Tesla Lays Off Workers Via Blog Post

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
How would you like to read a blog post today that says you, and 90% of your co-workers, were laid off…two days ago! Incredibly, that is exactly what Tesla did to the employees that worked in its Detroit offices. The 10% that got to keep their jobs will have to relocate to California at their own expense.

Tesla notifies Detroit workers today they were laid off two days ago...today! In a sign of what this new Financiapocalypse might bring, employees in the Metro Detroit branch of electric car maker Tesla Motors were laid off via a blog post.

Woohooo more Michigan jobs... nice... with GM, Ford, and Chrysler already dropping the soap on us... what more hurt could a couple more do?

I am begining to think Tesla is a very shady and lame company, what an unprofessional way to lay people off.
Thats chickenshit, period. Im not in the market for one of their cars, but if I was, id cancel my order muy pronto.
If I worked in the Detroit offices and got fired I would be suing Telsa right now.
Maybe even if I wasn't fired I would sue them for pretty much firing me by saying (two days later) "oh and if you other 10% want to stay, move here now and we don't care enough about you to help"

douches. Stupid overly expensive car anyway...........
Anyone remember the fiasco with the Radioshack firings via e-mail? The HR director in charge of it was let-go over it (Or did he resign?). This too, is unacceptable.
If I worked in the Detroit offices and got fired I would be suing Telsa right now.
Maybe even if I wasn't fired I would sue them for pretty much firing me by saying (two days later) "oh and if you other 10% want to stay, move here now and we don't care enough about you to help"

douches. Stupid overly expensive car anyway...........

That is what the big 3 did to a lot of workers here, even the tier 1 suppliers did the same thing. They closed a lot of offices down and basically said, if you want your job, you have to move to this new office, otherwise you will lose your chance of severance and be terminated.
I wouldn't want to tell people that know how to control thousands of volts of electricity at will that their job is canned. I'll do it from as far as possible.

Haven't you guys ever played Red Alert 2? ZAP!!
I wouldn't want to tell people that know how to control thousands of volts of electricity at will that their job is canned. I'll do it from as far as possible.

Haven't you guys ever played Red Alert 2? ZAP!!

fully charged!
That is what the big 3 did to a lot of workers here, even the tier 1 suppliers did the same thing. They closed a lot of offices down and basically said, if you want your job, you have to move to this new office, otherwise you will lose your chance of severance and be terminated.

Still seems sleezy to me. I wonder how much time they give them.
Still seems sleezy to me. I wonder how much time they give them.

Not much time, basically you got a week to decide. Or whats even more lame is that they offer you another job position (like you can go from being a chemical engineer to an administrative assistant if they feel like it) and if you decline, you lose your severance. Some people got smart and accepted the job offers only to flunk the internal interviews badly (on purpose) so that they can get the hell out of there with severance.
Why give it 2yrs, more like 4 weeks. They don't have the same amount of pull like the Big 3 do. Also Ford is actively after their lunch with the Volt and most imports just have to lift the glass lid to eat it. People will just get tired of waiting.
After reading this, If I was to win a Telsa car, I would run over Musk with it and then burn it to the ground.
yeah this sucks..i live right near Rochester hills and one of my friends got laid off today via the blog.
needless to say hes pissed and yeah..i cant really say much more than that
i dont think this tesla company has anything to do with the original nickoli tesla himself, but maybe the name itself is bad omen since this is going to be a failure pretty much inline of magnitude as it always has been with anything that bears the name tesla. they always have the right idea, they know what the future will be, but they can never bring the future closer to the present quicker then it would come on its own.
This kind of behavior is becoming the norm for most big business these days. I went through a year long layoff from BellSouth about 5 years ago thanks to shady business tactics. Companies jump on the bandwagon to cut costs by letting people go, shifting resources overseas, etc., and displacing a lot of qualified, talented people in the process. Then you've got 'tards like Bill Gates (who may very well be a great manager) claiming that the US "has" to import talent to stay competitive. When are these companies going to learn that if you treat people like they're adults and they contribute to a company's success, they'll typically stay with the company. Unlike this crap... nicely done Tesla, you didn't impress me much anyway!
Woohooo more Michigan jobs... nice... with GM, Ford, and Chrysler already dropping the soap on us... what more hurt could a couple more do?

I am begining to think Tesla is a very shady and lame company, what an unprofessional way to lay people off.

Michigan is in a friggin shambles anyway. Nothing new here. However, would you now buy a car by spending over 6 digits to get from a person who might be facing a pink slip? Don't think so.
Why give it 2yrs, more like 4 weeks. They don't have the same amount of pull like the Big 3 do. Also Ford is actively after their lunch with the Volt and most imports just have to lift the glass lid to eat it. People will just get tired of waiting.

do you mean Launch with the Volt? and the Volt is Chevy.
The Volt is bullshit, a marketing/media ploy to buy time. They still need to solve the battery issue.

Tesla is a joke. Not related to Nikola, and his family should have sued the shit out of those assholes for co-opting his good name. They aren't worthy of licking his boots.

They blew $54 MILLION in venture capital, and have just made it harder for other inventors seeking investment for electric car related activities in the future, way to go jagoffs.
I would think Detroit autoworkers would be used to being laid off. Hell someone gets a job in the auto industry, and they mention Detroit? Hell you need to start looking for a new job already!
The Volt is bullshit, a marketing/media ploy to buy time. They still need to solve the battery issue.

Tesla is a joke. Not related to Nikola, and his family should have sued the shit out of those assholes for co-opting his good name. They aren't worthy of licking his boots.

They blew $54 MILLION in venture capital, and have just made it harder for other inventors seeking investment for electric car related activities in the future, way to go jagoffs.


The Volt was first introduced as an awesome car... now it's a hybrid civic in essence.