

Oct 22, 2006
I thought watercooling was an extreme difference from air?
The more I read about watercooling I see its only around
5-8c colder then air? Is this true? What is the coldest you
can obtain with the best parts put together? I wanted to
water cool my p182 case, but if its only a matter of 5-8c
difference its rather pointless to me. My current cooling
is TRUE with 2 scythe 120mm with loads in high/low 50/60
According to the review below, the Apogee GTZ saw load temps of a Q6600 at 3.6ghz and 1.47 Vcore at 48.9 average, and that's running prime 95. Now I'm not sure if his test setup is practical though. He is running a big rad with 4 120mm fans on it, which isn't feasible for most cases out there, and are quite expensive. I'm thinking you could get a
good 10c difference. Also price is a bit high. I pieced together a descent setup and I'm at
$278. That's the price of another GTX260. Once you got everything though a lot of blocks are universal. The Apogee GTZ for instance is compatible with the upcoming 1366 socket.

Id do it if it would drop my current temps another 10c then it would be more then worth it.. but what are the chances of that?
My max cpu temp on air was 65c+,now my chips max is no more than 48c,a bit more than 5c.Also my 4850 now runs at 28c idle(40+ on air) and 38c load(60+ on air) Water cooling is about load temps,not idle.Its load temp were the advantage is gained not idle temps.
what are your thoughts on phase change cooling like the vapochill LS setup? are these reliable?
What is the coldest you can obtain with the best parts put together?

In theory one could acheive temps equal to just slightly above room ambient with sufficient rads and fans. In practice that is not practical. You cannot cool below the temp of the air being used to cool the rads regarless of how many and how big the rads and fans are.