Teens Arrested in Car Bombings Blame GTA

I don't know who's the bigger retard, the guys doing the crimes, or the idiot cops and officials that actually believe that a game is the true cause of all violent crime in the US.
I just had to add my $0.02 here...

I think parents, cops, media AND THE GAME are to blame.

wait, now, hear me out...

the game *IS* too mature for kids (or some adults I could name...) and it does put ideas into people heads that shouldn't be there.


The audience it's intended for CAN handle it, and can use it as a healthy release for violent ideas and feelings (how many ppl are pulled over by the cops for going 2mph over the speed limit and want to beat the crap out of the fuzz?)


REtailers shoudl also have some common sence and check IDs, and pay attention and see if mommy is buying it for her 6-year-old... there are tons of excuses to use if this is the case,a nd most parents are too busy or stupid to argue


The MEdia has allowed the floodgates to be opened to all kinds of heinus images and ideas. I wont lie I like CSI as much as the next guy (more than many in fact) but it practically gives kids blueprints on how to commit crimes! Also what gets the most attention on the news? violent crimes! I've never seen a story about a girl taking in a stray puppy, but if she were to brutally kill him in public, damn if she wouldn't be on the news!

So, the media are also to blame.

Parents today are all in the mindset "if it shuts the kid up I dont care, order him the freakin playboy channel if you have to!" (acctualy I think this is a better alternative to GTA, but that's another thread entirely) They dont take an interest in their kids lives, they dont acctually minotor the kids activities, friends, or possessions (my parents were freakin' pissed when my grandparents let me get the old "Mortal Kombat" game... yeah, that one with the barely-recognizable-as-humans graphics.) This is also a reason HIV is on the rise among young adults, and why drug abuse and alcholism are at all-time-highs in this country, especially among minors and young adults.

Please, officers, GET A FREAKIN CLUE!!! If the game sells some 400-millionm coppies or some crap, then honestly it must not be a major problem or there would be nothing BUT crime. Blame the kid who decided to be an asshat. IF he didn't have the game he still would be doing the same stupid stuff and be blaming it on TV, Movies, or the internet (or hell they might even go with the classic "the devil made me do it!" exuse)


WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THESE KIDS?!?!!? When I grew up I knew better than this and I didn't do it. But today kids still know better and do it anyway. Yes, they think they can get away with it because of TV, yes they think their parents wont care, and yes, they might have seen it in a game, but honestly WHO MADE YOU INVULNERABLE?!?!? This is as bad as the guy who attempted suiside and then sued the gun maker for making a gun that can kill people! (Yes it happened, google it)


this is not an isolated incident, nor is it a single cause NOBODY IS INNOCENT HERE! Everyone involved, from the game maker to the retailer, to the parents to the media, to the cops, and to the kids themselves, all share the blame.

Now, I'm going to go play an even MORE violent game that, amazingly, never gets blamed... in fact I might jsut play *gasp* two violent games! *loads up DOOM and Half-Life* Ya know what, I think if I ever save the world I'm gonna blame it on half-life... :D
And their parents are...
in jail?
in hospital?
Or sitting in front of the TV and substituteing reality with their own!

Why do we need law schools? If the cops bust you then:
a) The TV made you do it!
b) The M rated video game (that the retailer shouldn't have sold you) made you do it!
c) GTA made you do it!
d) You were possessed by some other non-natural person and he/she/it made you do it!

That's it, no need to waste money on lawyers.

BTW if what they were saying was true then they should be sitting in some kind of institute for the criminally insane! Mental people get to these places because they commit crimes because of bad reaction to something that wouldn't make normal people do such thing.
So if you play GTA and make car bombs you're mental and you need treatment, and if your parents are not there to kick your ass in time then your court verdict will recommend a few years (or more) of mental treatment.
And their parents are...
in jail?
in hospital?
Or sitting in front of the TV and substituteing reality with their own!

Why do we need law schools? If the cops bust you then:
a) The TV made you do it!
b) The M rated video game (that the retailer shouldn't have sold you) made you do it!
c) GTA made you do it!
d) You were possessed by some other non-natural person and he/she/it made you do it!

That's it, no need to waste money on lawyers.

BTW if what they were saying was true then they should be sitting in some kind of institute for the criminally insane! Mental people get to these places because they commit crimes because of bad reaction to something that wouldn't make normal people do such thing.
So if you play GTA and make car bombs you're mental and you need treatment, and if your parents are not there to kick your ass in time then your court verdict will recommend a few years (or more) of mental treatment.


And by the way wouldn't it be convenient if since the parents are to blame then the government could institute a "leash law" whereby every "minor" under the age of 18 had to walk around the streets on a leash held by their parents? I saw an instance of this in California where a woman had two children that couldn't be more than 6 or 7 years old on a leash and out of curiosity I asked her why she did that and she said that it was not a leash it was a tether so that the kids would not get into trouble or get lost.

I think, therefore, that this would be a BRILLIANT solution to the "minors" on the streets causing chaos problem and thereby we would be able to hold the parents responsible if the "kid" got into trouble. Problem solved.:):):)
I got drunk the other night and went to the gas station with my buddy to get a hot dog. (mmMMmm munchies)

While getting my hotdog, I realized I didnt have my wallet with me. Panicked, I told me friend to follow me. I hurried down the aisle and dodged into the bathroom. We hurriedly scarfed down those heavenly dogs and ran outside to the car, giggling like retards the entire way.

Some may say we did it out of greed, while others may say we did it out of necessity or hunger.

Every time some punk kid decides it's a good idea to blame a video game for some criminal act he/she perpetrated I want to see a giant hand of might come swooping down and back-hand their little faces blue. In other words, exactly what the parents should have done when the kids were young.