The Beast comes again


Jan 12, 2005
Gentlemen (and Lady),

Let me first start off by thanking all of you for what you are doing--whether you are doing it for altruistic reasons or simply for stats. As of yet I am unable to fold--my poor A64 box is living in a broadband null zone, only dial-up available :( , and I have yet to convince the powers that be here at work that F@H would not put a strain on the corporate network.

Now for my (family's) story: My paternal grandmother has already had a double mastectomy (about 10 years ago). At that time she also received massive amounts of radiation therapy, and by (I believe) state law can not receive any more. About 2 months ago she felt pain in her left collar bone area and went in to the doctor for a check up--they found a tumor under her clavicle which they removed. Then two weeks ago she started experiencing chest pains, and fearing a heart attack went in to the ER. they kept her over night for observations but found nothing with her heart. They recommended that she follow up with her dr. Exams were performed and two more lumps were discovered in her chest and upon removal and performance of biopsies they were found to be malignant.

She went in yesterday for a cosultation and the dr.s have ordered a full body PET scan. They don't think that these 3 lumps are isolated. Fears are high right now that she may be, as the dr. put it, riddled with cancer. We should know next week.

Just needed to share let it out. I guess we all thought Grandma would be around for a lot longer...we thought she had fought the Beast and won, but it seems to have come back to get its revenge.

FOLD ON GUYS!! I'll be joining you soon...Real soon.
Your Grandmother is strong and can make it again...just give her all the support she needs.

The thoughts and prayers of the [H]orde are with you....oh, and you are already a member, even if you have never turned in WU. :)

AtomicMoose said:
The thoughts and prayers of the [H]orde are with you....oh, and you are already a member, even if you have never turned in WU. :)


And on another note, you can always think that you leave the [H]orde...

but now that you are here, the [H]orde will never leave you.
Thanks for the kind words, guys. I have long been a lurker here in the DC forum--reading your posts and keeping up with all you are doing.

Ember, add another well wish and prayer for you, Lauren and her grandmother.


You can run folding even if you are on dial up. The easiest way to do it is setup the client for timeless units. Then it will ask you if you want reduce network access or something like that. Answer yes to that and it will download ten timeless WU's at once. As it finishes on, it will go on to the next. That way, it will have something to work on for a while.

To send the finished WU's back before it finishes all of them is easy. Just make a shortcut to the folding executable and in the shortcut properties add "-send all" without the quotes and run that. Make sure the client is shut down first. Sometimes it doesn't like when you try to send units back while it's still working. After it sends the finished units back it will download new ones to replenish the queue. The timeless WU's aren't usually very big so they don't take that long to transfer back and forth even on dial up.

I know of this because I have my mom's system borged like this. The system doesn't run all that much and is on dial up so this works perfectly. I always get to my parents' house long before it finishes the queue and I just send back the finished units when I'm there. It's not the best arrangement for points but it does get work done. Which is better pointswise than running nothing.

Thank you for the help...I'll try to get set up this weekend in that fashion.
Sorry to hear about that, we are doing what we can! :(
Our hearts go out to you and yours.

KodiakStar said:

And on another note, you can always think that you leave the [H]orde...

but now that you are here, the [H]orde will never leave you.

It's statements like this that have really helped me this summer when things have been really bad with my stepsister. I want to thank every person on the team for their unwavering support of the people that are trying to deal with the Beast, and their dedication to the project, whether it be for points or other reasons. It means a hell of a lot, and helps to know that there are people that are out there that want to help. Thanks, everyone, for being there for those of us that need it,

I feel your pain. On March 2nd, 2000, my grandfather passed away of major cancer of everything, and that was hard to swallow. It happened the day before my wedding. I got married took the weekend off and attended the funeral on monday. I am sorry for your losses and hopefully someday they will be able to figure out a cure.

best of luck to you and your grandmother, i'm sure she can win the battle again...i'm just sorry to hear she had to fight again..
