Switchers: Where are you now?

I got my macbook about 6 months and although it is not my primary machine i like it i only really have 1 or 2 issues with it.

Where is my motherfrakking del key fn. "delete" works intermittently :|

Why are their 2 enter keys?

So after 6 months of using it that’s really all I have issues with

though i still wish itunes was as much of a pile of shit as it is
i switched over this last summer, before the school year started.

I love my computer, there is not another computer out there, except a MBP, that i would want instead. OSx is soooooo much better then xp. When going back to work on school computers or somthing that runs xp, i almost break out laughing at it's stupidity and ugliness.

MACS DO NOT HAVE ONE BUTTON CLICK!! That is a huge misconception fed to people by windows !!!!!!s. Infact i use a logitech bluetooth mouse that i bought off the egg and it works perfectly with my macbook.

Macs r teh cool
I never 'switched' I've been using multiple platforms for several years and love each of them... XP latitude, Ubuntu Thinkpad, 12" Powerbook, custom gaming desktop, suse server media server are the computers I use everyday.
my first time on a pc was with commoder 64. After that all is history. While i used apples looong time ago i decided to go back and try it out. I bought myself a mbp 17 incher and love the machine. I used apple for close to a year now and 2 months ago i went back to windows. While the operating system itself is good, too much of the software i use is only windows compatible. i tried using OSX equivalent software but all are lacking one way and another. I will go back to apple when the platform becomes more compatible with what i am doing. Until then, i will dual boot into windows and use OSX to surf the net and such.
lessthanjakejohn said:
I never 'switched' I've been using multiple platforms for several years and love each of them... XP latitude, Ubuntu Thinkpad, 12" Powerbook, custom gaming desktop, suse server media server are the computers I use everyday.

This is what's recently going to turn me. The ability to run windows + OS X on one laptop.

I cannot wait for my macbook :D
I bought my macbook pro about a month ago and haven't looked back. I installed bootcamp/xp as some of my professors use sites that require IE, and I've installed a few games, but I really don't game as much as I used to. I really love OSX and don't see myself switching back anytime soon. I'm strongly considering parting out my desktop and selling spare parts back home and just using this laptop full time...

edit: and I actually LOVE the fact that the trackpad only has one button. I love the two finger click for double clicking and *really* love the two finger scrolling on the pad.