Technet 25% off deal on now


Apr 30, 2005
Subscribe to technet and get all MS software, think its 10 licence for Windows 7 ultimate

well worth it imo, the price for me is just a little more than buying one retail boxed windows 7 ultimate, this way I get the library plus 10 ultimate keys

(wish i'd known about this sooner, hence the post)
I thought Technet was all Testing/Development licences, and not meant for day-to-day personal use?
I thought Technet was all Testing/Development licences, and not meant for day-to-day personal use?

they aren't, but if you say that too loud youll get ousted from this community. seriously though, as long as you dont turn around and sell those keys off- as long as you use them for yourself its hardly an issue. they are made for evaluation, and using windows day-to-day is how you evaluate it.
I was trying to order this weekend, I think the site is having issues, the code i was using was tmsam04 or tmsam10

Please let me know if it works for you, looks like some issues with live id.

Promo code is listed on the page.
Offer ends 31st October 2009 (promo code: TNWIN7RTM)

thanks, although i still dont see it on my page.... ugh im probably just really stupid...
I didn't order, but I used the link I had above and the promo code on the site and the download only price went from $349 to $261 after the code. So I'm assuming it should work fine.
technet is fully licensed copies of pretty much everything - not for commercial use (meaning you can't run a corporate exchange server with the version you can dl) Each key is good for 10 installs you can request another one. You also get two MS support calls and a subscription to technet mag (which is pretty good imho). It is good for 1 year so anything they put up between now and next oct your good on. Even if your technet sub expires and you don't renew the installs are still valid licensed copies.
yeah the TNWIN7RTM code works for me too, its tempting as hell. all my computers have win7 on them though, and i still have 2 extra keys left. if i got this sub it would have to be for office 10, if that will be on there (i think!?)
Yeah, but when I hit the buy button is where it is failing for me. Anyone else?

edit: NM was a issue with my ID
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yeah i was gonna say, it worked for me all the way up to the "place order" page. i couldnt bit just yet though, its $278 after tax, and quite honestly i would do a lot better with a new video card next month... and i dont know what office 10 will be like so its hard to get technet just for that.
I think I will jump on this, need to replace the RC's on two machines with actual installs and I want to test out WHS sometime so it should pay for itself.
whats the real draw of WHS though? the way you can add a bunch of disks together as a single drive? because ive been using vista for my server now, and i gotta admit its really nice... im so familiar with it that it seems WHS might just be more trouble then its worth...
whats the real draw of WHS though? the way you can add a bunch of disks together as a single drive? because ive been using vista for my server now, and i gotta admit its really nice... im so familiar with it that it seems WHS might just be more trouble then its worth...

Probably for the redundant backup for the real geeks. I just use an online backup.
Probably for the redundant backup for the real geeks. I just use an online backup.

isnt the backup just a mirror backup though? i have 4TB on my server, and no way am i about to double that to just insure my media. i backup my mp3's to 2 other drives... those are the only files that are really important.
Not a bad price, about $15 more than the cost to renew your subscription. Not sure on exactly what it includes, I've only dealt with MSDN subscriptions.

Edit: It doesn't say much beyond Windows 7 RC, and it has Office. It doesn't have Visual Studio, any Server environments, or developer tools. This is all they had for comparison:

Comes pretty much with all known Server versions, unless they have changed it in the last 2 years.
I bit. Can't beat the price. Maybe one of my friends will split it with me.
it has win7 rtm on there, and most certainly office 10 will be there too when it hits.
In for one! No idea why I have not bought this in all the years I have run a computer handyman shop.
I got Technet for $259 a couple of months ago and have installed 4 Win7's, 4 Office 2007, and WHS here at home. Pretty awesome deal.
i got 4 days to think about it... i just want office 10, i wouldnt even use any other keys on there. makes it really tough for me to bite.
Bah. My renewal isn't here until Feburary hah. It'd be nice if there was a 25% off option for renewals around that time
I'm still trying to talk myself out of this...

But quick question to those who *do* have a technet subscription. It's been stated before that you get 10 licenses per, is that 10 licenses for Win7 Ultimate, 10 for Win7 Pro, 10 for Win7 Home, 10 for Office07, etc?
yes its always been 10 of everything.

too bad we cant split up subs legally... i would certainly do it with someone here. everyone i know in the real world thinks its just better to spend $150 per os at best buy... it would be insane for them to spend $175 for a bunch of 'codes'.
I'm still trying to talk myself out of this...

But quick question to those who *do* have a technet subscription. It's been stated before that you get 10 licenses per, is that 10 licenses for Win7 Ultimate, 10 for Win7 Pro, 10 for Win7 Home, 10 for Office07, etc?

You get 10 licenses for a lot of products (some are VL keys). Each key can be activated 10 times.
For example... for my Windows 7 Ult., I have 10 keys, each can be activated 10 times... hence in theory, I can use this on 100 computers before having to just call in and ask for more.
You get 10 licenses for a lot of products (some are VL keys). Each key can be activated 10 times.
For example... for my Windows 7 Ult., I have 10 keys, each can be activated 10 times... hence in theory, I can use this on 100 computers before having to just call in and ask for more.

i didnt think each key was inteded to be used on multiple installs, unless they are a VLK.
i didnt think each key was inteded to be used on multiple installs, unless they are a VLK.

Nope, every key can be used on up to 10 independent machines, even simultaneously. Just ask your concierge.
And if you run out of keys, all you have to do is call in and ask for more. I have yet to run out of any keys though.
For what it's worth, I got this from chatting with my concierge online about this:
MS Concierge said:
This is Byron from TechNet Online Concierge. Thank you for contacting Microsoft. I send this email with the following information for your future reference.

Each retail product key can activate 10 PCs; you can get 10 more keys at the product download center, so totally you could activate 100 PCs with 10 product keys.
If you need to activate more than 100 PCs, all you need is to activate the system by phone and then talk to the CSR, or contact TechNet Regional Service Center to get more keys.
You could locate the phone number of our TechNet Regional Service Center on the following page:

If you have any further questions, please feel free to come back to our Online Concierge again.
Again, thank you for choosing Microsoft!

god damn... this doesnt apply to msdnaa keys does it? if it does, im not doing it right :D
god damn... this doesnt apply to msdnaa keys does it? if it does, im not doing it right :D

I don't know, haven't messed with MSDNAA in years.


MS isn't much help with it (this is for MSDNAA only):

When a Microsoft product requires activation (such as Windows Vista), the product keys provided with your subscription allow a limited number of activations. The product keys available through your subscription can have one or more activations per product key. Multiple Activation Keys for older products typically are 10 activation keys. As subscribers often need to install and reinstall software, we are working to increase activations available for keys, or to enable issuance of additional keys.

If you use products that require activation, many allow up to 30 days usage without activating. If you re-image your computers more frequently than every 30 days, you may want to consider NOT activating them if you have that option based on the product you are installing.

If you deplete activations for a key, you may be able to claim additional keys for that product. Each key has its own set of activations.
i guess that means i have a new experiment to try.... i suppose i could go ask officially but thats no fun.