Sweet! Next Gen nVidia will have HDR+AA

Volkum said:
Last I checked DOD:S has a HDR option.

as does CS:S and HL2:LC, but do a little more checking, Valve "dumbed down" their implementation of HDR so that 1. it wouldn't be so hard on current hardware, and 2. so that AA could be used with their HDR, and 3. so that all the ATI owners(prior to R520) and older Nvidia owners(prior to Series 6) could still enable HDR because it only requires SM2.0 code

but it's not considered "true" HDR, "true" HDR (or as close as games are going to be for a while anyways), is required to make use of SM3.0 codepath, notice 3DMark 06's HDR tests refuse to run on older cards, thats because they dont support SM3.0, and by all accounts, HDR requires SM3.0 to be "done right"

being able to run HDR+AA in Source engined games is very different than the HDR+AA that the R580 already does and G80 is being said here to be doing as well when released
gsboriqua said:

BTW- you ARE in a "nVidia Forum"? By definition, news of upcoming nVidia parts is welcome here.

MooseEdit: Just cleaning up.
Nice to know, for sure, that it's gonna happen. It was definitely expected though. Now the concern is being able to do HDR + AA at high resolutions with good speed.
gsboriqua said:
We like info, not trolls or cheerleaders....don't care for the "focus group people" much either but thats another topic altogether.

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