most of them still 32-bit? I just upgraded to WinXP 64-bit and I was wondering of any of these utilities can take advantage of the switch.
Hactar said:
Sorry nazo, i think i had a brain fart and didnt actually type everything i meant to. what i meant was that i want to copy the video files from a dvd and be able to edit them.
I think mainly what you're needing is the ability to reencode them into AVI files since not many editors will handle MPEG2. First try getting a MPEG2 directshow filter from doom9 or some similar place and try the unencrypted VOB files in your editor though. Sometimes that can be enough. As for how to decrypt them, I can't really say since I'm pretty sure that violates rules. Same for how to rip them from the dvd to your harddrive I'm afraid, but, I can say what to do if you have an unencrypted MPEG2 file on your harddrive -- be it from a DVD or not (in other words, this part of the instructions is valid because it applies to things such as recordings which use MPEG2 in so many things for some reason, despite that being a terrible algorithm for recording.) There are actually a number of programs that can reencode MPEG2 files, probably the most notable of which being DVD2AVI. Using it you can reencode to an AVI file which will work in any self-respecting video editor and a few besides. I'd also recommend that if you have enough harddrive space, you get a codec called HuffYUV. This free codec is what they call a lossless codec, which means that, unlike just about all the others out there (I can think of only lossless MJPEG that isn't lossy off the top of my head) it won't loose quality. Considering that you start from a lossy codec like MPEG2, and you want to go to something else AFTER applying edits to the video, if you can at all spare the hd space, you would be best off using it. When you finish editing the video in the editor, THEN save as MPEG4 or whatever you prefer. That way you minimize quality loss from the process.

enelson125 said:
Are any of the tools available for ripping DVDs 64-bit yet? Or are most of them still 32-bit? I just upgraded to WinXP 64-bit and I was wondering of any of these utilities can take advantage of the switch.
As far as I know all are 32-bit, but, it doesn't really matter. I don't think there's a dvd ripping tool in the world that CAN use more than 4GiB, much less actually will. The only way I can even imagine a benefit from that would be a ramdrive, but, the software doesn't have to access the physical memory directly to write files to what it sees as another harddrive. Since this isn't a device driver or some other fundamental program that must run when you need efficiency, it really doesn't matter that windows will have to emulate 32-bit mode to run DVD rippers. Just don't leave the program running 24/7 and you're ok. That's the thing, a lot of people think 64-bit should just be so much faster thanks to things like video cards advertising the size of their memory bus (and in those cases, bigger is better) but, in the processor world, the biggest and most obvious benefit you'll get from 64-bit is the ability to handle more than 4GiB of ram (in the CAD world, Athlon 64/Opteron is a life saver where Intel's attempt at hacking a > 4GiB solution ends up making the memory run a LOT less efficiently...)
for listening and watching:

Winamp! if there's a file type out there, it's standard with winamp or there's a plugin for it - I like MPCs a lot myself for audio

dont forget VLC either
Assuming CPU usage isn't a problem, what's the best for lossless video encoding? Does H.264 do it? I like xvid and divx, but like true DVD quality even better...I'm just hoping there's a codec that will let me keep that quality when I rip them but save some HDD space.
Uhm. Huffyuv. Seriously, you said lossless. Well, Huffyuv is the best lossless codec I know. Oh, and with lossless, CPU is rarely the bottleneck. Usually HD speed (particularly fragmentation of free space and such) will bottleneck you before CPU. According to the author of Huffyuv, it can capture full resolution pre-hd NTSC (aka 720x480, the same as DVD) on a relatively fast Pentium 3 system when the HD can handle it. MAKE SURE DMA MODE IS ON (unless you have SATA, then it's either not optional or they have some better way of doing it, I don't know which, but, I suspect the not optional.) Bear in mind that the actual grabbing of the video frames requires a little CPU power too, so Huffyuv in itself actually requires a bit less even.

The best for LOSSY encoding is probably H264. At least, that's what I'd read, but, I haven't read anything definitive. Test for yourself. Actually, I heard one say that H264 was mainly just better at higher resolution encoding. I think they were all in agreement that it does require considerably more CPU usage to both encode and decode (bear in mind that even if CPU encoding isn't an issue, should you want to decode it somewhere else you want it to be possible on the other system. Mind you, decoding requires considerably less power than encoding, so you probably don't have to worry unless you are encoding 1920x1080 or something.) Anyway, next best thing would be XviD. It gets more active development than DivX and has some very nice features including even a 2-pass option (which actually kind of cheats since DirectShow was NOT meant to encode like that, so you have to actually encode twice, but, hey, at least you can get the benefits of 2-pass when you normally wouldn't.) DivX can match many of the options, but, I think not all, and it certainly can't match the price tag.

Depending on how much you are willing to compromise for your HDD space, you might want to consider some other alternatives. Wavelet, MJPEG, etc. Particularly MJPEG is often used for a lot of things like DV recordings. If you give them enough quality settings, they probably won't hurt as much as encoding to MPEG4 when you're talking about just doing things like captures. I'm guessing you didn't mean to say lossless at all but just want to know the best lossy codecs.
Ill probably end up getting tmpgenc dvd author, but has anyone tried to find what is the fastest AVI to DVD encoder out there?

WinAVI is great... but if you stick in 1 episode of an anime... it will fill the disk. Hunk of junk is too easy to use and limit our options.

Nero recode thing... I think that preview thing wastes a few CPU cycles... but I recently converted 4, 1 hour episodes of a series and it took more than 3 hours to encode on my opty 146 at 2.75ghz... Which I think means it would be inhuman for anyone to wait to encode a video with anything less...

So any really nicely optimized ones out there that can handle multiple episodes?

hmm fairuse seems to have some possiblities... if thats the answer, im looking into it so dont yell at me to much :p
My general impression has been that tmpgenc is basically unbeatable (mind you, I only use the "dvd author" part for actually creating the DVD filesystem itself.) Seems to support all the optimizations you can get and have multithreading support for those dual core setups.

Bear in mind, full resolution encodes of MPEG2 can be quite intensive. I'm getting slightly less than realtime for low-res NTSC, but, full resolution NTSC would definitely take longer (guess I need to properly test that one of these days, but, I just don't really need full resolution DVD...) 3x realtime does seem a bit excessive though. I think I would expect something to the order of maybe 2x realtime, and a 2.75GHz opteron should do noticably better (I don't remember my model numbers, so I don't know if that's one of the dual core chips or not.)

So far the next best thing I know of is probably supposed to be bbMPEG (never worked for me, it keeps crashing before I finish.) Honestly, tmpgenc is just the most developed thing I know of for such purposes which may not be surprising considering how many years it has been around. None of the other tools I've tried so far could satisfy me with enough options and reasonable speeds (I'd put up with long encode times if I had to just to have the options -- you'd be surprised, I'm fitting maybe 11 eps on one disc and I can't really see much by way of quality loss. Mind you, on a high quality tv instead of a portable DVD player I probably would.)
Ah okay... I haven't tried the tmpg dvd author... but I have used tmpgenc for making DVDs for a while now... one thing it just can't do is what winavi can... winavi uses direct show or something so directvobsub pops up and if I need the subs, it will add them for me without the need to frameserve and all that.
Other thing is the tmpgenc's hate of AC3 (talking vcds right now, but will go DVD soon basically)
AVISynth may help you here. I know TMPGEnc can work with it. I don't know about AC3, I don't have many source files using AC3. Perhaps ffdshow may help?
I would just like to point out this really great video encoder that I use... it does like everything, and I honestly don't know why it isn't so well-known. I have had installed on both of my computers for a couple months, and McAfee has yet to detect anmy viruses and I have not noticed any adware either... so I'm pretty damn sure its clean. Anywho, it's called SUPER and here's its website.
I've recently come across a couple DVD's that refuse to backup. I loathe carrying around DVD's on plane trips.

1. The Return of Zorro (Zorro 2)
2. Stealth

Any suggestions? Forgive me if this has been answered some other way in some other thread.
I think that one's beyond the scope of this thread and, more importantly, is probably a little too close to violating the rules of the forum. All I can say is do a little digging around on video encoding related sites and you'll probably find enough info to work with.
Meh, I fixed/qualified my post. I'll probably lose an hour of my life if I go digging around on those forums.
Well, the problem is that, if I've understood it correctly, the DMCA makes it essentially illegal to own a backup of the DVDs you legally bought (among other things.) Even though I think it's a massively stupid law, this forum doesn't really allow discussions of how to do things like circumvent copy protections. That said, I'm hardly the only one who thinks it's a stupid law, so just dig around in other places more focused on digital media and encoding and you'll surely find more information.

While you're at it, dig information on contacting the people trying to get rid of that dumb law (the wiki article has some info there) so we can legally make backups of stuff we own once again.

Someone please feel free to jump in and correct me if I'm at all mistaken. To my knowledge, the DMCA does apply to copy protections built into things like your standard DVDs and definitely makes it illegal to circumvent such protections. I don't know of any official discs which lack the protection (that whole encryption scheme) off the top of my head. I do know that things like recordings shouldn't have any protection in them though. At least, none of the recorders I've used do. Wouldn't really make sense to encrypt a home recording obviously.

PS. Carrying DVDs isn't so bad. All the videos I want to watch I encode into low-res NTSC at 23.976 FPS (with 3:2 pulldown obviously) and I get a LOT of videos on a single disc. I think for a couple of things I've gotten 11 episodes of something on one DVD-RW disc (single layer obvoiusly.) Anyway, I carry a small disc carrying thing (not even a case, it's made of cloth) which holds 24 discs. That combined with my little portable DVD player works just wonders when I have to kill hours away from home (I've done this on numerous occasions and watched an entire series in a library once.)
A quick question; what would be the best codec pack for me to get? I've tried the K-Lite Codec Pack in the past and was pleased with it. It came with Media Player Classic which I used and liked quite a bit, however, I lost that on my reformat, and decided that while I'm starting fresh, I mays well find out if there's some codec pack/video player I can get that will allow me to not have to worry about downloading a bunch of different players and codecs individually.

Currently, as my system just got a fresh install the only video players I have on my system are Quicktime 7 (the newest version, forget what they're at), and WMP 11. Should I just throw in a codec pack and stick with these players, or should I get something like MPC? BTW, I've tried MPlayer and VLC in the past and would rather not use them. I'm the type of person who would really like to have only one or two programs installed for a certain task. I hate having to have numerous apps installed to do basically the same 'job'. I realize a lot of you recommend MPC and do not like the newest from WMP, which I can definitely understand. WMP 11 feels rather bloated, as opposed to MPC did, or even the newest Quicktime does. If I install MPC, there's probably no point in having WMP 11 installed as well...

Also, for video encoding the only program I have is WinAVI, which isn't very good at all. I tried converting some OGM videos to AVI and the audio got lost along the way. Is there a free solution or relatively inexpensive solution that is good at handling various different video formats with encoding them back and fourth?

Thanks in advance for your time.
Wow, almost forgot about this old thread, lol.

Decepticon said:
A quick question; what would be the best codec pack for me to get? I've tried the K-Lite Codec Pack in the past and was pleased with it. It came with Media Player Classic which I used and liked quite a bit, however, I lost that on my reformat, and decided that while I'm starting fresh, I mays well find out if there's some codec pack/video player I can get that will allow me to not have to worry about downloading a bunch of different players and codecs individually.
None. Ffdshow is the best choice of things LIKE a "codec pack." The advantage of it is that, unlike an actual codec pack, it doesn't install a host of different codecs on your system, but instead uses one large library to cover a number of codecs with association controlled by a simple configuration. (You see, normally codecs are each in seperate files associated to a FOURCC code via the registry, but ffdshow simply uses only one "codec" file and in its configuration you can change which FOURCC codes are associated to it any time you like.) This prevents a number of problems associated with codecs including most especially the codec conflicts that such packs almost inevitably cause. With ffdshow, about all you'll ever have to update would be maybe XviD since every now and then they make some sort of change that causes older versions to decode videos encoded with newer versions very very slowly (I don't really understand this, but it has happened to me numerous times across numerous OS installations even back before I knew about ffdshow and just used an official XviD codec, so I can only conclude that it's just something about the nature of XviD itself that does this. XviD seems to be updated less often these days, so I haven't seen that problem much lately.)

A clean alternative to this would be the Video Lan Player or mplayer (the linux player -- but it has a Windows port that works just fine too.) Each of these have codecs internal to the player and can handle just about any video I've ever thrown at them. However, mplayer is extremely hard to use for many people (at least, to use the full features of it -- though the GUIs do help a bit) and VLC lacks some nice features such as the higher quality resize algorithms in ffdshow. IMO for Windows users, ffdshow is still overall the best solution.

Currently, as my system just got a fresh install the only video players I have on my system are Quicktime 7 (the newest version, forget what they're at), and WMP 11. Should I just throw in a codec pack and stick with these players, or should I get something like MPC?
Yes, please do use Media Player Classic if you can at all stand it. It's a considerably better player feature-wise (heck, it's even the first player I've ever seen to implement a universal -- not card specific -- pixel shader resize algorithm,) it's cleaner with less resource waste, and just plain simpler to work with. Most especially, WMP is renoun for it's ability to grow more bloated with each release, though the QuickTime player isn't entirely innocent of this charge either (it adds less bloat with each release compared to what WMP adds, but it started as a more bloated player pretty much from day one back in the Windows 2 or 3 days.)

BTW, I've tried MPlayer and VLC in the past and would rather not use them. I'm the type of person who would really like to have only one or two programs installed for a certain task. I hate having to have numerous apps installed to do basically the same 'job'.
Oh I fully agree. Well, with the one exception that I feel audio players and video players must remain seperated, despite what people such as the Winamp team feel (and I'm so uncomfortable with the route WinAMP is going more and more towards these days that I'm now a Foobar2000 convert I might add.) I must point out here that mplayer and VLC both achieve what you say you want here by providing you with one player for everything however. As I mentioned earlier, they also have a nice clean way of handling codecs that avoids almost all conflict and other such problems associated with them. The main reason I always suggest MPC over those two is just that it's so much easier and cleaner to work with when just viewing a bunch of files and it's also a much easier switch for your average user familliar with things such as WMP (after all, MPC was patterned after WMP 6.4.) PS. Click start, choose run and type mplayer2. If you decide for some reason you don't like MPC, running that command should give you WMP 6.4 which, while lacking in a few nice features MPC offers, does have the old familiar interface, simplicity of use, and lack of the insane amounts of bloat that WMP has become today.

Also, for video encoding the only program I have is WinAVI, which isn't very good at all. I tried converting some OGM videos to AVI and the audio got lost along the way. Is there a free solution or relatively inexpensive solution that is good at handling various different video formats with encoding them back and fourth?
Most use VirtualDub for all forms of AVI editing in Windows. Also, I like to recommend AVISynth which can do all the actual video processing, then just let you encode the processed video in whatever you like without having to worry about the video software itself properly handling processing (this opens up a few lesser featured programs.) I'd still use VirtualDub for my AVI encoding any day though. On the other hand, MPEG gets a little more complicated. I think the most popular free software in that front would be bbMPEG. I've had bad luck with it every time I tried so far though and always end up going to the most popular commercial software (with free MPEG1 encoding and 30-day limited "shareware" MPEG2 encoding,) TMPGEnc. Note that MPEG4 (MP4) files are usually encoded via AVI software such as VirtualDub using special settings inside the codec configuration designed to output slightly differently into a seperate file, so you don't need TMPGEnc or similar for those. It is actually primarily designed for things like making video CD, super-video CD and DVD videos (which it excels at IMO.)

Thanks in advance for your time.
Sure. That will be $50 now.
Okay, so I'm trying to watch HD-quality movies (read: Anime), and the audio is fine, but the video doesn't always keep up. I used a guide here to see what my framerate was. I got ~20fps for the 740p clip and ~10fps for the 1080p clip. They should be 24fps.

All I have installed as far as players are WMP9, MPC, Haali Media Splitter, and ffdshow (and all the codecs that come with them). Is there anything else I can install in the way of codecs or programs that'll bump up the framerate so the clips are watchable, or is it just time to upgrade my hardware?

(Hardware specs are in my signature if needed)
Honestly, from looking at your hardware I'm strongly inclined to say that your CPU can't keep up. A really high res video can take a lot to decode -- but, to make it worse, usually H.264 is used when it comes to high res and it requires even more power versus normal MPEG4 with H.263. I think my CPU probably couldn't keep up even with the overclocking in fact. One thing that might help is that ATi's newer video cards (the X1#00 series) claim to have a feature called "AVIVO" which they explicitely said can accelerate H.264 decoding enough to manage high-res videos. Then again, lol, to be honest it looks like it's time for an upgrade by the look of it.