Tech support - hitching in games.


Nov 1, 2005
I suppose hitching is the proper term for it, but whenever I play a game that is fairly hard on the system (oblivion, cod2, stalker) I constantly get a little pause, only about a split second, but very noticeable. It happens every 3 secs or so, like a tiny hiccup, and appears to happen whenever I am playing a system demanding game.

The actual game performance remains fine, fps is steady, and the hiccup never seems to register as any sort of fps spike. I have no clue what could cause this, but my computer has been crashing a fair amount ever since I built it, and I have been completely unable to figure out what is causing the crashes, but i'm fairly certain that this issue is linked with the crashes somehow. I suppose it happens in all games, though its only really noticeable in shooters or any first person games.

Basically I have been trying to fix my computer for a year now, and have done most everything under the sun to figure out what is wrong, so any ideas as to what could cause the "hitching" issue may help me track the problem down. I'm sure you guys will need additional info to help in anyway, so ask away if you need anything. I have tried so many different things that I wouldn't know where to start, from software and drivers changes, bios settings, hardware rma's, hdd formatting, windows reinstalls, the list goes on and on.
- Have you run Memtest+? If not, google, download, and burn it to a CD and run the program. Make sure you set your PC to boot from CD when running Memtest and run the test for at least 3 or so hours. Although 24 hours would completely rule out the RAM.
- Google and download HD Tune. Run an error scan and check out the hard drive's SMART status
- Run Anti-spyware, anti-virus, and anti-adware scans.
- Are you doing any sort of overclocking? If so, set everything back to stock settings and see if the problem still occurs.
I actually recently rma'd my memory because one of the sticks died, so its definitely not the memory, this has been going on since far before then.

I did try running WD diag tool for my hdd, but i'll give HD tune a try. No the the last 2 as well.
Oh and remove or stop all unnecessary programs from running in the background.
Well all of my HDD's show up fine with quick scans and the normal scan as well, except my 10k raptor which causes my comp to crash at some point during the scan every time. The same is the case with the WD diag tool.

I had originally thought the raptor might be the cause of things, so I moved everything off of the hdd, and no longer run ANY programs from it. Could it still cause the crashes and strange hitching issues in games that are running from other hdds? I was beginning to think maybe the motherboard's sata controllers were faulty, but I bought a new hdd that uses it as well, and it doesn't crash when starting games or moving files around like the raptor. The whole situation confuses me...
It could. If every scan you've tried on that Raptor has crashed or frozen, then yeah that Raptor could be the problem. If you can, reinstall on another hard drive and see if the "hitching" occurs. Only don't plug in the Raptor. Leave it out. If no problems occur, then the Raptor is causing the problem. Dunno why exactly but it wouldn't be too strange of a problem.
Well I managed to do a full scan of the raptor drive without crashing and it checked out fine... i'm pretty much at a loss of what to do.
have you updated your bios on the system board and the SATA controler. You could have isseus with the drivers as well. There are some not so well documented issues around SATA firmware and drivers.