Teens Arrested in Car Bombings Blame GTA

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Another group of idiots, out committing crimes, decides to blame GTA IV after they were caught. The police even seem to be buying into the whole GTA thing saying crimes around the country are being blamed on the game. Well, gee…if GTA is to blame, don’t you have the wrong people in custody?

Police Chief Chris Lagerbloom said three boys, a 15-year-old and 16-year-old from Milton and a 16-year-old from Cumming, will be charged with first- and third-degree arson, first- and second-degree criminal damage to property and possession of explosive devices. "Grand Theft Auto" is a computer game series that has been blamed for inciting juvenile crime sprees in the United States and globally, including murder and carjacking, police said.
Excuse the caps


Also I'm preeety damn sure the M rating GTA got puts it in the 17+ range.
Sigh...It always amazes me that you need licence's to do all kind's of things: Drive a car, own a gun, etc. but any fucktard can be parent. WTF! Why are the parents of these dumbasses never taken to task? :confused:
It should be made illegal to supply games/movies to those underage, as it is for alcohol
They should just make it a crime to PLAY a game underaged and only minimally enforce it. I.E. you can only get cited for it IF you tell the police straight out you played the game. This is getting ridiculous.
At least the author included a decent counter point from a respectable source at the end. Now we need move past the violent game = violent kid concept and onto the bad parent = bad kid reality.
I'm not sure a molitav cocktail is considered a bomb... Car torching? Car burning? But 'Bombing' and 'posession of an explosive device' are two pretty weak links...

Anybody that's thrown a molitav cocktail knows it's not an IED. An IBD maybe - Improvised Burning Device... All it does is start an instant fire wherever you throw it.
I went to a store and bought new clothes. I blame GTA. :mad:
I went to a store and bought new clothes. I blame GTA. :mad:

This is just getting out of hand now. Any person who is decent and smart enough will know the whole "I blame GTA" is just an excuse and helps puts the attention on something else instead of them.
Hell, of course the teens are going to blame GTA. Are they really going to blame themselves? No.
Dammit, why wasn't GTA available when i was a kid...i could of used this excuse a million times!
Flabbergasted they said anything. Kids are so stupid - Once you have the right to remain silent; DO SO!
What next, underage kids get drunk and sue the beer maker? Oh wait...

What a screwed up place. People are looking for an easy way out and GTA is the ticket.
I am only 15 and I play the game. I don't understand why the people try to blame the game? I am sure have of those idiots cant even afford an Xbox 360 or PS3.
After being paid a large sum of money to kill some guy, I showed up at the hit location and suddenly found myself unable to take the guy out. I struggled with my inner voice but I was torn between honoring my contract or killing this piece of shit….so I let him go as long as he promised to never come back to Liberty City…ever.

On my way home, I helped a drug addicted teen by giving her $500 and putting her on a train back home where she could clean up and get off the drugs for good.

I stopped by my friend Lil’ Jacob's place and we went out for a few drinks. We were so inebriated that, while attempting to hail a taxi…Lil’ Jacob fell in front of a moving vehicle and was seriously injured….


...wait, it was GTA's fault that time.
Wiat, I played that game through and I didn't see the tutorial on how to make a MC....good thing I know how to google. Or the common sense that tells me if i fill a jar with incendiary fluid and stuff a rag in it and then light said rag and then throw said jar mayhem would ensue.
Another great addition to the GA. Public school system!

Seriously, blame the parents...or lack there of, and yes I'm a proud GA. resident =D
I can't wait until the media starts blaming the parents.

I had to log in because I CAN'T STAND IT when everyone decides to blame video games or parents for what bad teenagers are doing. Since when has PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY gone out the window and been replaced with mindless "follow the crowd and blame everyone but yourself" syndrome?:confused::mad:

We live in a country USA where people are free to do relatively anything they want within limits but when we take these liberties too far and then have the INSOLENCE to blame others then it is time that we maybe think about taking away some of these liberties and placing people in some kind of managed care facility. Why is it that teenagers believe that they are invincible and then blame the world for getting caught doing bad things.

I say its TIME to TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for our actions and STOP BLAMING VIDEO GAMES OR PARENTS on the decisions of some bad seeds.

Thanks for reading my rant and maybe taking it to heart.;)
I had to log in because I CAN'T STAND IT when everyone decides to blame video games or parents for what bad teenagers are doing. Since when has PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY gone out the window and been replaced with mindless "follow the crowd and blame everyone but yourself" syndrome?:confused::mad:

We live in a country USA where people are free to do relatively anything they want within limits but when we take these liberties too far and then have the INSOLENCE to blame others then it is time that we maybe think about taking away some of these liberties and placing people in some kind of managed care facility. Why is it that teenagers believe that they are invincible and then blame the world for getting caught doing bad things.

I say its TIME to TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY for our actions and STOP BLAMING VIDEO GAMES OR PARENTS on the decisions of some bad seeds.

Thanks for reading my rant and maybe taking it to heart.;)

These are MINORS we are talking about here. Their actions are a direct result of their parents indifference to what they do with their spare time. If their parents truly gave two squirts of shit about their kids behavior this would never had taken place. I was raised by two working parents so I had a lot of time on my own when I was growing up. You can bet that despite this my parents took an interest in what I was doing and made damn sure I was not out in the streets acting like an asshole. Kids behavior starts and ends at the home period.
I would like to see a bill passed that just puts a bullet into the head of every idiot who tries to blame video games for them being an assclown.
I always wanted to steal a police car, cruise around and play with the siren... very tempting when cops always leave the cars running when the run into the gas station for something.

Thanks GTA for letting me get it out of my system before acting like a jackass.:cool:
Teens arrested in car bombings see southpark and know stupid ass adults will go for blaming GTA.

Oh yea I forgot to blame streetfighter for those cars that I beat in with a bat!
I would like to see a bill passed that just puts a bullet into the head of every idiot who tries to blame video games for them being an assclown.
I would like to see a bill passed to put a bullet in anyone's head who imitates a video game in real life.
I always wanted to steal a police car, cruise around and play with the siren... very tempting when cops always leave the cars running when the run into the gas station for something.

Thanks GTA for letting me get it out of my system before acting like a jackass.:cool:

The doors are actually locked, they have a special ignition that allows them to take the keys out. I think I have been in 1 too many police cars...
I an unemployed because GTA told me I could make money by living a life of crime. Problem is I don't really know how to apply for an available criminal position.
These are MINORS we are talking about here. Their actions are a direct result of their parents indifference to what they do with their spare time. If their parents truly gave two squirts of shit about their kids behavior this would never had taken place. I was raised by two working parents so I had a lot of time on my own when I was growing up. You can bet that despite this my parents took an interest in what I was doing and made damn sure I was not out in the streets acting like an asshole. Kids behavior starts and ends at the home period.

Interest is one thing but I feel now as I felt when I was a teenager that I was totally responsible for my actions and that even though my parents kept a strict eye on me AND set rules and boundaries I felt it was MY responsibility as an intelligent person not to do things that I KNOW are WRONG.

Even if the "minors" are not responsible because of their ages 15, 16 and 16???? I know that when I was a 16-year-old I felt it necessary to prove to my parents that I was responsible enough to have a car, an extended curfew and my own money from "my own Job" to pay for my own things such as music cds, games and movies. This is totally "retarded" how today "minors" can claim "youth" to do the things that they do and still be able to blame games, TV or PARENTS for their activities yet these same "minors" feel that it is their God-given right to do the things they do. How is today's youth supposed to learn responsibility when they and people like you are trying to pawn off the responsibility on parents, games and TV. I think that these "minors" shoud JUST GROW UP and be sent to jail as an OBJECT LESSON to future "minors" who feel that this type of activities and attitudes are correct and responsible.:mad:
Well if they want to blame GTA for their crimes, then maybe the police should shoot them and beat the crap out of them just like they would in GTA so that they can get the punishment that they thought they would recieve for doing the crimes.
If only a trap door to hell would open whenever someone blamed their idiocracy on GTA.
Next time i get pulled over because speeding on the freeway i'm going to blame Top Gear.
How weak and unimaginative is it to blame GTA for your behavior?In the bad old days,the Devil got all the blame.Now the Prince of Darkness is being replaced by a frakkin' video game!
If my kid ever blamed video games on his retardedness, the police would be the least of his worries.
How weak and unimaginative is it to blame GTA for your behavior?In the bad old days,the Devil got all the blame.Now the Prince of Darkness is being replaced by a frakkin' video game!


Finally someone gets it... and whatever happened to DISCIPLINE? I don't mean the paddling with the wooden paddle but rather PERSONAL DISCIPLINE where I KNOW something is BAD so I WON'T do it. Do people these days actually believe that there is such a thing as mind control that can FORCE you to do something without your personal consent. This is known as STUPIDITY. I find it very difficult to believe that a lot of "minors" are so retarded that they are influenced by video games and TV shows. I mean its FICTION and not to be taken as reality !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!