System Shock 3? Maybe?


Limp Gawd
Nov 22, 2003
"But why even look back at System Shock 2 at this point? Because Irrational has been, and it plans to make a related announcement this Friday (tomorrow). The studio has decided that it wishes to further what it started in System Shock 2--to work on games that promote "emergent" gameplay--open-ended exploration that offers many choices and combinations of options to players. You'll see what we mean tomorrow. Be sure to come back then. "

System Shock 3? With Doom 3 engine? Pretty please? :D
I already posted a thread about it but is quite shocked that NOBODY cares! Insane that you get a lot of attention on mediocre games like HL 2 and Doom 3 but none on one of the follow up of one of the top 3 games ever created :eek:
oqvist said:
I already posted a thread about it but is quite shocked that NOBODY cares! Insane that you get a lot of attention on mediocre games like HL 2 and Doom 3 but none on one of the follow up of one of the top 3 games ever created :eek:
Yeah, it is the follow up to one of the top 3 games ever created, but i'm willing to bet HL2 and Doom 3 got more coverage because the games that preceded them fill up the 1 and 2 spots.
Nah they are not on my list any of them to be honest. It would be Doom if so :)
While the announcement could be anything, I dearly hope for SS3, esp. with the advances in rendering. We're finally able to see scare-the-shit-out-of-you environments on PCs.

If we can get the sense of a world being run by a devious, superintelligent AI, that'd be even better.
Kevin Lowe said:
While the announcement could be anything, I dearly hope for SS3, esp. with the advances in rendering. We're finally able to see scare-the-shit-out-of-you environments on PCs.

If we can get the sense of a world being run by a devious, superintelligent AI, that'd be even better.

Seriously SS 2 is 10 times more scary then Doom 3. Goes to tell it´s the atmosphere that is all important when creating a scary game. So seriously graphics don´t matter much. SS 2 looked old when it was released I played it years after release still had the best experience I ever had at that point and that was years after playing other games like Half Life and others who people praises to heaven.

Tells something about how good SS 2 really is. I am dead certain people can play it today and still experience what´s make it so special.
I agree, I remember when I bought SS2 and I couldn't believe that it wasn't the most talked about and most succesful game ever. It was way ahead of anything else at the time. Here's to hoping SS3 is coming to a PC near us all very soon :D

I hope it is SS3. I've been waiting for a VERY long time. SS1 is still my favorite game of all time, and SS2 isn't that far behind. It would be cool if they licensed an existing enging like D3 or Source, because then they can focus on the important parts of the game while still getting it out quicker. I hope whatever it is, they've been working on it for a while in secrecy or something, because otherwise it's going to be a long few years.
Yes that would be the reason to get a good easy to work with game engine. But then you can´t really rush a quality game out. Well they did with System Shock 2 incredible what they was able to do in such short time really. But the question is have they worked on this title for years already and are know getting ready to completion or is they starting with that new product now?

I can wait for quality definiatly though I too have long waited for the successor for SS2. I can´t believe how close I was to miss that one. I was on a market strolling around and they had games out for very cheap. Noticed System Shock 2 remembered I read something it has a great atmosphere or something all I knew about it. Then starting playing it almost giving up because it was so hard. Then installed more memory in win ME which made it unplayable so had it laying another year or so before finally picking it up again and being hooked for life!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you man from what I hear them saying that game is truly going to rock the earth. If HL 2 would get 98% this is a sure 105 % minimum! Seriously with all what they are saying how can it fail? Same type of game as SS 2. They have been working on it much longer than they did with SS 2? They have the technology and what sounds like some brilliant ideas on how to further develope SS 2 :)

Let us all hope for a guest starring Shodan in there too :D

Seriously I have been awaiting Oblivion and F.E.A.R with great anticipation now F.E.A.R are going to have a pretty damn hard fight for best survival horror game of 2005 (if it´s released then)
SS2 was such a great game. I could only dream of having SS3 on the D3 engine. I may just go installed SS2 tonight for memories :)

EDIT** After looking the pics of Bioshock those graphics sure do look Doom III engine like :)
I wasn´t very impressed by the D3 engine so if they would go with the D3 engine used in Doom 3 I would think it would suck. But who knows when it´s released? If it´s released 1 year from now it will look really old with any of todays game engines. But seriously I don´t think it matter they will get some that will do the job. SS 2 for example would have perhaps the UT 2003 engine of today if you compared the state it was in when released. That didn´t stop anything making it the most atmospheric game ever. Sound is actually more important then graphics in survival horror genre that System Shock just about invented.
From the article linked above:

The developer is using the Vengeance engine--the highly modified version of Unreal technology it used for the recently completed Tribes: Vengeance--to power its new game and it intends to take full advantage of DirectX 9.0 shader and lighting effects to enhance mood.

I hope it doesn't have any monkey monsters like the second one, those things gave me the creeps.
oqvist said:
I wasn´t very impressed by the D3 engine so if they would go with the D3 engine used in Doom 3 I would think it would suck. But who knows when it´s released? If it´s released 1 year from now it will look really old with any of todays game engines. But seriously I don´t think it matter they will get some that will do the job. SS 2 for example would have perhaps the UT 2003 engine of today if you compared the state it was in when released. That didn´t stop anything making it the most atmospheric game ever. Sound is actually more important then graphics in survival horror genre that System Shock just about invented.

how would it suck with the D3 engine? i'm not saying it would be incredible, but i mean while i understand how people could not be impressed with the graphics and light, i don't understand how its a bad engine.
I'm disapointed with BioShock.

I was hoping for a sequel to System Shock, not a "spiritual successor." I don't want to run around an old WW2 base like they say. I want to run around a space installation trying to survive a psycopathic AI.

This game has nothing in common with System Shock except for a developer and the work Shock.

It still might be a good game, but I feel extremely let down that we're not getting a full-fledged sequel.
Ooo-ooo-eee-eee-aah-aahhh!! (translated: You can have this bag of chips over my cold, dead, primate body!)
Is it just me, or do these screenshots look a bit too cartoony to really elicit any sort of horror from the one playing the game?
jubei said:
Is it just me, or do these screenshots look a bit too cartoony to really elicit any sort of horror from the one playing the game?

they are not screenshoots, just pre-production stuff probably