Teens Charged in 'Video Game' Death

It seems as though any sort of violence that is part of an entertainment package (movies, games, music, etc.) will be subject to this time and time again.

It's funny how books are never really blamed though. I've read novels that are more sadistic and violent than any movie or game ever made.

An example would be American Psycho. It's completely different from the movie, and one of the most fucked up things I've ever read.
Blaming deaths on videogames has the same faults as blaming deaths on comic books.

In the end, it was a conscious decision by sentient beings, that caused this. Those are two rotten teens, and they are the ones who are to blame.

You can't blame Walther for the actions of Cho Seung Hui (Virginia Tech), Cho was the one who decided to murder people, and would have done so regardless of tools available.

You can't blame the Jack Daniels Distillery for the actions of a rampaging fathead Senator from Massachusetts (Chappaquiddick incident). Ol' Fathead Ed made the conscious decision to guzzle down all of that booze. He made the conscious decision to drive. He then made the conscious decision to not save that woman's life when the car containing both of them plunged into the water, and made the conscious decision to call his buddies, instead of the police.

And, of course, you cannot blame the manufacturers of silverware for Rosie O'Donnell being morbidly obese. Rosie O'Dunghole made the conscious decision to shovel down all of those quarts of ice cream, increasing her massive girth to even greater widths, and she (if that thing can be called a woman these days) is the one solely responsible for her being so damn fat.
This, pisses me off. Blaming video games yet again.


Right. The last time I was drunk it took me 10 minutes to realize I was sitting down and not standing up anymore. And you're going to tell me a teenager pulled off perfectly imitated Hollywood-esque martial arts moves that aren't possible without guy wires or computer graphics while intoxicated. Right.

I've got a better idea: BLAME THE ALCOHOL! You have two drunk teenagers babysitting a 7 year old. INTOXICATED MINORS WATCHING OVER A MINOR. What bleeping part of this does not register as a red flag over the video games?

I get so heated when video games are blamed for something that is clearly bad parenting, and bad judgement.

Maybe we need to sue McDonalds for not putting up warning labels on their food containers. Warning!: Eating this will clog your arties and kill you. If it doesn't, it'll make you fat and give you acne and you won't get laid in highschool or college. If you're over the age of 22, you'll be a fat miserable bloated piece of slag. YOU WERE WARNED!
People in this day and age are too fucking soft, weak-minded and have absolutely no semblance of what real respect, responsibility, honor, strength or right and wrong are about, period.

Here's a "dissertation" on what it's all about, for those with enough of a mind and like-minded/similar to myself who actually had it hard in life, and who are "real", to read relate to. For the rest, to maybe actually read through this post and wake the fuck up.

I have a daughter, and she's my whole world. She's six... SIX YEARS OLD... and, like me at that age, already knows clearly what's right and wrong, acceptable and not. Why? Because we've taught her (especially me, due to the life I had) what respect is all about and how to live by a code of respect that very few on this planet seem to understand.

This situation with these "kids" is one of the most disgusting things that could happen, and not just the actions of these two worthless monkeys, but the god damn "defense" of why they did what they did.

I would ask, "What is wrong with the kids today?", but the answer to that is apparent. The more that adults and society in general send the message that it's ok to be lazy and take no responsibility, among many other things, the more this continues to happen in this world.

If these little fuckers had grown up with the life I had, forget it... kids today never would have even survived my fucking life. I had to work for what I had, sometimes that meant just survival, because I know what it's like to be poor. I know what it's like to be beaten (severely and unreasonably) and abused mentally and emotionally by some sick fuckers in my family; to be without a home or food and grow up literally in the fucking streets.

Are video games to blame for what these kids did? No. Is the booze? No. But that's all kids today do: sit home with no fucking responsibilities and no one to teach them respect, play their video games, get into the parent's booze and do something abhorrent like beat a little girl to death. Have they ever been beaten to know what it feels like? No. Did they have any strict responsibilities given to them by their parents to learn responsibility and "morals"? No.

Of course, then we have the internet... a wonderful tool for meeting other people, entertainment etc., but how many even adults get onto forums, chat rooms, have websites etc. where they act like "e-tough-guys" and get away with mouthing off? Shit, I've seen it here. So they get "false big-balls", go do something stupid then don't want to pay the consequences because they either fucked with the wrong person or did something that's about to land them in the fucking gas chamber.

When you have even adults acting in such a manner, of course kids today are only going to get worse, and society falls apart.

Fact is, that if any of the fools of any age who like to beat-up on women, little girls or even mouth-off on the internet were faced with someone such as myself, they'd be left standing in a puddle of their own fucking piss... if they were even left standing at all.

I was already working (under the table, of course) before I was even their age, running errands for the store my grandparents ran, and a local deli who's owners my family were tight friends with. Why? Because I had to, not just to help my family, but because that's how things were back then. You do something with yourself, learn to respect, then you get to play. By the time I was fourteen, I was digging fucking holes for a construction company who's owners, again, my family we friends with.

To prove the point further about what's continuing to be ingrained in kids (and even some adults at this point), going back generations and then looking at the present: their lawyers claims that "they aren't old enough to know it was wrong". Just saw this jag-off on the news two days ago making this statement. Straight-faced.

Are you fucking kidding me!? This is the society we live in, and the more people feed that type of shit, the more the younger generation will run around thinking they can do what ever they want and claim they didn't know better.

At the age of six, like my daughter, I could have told you that something like was wrong. These kids are in their fucking teens. Are you shitting me? But, there it is... they're "not old enough to know better", according to their lawyer.

so instead of getting at the root of this kids' minds, we just blame it on an unrelated hobby...

...or anything, as you stated, that's "easy" to pin it on.

Exactly right: getting to the root of the problems with kids (or people in general) in today's society is the real issue, but the circle is vicious. The more deluded society in general becomes, the less they want to look at/take responsibility for anything. The more that happens, the less they look, hence the more they continue to blame other inconsequential things that are not touching the root of the problem.

People are soft, weak, weak-minded, have no morals or concept of honor, respect, loyalty or responsibility. That's sums it up as to why such abhorrent fucking things like this happen in today's society. It's been perpetuated by decades of people becoming soft, selfish and weak.

Everyone "has problems", "issues" of some kind... so fucking what? Everyone wants to be coddled and do what they wish with no care for it's effect and no thought for how fucking devolved their behavior is, in general.

OUCH... I'm sorry, But sometimes one really can't control some of these kids. Kids now adays abuse their powers too. Sometimes kids don't listen to parents. I don't have any kids yet, but you gotta start some spanking when their young. And reenforce some respects.

Yes, yes and YES.

Respect needs to be re-taught to kids, and people in general if you want to get right down to it, and some semblance of values restored.

I didn't grow up being taught to be soft, irresponsible or disrespectful. Even if I had, that's not who I am, and I would have turned out as me anyway. I was actually physically abused for no good reason, which is obviously wrong. But in terms of getting out of line, a smack upside the fucking head should be given when needed, and harsh control and punishment as well as solid positive guidance should be given from a very young age to teach children the right ways to live and behave. Teach them what respect is all about, and right from wrong. Teach them to take responsibility and to do the right thing.

Parents are to be held responsible. But, how can anyone expect anyone to be responsible in this day and age when even the adults in this world are fucked?

Everyone "has problems" and "needs a shrink/medication"... give - me - a - fucking - break!

Get a fucking helmet, because life is supposed to be a challenge. It's not easy. But, that's not the mentality that's taught to kids today, because adults don't even have enough strength or respect to live by the right "codes" in life.

According to society, everyone has ADD or depression or anxiety or some other forms of social dysfunctions that are used as a god damn crutch that gives these kids leeway to go with their seriously fucked mentalities and do something like this.

How many school shootings have we had this year alone? It's almost an every-week thing, that some loser asshole with "no self-esteem" runs into a school with an automatic weapon, or a mall, and takes the lives of those who might be among the few who are truly decent fucking human beings

Then, after this sick mentality of coddling everyone because "they have issues", they take further responsibility away from the victimizers by further fueling these deluded concepts with no serious punishment to make an example of little fuckers like this.

Our ancestors --the strong, who knew honor, respect and suffering as some in this age, such as myself have known-- are rolling over in their fucking graves in disgust.
I wonder how much flak the media will catch for posing headlines like this from other media?
Anyone who reads into it will undoubtedly agree it has nothing to do with anything other than bad parents.
OUCH... I'm sorry, But sometimes one really can't control some of these kids. Kids now adays abuse their powers too. Sometimes kids don't listen to parents. I don't have any kids yet, but you gotta start some spanking when their young. And reenforce some respects.

Thats just an excuse for lack of parenting. There is no such thing as Kids nowadays. Its lack of parenting that is creating this generation of bums and problem children.
People in this day and age are too fucking soft, weak-minded and have absolutely no semblance of what real respect, responsibility, honor, strength or right and wrong are about, period.


Damn good post. People in general need to man up and take responsibility for their actions and those of their kids. Blaming video games on a tragedy like this? Bullshit. That's just the easy way out. Could it be that it was two drunk, underage teens having a little "fun" that went too far because they lost any of what little common sense they may have had?

It's a sad state when news reports like this are posted on almost a weekly basis. :rolleyes:
alcohol is definitely the part that impaired the teens judgment, that's first and foremost. then is the mother who wasn't home, but working and leaving the babysitting up to two teenagers. the mom should have used better judgment in choosing who to leave her 7-year-old daughter with to be cared for. she should be held accountable for not using reasonable judgment when leaving a 7-year-old with teenagers. (and i know there are a lot of responsible and awesome teenagers out there, however, the mother is the one that needs to gauge the responsibility, and it sounds like she didn't do a very good job.)

this is also sounds like a case of a single mom with kids from different fathers. so apparently she doesn't have very good judgment when it comes to grown men either.
how is leaving a child with a 16 year old irresponsible, most of the baby sitters are teenagers.
These two were drunk, but I'm guessing the mom didn't leave the kid with the boyfriend and probably didn't supply them with alcohol, and if she did give them the alchohol she is certainly responsible for what happened.
Roberts said he was downstairs playing video games while the sisters wrestled upstairs, police said. But a witness quoted in the affidavit said Roberts told her he had kicked the girl.

The witness told police that Roberts said Zoe had told them to stop wrestling. According to the affidavit, when the witness asked why they didn't stop, he responded, "I don't know; I was drunk."

Ok so one was downstairs playing video games while the other was drunk and wrestling with the sister upstairs... and video games are to blame?

So if people get drunk and try to steal cars / crash into things, they can blame it on GTA and not the drinking too?
I wonder how much flak the media will catch for posing headlines like this from other media?
Anyone who reads into it will undoubtedly agree it has nothing to do with anything other than bad parents.

I'm sure since parents of these kids were bad, I'm not sure how Hitler survived growing up. Relatively his parents must have been really-really bad.

Sure if it was a two year old given razor blades as Christmas presents ya, bad parentage. Sometimes however, the kids are bad. and having a 16YO looking after your child is not negligent. How many of you also snuck into your folks liquor cabinet at that age? Did you do this because of your abusive parentage?

Now did the mom the boy was in the house? Did the mom know they were drinking? Still questions need to be answered, but that's what the "justice" system is supposed to be there for.
The teens should sue the video game designer's parents for not bringing them up "right". They in turn should sue mankind for being violent and inspiring games about war.
simple last line answer.

"I was drunk" END OF STORY

That's not even a good excuse as far as I am concerned. I've been drunk lots of times and I've never gone Mortal Kombat on someone's ass.
Here is the deal: while video games might allow someone to more easily mimic actions that would have this end result, it still doesn't make it right to lay blame on an entertainment medium.

Personally, I would never blame something else or someone else for my actions. My actions are my own. It is a fact that irresponsibility is the main factor for these travesties. If these kids were felt the responsibility of their actions they would not have done something so goddamn stupid. I am insulted that people would blame anything or anyone but themselves when they screw up.

This is a wake-up call to all you retarded, irresponsible individuals: You are your own person. So man-up when you are dumb enough to make an obvious mistake. Think things through and stop acting like a fuck-tard.
Here is the deal: while video games might allow someone to more easily mimic actions that would have this end result, it still doesn't make it right to lay blame on an entertainment medium.

Personally, I would never blame something else or someone else for my actions. My actions are my own. It is a fact that irresponsibility is the main factor for these travesties. If these kids were felt the responsibility of their actions they would not have done something so goddamn stupid. I am insulted that people would blame anything or anyone but themselves when they screw up.

This is a wake-up call to all you retarded, irresponsible individuals: You are your own person. So man-up when you are dumb enough to make an obvious mistake. Think things through and stop acting like a fuck-tard.

Beating someone to death isn't a mistake. It is a choice.
I agree with the kids being 100% responsible for the actions towards this poor little girl. I also believe the defense attorney is 100% responsible for shifting blame from his client(s) to a video game.
Hopefully a jury will see through the BS and convict them to a long jail sentence.
alcohol is definitely the part that impaired the teens judgment, that's first and foremost. then is the mother who wasn't home, but working and leaving the babysitting up to two teenagers. the mom should have used better judgment in choosing who to leave her 7-year-old daughter with to be cared for. she should be held accountable for not using reasonable judgment when leaving a 7-year-old with teenagers. (and i know there are a lot of responsible and awesome teenagers out there, however, the mother is the one that needs to gauge the responsibility, and it sounds like she didn't do a very good job.)

this is also sounds like a case of a single mom with kids from different fathers. so apparently she doesn't have very good judgment when it comes to grown men either.

Lol, sounds like you're assuming a lot of crap here bro. You don't know the mother. You don't know their family situation. It almost sounds like you're calling the mother a 'stupid slut.' all I gotta say is.. I hope you're never asked to do Jury duty.

As the teens involved, I think they should get beat the same way the little girl did. I hope the guy gets raped in prison, repeatedly.
Beating someone to death isn't a mistake. It is a choice.

It's easier than you might think. I hope I don't come across as an 'E-Thug' in saying this, but it can actually be fairly easy to accidently kill someone. I've seen people get seriously, seriously, injured doing stupid crap. I've seen people crack their skulls just falling in a fight. If a dude falls down and his head hits the corner of a table, that's a cracked skull. One right blow to the head can kill someone. Even choking someone out to restrain them can kill them.

In a case like this, where the victim was probably a lot smaller than her attackers, a fatality is even easier to inflict... but despite all that, I think these two teens should be charged as adults and held fully accountable. It doesn't sound like this girl died a quick, accidental death. It sounds like to me it was somewhat prolonged.
From what I got from the article they were acting out Mortal Kombat. The two sisters were, both in on it, having a good time "playing" MK together. But, since it's real life instead of a game, the little sister one got owned by the big sister, and instead of respawning, she died.

Now where would they get the idea to play MK out in real life? From going to Sunday school?

Games aren't at fault, but people have to realize as parents, stop giving your YOUNG children shit like MK, GTA, etc. There are plenty of other video games out there that are not M rated, buy them instead and leave the good ones for us adults.
It seems as though any sort of violence that is part of an entertainment package (movies, games, music, etc.) will be subject to this time and time again.

It's funny how books are never really blamed though. I've read novels that are more sadistic and violent than any movie or game ever made.

An example would be American Psycho. It's completely different from the movie, and one of the most fucked up things I've ever read.

Favorite book ever; have read it six times.
According to society, everyone has ADD or depression or anxiety or some other forms of social dysfunctions that are used as a god damn crutch that gives these kids leeway to go with their seriously fucked mentalities and do something like this.

How many school shootings have we had this year alone? It's almost an every-week thing, that some loser asshole with "no self-esteem" runs into a school with an automatic weapon, or a mall, and takes the lives of those who might be among the few who are truly decent fucking human beings

Then, after this sick mentality of coddling everyone because "they have issues", they take further responsibility away from the victimizers by further fueling these deluded concepts with no serious punishment to make an example of little fuckers like this.

i would just like to say there are some of us that DO suffer from chronic depression and other mental illness'
BUT it is not an excuse to hurt others
i was bullied and made fun of in school but i found other outlets one of them was.. OH NOES GAMING!
and if it wasnt for PCs and PC gaming i would have no useful skills
as it is i have trouble holding a job i could get SSI but i dont want to take hand outs

but yes in this case it was the alcohol and not games imo think the kids blamed the game in hopes of getting off easy and i hope there tried as adults and put to death
Now where would they get the idea to play MK out in real life? From going to Sunday school?

Even if they didn't have Mortal Kombat, then they would have picked it up from somewhere else. I wouldn't have been surprised to see them pull this crap off, and blame it on professional wrestling, the news (hey now, they were just imitating the sawing off of the journalist heads in Iraq!), or whatever media outlet they could find.

Heck, maybe they *could* have done something sickening, such as crucifying someone on a cross and breaking their legs, based on what they learned in Sunday School.
Lets see here. So far violent acts have been blamed on music, cartoons, video games. When is someone going to step up and blame the parents? If kids are playing violent or innapropriate video games or watching bad TV its the parents fault and nobody elses.

Theres a real problem especially in this country where many parents do NO parenting at all and i firmly believe thats the root of all these issues. Too many parents rely on teachers to do thier jobs as parents and when thier kids are not in school they park thier kids in front of a TV or video game and call that parenting. Somewhere along the lines it has become acceptable for parents to literally fuck off on parenting.

If a violent video game is being blamed for what these kids did somebody needs to stand up and ask where they got these games and why thier allowed to play them.
A lot of kids are naturally evil. You have to tell most young boys not to torture animals. It needs to be taught. Burning ants with a magnifying glass and pulling the legs off frogs tends to just happen. Maybe it has something to do with us being top of the food chain. If our species didn't have a tendency towards violence we would have been driven to extinction by another species long ago.

Acting civilized needs to be taught, and I think that's important to recognize that. Society and the government seem to have a hands off approach to parenting as if kids are naturally good and without abuse they will grow up to be model citizens. That's just not the case.

Parents need the government to get out of the way in parenting. My 10 year nephew is already challenging his parents with "well what are you going to do about it?". All you can do now is try to reason with your kid. You can't spank him, or it's child abuse and they know it. You can't lock him in his room or send him to bed without dinner, because that's child abuse to (and they know it).

At some point children ended up put on a pedestal. Protect the children is every law makers motto. *Anything* that causes kids even minor displeasure is being made illegal. It's going to be a disaster. Kids need to make mistakes and be punished for it when they're young. It may not be pleasant to get spanked or sent to bed without dinner, but it's for their own good (and society's good as well).
Terribly written article about a terrible crime.
I could hardly understand what had happened. What I don't understand is why the poll doesn't read:

"Do you think alcohol caused children to act violently?"
I had no idea what the article was saying, besides the part about the girl being put under cold water and given CPR. The teens were drunk? If so, why do video games have any part in this? its just stupid kids doing even stupider things while drunk.

And stuff like this has been happening for years. Am I the only one who used to "wrestle" with friends, trying to act like the tv stars and using their moves? I can remember quite a few moves that would leave you in quite a bit of pain if did incorrectly (hell, there were even more that would hurt if done correctly)
alcohol is definitely the part that impaired the teens judgment, that's first and foremost. then is the mother who wasn't home, but working and leaving the babysitting up to two teenagers. the mom should have used better judgment in choosing who to leave her 7-year-old daughter with to be cared for. she should be held accountable for not using reasonable judgment when leaving a 7-year-old with teenagers. (and i know there are a lot of responsible and awesome teenagers out there, however, the mother is the one that needs to gauge the responsibility, and it sounds like she didn't do a very good job.)

this is also sounds like a case of a single mom with kids from different fathers. so apparently she doesn't have very good judgment when it comes to grown men either.

Wow, took the words right out of my mouth. What ever happened to the captain going down with the ship?
First, I'd like to say, as an expecting father, this story saddened me. Blaming video games is not the solution.

That's not even a good excuse as far as I am concerned. I've been drunk lots of times and I've never gone Mortal Kombat on someone's ass.

I couldn't help but laugh at this. I'd PAY to see a Dan vs Kyle or Steve MK video :D

I know it's not funny what happened to this child but holy shit I burst out laughing at work while reading that.

Same. Sad story, but funny quote.
I rerember when this happened a while back when some kid killed his freind with a hammer and a screwdriver becuase he becuase obsessed with the game manhunt.
Games aren't at fault, but people have to realize as parents, stop giving your YOUNG children shit like MK, GTA, etc. There are plenty of other video games out there that are not M rated, buy them instead and leave the good ones for us adults.

I don't believe this for a minute. I had access to horror movies, action movies and to some extent, violent video games all of my life even from an early age. The problem is that parents aren't there to teach their kids the difference between fantasy and reality, right from wrong, or to teach them that their actions have consequences. The children today live in an age of vast amounts of information but their parents aren't there to put the information into the proper context leaving the children to deal with the information on their own. It is easy for them to draw the wrong conclusions because of that.

First, I'd like to say, as an expecting father, this story saddened me. Blaming video games is not the solution.

No it is not. As I said before the problem rests with the hands off approach parents take with their children.
It's easier than you might think. I hope I don't come across as an 'E-Thug' in saying this, but it can actually be fairly easy to accidently kill someone. I've seen people get seriously, seriously, injured doing stupid crap. I've seen people crack their skulls just falling in a fight. If a dude falls down and his head hits the corner of a table, that's a cracked skull. One right blow to the head can kill someone. Even choking someone out to restrain them can kill them.

I understand how easy it can be to kill someone. Human bodies are quite fragile. However I was commenting on the fact that these idiots chose to do something that could lead to the death of another. They made a choice to do something stupid and they chose to continue in that course of action until someone died. They are morons and they need to get the damn needle.
I think they just beat her to death... If it was mortal combat they would rip her spine out or set her on fire.

Dude thats a pretty ****ed up thing to say, a little girl died. I have a daughter who is 8 years old and as a parent I find your comment very offensive.

I play videogames with my three children but it is not our only family activity. We all train in Tae Kwon Do at the same dojang and we hike together as well. I think the key to raising children who don't kill eachother or strangers is to do things together. My children are constantly supervised by my wife and I or by the inept public employees at our local school. We don't ignore them and then blame videogames when they commit murder. The guilty teenagers and irresponsible adult who allowed this tragedy to happen all deserve swift and final justice , via execution. Our country needs to reintroduce public execution to deter idiots from doing this kind of thing. We should't be paying to house and feed people who beat 7 year old girls to death.

And thats about all I have to say about that.
I'm not going to blame video games for this. It wasn't there fault, it was the stupid ass kids. They should be eliminated before they breed.

I'm 17, I play GTA san andreas, and other games quite often. I've never beaten anyone to a pulp, and I don't plan on it. It was the lack of parenting to that caused this.

I feel really bad for the girl, it should have never happened.
I play videogames with my three children but it is not our only family activity. We all train in Tae Kwon Do at the same dojang and we hike together as well. I think the key to raising children who don't kill eachother or strangers is to do things together. My children are constantly supervised by my wife and I or by the inept public employees at our local school. We don't ignore them and then blame videogames when they commit murder. The guilty teenagers and irresponsible adult who allowed this tragedy to happen all deserve swift and final justice , via execution. Our country needs to reintroduce public execution to deter idiots from doing this kind of thing. We should't be paying to house and feed people who beat 7 year old girls to death.
This a great response, I feel the same way.
Agreed. It is just evolution. To finalize evolution, kill the two teen shitheads, and sterilize the mother to avoid any further mistakes.
I remember playing Doom, Rise of the Triad, and Wolfenstein 3D right when they came out. I've grown up with violent games. I remember playing the origional Mortal Kombat right when it came out. I listen to Heavy Metal. I own guns. And guess what, I've never hurt anyone. I don't get in fights, I don't stab people.

This has been going on for a long time, ever since Doom came out, I think. It's a weak argument.
Its a sad world when people blame a game nobody has played since the 90s instead of UNDERAGE DRINKING

I wouldn't even blame the drinking. Myself and nearly everyone I've ever known drank when they were too young. We all pretty much stopped when we reached 21, but in any case we've all been stupid drunk and none of us ever acted out crap from a game and none of us ever killed anyone while drinking.

Again it's the people. There is something wrong with them either due to a problem with themselves or due in part to the parents doing a bad job raising them. In any case those people are defective. The blame must rest on them. Even if they did have shitty child hoods.